CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id acadia13_121
id acadia13_121
authors Beites, Steven
year 2013
title Morphological Behavior of Shape Memory Polymers Toward a Deployable, Adaptive Architecture
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 121-128
summary Shape-memory polymers (SMPs) are an emerging class of “smart materials” that have dual-shape capability. They are able to undergo significant deformation when exposed to an external stimulus such as heat or light. SMPs have been widely investigated within the biomedicine and aerospace industries; however, their potential has yet to be explored within an architectural framework. The research presented in this paper begins an investigation into the morphological behavior ofSMPs toward a deployable, adaptive architecture. The structure’s ease of assembly, compact storage, transportability and configurable properties offer promising applications in emergency and disaster relief shelters, lightweight recreational structures and a variety of other applications in the temporary construction and aerospace industry. This paper explores the use of SMPs through the development of a dynamic actuator that links a series of interconnected panels creating overall form to a self-standing structure. The shape-shifting behavior of the SMP allows the dynamic actuator to become flexible when storage and transportability are required. Alternatively, when exposed to the appropriate temperature range, the actuator is capable of returning to its memorized state for on-site deployment. Through a series ofprototypes, this paper will provide a fundamental understanding of the SMP’s thermo-mechanicalproperties toward deployable, adaptive architecture.
keywords next-generation technology, smart materials, shape-memory polymers, material analysis, smart assemblies, dynamic actuator, soft architecture
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia13_051
id acadia13_051
authors Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina; Dade-Robertson, Martyn; Hernan, Luis
year 2013
title Adaptive Morphologies: Toward a Morphogenesis of Material Construction
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 51-60
summary Architectural discourse has recently suggested a new material practice derived from advances in the field of synthetic biology. As biological organisms can now be designed and engineered for specific purposes, it is expected that, in the near future, it will be possible to program even more complex biologically based systems. One potential application is to literally grow buildings by programming cellular organisms to fabricate and deposit material into architecturally relevant patterns. Our current design methods do not anticipate the potentially challenging material practice involved in a biologically engineered architecture, where there is a loose and emergent relationship between design and material articulation. To tackle this conflict, we developed SynthMorph, a form-finding computational tool based on basic biological morphogenetic principles. A reflection is offered on its use, discussing the effect of multicellular morphogenesis on the production of shape. We conclude that such a strategy is an adaptive design method in two ways: (a) the mechanics of design using morphological constraints involve a practice of dynamic and continuous negotiation between a design intent and material emergence, and (b) the proposed design strategy hints at the production of a biologically produced architecture, which would potentially behave as an adaptive organism.
keywords complex systems, synthetic biology, self-assembly, emergence, morphogenesis, synthetic morphology
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id acadia13_425
id acadia13_425
authors Moukheiber, Carol
year 2013
title Sensual Embodiment: When Morphological Computation Shapes Domestic Objects
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 425-426
summary IM BLANKY (2011) and CURTAIN (2013) are augmented textile prototypes set within the context of the domestic environment. The projects are informed by the concept of embodiment within the field of artificial intelligence (AI).
keywords embodiment, IM BLANKY, CURTAIN, textile, shape-memory alloy
series ACADIA
type Research Poster
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id acadia13_431
id acadia13_431
authors Parlac, Vera
year 2013
title Agile Spaces
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 431-432
summary This project is part of an ongoing research into kinetic material system with focus on non mechanical actuation (shape memory alloy) and structural and material behavior. It proposes an adaptive surface capable of altering its shape and forming small occupiable spaces that respond to external and internal influences and flow of information.
keywords Next Generation Technology; Adaptive Architecture; Responsive Systems; Shape Memory Alloy; Intelligent Skins
series ACADIA
type Research Poster
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id acadia13_243
id acadia13_243
authors Khoo, Chin Koi; Salim, Flora
year 2013
title Responsive Materiality for Morphing Architectural Skins
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 243-252
summary This paper presents the design of a novel material system with sensing, form-changing and luminous capacities for responsive and kinetic architecture. This aim is explored and evaluated through an experimental design investigation in the form of an architectural skin. Through experimentation with alternative materials and a rigorous process of designing the responsive material systems,a new architectural skin, namely Blanket, emerged from this research. The newly developed responsive material system is an amalgamation of silicone rubbers and glowing pigments, molded and fabricated in a prescribed way—embedded with shape memory alloys on a tensegrity skeletal structure to achieve the desired morphing properties and absorb solar energy to glow in the dark.Thus, the design investigation explores the potential of the use of form-changing materials with capacitance sensing, energy absorbing and illumination capabilities for a morphing architectural skin that is capable of responding to proximity and lighting stimuli. This lightweight, flexible and elastic architectural morphing skin is designed to minimize the use of discrete mechanical components. It moves towards an integrated “synthetic” morphing architecture that can sense and respond to environmental and occupancy conditions.
