CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id caadria2014_161
id caadria2014_161
authors Heydarian, Arsalan; Joao P. Carneiro,David Gerber, Burcin Becerik-Gerber, Timothy Hayes and Wendy Wood
year 2014
title Immersive Virtual Environments: Experiments on Impacting Design and Human Building Interaction
source Rethinking Comprehensive Design: Speculative Counterculture, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014) / Kyoto 14-16 May 2014, pp. 729–738
summary This research prefaces the need for engaging with endusers in early stages of design as means to achieve higher performing designs with an increased certainty for enduser satisfaction. While the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) community has previously used virtual reality, the primary use has been for coordination and visualization of Building Information Models (BIM). This work builds upon the value of use of virtual environments in AEC processes but asks the research question "how can we better test and measure design alternatives through the integration of immersive virtual reality into our digital and physical mock up workflows? " The work is predicated on the need for design exploration through associative parametric design models, as well as, testing and measuring design alternatives with human subjects. The paper focuses on immersive virtual environments (IVEs) and presents a literature review of the use of virtual environments for integrating enduser feedback during the design stage. In a controlled pilot experiment, the authors find that human participants perform similarly in IVE and the physical environment in everyday tasks. The participants indicated they felt a strong sense of "presence" in IVE. In the future, the authors plan on using IVE to explore the integration of multi agent systems to impact building design performance and occupant satisfaction.
keywords Virtual Reality; Prototyping; Design Technology; Immersive Virtual Environments; Feedback
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id ecaade2014_108
id ecaade2014_108
authors Magdy M. Ibrahim
year 2014
title Thinking the BIM Way - Early integration of Building Information Modelling in education
source Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, pp. 427-435
summary Since Building Information Modelling as a technology depends on recognizing parts of the buildings as objects that can be simulated digitally, to prepare students to grasp the BIM way of thinking, educators can start introducing the concept early in the architectural curriculum without using the real tools. The researchers monitored the students' progress over a period of time while they were using different 3 dimensional CAD tools in several situations such as design studio visualization and construction document production until eventually the same group of students have been introduced formally to a real BIM tool. The research tries to establish a relationship between the pedagogical techniques and the success of the students to grasp what BIM is about and the development of their ability to use it fruitfully. Comparisons between their performances should shed the light on the best method to use in order to prepare students for the use of BIM.
wos WOS:000361385100045
keywords Bim; cad; education; pedagogy; objects
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id ecaadesigradi2019_405
id ecaadesigradi2019_405
authors da Cunha Teixeira, Luísa and Cury Paraizo, Rodrigo
year 2019
title Caronae - ridesharing and first steps into commuting opportunitie of academic exchange
source Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 1, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 805-816
summary Location-based mobile applications have been a rising theme for academics in the field of urbanism and in urban and transportation, because of the potential of transformation they might bring to the urban landscape (De Souza e Silva, 2013). One of the possibilities we study here is to observe social encounters fostered by commuting rides. In this paper, we try to examine the practice from the broad perspective of estimating the environmental benefits, in a context where digital information technology is wielded to address problems old and new (Townsend, 2014). This paper aims to analyze the potential of transformations that new ICTs bring to urban mobility, using as case study the official ridesharing system of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, the Carona? project. The system was developed focusing on the reduction of the number of motorized trips to the University, as well as the amount of CO2 generated by them. Here we analyze the dynamics of ridesharing, using the system data, and also try to observe the role it may play towards the promotion of integration in the UFRJ community.
keywords mobile apps; urban mobility; ridesharing; caronae ufrj
series eCAADeSIGraDi
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ecaade2014_001
id ecaade2014_001
authors Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.)
year 2014
title Fusion, Volume 2
source Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, 632 p.
summary This is the second volume of the conference proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe conference, held from 10-12 September 2013 at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Both volumes together contain 130 papers that were submitted and accepted to this conference. The theme of the 32nd eCAADe conference is Fusion- data integration at its best. All quests for data integration in architecture and the construction industry lead ultimately to FUSION, a synthesis of knowledge that transcends mere combination. FUSION is the dream of a knowledge system that will enable multiple sets of data, in manifold formats, to be presented in a unified view. This conference is exploring the possibilities for advanced levels of data integration in the service of the representation and management of the natural environment, and the design, visualisation and making of the built environment. These proceedings are presenting the contributions which explore the elusive goal of FUSION in architecture and related fields. The second volume of the proceedings contains 65 papers grouped under nine sub-themes (Generative Design- Parametric Modelling, Material, Collaboration and Participation, VR, Spatial Analysis, Shape, Form and Geometry 2, BIM, Design Tool 2 and Smart and Responsive Design).
