CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id acadia20_688
id acadia20_688
authors del Campo, Matias; Carlson, Alexandra; Manninger, Sandra
year 2020
title 3D Graph Convolutional Neural Networks in Architecture Design
source ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities / Volume I: Technical Papers [Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-578-95213-0]. Online and Global. 24-30 October 2020. edited by B. Slocum, V. Ago, S. Doyle, A. Marcus, M. Yablonina, and M. del Campo. 688-696.
summary The nature of the architectural design process can be described along the lines of the following representational devices: the plan and the model. Plans can be considered one of the oldest methods to represent spatial and aesthetic information in an abstract, 2D space. However, to be used in the design process of 3D architectural solutions, these representations are inherently limited by the loss of rich information that occurs when compressing the three-dimensional world into a two-dimensional representation. During the first Digital Turn (Carpo 2013), the sheer amount and availability of models increased dramatically, as it became viable to create vast amounts of model variations to explore project alternatives among a much larger range of different physical and creative dimensions. 3D models show how the design object appears in real life, and can include a wider array of object information that is more easily understandable by nonexperts, as exemplified in techniques such as building information modeling and parametric modeling. Therefore, the ground condition of this paper considers that the inherent nature of architectural design and sensibility lies in the negotiation of 3D space coupled with the organization of voids and spatial components resulting in spatial sequences based on programmatic relationships, resulting in an assemblage (DeLanda 2016). These conditions constitute objects representing a material culture (the built environment) embedded in a symbolic and aesthetic culture (DeLanda 2016) that is created by the designer and captures their sensibilities.
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2023/10/22 12:06

_id acadia13_319
id acadia13_319
authors Mehanna, Ryan
year 2013
title Resilient Structures Through Machine Learning And Evolution
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 319-326
summary In the context of the growing usefulness of computation within architecture, structures face the potential for being conceived of as intelligent entities capable of resilient, adaptive behavior.Building on this idea, this work explores the use of machine learning for structures that may learn to autonomously “stand up”. The hypothesis is that a neural network with genetically optimized weights would be capable of teaching lightweight, flexible, and unanchored structures to self-rectify after falling, through their interactions with their environment. The experiment devises a physical and a simulated prototype. The machine-learning algorithm is implemented on the virtual model in a three-dimensional physics environment, and a solution emerges after a number of tests. The learned behavior is transferred to the physical prototype to test its performance in reality. This method succeeds in allowing the physical prototype to stand up. The findings of this process may have useful implications for developing embodied dynamic structures that are enabled with adaptive behavior.
keywords complex systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms, actuated structures, particle-spring systems
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ecaade2013_261
id ecaade2013_261
authors Paterson, Greig; Hong, Sung Min; Mumovic, Dejan and Kimpian, Judit
year 2013
title Real-time Environmental Feedback at the Early Design Stages
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 2, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 79-86
summary It has been argued that traditional building simulation methods can be a slow process, which often fails to integrate into the decision making process of non-technical designers, such as architects, at the early design stages. Furthermore, studies have shown that predicted energy consumption of buildings during design is often lower than monitored energy consumption during operation.In view of this, this paper outlines research to create a user friendly design tool that predicts energy consumption in real-time as early design and briefing parameters are altered interactively. As a test case, the research focuses on school design in England. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) were trained to predict the energy consumption of school designs by linking actual heating and electrical energy consumption data from the existing building stock to a range of design and briefing parameters.
wos WOS:000340643600007
keywords Environmental design tool; energy prediction; artificial neural networks; building operational performance; schools.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id acadia23_v3_19
id acadia23_v3_19
authors Dickey, Rachel
year 2023
title Material Interfaces
source ACADIA 2023: Habits of the Anthropocene: Scarcity and Abundance in a Post-Material Economy [Volume 3: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference for the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-9891764-1-0]. Denver. 26-28 October 2023. edited by A. Crawford, N. Diniz, R. Beckett, J. Vanucchi, M. Swackhamer 24-32.