keywords next generation technology; responsive material system; morphing architectural skin; kinetic structure; physical computing in architectural design; sensing and luminous material
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id caadria2013_163
id caadria2013_163
authors Parlac, Vera
year 2013
title Surface Change: Information, Matter and Environment – Surface Change Project
source Open Systems: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2013) / Singapore 15-18 May 2013, pp. 935-944
summary Over the past decade, there has been an increasing interest in exploring the capacity of built spaces to respond dynamically and adapt to changes in the external and internal environments. Such explorations are technologically and socially motivated, in response to recent technological and cultural developments. Advances in embedded computation, material design, and kinetics on the technological side, and increasing concerns about sustainability, social and urban changes on the cultural side, provide a background for responsive/interactive architectural solutions that have started to emerge. This paper presents an ongoing design research project driven by an interest in adaptive systems in nature and a desire to explore the capacity of built spaces to respond dynamically. The paper underlines architecture’s inseparable link to technology and projects a vision of architecture that, through its capacity to change and adapt, becomes an integrated, responsive, adaptive and productive participant within larger ecologies.  
wos WOS:000351496100096
keywords esponsive architecture, Dynamic environments, Mechatronics, Kinetic material systems, Embedded systems, Shape memory alloy 
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id ecaade2013r_013
id ecaade2013r_013
authors Verma, Sushant; Devadass, Pradeep
year 2013
title Adaptive [skins]: Responsive building skin systems based on tensegrity principles
source FUTURE TRADITIONS [1st eCAADe Regional International Workshop Proceedings / ISBN 978-989-8527-03-5], University of Porto, Faculty of Architecture (Portugal), 4-5 April 2013, pp. 155-170
summary The project investigates responsive building skin systems that adapt to the dynamic environmental conditions to regulate the internal conditions in a habitable space over different periods of time by exhibiting a state of motion and dynamism. Heat and Light are the primary parameters for regulation, leading to energy efficiency and dynamic spatial effects. Passive and active skins using shape memory alloys and pneumatic actuators are developed through investigations of smart systems that integrate smart materials and smart geometries. The precedents in this domain have rarely dealt with individually controlled multiple parameters of heat and light in a single system, which is attempted in this project. Owing to the complexity of the multi-parametric system, genetic algorithms are developed for system optimization and calibrated with physical prototypes at varied scales. The developed systems are tested against two distinct climatic models- New Delhi and Barcelona, and evaluated for performance, based on heat and light, which are quantified as solar gain and illuminance as principles, and daylight factor for evaluation purpose. The use of genetic algorithms makes the problem solving faster and accurate. New tool-sets are developed in the process by combining various digital tools, to create a real-time feedback and memory loop system.
keywords Adaptive architecture, Building skins, Genetic algorithms, Tensegrity, Smart materials
last changed 2013/10/07 19:08

_id ecaade2013_249
id ecaade2013_249
authors Araya, Sergio; Zolotovsky, Ekaterina; Veliz, Felipe; Song, Juha; Reichert, Steffen; Boyce, Mary and Ortiz, Christine
year 2013
title Bioinformed Performative Composite Structures
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 575-584
summary This ongoing investigation aims to learn from nature novel material organizations and structural systems in order to develop innovative architectural system. We developed a multidisciplinary approach, using scientific analysis and design research and prototyping. We focus on the study of a “living fossil” fish, whose armor system is so efficient it has remained almost unchanged for millions of years. We investigate its morphological characteristics, its structural properties, the assembly mechanisms and the underlying material properties in order to derive new principles to design new enhanced structural systems. We use micro computerized tomography and scanning electron microscopy to observe microstructures, parametric design to reconstruct the data into digital models and then several 3D printing technologies to prototype systems with high flexibility and adaptive capabilities, proposing new gradual material interfaces and transitions to embed performative capabilities and multifunctional potentials.