series eCAADe
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id ecaade2014_000
id ecaade2014_000
authors Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.)
year 2014
title Fusion, Volume 1
source Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, 668 p.
summary This is the first volume of the conference proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe conference, held from 10-12 September 2013 at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Both volumes together contain 130 papers that were submitted and accepted to this conference. The theme of the 32nd eCAADe conference is Fusion- data integration at its best. All quests for data integration in architecture and the construction industry lead ultimately to FUSION, a synthesis of knowledge that transcends mere combination. FUSION is the dream of a knowledge system that will enable multiple sets of data, in manifold formats, to be presented in a unified view. This conference is exploring the possibilities for advanced levels of data integration in the service of the representation and management of the natural environment, and the design, visualisation and making of the built environment. These proceedings are presenting the contributions which explore the elusive goal of FUSION in architecture and related fields. The first volume of the proceedings contains 65 papers grouped under seven sub-themes (Towards Smarter Cities, Design Tool 1, CAAD Education, Fabrication, Shape-Form-Geometry, Visualisation and Digital Heritage).
series eCAADe
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id sigradi2014_075
id sigradi2014_075
authors Afsari, Kereshmeh; Chuck Eastman
year 2014
title Categorization of building product models in BIM Content Library portals
source SiGraDi 2014 [Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-9974-99-655-7] Uruguay- Montevideo 12,13,14 November 2014, pp. 370-374
summary BIM Content Libraries are performing as online sources for building product models. In order to effectively use the product models, it is important to organize them systematically within these databases. But currently there is no standard or guideline for this purpose. Products in these libraries are being categorized based on different criteria such as the object classes in the target platform, by referring to multiple classification systems or based on customized categories. This paper studies some of the BIM Content Libraries and investigates the structure that each library is using for product categorization. It indicates the need for a generic framework for the purpose of product categorization in BIM Content Libraries.
keywords BIM objects; Product models; Building models; BIM Content Library; Product category
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ascaad2014_017
id ascaad2014_017
authors Al-Ubaidy, Huda Salman
year 2014
title Experimenting with CAAD: As a means to solve conceptual design by architecture and architecture technology students
source Digital Crafting [7th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2014 / ISBN 978-603-90142-5-6], Jeddah (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), 31 March - 3 April 2014, pp. 227-239
summary This study sought to characterise students’ design activity while designing with Computer Aided Design (CAAD) professional programs and its impact on the students’ design process. The design protocol participants were final year students (architectural design and architectural technology), who have spent at least four years in a school of architecture and were confident CAAD users. The analysis represents four CAAD-based protocols of final year students at a school of architecture. The analysed protocols varied in more than one aspect. This variation includes: (1) programs, (2) the mode of using programs whether single or multiple, (3) protocol segments (total number, duration and frequencies), and (4) design categories and total time spent in designing. In light of the study results, the participants demonstrated that, for the same design problem, restraining the conceptual design medium would not necessarily bind them to a certain design strategy. However, there are some disciplinary differences between AD and AT final year students, on how CAAD is used during to solve conceptual design.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2016/02/15 13:09

_id ecaade2014_133
id ecaade2014_133
authors Armando Trento, Antonio Fioravanti and Francesco Rossini
year 2014
title Health and Safety Design by means of a Systemic Approach - Linking Construction Entities and Activities for Hazard Prevention
source Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, pp. 633-642
summary Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe faces many urgent tasks. Among the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC)international scientific societies, only few researches systematically investigate on how to integrate the design solutions with Health and Safety (HS) planning measures, enhancing a collaborative “fusion” of all involved actors in Design and Construction decision making. Process automation cannot be enhanced until design/management tools, such as Building Information Models, can rely only on entities formalised "per se" geometrical items fulfilled by isolated-object specific information. To face complex problems, BIM models should be able to implement and manipulate multiple sets of entities, qualified by clearly established relationships, belonging to organically structured and oriented (sub-) systems. This paper reports on an early stage research project, focused on the identification of operative rules for Health and Safety design. Implementation on the unique case study of Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana functional refurbishment faces two main objectives: one, more pragmatic, is concerned with boostingworkers education about non-standard operative tasks, by means of accurate ad-hoc construction narrative visualisation; another one, more challenging and theoretically complex, consists in modelling "judgment-based" rules, aimed at supporting automated reasoning in Safety Design.
