CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id ecaade2016_166
id ecaade2016_166
authors Trento, Armando and Fioravanti, Antonio
year 2016
title Human Behaviour Simulation to Enhance Workspace Wellbeing and Productivity - A BIM and Ontologies implementation path
source Herneoja, Aulikki; Toni Österlund and Piia Markkanen (eds.), Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016, pp. 315-325
summary Three-quarters of the production value are generated during activities that involve thinking, conducting relational and brainstorming activities. Most of the European office buildings today have been designed on more than fifty year old architectural and psychosocial concepts. To improve wellbeing and productivity, design innovation focuses on human's use-process, evolving individual workspace to flexible and specialized ones, according to the users tasks - activity-based. BIM supports sophisticated behaviors simulation such as energy, acoustics, although the state of the art, this paradigm is not able to manage space use-processes. Compared to current research on simulation systems, the proposed method links spaces to user's Behavioral Knowledge including formalization of Personality Typologies and profiled behavioral patterns. A hybrid approach for computational technique has been identified, combining (big) data-driven algorithm with ontology-based context reasoning, in order to achieve both, the best performance from intensive data-driven methods, and the finest adaptation for ontological context awareness (including unexplored context capabilities and objects adaptations).
wos WOS:000402064400031
keywords Event Ontology; Design Knowledge Representation and Management; Human Behaviour, BIM
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id ecaade2016_096
id ecaade2016_096
authors Chen, Nai Chun, Nagakura, Takehiko and Larson, Kent
year 2016
title Social Media as Complementary Tool to Evaluate Cities - Data Mining Innovation Districts in Boston
source Herneoja, Aulikki; Toni Österlund and Piia Markkanen (eds.), Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016, pp. 447-456
summary High tech industries are playing an important role in the economic development in the United States. While some cities are shrinking, the "innovation" cities are growing. The attributes that cause some cities to successfully become innovative is a very relevant 21st century topic and will be investigated here.Previous work conduct city analysis through conventional government GIS or census data but such analyses do not answer questions about the perception of citizens inhabiting the city, and the activities they conduct. The novelty of this current project is to make use of large-scale bottom-up data available from social media. Several social media sources-CrunchBase, Twitter, Yelp, and Flickr- were data mined pertaining to four innovation districts in Boston. We found that the success of innovation districts in Boston were correlated with several important variables: the most successful districts tended to occur near research institutions, in very "mixed use" areas, and were unexpectedly not correlated with land and labor prices, unlike technology districts in the past. Based on our study, we make recommendations for the urban design that cities should put in place to increase the potential for "innovation".
wos WOS:000402064400044
keywords Smart Cities; Social Media; Innovation District; Spatial Analysis; Data Mining; Natural Language Processing
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ascaad2016_027
id ascaad2016_027
authors Cocho-Bermejo, Ana
year 2016
title Time in Adaptable Architecture - Deployable emergency intelligent membrane
source Parametricism Vs. Materialism: Evolution of Digital Technologies for Development [8th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-0-9955691-0-2] London (United Kingdom) 7-8 November 2016, pp. 249-258
summary The term "Parametricism" widespread mainly by Patrick Schumacher (Schumacher, 2008) is worthy of study. Developing the concept of Human Oriented Parametric Architecture, the need of implementing time as the lost parameter in current adaptive design techniques will be discussed. Morphogenetic processes ideas will be discussed through the principle of an adaptable membrane as a case study. A model implementing a unique Arduino[i] on the façade will control its patterns performance through an Artificial Neural Network that will understand the kind of scenario the building is in, activating a Genetic Algorithm that will optimize the insulation performance of the ETFE pillows. The system will work with a global behavior for façade pattern performance and with a local one for each pillow, giving the option of individual sun-shading control. Machine learning implementation will give the façade the possibility to learn from the efficacy of its decisions through time, eliminating the need of a general on-off behavior.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2017/05/25 13:31

_id acadia16_460
id acadia16_460
authors Dade-Robertson, Martyn; Corral, Javier Rodriguez; Mitrana, Helen; Zhang, Meng; Wipat, Anil; Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina; Hernan, Luis
year 2016
title Thinking Soils: A synthetic biology approach to material-based design computation
source ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 460-469
summary The paper details the computational modelling work to define a new type of responsive material system based on genetically engineered bacteria cells. We introduce the discipline of synthetic biology and show how it may be possible to program a cell to respond genetically to inputs from its environment. We propose a system of synthetic biocementing, where engineered cells, living within a soil matrix, respond to pore pressure changes in their environment when the soil is loaded by synthesising new material and strengthening the soil. We develop a prototype CAD system which maps genetic responses of individual bacteria cells to geotechnical models of stress and pore pressure. We show different gene promoter sensitivities may make substantial changes to patterns of consolidation. We conclude by indicating future research in this area which combines both in vivo and in silico work.
