CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id ecaade2021_203
id ecaade2021_203
authors Arora, Hardik, Bielski, Jessica, Eisenstadt, Viktor, Langenhan, Christoph, Ziegler, Christoph, Althoff, Klaus-Dieter and Dengel, Andreas
year 2021
title Consistency Checker - An automatic constraint-based evaluator for housing spatial configurations
source Stojakovic, V and Tepavcevic, B (eds.), Towards a new, configurable architecture - Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021, pp. 351-358
summary The gradual rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and its increasing visibility among many research disciplines affected Computer-Aided Architectural Design (CAAD). Architectural deep learning (DL) approaches are being developed and published on a regular basis, such as retrieval (Sharma et al. 2017) or design style manipulation (Newton 2019; Silvestre et al. 2016). However, there seems to be no method to evaluate highly constrained spatial configurations for specific architectural domains (such as housing or office buildings) based on basic architectural principles and everyday practices. This paper introduces an automatic constraint-based consistency checker to evaluate the coherency of semantic spatial configurations of housing construction using a small set of design principles to evaluate our DL approaches. The consistency checker informs about the overall performance of a spatial configuration followed by whether it is open/closed and the constraints it didn't satisfy. This paper deals with the relation of spaces processed as mathematically formalized graphs contrary to existing model checking software like Solibri.
keywords model checking, building information modeling, deep learning, data quality
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ascaad2021_022
id ascaad2021_022
authors Baºarir, Lale; Kutluhan Erol
year 2021
title Briefing AI: From Architectural Design Brief Texts to Architectural Design Sketches
source Abdelmohsen, S, El-Khouly, T, Mallasi, Z and Bennadji, A (eds.), Architecture in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: Transformations and Challenges [9th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-1-907349-20-1] Cairo (Egypt) [Virtual Conference] 2-4 March 2021, pp. 23-31
summary The main focus of this research is to uncover the underlying intuitive knowledge of architecture with the help of machine learning models. To achieve this, a generic architectural design process is considered and divided into iterative portions based on their output for each phase. This study looks into the initial portion of the architectural design process called “Briefing”. The authors search for the intuition that exists within the design process and how it can be learned by artificial intelligence (AI) that is currently gained through master-apprentice relationship and experience that builds up this knowledge. In this study, a way to enable users to attain an architectural design sketch while defining an architectural design problem with text is explored. This on-going research decomposes the components of the briefing and preliminary design sketching processes. Therefore the domain knowledge at each phase is considered for translating to constraints via natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).
series ASCAAD
type normal paper
last changed 2021/08/09 13:11

_id caadria2021_389
id caadria2021_389
authors del Campo, Matias
year 2021
title Architecture,Language and AI - Language,Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks (AttnGAN) and Architecture Design
source A. Globa, J. van Ameijde, A. Fingrut, N. Kim, T.T.S. Lo (eds.), PROJECTIONS - Proceedings of the 26th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 1, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Online, Hong Kong, 29 March - 1 April 2021, pp. 211-220
summary The motivation to explore Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks (AttnGAN) as a design technique in architecture can be found in the desire to interrogate an alternative design methodology that does not rely on images as starting point for architecture design, but language. Traditionally architecture design relies on visual language to initiate a design process, wither this be a napkin sketch or a quick doodle in a 3D modeling environment. AttnGAN explores the information space present in programmatic needs, expressed in written form, and transforms them into a visual output. The key results of this research are shown in this paper with a proof-of-concept project: the competition entry for the 24 Highschool in Shenzhen, China. This award-winning project demonstrated the ability of GraphCNN to serve as a successful design methodology for a complex architecture program. In the area of Neural Architecture, this technique allows to interrogate shape through language. An alternative design method that creates its own unique sensibility.
keywords Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Artificial Neural Networks; Semiotics; Design Methodology
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ijac202119404
id ijac202119404
authors Ghandi, Mona; Blaisdell, Marcus; Ismail, Mohamed
year 2021
title Embodied empathy: Using affective computing to incarnate human emotion and cognition in architecture
source International Journal of Architectural Computing 2021, Vol. 19 - no. 4, 532–552
summary This research aims to develop a cyber-physical adaptive architectural space capable of real-time responses topeople’s emotions, based on biological and neurological data. To achieve this goal, we integrated artificialintelligence (AI), wearable technology, sensory environments, and adaptive architecture to create anemotional bond between a space and its occupants and encourage affective emotional interactions betweenthe two. The project’s objectives were to (1) measure and analyze biological and neurological data to detectemotions, (2) map and illustrate that emotional data, and (3) link occupants’emotions and cognition to a builtenvironment through a real-time emotive feedback loop. Using an interactive installation as a case study, thiswork examines the cognition-emotion-space interaction through changes in volume, color, and light as ameans of emotional expression. It contributes to the current theory and practice of cyber-physical design andthe role AI plays, as well as the interaction of technology and empathy.
keywords Places and awareness, artificial intelligence and machine learning in design, intelligent responsive spaces,affective computing in architecture, cognition-emotion-space interaction, embodied empathy, neuromorphicdesign, cyber-physical neurospaces
series journal
last changed 2024/04/17 14:29