wos WOS:000361384700063
keywords Construction hazards prevention through design; project construction management and visualization; health and safety management; risk modelling; knowledge representation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ecaadesigradi2019_459
id ecaadesigradi2019_459
authors Bourdakis, Vassilis and Tsangrassoulis, Aris
year 2019
title Dynamic Façade Design Studio - From sketches to microcontrollers
source Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 2, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 725-730
summary The paper presents the outcome of two semesters running a dynamic façade design studio (2014 and 2018) to 3rd and 4th year undergraduates, using computational design, simulation and visualization tools in designing environmentally activated building envelopes. The paper discusses the problems faced by the students and the teaching team throughout the design process and finally suggests ways of integrating microcontrollers as a teaching tool enabling students to comprehend the logic, complexities and overall mechanics of responsive environmental design.
series eCAADeSIGraDi
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia14_333
id acadia14_333
authors Briscoe, Danelle
year 2014
title Parametric Planting: Green Wall System Research + Design using BIM
source ACADIA 14: Design Agency [Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 9781926724478]Los Angeles 23-25 October, 2014), pp. 333-338
summary Parametric planning and planting methodologies challenge the capabilities of Building Information Modelling (BIM) as a design tool; experimenting with alternative file types along with visualization from a Autodesk Revit Material Editor and visual programming plug-in Dynamo workflow.
keywords BIM, parametric, landscape, bio-wall, component, collaboration
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia14_365
id acadia14_365
authors Cheng, Nancy Yen-wen; Lockyear, Brian
year 2014
title Communicating Climate-Smart Scenarios with Data-Driven Illustrations
source ACADIA 14: Design Agency [Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 9781926724478]Los Angeles 23-25 October, 2014), pp. 365-374
summary This paper describes how to generate accessible streetscape illustrations from planning scenario maps using a parametric urban modeler in a graphics workflow. The project connects economic forecasting, GIS mapping, and 3D architectural graphics.
keywords Planning Visualization, Parametric Urban Modeling, , Practice-based and Interdisciplinary Computational Design Research
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ecaade2023_000
id ecaade2023_000
authors Dokonal, Wolfgang, Hirschberg, Urs and Wurzer, Gabriel
year 2023
title eCAADe 2023 Digital Design Reconsidered - Volume 1
source Dokonal, W, Hirschberg, U and Wurzer, G (eds.), Digital Design Reconsidered - Proceedings of the 41st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2023) - Volume 1, Graz, 20-22 September 2023, 905 p.
summary The conference logo is a bird’s eye view of spiral stairs that join and separate – an homage to the famous double spiral staircase in Graz, a tourist attraction of this city and a must-see for any architecturally minded visitor. Carved out of limestone, the medieval construction of the original is a daring feat of masonry as well as a symbolic gesture. The design speaks of separation and reconciliation: The paths of two people that climb the double spiral stairs separate and then meet again at each platform. The relationship between architectural design and the growing digital repertoire of tools and possibilities seems to undergo similar cycles of attraction and rejection: enthusiasm about digital innovations – whether in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Energy Design, Robotic Fabrication, the many Dimensions of BIM or, as right now, in AI and Machine Learning – is typically followed by a certain disillusionment and a realization that the promises were somewhat overblown. But a turn away from these digital innovations can only be temporary. In our call for papers we refer to the first and second ‘digital turns’, a term Mario Carpo coined. Yes, it’s a bit of a pun, but you could indeed see these digital turns in our logo as well. Carpo would probably agree that design and the digital have become inseparably intertwined. While they may be circling in different directions, an innovative rejoinder is always just around the corner. The theme of the conference asked participants to re-consider the relationship between Design and the Digital. The notion of a cycle is already present