keywords intelligent materials, material based design computation, synthetic biology, embedded responsiveness
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ecaade2016_208
id ecaade2016_208
authors Dounas, Theodoros and Spaeth, Benjamin
year 2016
title Ubiquitous Digital Repositories In the Design Studio - A Case study
source Herneoja, Aulikki; Toni Österlund and Piia Markkanen (eds.), Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016, pp. 241-249
summary The paper investigates the usability and effect of a ubiquitous digital repository in the architectural design process. Acknowledging the post-digital era where students work with diverse media either digital or analogue, the project explores the suitability of a digital log in augmenting conceptual thinking, feedback provision and intellectual exchange by means of a studio in an architectural undergraduate course. Students integrate a digital log into their workflow resolving a design task of an architectural studio. A server-based repository serves as students' individual archive as well as a share-point for peer-students' informal exchange and tutors' feedback. The conclusion of the study is that sketching and organization habits from the analog media the students have learned persist even with a more digitally inclined generation. The use of digital tools that obliterate the analog-digital division, holding the best of both worlds are still subject to the constraints of timely introduction in the curriculum, cultural resistance in terms of organization of a project and more so void of experimentation in their use by students.
keywords digital repositories; Design Studio; hybrid media
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id acadia16_130
id acadia16_130
authors Koschitz, Duks; Ramagosa, Bernat; Rosenbaum, Eric
year 2016
title Beetle Blocks: A New Visual Language for Designers and Makers
source ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 130-139
summary We are introducing a new teaching tool to show designers, architects, and artists procedural ways of constructing objects and space. Computational algorithms have been used in design for quite some time, but not all tools are very accessible to novice programmers, especially undergraduate students. ‘Beetle Blocks’ ( is a software environment that combines an easy-to-use graphical programming language with a generative model for 3D space, drawing on ‘turtle geometry,’ a geometry paradigm introduced by Abelson and Disessa, that uses a relative as opposed to an absolute coordinate system. With Beetle Blocks, designers are able to learn computational concepts and use them for their designs with more ease, as individual computational steps are made visually explicit. The beetle, the relative coordinate system, follows instructions as it moves about in 3D space. Anecdotal evidence from studio teaching in undergraduate programs shows that despite the early introduction of digital media and tools, architecture students still struggle with learning formal languages today. Beetle Blocks can significantly simplify the teaching of complex geometric ideas and we explain how this can be achieved via several examples. The blocks-based programming language can also be used to teach fundamental concepts of manufacturing and digital fabrication and we elucidate in this paper which possibilities are conducive for 2D and 3D designs. This project was previously implemented in other languages such as Flash, Processing and Scratch, but is now developed on top of Berkeley’s ‘Snap!’
keywords generative design, design pedagogy, digital fabrication, tool-building, pedagogical tools
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id ascaad2016_028
id ascaad2016_028
authors Modesitt, Adam
year 2016
title Adaptive Collaboration in Project Delivery
source Parametricism Vs. Materialism: Evolution of Digital Technologies for Development [8th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-0-9955691-0-2] London (United Kingdom) 7-8 November 2016, pp. 259-268
summary Digital workflows in architectural design have upended traditional models of collaboration. As digitally networked tools further permeate the project delivery process, information and knowledge are increasingly distributed seamlessly across decentralized networks. While the seamless flow of information across digital networks can serve to augment traditional hierarchies of production, it can also change fundamentally the process by which architecture is produced, enabling modes of collaboration in which creation and production occur as decentralizing acts. This paper examines current models, methods and theories of decentralized collaboration in digitally networked architectural production, towards the goal of establishing a framework for understanding the meta-controls and standards that structure it. Particular emphasis is given to the emerging process of crowdsourcing, in which design intelligence emerges collectively from a decentralized network of actors and agents. This study serves as the foundation for a proposed model of ‘adaptive collaboration,’ in which an adaptive set of meta-controls and standards change in response to the evolving roles and scopes among individual actors and agents. An experiment in Adaptive Collaboration is described, taking place in a Solar Decathlon project at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2017/05/25 13:31

_id ecaade2016_130
id ecaade2016_130
authors Sara, Garcia and Luís, Rom?o
year 2016
title Style and Type in a Generic Shape Grammar - The Case of Multipurpose Chairs
source Herneoja, Aulikki; Toni Österlund and Piia Markkanen (eds.), Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016, pp. 339-348
summary Generic grammars are a means to describe and generate designs in different domains with different abstraction levels. Simple mechanisms can generate a complex variety of solutions within different types, among a coherence of similar styles. This paper describes the process of defining a generic grammar for wood frame multipurpose chair design from two specific grammars that define individual styles of two particular designers. This research is part of a larger one that comprehends the development of a multipurpose chair design tool. The combination of the two specific grammars generates designs from two specific styles, a commons style, a hybrid style and new styles. Results also comprise the characterization of the styles by the analysis of rules and parameters.