_id acadia21_100
id acadia21_100
authors Ghandi, Mona; Ismail, Mohamed; Blaisdell, Marcus
year 2021
title Parasympathy
source ACADIA 2021: Realignments: Toward Critical Computation [Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-986-08056-7]. Online and Global. 3-6 November 2021. edited by B. Bogosian, K. Dörfler, B. Farahi, J. Garcia del Castillo y López, J. Grant, V. Noel, S. Parascho, and J. Scott. 100-109.
summary Parasympathy is an interactive spatial experience operating as an extension of visitors’ minds. By integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI), wearable technologies, affective computing (Picard 1995; Picard 2003), and neuroscience, this project blurs the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres and empowers users’ brains to solicit positive changes from their spaces based on their real-time biophysical reactions and emotions.

The objective is to deploy these technologies in support of the wellbeing of the community especially when related to social matters such as inclusion and social justice in our built environment. Consequently, this project places the users’ emotions at the very center of its space by performing real-time responses to the emotional state of the individuals within the space.

series ACADIA
type project
last changed 2023/10/22 12:06

_id cdrf2021_3
id cdrf2021_3
authors Jean Jaminet, Gabriel Esquivel, and Shane Bugni
year 2021
title Serlio and Artificial Intelligence: Problematizing the Image-to-Object Workflow
source Proceedings of the 2021 DigitalFUTURES The 3rd International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2021)

summary Virtual design production demands that information be increasingly encoded and decoded with image compression technologies. Since the Renaissance, the discourses of language and drawing and their actuation by the classical disciplinary treatise have been fundamental to the production of knowledge within the building arts. These early forms of data compression provoke reflection on theory and technology as critical counterparts to perception and imagination unique to the discipline of architecture. This research examines the illustrated expositions of Sebastiano Serlio through the lens of artificial intelligence (AI). The mimetic powers of technological data storage and retrieval and Serlio’s coded operations of orthographic projection drawing disclose other aesthetic and formal logics for architecture and its image that exist outside human perception. Examination of aesthetic communication theory provides a conceptual dimension of how architecture and artificial intelligent systems integrate both analog and digital modes of information processing. Tools and methods are reconsidered to propose alternative AI workflows that complicate normative and predictable linear design processes. The operative model presented demonstrates how augmenting and interpreting layered generative adversarial networks drive an integrated parametric process of three-dimensionalization. Concluding remarks contemplate the role of human design agency within these emerging modes of creative digital production.
series cdrf
last changed 2022/09/29 07:53

_id acadia21_572
id acadia21_572
authors Rodrigues, Ricardo Cesar; Alzate-Martinez, Fábio A.; Escobar, Daniel; Mistry, Mayur
year 2021
title Rendering Conceptual Design Ideas with Artificial Intelligence
source ACADIA 2021: Realignments: Toward Critical Computation [Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-986-08056-7]. Online and Global. 3-6 November 2021. edited by S. Parascho, J. Scott, and K. Dörfler. 572-575.
summary This paper documents a data-driven approach to a conceptual rendering workflow with Artificial Intelligence (AI) models. This work originates from the workshop ‘Intro to AI for Architectural Design Explorations’ lectured by the authors Mayur Mistry and Daniel Escobar, during the event ‘Inclusive FUTURES 2021’ at the Digital Futures platform.