wos WOS:000340635300060
keywords Bioinformed; multi-material; composite; parametrics; performative design.
series eCAADe
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ecaade2013_214
id ecaade2013_214
authors Barros, Pedro; Beirão, José and Duarte, José Pinto
year 2013
title The Language of Mozambican Slums
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 2, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 715-724
summary A shape grammar was developed for analyzing the evolution of Maputo´s slums with the strategic objective of capturing the evolution of house types and understanding the social agreements behind the spatial relations of their house elementary spaces in order to reuse such rules for the purpose of rehabilitation. This paper shows preliminary results of the research and aims at developing, based on the resulting grammars, a parametric tool able to execute morphological analyses, simulations and generate improved design solutions for the qualification of Maputo´s informal settlements.
wos WOS:000340643600074
keywords Shape grammars; urbanism; computation; regeneration; informal settlements.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ecaade2013r_004
id ecaade2013r_004
authors Figueiredo, B.; Costa, Eduardo C.; Duarte, José P.; Krüger, M.
year 2013
title Digital Temples: a shape grammar to generate sacred buildings according to Alberti’s theory
source FUTURE TRADITIONS [1st eCAADe Regional International Workshop Proceedings / ISBN 978-989-8527-03-5], University of Porto, Faculty of Architecture (Portugal), 4-5 April 2013, pp. 63-70
summary The research presented further is part of the Digital Alberti research project, which aims to determine the influence of Alberti’s treatise on Architecture, De re aedificatoria, on the Portuguese Renaissance architecture, through the use of a computational framework. One of the project tasks entailed the translation of the treatise’s textual descriptions concerning the morphological, proportional and algorithmic principles of the sacred buildings into a shape grammar. Subsequently a computational model was developed, in order to proceed to the derivation of examples of the same language. This article discusses the use of analytical shape grammars to undertake an architectural analysis, as well as the fact of the source of this grammar and correspondent architectural language to be a text instead of a set of buildings and designs. It reviews the methodology to implement the shape grammar and describes the several stages of development, following the interpretation of treatise into a consistent set of shape rules, by defining their spatial relations, parameters and conditions. It also reviews the implementation of this knowledge into a generative parametric computer program through visual programming language Grasshopper.
keywords Shape Grammars; Parametric Modelling; Generative Design; Alberti; Classical Architecture
last changed 2013/10/07 19:08

_id ecaade2013_151
id ecaade2013_151
authors Weigele, Jakob; Schloz, Manuel; Schwinn, Tobias; Reichert, Steffen; LaMagna, Riccardo; Waimer, Frédéric; Knippers, Jan and Menges, Achim
year 2013
title Fibrous Morphologies
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 549-558
summary Living organisms have evolved effective structural solutions in response to the inherent constraints of their respective environments through a process of morphological adaptation. Given the fact that the majority of natural load bearing materials are fibrous composites, the authors suggest the analysis of appropriate biological role models as a promising strategy for informing the application of fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) in architecture. In this paper the authors present a biomimetic design methodology for seamless large-scale FRP structures involving the analysis of the exoskeletons of Arthropoda with regards to structural performance criteria, the development of a custom robotic filament winding process, and the translation of biological and fabricational principles into the architectural domain through physical prototyping and the development of custom digital tools. The resulting performative material system is evaluated in a full-scale research pavilion.
wos WOS:000340635300057
keywords Biomimetics; computational design; fibre-reinforced composites; prototyping; robotic fabrication.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id acadia13_281
id acadia13_281
authors Ahlquist, Sean; Menges, Achim
year 2013
title Frameworks for Computational Design of Textile Micro-Architectures and Material Behavior in Forming Complex Force-Active Structures
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 281-292
summary Material behavior can be defined as the confluence of associative rules, contextual pressures and constraints of materialization. In more general terms, it can be parameterized as topologies, forces and materiality. Forming behavior means resolving the intricate matrix of deterministic and indeterministic factors that comprise and interrelate each subset of these material- nherent conditions. This requires a concise design framework which accumulates the confluent behavior through successive and cyclical exchange of multiple design modes, rather than through a single design environment or set of prescribed procedures. This paper unfolds a sequencing of individual methods as part of a larger design framework, described through the development of a series of complex hybrid- structure material morphologies. The “hybrid” nature reflects the integration of multiple force-active structural concepts within a single continuous material system, devising both self-organized yet highly articulated spatial conditions. This leads primarily to the development of what is termed a “textile hybrid” system: an equilibrium state of tensile surfaces and bending-active meshes. The research described in this paper looks to expose the structure of the textile as an indeterministic design parameter, where its architecture can be manipulated as means for exploring and differentiating behavior. This is done through experimentation with weft-knitting technologies, in which the variability of individual knit logics is instrumentalized for simultaneously articulating and structuring form. Such relationships are shown through an installation constructed at the ggggallery in Copenhagen, Denmark.
keywords Material Behavior, Spring-based Simulation, CNC Knitting, Form- and Bending-Active, Textile Hybrid Structures.