wos WOS:000402064400033
keywords Generic shape grammars; Style; Type; Multipurpose chair design
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id caadria2016_683
id caadria2016_683
authors Schnabel, Marc Aurel; Serdar Aydin, Tane Moleta, Davide Pierini and Toma?S Dorta
year 2016
title Unmediated cultural heritage via Hyve-3D: Collecting individual and collective narratives with 3D sketching
source Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2016) / Melbourne 30 March–2 April 2016, pp. 683-692
summary Cultural heritage is traditionally mediated through institu- tional bodies that are authorised to broadcast heritage information, whereas new media technologies such as social media platforms con- tinue to enforce individual storytelling and information sharing. Therefore GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) have to cope with a shift of public interest from their services to more ac- cessible, entertaining and democratic engagements available as ‘liv- ing’ media. Unmediated cultural heritage is the paramount aim of this work and, in a theoretical sense, a utopia for generation of authenticity or meaning-making. Within the realm of digital heritage, this study explores the nature of engagement with cultural heritage using an in- novative means. In this phase of the research, a photogrammetric model of Kashgar’s narrow alleys is deployed in a system, called Hy- brid Virtual Environment 3D (Hyve-3D). Via its 3D cursor technolo- gy, the concept of unmediated cultural heritage is unfolded through active participation, collaboration and interaction. Thus, in the context of heritage, this research explores a hitherto undocumented frontier of Hyve-3D designated to immersive collaborative 3D sketching.
keywords Digital heritage; Hyve-3D; photogrammetry; authenticity; 3D sketching
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id acadia16_326
id acadia16_326
authors Wit, Andrew; Ng, Rashida; Zhang, Cheng; Kim Simon
year 2016
title Composite Systems for Lightweight Architectures: Case studies in large-scale CFRP winding
source ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 326-331
summary The introduction of lightweight Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) based systems into the discipline of architecture and design has created new opportunities for form, fabrication methodologies and material efficiencies that were previously difficult if not impossible to achieve through the utilization of traditional standardized building materials. No longer constrained by predefined material shapes, nominal dimensions, and conventional construction techniques, individual building components or entire structures can now be fabricated from a single continuous material through a means that best accomplishes the desired formal and structural objectives while creating minimal amounts of construction waste and disposable formwork. This paper investigates the design, fabrication and structural potentials of wound, pre-impregnated CFRP composites in architectural-scale applications through the lens of numeric and craft based composite winding implemented in two unique research projects (rolyPOLY + Cloud Magnet). Fitting into the larger research agenda for the CFRP-based robotic housing prototype currently underway in the “One Day House” initiative, these two projects also function as a proof of concept for CFRP monocoque and gridshell based structural systems. Through a rigorous investigation of these case studies, this paper strives to answer several questions about the integration of pre-impregnated CFRP in future full-scale interventions: What form-finding methodologies lend themselves to working with CFRP? What are the advantages and disadvantages of working with pre-impregnated CFRP tow in large-scale applications? What are efficient methods for the placement of CFRP fiber on-site? As well as how scalable is CFRP?