in the syllable “re”. Indeed, 20 years earlier, in 2003, we held an ECAADE conference in Graz simply under the title “Digital Design” and our re-using – or is it re-cycling? – the theme can be seen as the completion of one of those cycles described above: One level up, we meet again, we’ve come full circle. The question of the relationship between Design and the Digital is still in flux, still worthy of renewed consideration. There is a historical notion implicit in the theme. To reconsider something, one needs to take a step back, to look into the past as well as into the future. Indeed, at this conference we wanted to take a longer view, something not done often enough in the fast-paced world of digital technology. Carefully considering one’s past can be a source of inspiration. In fact, the double spiral stair that inspired our conference logo also inspired many architects through the ages. Konrad Wachsmann, for example, is said to have come up with his famous Grapevine assembly system based on this double spiral stair and its intricate joinery. More recently, Rem Koolhaas deemed the double spiral staircase in Graz important enough to include a detailed model of it in his “elements of architecture” exhibition at the Venice Biennale in 2014. Our interpretation of the stair is a typically digital one, you might say. First of all: it’s a rendering of a virtual model; it only exists inside a computer. Secondly, this virtual model isn’t true to the original. Instead, it does what the digital has made so easy to do: it exaggerates. Where the original has just two spiral stairs that separate and join, our model consists of countless stairs that are joined in this way. We see only a part of the model, but the stairs appear to continue in all directions. The implication is of an endless field of spiral stairs. As the 3D model was generated with a parametric script, it would be very easy to change all parameters of it – including the number of stairs that make it up. Everyone at this conference is familiar with the concept of parametric design: it makes generating models of seemingly endless amounts of connected spiral stairs really easy. Although, of course, if we’re too literal about the term ‘endless’, generating our stair model will eventually crash even the most advanced computers. We know that, too. – That's another truth about the Digital: it makes a promise of infinity, which, in the end, it can’t keep. And even if it could: what’s the point of just adding more of the same: more variations, more options, more possible ways to get lost? Doesn’t the original double spiral staircase contain all those derivatives already? Don’t we know that ‘more’ isn’t necessarily better? In the original double spiral stair the happy end is guaranteed: the lovers’ paths meet at the top as well as when they exit the building. Therefore, the stair is also colloquially known as the Busserlstiege (the kissing stair) or the Versöhnungsstiege (reconciliation stair). In our digitally enhanced version, this outcome is no longer clear: we can choose between multiple directions at each level and we risk losing sight of the one we were with. This is also emblematic of our field of research. eCAADe was founded to promote “good practice and sharing information in relation to the use of computers in research and education in architecture and related professions” (see That may have seemed a straightforward proposition forty years ago, when the association was founded. A look at the breadth and depth of research topics presented and discussed at this conference (and as a consequence in this book, for which you’re reading the editorial) shows how the field has developed over these forty years. There are sessions on Digital Design Education, on Digital Fabrication, on Virtual Reality, on Virtual Heritage, on Generative Design and Machine Learning, on Digital Cities, on Simulation and Digital Twins, on BIM, on Sustainability, on Circular Design, on Design Theory and on Digital Design Experimentations. We hope you will find what you’re looking for in this book and at the conference – and maybe even more than that: surprising turns and happy encounters between Design and the Digital.
series eCAADe
last changed 2023/12/10 10:49

_id ecaade2023_001
id ecaade2023_001
authors Dokonal, Wolfgang, Hirschberg, Urs and Wurzer, Gabriel
year 2023
title eCAADe 2023 Digital Design Reconsidered - Volume 2
source Dokonal, W, Hirschberg, U and Wurzer, G (eds.), Digital Design Reconsidered - Proceedings of the 41st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2023) - Volume 2, Graz, 20-22 September 2023, 899 p.