The observations reflect about the applicability of machine-augmented conceptual design. As a common practice in the fi eld, architects start designing their buildings by sketching their ideas, this is a process that attempts to translate a concept into a spatial and aesthetic solution. Nevertheless, the design process is an iterative and time-consuming task. For this reason, we must experiment new methods that can potentially enhance architectural practice.

series ACADIA
type field note
last changed 2023/10/22 12:06

_id ecaade2021_237
id ecaade2021_237
authors Sönmez, Ayça and Gönenç Sorguç, Arzu
year 2021
title Computer-Aided Fabrication Technologies as Computational Design Mediators
source Stojakovic, V and Tepavcevic, B (eds.), Towards a new, configurable architecture - Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021, pp. 465-474
summary The developments in recent technologies through Industry 4.0 lead to the integration of digital design and manufacturing processes. Albeit manufacturing continues to increase its importance as design input, it is generally considered at the last stages of the design process. This misconception results in a gap between digital design and fabrication, leading to differences between the initial design and the fabricated outcome in the context of architectural tectonics. Here, we present an artificial intelligence (AI)-based approach that aims to provide a basis to bridge the gap between computation and fabrication. We considered a case study of a 3D model in two stages. In the first stage, an intuitive and top-down design process is adopted, and in the second stage, an AI-based exploration is conducted with three cases derived from the same 3D model. The outcomes of the two stages provided a dataset including different design parameters to be used in a decision tree classifier algorithm which selects the manufacturing method for a given 3D model. Our results show that generative design simulations based on manufacturing constraints can provide a significant variety of manufacturable design alternatives, and minimizes the difference between design alternatives. Using our proposed approach, the time spent in form-finding and fabrication can be reduced significantly. Additionally, the implementation of decision tree classifier learning algorithm shows that AI can serve designers to make accurate predictions for manufacturing method.
keywords Generative Design; Computer-Aided Fabrication; Arcihtecture 4.0; Artificial Intelligence; Digital Tectonics
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id sigradi2021_359
id sigradi2021_359
authors Carrasco-Walburg, Carolina, Valenzuela-Astudillo, Eduardo, Maino-Ansaldo, Sandro, Correa-Díaz, Matías and Zapata-Torres, Diego
year 2021
title Experiential Teaching-learning Tools: Critical Study of Representational Media and Immersion in Architecture
source Gomez, P and Braida, F (eds.), Designing Possibilities - Proceedings of the XXV International Conference of the Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2021), Online, 8 - 12 November 2021, pp. 475–488
summary The use of Virtual Reality (VR) in teaching-learning process of design, theory and history of architecture has increased in terms of virtual tours. A preliminary study of techniques and capabilities of Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) systems allowed us to establish that the immersive and interactive virtual experience facilitates the perception and enhancement of spatial qualities. In addition, it facilitates analysis since it promotes observation and the development of spatial thinking. However, the use of this medium as a tool for analysis is less frequent. Therefore, in this research we comparatively evaluate the impact that VR has on such a task. We developed an analysis instrument using experiential learning cycles that was tested with students in control and experimental groups. As a result, we found that the experience of inhabiting facilitates integration of fundamental concepts, allowing empirical evaluation of architecture and streamlining communication in the classroom as an active learning strategy.
keywords Virtual Reality, Architecture, Spatial Perception, Experiential Learning, Teaching-Learning Process
series SIGraDi
last changed 2022/05/23 12:11