keywords form finding, winding, cfrp, embedded responsiveness
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id ecaade2016_048
id ecaade2016_048
authors Abramovic, Vasilija and Achten, Henri
year 2016
title From Moving Cube to Urban Interactive Structures - A case study
source Herneoja, Aulikki; Toni Österlund and Piia Markkanen (eds.), Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016, pp. 661-668
summary When thinking about the future vision of a city, having in mind recent development in digital technologies and digital design tools we are inclined to expect new building structures which incorporate this technology to better help us manage the complexity of life, and to simplify our daily lives and tasks. The idea behind this research paper lies in design of such structures, which could be put inside an urban context and engage in creating a built environment that can add more to the quality of life. For us Interactive architecture is architecture that is responsive, flexible, changing, always moving and adapting to the needs of today. The world is becoming more dynamic, society is constantly changing and the new needs it develops need to be accommodated. As a result architecture has to follow. Spaces have to become more adaptive, responsive and nature concerned, while having the ability for metamorphosis, flexibility and interactivity. Taken as a starting point of this idea is a specific module from graduation project in 2014 "The Unexpected city", where it was possible to test out first ideas about interactive and flexible objects in an urban environment.
wos WOS:000402063700071
keywords Flexible architecture; Interactive architecture; Responsive systems
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2016_615
id sigradi2016_615
authors Almeida , Rafael Goffinet de; Santos, Fábio Lopes Souza
year 2016
title Um olhar sobre a relação entre sujeitos e meios técnicos: O público como construção social mediada [Looking at the relationship between subjects and technical means: The audience as mediated social construction]
source SIGraDi 2016 [Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Argentina, Buenos Aires 9 - 11 November 2016, pp.872-879
summary This article analyses some of the proposals produced in the late 1970´s by the American contemporary artist Dan Graham, in which he uses technical means to investigate the audience´s perception and behavior. The questions raised highlight reciprocity phenomena and identity constructions – factors that affect our experience and behavior in contemporary cities daily life. All of these issues derive from Graham´s investigations of the main information and communication technologies (media) produced at that time, and which continue to offer reflections on current relationship between technical means and the subject – that is, his/her condition as audience, observer, spectator or user.
keywords Dan Graham; Contemporary art; Contemporary Architecture and City; Technical means; Contemporary spatiality
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2017/06/21 14:49

_id ascaad2016_058
id ascaad2016_058
authors Assassi, Abdelhalim; Djemaa Benmechirah and Rachida Samai
year 2016
title Visibility Map - Exploratory study of urban planning for future city design
source Parametricism Vs. Materialism: Evolution of Digital Technologies for Development [8th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-0-9955691-0-2] London (United Kingdom) 7-8 November 2016, pp. 579-588
summary Through space we can read the acts and the daily activities of human being and, we can also understand different interactions within any social unit. This paper explain how specially the space type can interpret why the human being derives to a negative behavior like "Crime". So, in this study we adopt the visibility approach which is developed by the laboratory of space syntax (UCL), and which makes a sense for the link between the space design and its use and its positive or negative social consequences in the future. Then, the purpose of this paper is to present the importance of the use of visibility map which can also be an outlook approach for detecting potential hot-spots in urban planning designs specially of new cities, for avoiding the negative using of urban spaces like "Crime" in the future. The case of study is the new city of Ali Mendjeli (Constantine - Algeria), the capital of the East of Algeria known by a very fast demographic and urban growth. After analyzing a central urban neighborhood of this city using Depthmap, we found thirty-four hot-spots which can be appropriate spaces for the exercise of crime in the future, and we found that this point was downplayed in the urban planning designs before the realization of Ali Mendjeli new city.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2017/05/25 13:34

_id caadria2019_626
id caadria2019_626
authors Hahm, Soomeen, Maciel, Abel, Sumitiomo, Eri and Lopez Rodriguez, Alvaro
year 2019
title FlowMorph - Exploring the human-material interaction in digitally augmented craftsmanship
source M. Haeusler, M. A. Schnabel, T. Fukuda (eds.), Intelligent & Informed - Proceedings of the 24th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 1, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 15-18 April 2019, pp. 553-562
summary It has been proposed that, after the internet age, we are now entering a new era of the '/Augmented Age/' (King, 2016). Physician Michio Kaku imagined the future of architects will be relying heavily on Augmented Reality technology (Kaku, 2015). Augmented reality technology is not a new technology and has been evolving rapidly. In the last three years, the technology has been applied in mainstream consumer devices (Coppens, 2017). This opened up possibilities in every aspect of our daily lives and it is expected that this will have a great impact on every field of consumer's technology in near future, including design and fabrication. What is the future of design and making? What kind of new digital fabrication paradigm will emerge from inevitable technological development? What kind of impact will this have on the built environment and industry? FlowMorph is a research project developed in the Bartlett School of Architecture, B-Pro AD with the collaboration of the authors and students as a 12 month MArch programme, we developed a unique design project trying to answer these questions which will be introduced in this paper.