summary The conference logo is a bird’s eye view of spiral stairs that join and separate – an homage to the famous double spiral staircase in Graz, a tourist attraction of this city and a must-see for any architecturally minded visitor. Carved out of limestone, the medieval construction of the original is a daring feat of masonry as well as a symbolic gesture. The design speaks of separation and reconciliation: The paths of two people that climb the double spiral stairs separate and then meet again at each platform. The relationship between architectural design and the growing digital repertoire of tools and possibilities seems to undergo similar cycles of attraction and rejection: enthusiasm about digital innovations – whether in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Energy Design, Robotic Fabrication, the many Dimensions of BIM or, as right now, in AI and Machine Learning – is typically followed by a certain disillusionment and a realization that the promises were somewhat overblown. But a turn away from these digital innovations can only be temporary. In our call for papers we refer to the first and second ‘digital turns’, a term Mario Carpo coined. Yes, it’s a bit of a pun, but you could indeed see these digital turns in our logo as well. Carpo would probably agree that design and the digital have become inseparably intertwined. While they may be circling in different directions, an innovative rejoinder is always just around the corner. The theme of the conference asked participants to re-consider the relationship between Design and the Digital. The notion of a cycle is already present in the syllable “re”. Indeed, 20 years earlier, in 2003, we held an ECAADE conference in Graz simply under the title “Digital Design” and our re-using – or is it re-cycling? – the theme can be seen as the completion of one of those cycles described above: One level up, we meet again, we’ve come full circle. The question of the relationship between Design and the Digital is still in flux, still worthy of renewed consideration. There is a historical notion implicit in the theme. To reconsider something, one needs to take a step back, to look into the past as well as into the future. Indeed, at this conference we wanted to take a longer view, something not done often enough in the fast-paced world of digital technology. Carefully considering one’s past can be a source of inspiration. In fact, the double spiral stair that inspired our conference logo also inspired many architects through the ages. Konrad Wachsmann, for example, is said to have come up with his famous Grapevine assembly system based on this double spiral stair and its intricate joinery. More recently, Rem Koolhaas deemed the double spiral staircase in Graz important enough to include a detailed model of it in his “elements of architecture” exhibition at the Venice Biennale in 2014. Our interpretation of the stair is a typically digital one, you might say. First of all: it’s a rendering of a virtual model; it only exists inside a computer. Secondly, this virtual model isn’t true to the original. Instead, it does what the digital has made so easy to do: it exaggerates. Where the original has just two spiral stairs that separate and join, our model consists of countless stairs that are joined in this way. We see only a part of the model, but the stairs appear to continue in all directions. The implication is of an endless field of spiral stairs. As the 3D model was generated with a parametric script, it would be very easy to change all parameters of it – including the number of stairs that make it up. Everyone at this conference is familiar with the concept of parametric design: it makes generating models of seemingly endless amounts of connected spiral stairs really easy. Although, of course, if we’re too literal about the term ‘endless’, generating our stair model will eventually crash even the most advanced computers. We know that, too. – That's another truth about the Digital: it makes a promise of infinity, which, in the end, it can’t keep. And even if it could: what’s the point of just adding more of the same: more variations, more options, more possible ways to get lost? Doesn’t the original double spiral staircase contain all those derivatives already? Don’t we know that ‘more’ isn’t necessarily better? In the original double spiral stair the happy end is guaranteed: the lovers’ paths meet at the top as well as when they exit the building. Therefore, the stair is also colloquially known as the Busserlstiege (the kissing stair) or the Versöhnungsstiege (reconciliation stair). In our digitally enhanced version, this outcome is no longer clear: we can choose between multiple directions at each level and we risk losing sight of the one we were with. This is also emblematic of our field of research. eCAADe was founded to promote “good practice and sharing information in relation to the use of computers in research and education in architecture and related professions” (see That may have seemed a straightforward proposition forty years ago, when the association was founded. A look at the breadth and depth of research topics presented and discussed at this conference (and as a consequence in this book, for which you’re reading the editorial) shows how the field has developed over these forty years. There are sessions on Digital Design Education, on Digital Fabrication, on Virtual Reality, on Virtual Heritage, on Generative Design and Machine Learning, on Digital Cities, on Simulation and Digital Twins, on BIM, on Sustainability, on Circular Design, on Design Theory and on Digital Design Experimentations. We hope you will find what you’re looking for in this book and at the conference – and maybe even more than that: surprising turns and happy encounters between Design and the Digital.