summary Based on our current daily rate, 85,410 hours is the average amount of time that an adult in the United States will spend on their phone in a lifetime (Howarth 2023). This is time spent texting, tweeting, emailing, snapping, chatting, posting, and interacting with an interface which each of us carry in our pocket. Kelly Dobson explains, “We psychologically view the cell phone as an extension of our bodies, which is why when you accidentally forget it or leave it behind you feel you have lost apart of yourself” (2013). In reality, this device is just one of many technologies which affect our relationship with our bodies and the physical world. Additionally, Zoom meetings, social media networks, on-line shopping, and delivery robots, all increasingly detach our bodies and our senses from our everyday experiences and interactions. In response to digital culture, Liam Young writes, “Perhaps the day will come when we turn off our target ads, navigational prompts, Tinder match notifications, and status updates to find a world stripped bare, where nothing is left but scaffolds and screens” (2015). Make no mistake; the collection of projects shared in these field notes is intended to be a counterpoint to such a prophesied future. However, the intent is not to try to compete with technology, but rather, to consider the built environment itself as an interface, encouraging interaction through feedback and responsivity directly related to human factors, finding ways to re-engage the body through design.
series ACADIA
type field note
last changed 2024/04/17 13:59

_id ecaade2013_244
id ecaade2013_244
authors Fiorito, Stefano; Orsi, Francesco; Serdoura, Francisco Manuel and Ferreira, Victor
year 2013
title Data Extraction from Social Networks for Urban Analyses
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 439-445
summary The present work constitutes the first stage of an ongoing research on the interaction between morphological characteristics of the urban fabric and the amount of social activity in such spaces. In order to analyze such correlation, the current research links together two different field of studies: Space Syntax on one side, for the morphological analysis of the spatial configuration of the urban fabric, and a remote sensing study about social activity in the analyzed urban context, on the other. Data extracted from location-based online Social Networks databases (e.g. Foursquare) are employed in order to perform such survey. The resulting methodology constitutes an early attempt to set a novel approach to the study of the relationships between the morphological and configurational characteristics of urban systems and actual human dynamics in urban contexts. 
wos WOS:000340635300046
keywords Space Syntax; urban morphology; remote sensing; social networks; urban dynamics.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ecaade2013_288
id ecaade2013_288
authors Folcher, Viviane; Zreik, Khaldoun; Ben Rajeb, Samia and Leclercq, Pierre
year 2013
title Innovative Learning for Collaborative Design in Ergonomics
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 2, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 605-613
summary The proposed article deals with introducing collaborative architectural design into the training of ergonomists at the Master 2 level. The collaborative design workshop aims to confront ergonomists with the difficulties any design project involves, and which challenge architects, designers, engineers and so on: collaboration between people with different skills and different expertise; powerful time constraints; need for their work to converge; working together and/or at a distance; sharing documents; decision-making, etc. The article will present a short review of work carried out in the domains of architecture and design, and of the contribution of ergonomics within architectural projects. We shall then present the workshop’s educational aims, and give details of the way it functioned. Finally, observation results will be presented and discussed.
wos WOS:000340643600062
keywords Collaborative design; architecture; ergonomics; training workshop.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id sigradi2013_426
id sigradi2013_426
authors Gonçalves, Marly
year 2013
title O Produto de Joias Representado Pela Ilustração Digital [Digital Illustration of Jewelry - A Teaching Methodology]
source SIGraDi 2013 [Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Chile - Valparaíso 20 - 22 November 2013, pp. 613 - 616
summary This article will show learning activity developed during the third semester of Graphic Computer discipline, in the Jewelry and Accessories Production Course, from  Faculty of Technological Istituto Europeo di Design in Sao Paulo, using the Problem Based Learning methodology. The present theme aims to encourage students in searching for new ways of graphics representation of his projects using 2D digital programs, based on the work done in the previous semester. The main aim is to show the contribution of an exercise in interdisciplinary training for syllabus of the course Production jewelry and accessories.
keywords Digital illustration; Teaching methodology; Computer graphics
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id ijac201310102
id ijac201310102
authors Kocaturk, Tuba
year 2013
title Emerging Socio-Technical Networks of Innovation in Architectural Practice
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 11 - no. 1, 21-36
summary This article reports on the initial analyses and findings of on-going research project which investigates the socio-technical transformation of Architectural practice due to technology adoption.A conceptual framework is developed as a tool to identify, analyse, and characterize the different socio-technical networks in current practice, and the ways in which these networks are being developed and coordinated. Highly technology- mediated and interdisciplinary architectural/engineering practices have been monitored and studied in their real-life project contexts.Through comparative case analyses, a conceptual framework has been developed and used to represent and analyse emerging socio- technical networks and the ways in which these networks facilitate innovation. In this context, new modes/practices of innovations are identified through the diverse and dynamic relationships emerging between architects, digital tools/systems, the design artefact, and the various multi-disciplinary knowledge/actors in a socio-technical setting.