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia13_161
id acadia13_161
authors Akbarzadeh; Masoud
year 2013
title Performative Surfaces: Generating complex geometries using planar flow patterns
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 161-172
summary This research explains the development process of a design tool that can construct complex surface geometries using only two-dimensional plan drawings. The intention behind this tool is to address certain complex behavior of surface geometries such as hydrological characteristics. This paper briefly explains the historic and mathematic description of surface data structures, according to Cayley, Maxwell and Morse. This is followed by a brief introduction of the surface network/critical graph extraction technique in GIS. Additionally, the algorithm of contour extraction from asimple critical graph to reconstruct a surface is explained. In the final section the lessons learnedfrom the previous sections are used to develop algorithms for a tool which uses only plan drawings to construct complex surfaces. Three algorithms are explained in the final section among which the third one is considered to be the most complete and promising approach. Therefore,some design examples are presented to show the flexibility of the tool. At the end, this paper provides suggestions and discussions to reflect further ideas in order to improve the tool in future.
keywords Tools and Interfaces, complex surface, drainage patterns, discrete flow diagram, surface networks, critical graph, and surface generation
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ecaade2013_235
id ecaade2013_235
authors Akküçük, Zeynep and Özkar, Mine
year 2013
title Ruling Im/Material Uncertainties
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 2, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 305-314
summary Visual rules are powerful in loosely capturing the impact of material behavior on form in designer’s hands-on experimentation. They present a first step to translate the causal relations between material and form to computation without sacrificing the uncertainties in the designer’s interaction with the materials. This study investigates how to model the relation between material and form with visual rules so that the model embodies some of the phenomenological aspects of reality, rather than merely reproducing it.
wos WOS:000340643600031
keywords Digital materiality; physics-based modeling; abstractions; visual schemas; shape studies.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia13_033
id acadia13_033
authors Correa, David; David Krieg, Oliver; Menges, Achim; Reichert, Steffen; Rinderspacher, Katja
year 2013
title HygroSkin: A prototype project for the development of a constructional and climate responsive architectural system based on the elastic and hygroscopic properties of wood
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 33-42
summary This paper focuses on the implementation of a computational design and robotic fabrication method that integrates the elastic and hygroscopic behavior of wood as active drivers in the design process, using the material’s differentiated characteristics as its main capacity. The project builds on previous work by the authors, furthering their research on the formal and performative transfer of such behaviors into informed architectural systems. Wood’s fibrous structure, relatively low stiffness and high structural capacity are instrumentalized into self-forming mechanisms through conical elastic deformation, while the same organic makeup and corresponding hygroscopic properties have also been programmed, formally articulated and integrated into a climate responsive architectural system. This research will be presented alongside a full-scale architectural project (Figure 1, Figure 2).
keywords computational design; robotic fabrication; wood construction; elastic bending; hygroscopic actuation
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id acadia13_301
id acadia13_301
authors Dierichs, Karola; Menges, Achim
year 2013
title Aggregate Architecture: Simulation Models for Synthetic Non-convex Granulates
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 301-310
summary Aggregate Architectures challenge the common notion of architectural structures as being immutable, permanent and controllable. Aggregate Architectures are understood as material systems consisting of large masses of granules—designed or natural—interacting with each other only through loose, frictional contact. As a consequence, they take the realm of structural stability and architectural planning into entire re-configurability and into merely probable predictions of their prospective behavior. This renders them relevant within the paradigm of Adaptive Architecture.The challenge to the designer is to move away from thinking in terms of clearly defined local and global assembly systems and to acquire tools and modes of design that allow for observation and interaction with the evolving granular architectures. In this context, the focus of the presented researchproject is on the relevance of mathematically based simulations as tools of investigation and design.The paper introduces the field of Aggregate Architectures. Consequently experimental and simulation methods for granulates will be outlined and compared. Different modeling and collision-detection methods for non-convex particles are shown and applied in benchmarking simulations for a full-scale architectural prototype. The potential for micro-mechanical simulation analysis within architectural applications are demonstrated and further areas of research outlined.