series eCAADe
type normal paper
last changed 2024/08/29 08:36

_id caadria2014_150
id caadria2014_150
authors Knapp, Chris; Jonathan Neslon and Michael Parsons
year 2014
title Constructing Atmospheres
source Rethinking Comprehensive Design: Speculative Counterculture, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014) / Kyoto 14-16 May 2014, pp. 149–158
summary This paper documents and critically reflects upon the design, development, fabrication, and implementation of three pavilion projects developed during 2013-14. The core investigation of this work is the production of architectural spaces characterized by a quality of enveloping, diffuse, visual and spatial atmospheres. The principal activity of the research is aimed at refining methods for software-based exploration of formal complexities and the subsequent need to control variability and efficiency in fabrication output, using Grasshopper for Rhino to develop customized definitions particular to each specific project scenario. Linking the projects together are issues of scale, resolution of effect, and intent to move from disparate assemblies of structure and skin toward composite, manifold construction techniques that address multiple concerns (gravity, bracing, affect, etc) with a minimum of assembly. A material palette common to the current vernacular of CNC-based projects such as plywood, plastics, and other sheet materials is utilised. This work is invested in extending the possibilities of the architect and architecture as a discipline, extrapolating the workflow from these successive projects to the speculative impact of the work upon emerging possibilities of architectural construction and craft.
keywords 3d modelling; Digital fabrication; Rhinoceros; Grasshopper; Tessellation
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id ecaade2014_206
id ecaade2014_206
authors Mark J. Clayton, Geoffrey Booth, Jong Bum Kim and Saied Zarrinmehr
year 2014
title The Fusion of BIM and Quadruple Net Value Analysis for Real Estate Development Feasibility Assessment
source Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, pp. 445-453
summary Real estate development may benefit from a decision-support software system that is implemented with Building Information Modelling to perform Quadruple Net Value Analysis. Schemes may be created rapidly using BIM and parametric modeling. They may be assessed for economic, social, and environmental factors using spreadsheets and simulation software. They may be assessed for sensory value by using an immersive visualization system. The idea has been tested as a proof of concept in undergraduate and graduate design studios. It appears to be easy to use for students and effective in directing attention to the four factors and obtaining objective measurements.
wos WOS:000361385100047
keywords Real estate development; building information modelling; immersive visualization
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id ecaade2014_067
id ecaade2014_067
authors Mehrnoush Latifi Khorasani, Jane Burry and Mahsa Salehi
year 2014
title Thermal performance of patterned facades - Studies on effects of patterns on the thermal performance of facades
source Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, pp. 267-276
summary Skin is the primary shield between our body and its surroundings. It protects the body from the harmful environmental effects like dehydration and radiation from intense sunlight. Likewise, the outer layer, or skin of a building has the same function of protecting its inhabitants against the external elements. This research is a part of a larger investigation into geometrical patterning and layering of facades as an effective intervention between the outdoor space and the indoor environment to regulate the conditions for occupant thermal comfort. This paper reports on exploration of an approach for measurement, evaluation and feedback in the design workflow through a mixed digital -physical simulation platform (MDPS) based on the objectives of the larger study. For this purpose, it introduces a new way of analyzing thermal performance of double skin facades by using temperature sensors, Arduino, post visualization with MATLAB and digital energy simulation. The main aspects of this proposed workflow is the design of a thermal performance feedback loop as an integral part of the process of geometrical patterning design for façade.
wos WOS:000361384700026
keywords Patterned facades; thermal performance; surface temperature; data visualization; mixed digital physical simulation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id caadria2014_034
id caadria2014_034
authors Nguyen, Danny D. and M. Hank Haeusler
year 2014
title Exploring Immersive Digital Environments
source Rethinking Comprehensive Design: Speculative Counterculture, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014) / Kyoto 14-16 May 2014, pp. 87–96
summary In contemporary architecture firms, most design drawings are done via use of 3D modelling software. This method requires advanced knowledge of the software in order to produce an accurate representation of space into the digital environment. The paper argues that conventional 3D visualization methods to design and analyse are restrictive to how well the user understands the space on a computer, as drawings are done ex-situ and without testing the design concept in-situ, hence there might be a level of disparity between the design and final fabrication. This is particularly a challenge when designing Urban Interaction Design concepts, as combinations of variables play a role in how the design will be received by the audience. Observing the design challenges for Urban Interaction Design and applying knowledge to architectural representation, potentially an alternative sketching process can be developed to alleviate the disparity between the conceptual design and post fabrication. This paper discusses an experimental process of using wireless spatial sensing devices to digitize physical spaces in real-time and to use on-the-spot analysis. In its conclusion the paper argues that this method enables the designer to gain advanced conceptual understandings of the intended space and thus make more informed decisions.