series journal
last changed 2019/05/24 09:55

_id ecaade2013_197
id ecaade2013_197
authors Koenig, Reinhard; Treyer, Lukas and Schmitt, Gerhard
year 2013
title Graphical Smalltalk with My Optimization System for Urban Planning Tasks
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 2, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 195-203
summary Based on the description of a conceptual framework for the representation of planning problems on various scales, we introduce an evolutionary design optimization system. This system is exemplified by means of the generation of street networks with locally defined properties for centrality. We show three different scenarios for planning requirements and evaluate the resulting structures with respect to the requirements of our framework. Finally the potentials and challenges of the presented approach are discussed in detail.
wos WOS:000340643600019
keywords Design optimization; interactive planning support system; generative system integration; evolutionary multi-criteria optimization.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id caadria2013_068
id caadria2013_068
authors Pedersen, Jens and Andy VanMater
year 2013
title Resource Driven Urban Metabolism – How Can Metabolic Scaling be Used in Urban Design?
source Open Systems: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2013) / Singapore 15-18 May 2013, pp. 561-570
summary City scale projects are complex multivariable problems and have previously been addressed using a variety of organisational principles, whether it be the infrastructural grid, used by Ludwig Hilbersheimer in his project “Hochhausstadt” or the spinal organisation of the Tokyo Masterplan done by Kenzo Tange and the Metabolist Movement. This project strays from traditional methods of structuring a city and investigates a novel self-engineered anticipatory model, which focuses on the use of generative and genetic algorithms to develop a new associative system to develop coastal cities in arid climates. The system functions as a negative feedback loop, analysing existing conditions, and by a series of mathematical functions, projecting the new growth patterns for major components of a city, such as building envelopes, road networks, canal networks and public space distribution as a result of the cities internally generated resources.  
wos WOS:000351496100055
keywords Computational design, Generative & evolutionary design, Tooling, City modelling, Urban metabolism 
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id caadria2013_097
id caadria2013_097
authors Schnabel, Marc Aurel and Jeremy J. Ham
year 2013
title A Framework for Social Networked Architectural Education
source Open Systems: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2013) / Singapore 15-18 May 2013, pp. 313-322
summary Students engage in Social Networks (SN) as a form of interaction with friends and tutors, as news or learning resource, to make their voices heard or to listen to other views and many more. Online SN work in close association with offline SN to form a blended social environment that greatly enables and enhances students’ learning. Some Schools of Architecture have struggled or failed to engage in the potential of SNor their respective University’s online Learning Management Systems (LMS). Despite efforts to facilitate blended learning environments or to engage students in problem-based learning activities architectural education often fails to tap into the rich resources that online social learning environments offers through their collective and social intelligence of its users. This paper proposes a framework for SN architectural education that provides opportunities for linking the academic LMS with private or professional SN such that it enhances the learning experience and deepens the knowledge of the students. The paper proposes ways of utilising SN supported learning environments in other areas of the curriculum and concludes with directions of how this framework can be employed in professional settings. 
wos WOS:000351496100031
keywords Social networks, Social learning, Architectural curriculum 
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id ecaade2013_084
id ecaade2013_084
authors Stojanovic, Djordje and Cerovic, Milutin
year 2013
title Self-regulating Fields and Networks
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 633-642
summary This paper will explore the connection between two theoretical models, initially identified as the Field and the Network Conditions (Allen, 1997; Wigley, 2001) and material based studies in architectural design, conducted as a sequence of experiments. A number of prototypical models have been produced to test the practical and theoretical dimensions of the design approach which employs elastic material performance to achieve highly versatile spatial organization. One of the concrete outcomes of the exploration is the specific software extension produced by the authors of this paper. Its purpose is to enable designers to maintain an indirect control of complex spatial models based on the use of two parallel sets of algorithmic protocols which define: a. geometric logic and b. intrinsic material behavior.
wos WOS:000340635300066
keywords Elasticity; material performance; self-regulating systems; prototypical models; physics based simulation.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id cf2013_222
id cf2013_222
authors Traunmueller Martin and Ava Fatah gen. Schieck
year 2013
title Following the Voice of the Crowd: Exploring Opportunities for Using Global Voting Data to Enrich Local Urban Context
source Global Design and Local Materialization[Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 978-3-642-38973-3] Shanghai, China, July 3-5, 2013, pp. 222-232.