keywords Tools and Interfaces; aggregate architecture, designed granular matter, discrete element modeling, non-convex particles
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id acadia13_137
id acadia13_137
authors Kretzer, Manuel; In, Jessica; Letkemann, Joel; Jaskiewicz, Tomasz
year 2013
title Resinance: A (Smart) Material Ecology
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 137-146
summary What if we had materials that weren’t solid and static like traditional building materials are? What if these materials could dynamically change and adapt to varying environmental situations and stimulations and evolve and learn over time? What if they were autonomous, self-sufficient and independent but could communicate with each other and exchange information? What would this “living matter” mean for architecture and the way we perceive the built environment? This paper looks briefly at current concepts and investigations in regards to programmable matter that occupy various areas of architectural research. It then goes into detail in describing the most recent smart material installation “Resinance” that was supervised by Manuel Kretzer and Benjamin Dillenburger and realized by the 2012/13 Master of Advanced Studies class as part of the materiability research at the Chair for CAAD, ETH Zürich in March 2013. The highly speculative sculpture links approaches in generative design, digital fabrication, physical/ubiquitous computing, distributed networks, swarm behavior and agent-based communication with bioinspiration and organic simulation in a responsive entity that reacts to user input and adapts its behavior over time.
keywords Smart Materials; Distributed Networks; Digital Fabrication; Physical Computing; Responsive Environment
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id acadia13_253
id acadia13_253
authors Krieg, Oliver David; Menges, Achim
year 2013
title HygroSkin: A climate-responsive prototype project based on the elastic and hygroscopic properties of wood
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 23-260
summary The paper presents current research into architectural potentials of robotic fabrication in wood construction based on elastically bent timber sheets with robotically fabricated finger joints. Current developments in computational design and digital fabrication propose an integrative design approach contrary to classical, hierarchical architectural design processes. Architecture related fields, such as material science, engineering and fabrication have been seen as separate disciplines in a linear design process since the Industrialization era. However, current research in computational design reveals the potentials of their integration and interconnection for the development of material-oriented and performance-based architectural design.In the first part, the paper discusses the potentials of robotic fabrication based on its extended design space. The robot’s high degree of kinematic freedom opens up the possibility of developing complex and highly performative mono-material connections for wood plate structures. In the second part, the integration of material behavior is presented. Through the development of robotically fabricated, curved finger joints, that interlock elastically bent plywood sheets, a bending-active construction system is being developed (Figure 1,Figure 2). In the third part, the system’s architectural application and related constructional performance is discussed.
keywords Robotic Fabrication; Finger Joints; Material Computation; Wood Construction; Computational Design
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id acadia13_319
id acadia13_319
authors Mehanna, Ryan
year 2013
title Resilient Structures Through Machine Learning And Evolution
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 319-326
summary In the context of the growing usefulness of computation within architecture, structures face the potential for being conceived of as intelligent entities capable of resilient, adaptive behavior.Building on this idea, this work explores the use of machine learning for structures that may learn to autonomously “stand up”. The hypothesis is that a neural network with genetically optimized weights would be capable of teaching lightweight, flexible, and unanchored structures to self-rectify after falling, through their interactions with their environment. The experiment devises a physical and a simulated prototype. The machine-learning algorithm is implemented on the virtual model in a three-dimensional physics environment, and a solution emerges after a number of tests. The learned behavior is transferred to the physical prototype to test its performance in reality. This method succeeds in allowing the physical prototype to stand up. The findings of this process may have useful implications for developing embodied dynamic structures that are enabled with adaptive behavior.
keywords complex systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms, actuated structures, particle-spring systems
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id acadia13_435
id acadia13_435
authors Riether, Gernot; Rahimzadeh, Keyan
year 2013
title The Nuit Blanche Pavilion: Using the elastic behavior of elastomers for a lightweight structure
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 435-436
summary The Nuit Blanche Pavilion investigated the elasticity of elastomers to develop a structural envelope for an interactive spatial video and sound installation by artist Damien Valero
keywords lightweight structure, elastomers, interactive systems, parametric design
series ACADIA
type Research Poster
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

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