keywords Spatial Design; Human-Computing Interfacing; Urban Interaction Design; Spatial 3D Visualization; Wireless Sensor Technology
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ecaade2014_019
id ecaade2014_019
authors Reinhard Koenig, Matthias Standfest and Gerhard Schmitt
year 2014
title Evolutionary multi-criteria optimization for building layout planning - Exemplary application based on the PSSA framework
source Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, pp. 567-574
summary When working on urban planning projects there are usually multiple aspects to consider. Often these aspects are contradictory and it is not possible to choose one over the other; instead, they each need to be fulfilled as well as possible. Planners typically draw on past experience when subjectively prioritising which aspects to consider with which degree of importance for their planning concepts. This practice, although understandable, places power and authority in the hands of people who have varying degrees of expertise, which means that the best possible solution is not always found, because it is either not sought or the problem is regarded as being too complex for human capabilities. To improve this situation, the project presented here shows the potential of multi-criteria optimisation algorithms using the example of a new housing layout for an urban block. In addition it is shown, how Self-Organizing-Maps can be used to visualise multi-dimensional solution spaces in an easy analysable and comprehensible form.
wos WOS:000361385100059
keywords Planning synthesis; evolutionary algorithms; multi-criteria optimization; isovist; computational design
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id ecaade2014_157
id ecaade2014_157
authors Rodolfo F. Sánchez and Halil I. Erhan
year 2014
title Design ReExplorer: Interactive Design Narratives for Feedback, Analysis and Exploration
source Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, pp. 247-255
summary Designers keep a constant record of the design process through their sketches and notes. In parametric CAD, the record of design moves is implicit and can be found in the elements upon which the parametric model is built. Current systems provide designers with limited tools for recording, viewing or analyzing the design process. We propose a system's approach to capture the design narrative as an artefact for design. The Design ReExplorer was developed to test ideas on using these narratives in gaining insights towards how models are built, exploring alternatives and supporting backtracking and deferral strategies in design exploration. We evaluate its insertion and viability in real-world scenarios through an expert panel study. The results of the study are favourable with positive feedback and multiple suggestions for future work.
wos WOS:000361384700024
keywords Parametric computer aided design; design history; design cognition; design process
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ascaad2022_099
id ascaad2022_099
authors Sencan, Inanc
year 2022
title Progeny: A Grasshopper Plug-in that Augments Cellular Automata Algorithms for 3D Form Explorations
source Hybrid Spaces of the Metaverse - Architecture in the Age of the Metaverse: Opportunities and Potentials [10th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings] Debbieh (Lebanon) [Virtual Conference] 12-13 October 2022, pp. 377-391
summary Cellular automata (CA) is a well-known computation method introduced by John von Neumann and Stanislaw Ulam in the 1940s. Since then, it has been studied in various fields such as computer science, biology, physics, chemistry, and art. The Classic CA algorithm is a calculation of a grid of cells' binary states based on neighboring cells and a set of rules. With the variation of these parameters, the CA algorithm has evolved into alternative versions such as 3D CA, Multiple neighborhood CA, Multiple rules CA, and Stochastic CA (Url-1). As a rule-based generative algorithm, CA has been used as a bottom-up design approach in the architectural design process in the search for form (Frazer,1995; Dinçer et al., 2014), in simulating the displacement of individuals in space, and in revealing complex relations at the urban scale (Güzelci, 2013). There are implementations of CA tools in 3D design software for designers as additional scripts or plug-ins. However, these often have limited ability to create customized CA algorithms by the designer. This study aims to create a customizable framework for 3D CA algorithms to be used in 3D form explorations by designers. Grasshopper3D, which is a visual scripting environment in Rhinoceros 3D, is used to implement the framework. The main difference between this work and the current Grasshopper3D plug-ins for CA simulation is the customizability and the real-time control of the framework. The parameters that allow the CA algorithm to be customized are; the initial state of the 3D grid, neighborhood conditions, cell states and rules. CA algorithms are created for each customizable parameter using the framework. Those algorithms are evaluated based on the ability to generate form. A voxel-based approach is used to generate geometry from the points created by the 3D cellular automata. In future, forms generated using this framework can be used as a form generating tool for digital environments.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2024/02/16 13:38

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