summary With the introduction of the internet to the public and the rise of digital technologies we experience a shift in our understanding of space. Mobile devices and ubiquitous computing in urban landscape make the physicality of distance disappear – the modern citizen is digitally connected to everybody at anytime and anywhere. The result of this network is a highly globalized world which effects economy same as personal interests and decisions of its inhabitants. The introduction of web 3.0 with its methods of comment, recommender and voting systems offers a broad platform for people all over the world to share experiences and exchange opinions about an unlimited variety of topics. Global opinions meet local interests. In this paper we explore the possibilities of using global voting data to enrich locally the modern citizen’s urban walking experience. We describe a new approach to wayfinding by implementing methods of digital recommender systems into the physical world. We investigate Facebook voting data to generate an alternative to the shortest route, as suggested by common route finder systems, in order to maximize the pleasure of an urban stroll. The testing of the system in a real world context together with collected feedback stimulate the discussions.
keywords Wayfinding, Urban Pedestrian Navigation, Social Networks, Voting data, Mobile Devices, Recommendation Systems
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2014/03/24 07:08

_id ecaade2013_136
id ecaade2013_136
authors Vasku, Michael
year 2013
title Generative Improvement of Street Networks Based on Space Syntax
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 367-374
summary Space syntax is supposed to be an objective method for evaluating spatial configurations. Its contribution to a design process is dependent on the designer’s estimation. The paper describes a generative approach to finding particularly good interventions based on space syntax analyses of axial maps. More precisely, a case study was undertaken through applying such a strategy to improve and connect a segregated street network of an informal settlement to its neighbourhood. Controlling and redirecting movement in slums may cause positive effects. This research is based on and inspired by a consulting project by the company Space Syntax Limited for the Municipality of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in which the consulting company designed a regeneration program for declining informal settlements. (Karimi and Parham, 2012)
wos WOS:000340635300038
keywords Space syntax; slum upgrading; design computing; urban design.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id acadia23_v3_71
id acadia23_v3_71
authors Vassigh, Shahin; Bogosian, Biayna
year 2023
title Envisioning an Open Knowledge Network (OKN) for AEC Roboticists
source ACADIA 2023: Habits of the Anthropocene: Scarcity and Abundance in a Post-Material Economy [Volume 3: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference for the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-9891764-1-0]. Denver. 26-28 October 2023. edited by A. Crawford, N. Diniz, R. Beckett, J. Vanucchi, M. Swackhamer 24-32.
summary The construction industry faces numerous challenges related to productivity, sustainability, and meeting global demands (Hatoum and Nassereddine 2020; Carra et al. 2018; Barbosa, Woetzel, and Mischke 2017; Bock 2015; Linner 2013). In response, the automation of design and construction has emerged as a promising solution. In the past three decades, researchers and innovators in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) fields have made significant strides in automating various aspects of building construction, utilizing computational design and robotic fabrication processes (Dubor et al. 2019). However, synthesizing innovation in automation encounters several obstacles. First, there is a lack of an established venue for information sharing, making it difficult to build upon the knowledge of peers. First, the absence of a well-established platform for information sharing hinders the ability to effectively capitalize on the knowledge of peers. Consequently, much of the research remains isolated, impeding the rapid dissemination of knowledge within the field (Mahbub 2015). Second, the absence of a standardized and unified process for automating design and construction leads to the individual development of standards, workflows, and terminologies. This lack of standardization presents a significant obstacle to research and learning within the field. Lastly, insufficient training materials hinder the acquisition of skills necessary to effectively utilize automation. Traditional in-person robotics training is resource-intensive, expensive, and designed for specific platforms (Peterson et al. 2021; Thomas 2013).
series ACADIA
type field note
last changed 2024/04/17 13:59

_id ecaade2013_090
id ecaade2013_090
authors Wilkinson, Samuel; Hanna, Sean; Hesselgren, Lars and Mueller, Volker
year 2013
title Inductive Aerodynamics
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 2, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 39-48
summary A novel approach is presented to predict wind pressure on tall buildings for early-stage generative design exploration and optimisation. The method provides instantaneous surface pressure data, reducing performance feedback time whilst maintaining accuracy. This is achieved through the use of a machine learning algorithm trained on procedurally generated towers and steady-state CFD simulation to evaluate the training set of models. Local shape features are then calculated for every vertex in each model, and a regression function is generated as a mapping between this shape description and wind pressure. We present a background literature review, general approach, and results for a number of cases of increasing complexity.