keywords Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality, Design Augmentation, Digital Fabrication, Cognition models, Conceptual Designing, Design Process, Design by Making, Generative Design, Computational Design, Human-Machine Collaboration, Human-Computer Collaboration, Human intuition in digital fabrication
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id caadria2016_445
id caadria2016_445
authors Silvestre, Joaquim; Franc?ois Gue?na and Yasushi Ikeda
year 2016
title Edition-Oriented 3D Model Rebuilt from Photography
source Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2016) / Melbourne 30 March–2 April 2016, pp. 445-454
summary The topic of this paper is about a technique to turn pictures into an intuitively modifiable 3D model. The research employs an analytical method using algorithms to conceptualise and digital- ise architectural spaces in order to highlight parametric shapes. Usual- ly, from one group of digital photos, photogrammetry techniques pro- duce a 3D-model mesh through a high-density 3D point cloud. This discordance between our intuitive partitioning of the mesh and its bare polygonal structure makes it interact poorly compared to the af- fordance of shape and component in our daily experience. Through a capture device, a visualisation of architecture in a digital data form is produced. They are processed by computer vision algorithms and ma- chine learning systems in order to be refined into a parametric model. Parametric elements can be described as a compound of formulas and parameters. By keeping the formula and changing the parameters, the- se elements can be easily modified in a range of likenesses. After be- ing detected during scans, these shapes can be adapted to fit the inten- tion of the designer during the design phase.
keywords Photogrammetry; convolutional neural network; 3D model; design tool
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ecaade2016_144
id ecaade2016_144
authors Wendell, Augustus, Altin, Burcak Ozludil and Thompson, Ulysee
year 2016
title Prototyping a Temporospatial Simulation Framework:Case of an Ottoman Insane Asylum
source Herneoja, Aulikki; Toni Österlund and Piia Markkanen (eds.), Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016, pp. 485-491
summary Effectively communicating the history of a complex building site using only conventional presentation techniques can be limiting. It is a challenge to present temporal changes in the site simultaneously within a spatial framework. Whereas 2D drawings typically used in architectural historical scholarship are many times cleaned abstractions, 3D models might create an illusion of "recreated reality." Both representation types distance the reader from the primary sources rather than being a mechanism to bring the reader closer to the sources. This paper reports on an interactive simulation of a fin-de-siecle Ottoman insane asylum in Istanbul. Our response to these challenges incorporates to the simulation both the temporal aspect (spanning the life of the asylum and the daily life within) and primary documents by using temporally aware 3D models and keyed descriptive markers for building programming.
wos WOS:000402064400048
keywords Unity3D; Simulation; Digital Humanities; Game Engine; Temporal; Architectural History
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id caadria2023_312
id caadria2023_312
authors Wu, Fangning
year 2023
title Assessing Spatial Accessibility to Public Facilities for Vulnerable People towards 15-Minute City in Hong Kong
source Immanuel Koh, Dagmar Reinhardt, Mohammed Makki, Mona Khakhar, Nic Bao (eds.), HUMAN-CENTRIC - Proceedings of the 28th CAADRIA Conference, Ahmedabad, 18-24 March 2023, pp. 535–544
summary Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people started to rely more on their communities and attach great importance to the accessibility of public facilities at a hyperlocal level. The 15-Minute City concept, first put forth by Carlos Moreno in 2016, gradually gained popularity worldwide during the age of pandemics. This human-centric concept aims to build complete neighbourhoods that meet the daily needs of residents within 15 minutes by using non-motorized transport. However, few studies focus on vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly for the assessment of 15-Minute City. Therefore, this paper provides an assessment framework for spatial accessibility to public facilities for vulnerable people from the perspective of 15-Minute City. It is measured in three aspects: spatial distribution characteristics, service population ratio and number of facilities through the comparison between Sham Shui Po and Tin Shui Wai in Hong Kong. The result shows that the accessibility to public facilities needed in daily life for children in Sham Shui Po and Tin Shui Wai is relatively reasonable, while the accessibility for the elderly needs to be improved. The research can provide references for evaluating and optimizing spatial planning to promote health and well-being in Hong Kong and other cities.