_id ecaade2021_288
id ecaade2021_288
authors Dzurilla, Dalibor and Achten, Henri
year 2021
title What is Architectural Digital Sketch? - A systematic inventory
source Stojakovic, V and Tepavcevic, B (eds.), Towards a new, configurable architecture - Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021, pp. 403-414
summary The traditional sketch using pencil and paper is an indispensable medium for architects. Digital technology both imitates and extends the possibilities of the sketch into a new form, the Architectural Digital Sketch. In this paper, we present a descriptive framework from the theoretical perspective of technology parameters. This framework covers traditional and digital sketch. We investigated several representative tools for sketching employing the framework, such as traditional sketch, Wacom SmartPen, iPad Pro, Foldable Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad X1 and Hyve3D. We demonstrate how the framework gives a unified approach to such widely varied tools.
keywords digital sketching; architectural sketch; visual communication
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ecaade2021_214
id ecaade2021_214
authors Emo, Beatrix, Gerber, Andri and Hölscher, Christoph
year 2021
title User-Centred Spatial Thinking in Architectural Design with Mixed Reality
source Stojakovic, V and Tepavcevic, B (eds.), Towards a new, configurable architecture - Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021, pp. 115-122
summary We present the findings from an architecture seminar where students used heads-up mixed reality devices to design from the users' perspective. The aims of the course were to 1) help students design user-oriented spaces; 2) allow students to experience a design-analysis feedback loop; and 3) test the feasibility and effectiveness of using mixed reality in the architecture curriculum. The course required students to apply advanced spatial thinking, and so course content was specifically-developed to challenge students' spatial thinking. We present findings on the merit of using mixed reality for user-centric design based on i) student feedback and ii) a linguistic analysis of how students presented their work. Findings show that the use of mixed reality improved students' capacity to design from the users' perspective. While there is still much untapped potential for including mixed reality in architecture courses, technical difficulties are to be expected.
keywords user-centric design; mixed reality; spatial thinking; Hololens
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ascaad2021_029
id ascaad2021_029
authors Goubran, Sherif; Carmela Cucuzzella, Mohamed Ouf
year 2021
title Eco-Nudging: Interactive Digital Design to Solicit Immediate Energy Actions in The Built Space
source Abdelmohsen, S, El-Khouly, T, Mallasi, Z and Bennadji, A (eds.), Architecture in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: Transformations and Challenges [9th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-1-907349-20-1] Cairo (Egypt) [Virtual Conference] 2-4 March 2021, pp. 177-189
summary In the built space, building occupants, their behaviours and control actions are research areas that have gained a lot of attention. This is well justified since energy behaviours can result in differences of up to 25% in building energy consumption. Previous research recommends exploring ways to influence occupants' energy behaviour – through eco-feedback and by directly engaging occupants with building controls. Very little attention has been given to the role digital art and design can play in soliciting and changing human energy-related actions and behaviours in the built space. This paper proposes a new process that combines eco-feedback, gamification, and ecological digital art to trigger occupants to take immediate and precise control actions in the built space. We design, deploy and test this by creating an immersive human-building-interaction apparatus, which we place in a month-long exhibition. This experimental interface was informed by a novel vision for engagement-based human-building interactions deeply rooted in aesthetics, digital art and design. It also uses digital art to mediate between the occupants and energy-performance of spaces by redefining their relationship with and perception of energy – moving from metrics and quantities understanding to one that is art and emotion-based. The analysis reveals that this new type of human-engagement-based interactive building-control mechanism can add a significant layer of influence on energy-related actions – without revoking the individuals' ability to control their environment. It also highlights digital design and art's power in guiding actions and interactions with the built space.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2021/08/09 13:11

_id ijac202119305
id ijac202119305
authors Hosseini, Seyed Vahab; Alim, Usman R.; Oehlberg, Lora; Taron, Joshua M.
year 2021
title Optically illusive architecture (OIA): Introduction and evaluation using virtual reality
source International Journal of Architectural Computing 2021, Vol. 19 - no. 3, 291–314
summary Architects and designers communicate their ideas within a range of representational methods. No single instance of these methods, either in the form of orthographic projections or perspectival representation, can address all questions regarding the design, but as a whole, they demonstrate a comprehensive range of information about the building or object they intend to represent. This explicates an inevitable degree of deficiency in representation, regardless of its type. In addition, perspective-based optical illusions manipulate our spatial perception by deliberately misrepresenting the reality. In this regard, they are not new concepts to architectural representation. As a consequence, Optically Illusive Architecture (OIA) is proposed, not as a solution to fill the gap between the representing and represented spaces, but as a design paradigm whose concept derives from and accounts for this gap. By OIA we aim to cast light to an undeniable role of viewpoints in designing architectural spaces. The idea is to establish a methodology in a way that the deficiency of current representational techniques—manifested as specific thread of optical illusions—flourishes into thoughtful results embodied as actual architectural spaces. Within our design paradigm, we define a framework to be able to effectively analyze its precedents, generate new space, and evaluate their efficiencies. Moreover, the framework raises a hierarchical set of questions to differentiate OIA from a visual gimmick. Furthermore, we study two OIA-driven environments, by conducting empirical studies using Virtual Reality (VR). These studies bear essential information, in terms of design performance, and the public’s ability to engage and interact with an OIA space, prior to the actual fabrication of the structures.
keywords Architectural representation, optical illusion, design evaluation, virtual reality
series journal
last changed 2024/04/17 14:29

_id acadia21_134
id acadia21_134
authors Johanes, Mikhael; Huang, Jeffrey
year 2021
title Deep Learning Isovist
source ACADIA 2021: Realignments: Toward Critical Computation [Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-986-08056-7]. Online and Global. 3-6 November 2021. edited by B. Bogosian, K. Dörfler, B. Farahi, J. Garcia del Castillo y López, J. Grant, V. Noel, S. Parascho, and J. Scott. 134-141.
summary Understanding the qualitative aspect of space is essential in architectural design. However, the development of computational design tools has lacked features to comprehend architectural quality that involves perceptual and phenomenological aspects of space. The advancement in machine learning opens up a new opportunity to understand spatial qualities as a data-driven approach and utilize the gained information to infer or derive the qualitative aspect of architectural space. This paper presents an experimental unsupervised encoding framework to learn the qualitative features of architectural space by using isovist and deep learning techniques. It combines stochastic isovist sampling with Variational Autoencoder (VAE) model and clustering method to learn and extract spatial patterns from thousands of floorplans data. The developed framework will enable the encoding of architectural spatial qualities into quantifiable features to improve the computability of spatial qualities in architectural design.
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2023/10/22 12:06