wos WOS:000340643600003
keywords Machine learning; CFD; tall buildings; wind loads; procedural modelling.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id sigradi2013_135
id sigradi2013_135
authors Borges de Vasconselos, Tássia; Adriane Borda Almeida da Silva
year 2013
title Identificação de Geometrias Implícitas na Arquitetura a Partir de Realidade Aumentada [Alignment Identification of Implicit Geometries in Architecture from Augmented Reality]
source SIGraDi 2013 [Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Chile - Valparaíso 20 - 22 November 2013, pp. 44 - 48
summary For the initial stages of architectural training one of the strategies traditionally used is to study design cases. This exercise can help in the comprehension of implicit geometries and design processes. The use of the golden ratio, for example, is recurrent in the history of architecture. However, adequate instruments are necessary for this kind of statement. This paper demonstrates the use of Augmented Reality with this goal: virtual elements are viewed overlaying the architecture or its representation, configuring a “digital proportion measurer”. The comprehension of known architectural practices assists in structuring methods and constructing repertoires for architectural design.
keywords Architecture analysis; Geometry; Augmented reality; Digital proportion measurer
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id caadria2013_030
id caadria2013_030
authors Adamantidis, Ermis; Madhav Kidao and Marios Tsiliakos
year 2013
title Siphonophore – A Physical Computing Simulation of Colonial Intelligence Organisms
source Open Systems: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2013) / Singapore 15-18 May 2013, pp. 355-364
summary This paper sets out to document the procedural design and implementation of “Siphonophore” a multisensory digital ecology, mimicking colonial-ordered behaviour systems. The exploration of the notion of “self” in a complex system of highly integrated individuals with reference to the emergence of behaviours from the human-machine-context interaction, is engaged by this open system’s hierarchical articulation of electronics, Arduino boards, sensors and programming routines. User interaction and recorded statistics from the system’s core algorithm are assessed, in relation to the capacity of this prototype to provide an alternative methodology of describing collective intelligence, while presenting a non-standard perspective of body-space interaction and design as entertaining art. The overall impact is discussed in relation to the examined observations, towards a potential advancement to a system of superior contextual understanding.  
wos WOS:000351496100035
keywords Colonial intelligence, Multisensory installation, Physical computing, Spatial sensing, Human-machine interaction 
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ijac201310105
id ijac201310105
authors Agkathidis, Asterios and Andre_ Brown
year 2013
title Tree-Structure Canopy:A Case Study in Design and Fabrication of Complex Steel Structures using Digital Tools
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 11 - no. 1, 87-104
summary This paper describes and reflects on the design and manufacturing process of the Tree-Structure canopy for the WestendGate Tower in Frankfurt upon Main, completed early 2011.The project investigated fabrication and assembly principles of complex steel structures as well as the integration of contemporary computational design, engineering, optimization and simulation techniques in a collaborative design approach. This paper focuses on the notion of modular standardization as opposed to non standard customized components. It also engages with issues relating to digital production tools and their impact on construction cost, material performance and tolerances. In addition it examines the reconfiguration of liability during a planning and construction process, an aspect which can be strongly determined by fabrication companies rather than the architect or designer.This paper is written as a reflection on the complete building process when contemporary digital tools are used from design through to fabrication. It studies both the generation of the steel structure as well the ETFE cushion skin. It reports on a collaborative project, where the main author was responsible for the canopies design, parameterization, digitalization and fabrication, as well as for the dissemination of the outcomes and findings during the design and realization process.As such it represents an example of research through design in a contemporary and evolving field.The canopy received a design award by the Hellenic Architecture Association.
series journal
last changed 2019/05/24 09:55

_id ecaade2013_297
id ecaade2013_297
authors Aish, Robert
year 2013
title DesignScript: Scalable Tools for Design Computation
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 2, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 87-95
summary Design computation based on data flow graph diagramming is a well-established technique. The intention of DesignScript is to recognise this type of data flow modeling as a form of ‘associative’ programming and to combine this with the more conventional ‘imperative’ form of programming into a single unified computational design application. The use of this application is intended to range from very simple graph based exploratory ‘proto-programming’ as used by novice end-user programmers to multi-disciplinary design optimisation as used by more experienced computational designers.
wos WOS:000340643600008
keywords Graph; scripting; associative; imperative.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

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