keywords 15-Minute City, Vulnerable people, Spatial accessibility, Network analysis, Human-centric, New town
series CAADRIA
last changed 2023/06/15 23:14

_id ascaad2016_031
id ascaad2016_031
authors Amireh, Omar; Manal Ryalat and Tasbeeh Alaqtum
year 2016
title Narrative Architectural Fiction in Mentally Built Environments
source Parametricism Vs. Materialism: Evolution of Digital Technologies for Development [8th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-0-9955691-0-2] London (United Kingdom) 7-8 November 2016, pp. 283-294
summary A thin line lies between reality and fiction; what is mentally imagined and what is visualized. It all depends on how ideas and images are perceived or what neurological activity is triggered in the user’s brain. Architects and designers spare no effort or tools in presenting buildings, architecture or designs in all forms or ways that would augment users’ experience whether on the perceptual or the cognitive level and in both the digital or the physical environments. In a progressive tendency they, the designers, tend to rely more and more on digitizing their vision and mission, which subsequently give them, impressive and expressive superiority, that would influence the users conscious on the one hand and manipulate their subconscious on the other. Within that process designers work hard to break any mental firewall that would prevent their ideas from pervading the space of any mental environment the user, build or visualize. In that context, to what extent such ways of mental entertainments used by architects, legitimize deception in design? What distinguishes employing the rhythmic simulation of the narrative fictional inceptions (virtual reality) from deploying the adaptive stimulation of the experience modeling conceptions. The difference between planting an idea and constructing an idea. It is not the intention of the paper to prove the failure of the computer aided design neither to stand against the digital architectural design media and applications development. It is rather to present a different way of understanding of how architectural design whether virtual, digital, or real can stimulates and induces codes and messages that is correlated to the brainwave cognitive attributes and can generate a narrative brain environment where the brain can construct and simulate its own fictional design. Doing so, the paper will review certain experimental architectural events and activities which integrate sound and sight elements and effects within some electronic, technical and digital environments.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2017/05/25 13:33

_id ecaade2016_243
id ecaade2016_243
authors Gül, Leman Figen and Hal?c?, Süheyla Müge
year 2016
title Collaborative Design with Mobile Augmented Reality
source Herneoja, Aulikki; Toni Österlund and Piia Markkanen (eds.), Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016, pp. 493-500
summary In early design process, designers employ several media for externalizations of their design ideas which facilitate decision making, discussion and evaluation. Especially models are the most common representation tools and are used generally to understand and make spatial reasoning on the design ideas. Besides the traditional methods, today, the technological developments bring new ways for collaboration and design in 3D; the mobile augmented reality (MAR) technology is one of them. MAR is augmented reality technology which is provided by mobile devices. This study focuses on the early design process of collaborative designers' communication when they are working with the MAR technology. We developed a MAR environment for designers, and conducted an experiment to understand the key elements of the interaction of the designers with the interface. The communication and interaction of the designers are analyzed using the protocol analysis method. The results show that the MAR technology supports the co-design activities encouraging the designers to manipulate the created artefact. The results of the study would be indicative for future studies.
wos WOS:000402063700054
keywords collaborative design; mobile augmented reality; protocol analysis
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id caadria2016_809
id caadria2016_809
authors Nakapan, Walaiporn
year 2016
title Using the SAMR Model to transform mobile learning in a History of Art and Architecture Classroom
source Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2016) / Melbourne 30 March–2 April 2016, pp. 809-818
summary This paper presents the progress of a pilot classroom, which uses mobile devices to enhance instructor-student classroom interac- tions and students’ learning of the History of Art and Architecture. The main objective of this research was to find a way of improving classroom activities, for the coming year, by making the best possible use of technology to enable students to learn more successfully and improve their understanding of the lesson content. In this paper, class- room activities during 2014 and 2015 are analysed using the SAMR Model coupled with Bloom’s revised taxonomy and the EdTech Quin- tet Model. In addition, a plan for the redesign and improvement of ac- tivities in 2016 is proposed, the effectiveness of the SAMR model at improving in class activities is discussed and a perspective on how to develop the classroom using the “SAMR ladder” is included. The re- sults show that in 2015, 25% of the students in the class achieved an A grade, and less than 5% were graded F compared to 26% in 2012.
keywords Design education; mobile-based learning; History of Art and Architecture; SAMR model
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

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