_id acadia21_554
id acadia21_554
authors Karsan, Zain
year 2021
title IN HOUSE: A Remote Making Studio
source ACADIA 2021: Realignments: Toward Critical Computation [Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-986-08056-7]. Online and Global. 3-6 November 2021. edited by B. Bogosian, K. Dörfler, B. Farahi, J. Garcia del Castillo y López, J. Grant, V. Noel, S. Parascho, and J. Scott. 554-563.
summary The circumstances of the pandemic resulted in the closure of collective maker spaces and university fab labs. This disruption to machine access had consequences for design studio curricula which shifted to online and digital formats. In response, an experimental studio centered on digital fabrication was offered in the Spring of 2021 at MIT. The prompt of the studio was simple, to design and build an installation with spatial implications, wherever and with whatever material was at hand. To support students to re-engage physical making, a desktop milling machine was developed called the TinyZ.

Due to its small scale and low cost, the TinyZ could be distributed as a kit to each participant in the studio. The TinyZ Kit was largely composed of standard parts and repetitive assemblies, making the machine itself extremely modular and easily reconfi gurable to adapt to different material processes and projects throughout the semester.

series ACADIA
type field note
last changed 2023/10/22 12:06

_id ecaade2021_036
id ecaade2021_036
authors Kikuchi, Naoki, Fukuda, Tomohiro and Yabuki, Nobuyoshi
year 2021
title Landscape Visualization by Integrating Augmented Reality and Drones with Occlusion Handling to Link Real and Virtual Worlds - Towards city digital twin realization
source Stojakovic, V and Tepavcevic, B (eds.), Towards a new, configurable architecture - Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021, pp. 521-528
summary In the field of urban architecture and design, augmented reality (AR)-based landscape visualization is useful for building consensus among stakeholders at the design stage. An integrated AR and drone method can visualize future and past landscapes from an aerial perspective but has to address the problem of occlusion, where a 3D virtual model is displayed in front of the real-world objects. In this study, we propose an AR and drone integrated landscape visualization method to handle occlusion by linking the drone's location information in the real world and the camera in the virtual world. The method uses a 3D model of an existing building, which is part of the city model, to represent the 3D model of the design target as if the target were behind the existing building in the real world. Users can use the perspective of the drone, which flies along a set route, to examine the future landscape with high accuracy, as visualized using AR with occlusion handling.
keywords Digital twin; Occlusion handling; Landscape visualization; Web-based augmented reality (web AR); Drone; Urban design
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id acadia21_280
id acadia21_280
authors Koleva, Denitsa; Özdemir, Eda; Tsiokou, Vaia; Dierichs, Karola
year 2021
title Designing Matter
source ACADIA 2021: Realignments: Toward Critical Computation [Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-986-08056-7]. Online and Global. 3-6 November 2021. edited by B. Bogosian, K. Dörfler, B. Farahi, J. Garcia del Castillo y López, J. Grant, V. Noel, S. Parascho, and J. Scott. 280-291.
summary Autonomously shape-changing granular materials are investigated as architectural construction materials. They allow the embedding of different mechanical behaviors in the same material system through the design of their component particles. Granular materials are defined as large numbers of individual elements of larger than a micron. Because they are not bound to each other, only the contact forces act between them. The design of individual particles affects the behavior of a granular substance composed of such materials. The design process involves the definition of the form and materiality of the particle in relation to the desired function of the granular material. If shape-change materials are deployed in the making of the particles, the granular material can have more than one designed behavior, for example, both liquid and solid phases. Autonomously shape-changing granular materials have seldom been explored in either architecture or granular physics. Thus their exploration is both a relevant and a novel contribution to the field of granular architectures in specific and computational architectural design in general.

This article outlines the field of autonomously shape-changing granular materials and embeds them in the current state. Experimental and simulation methods for the development of shape-changing particles and granular materials are introduced. A case study on the development and testing of autonomously shape-changing particles made from a bimetal is also presented. Further research is outlined with respect to the practical, methodological, and conceptual development of an autonomously shape-changing designed granular material.

series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2023/10/22 12:06

_id ascaad2021_054
id ascaad2021_054
authors Kontovourkis, Odysseas; Andreas Konstantinou, Nikos Kyrizi, Panagiota Tziourrou,
year 2021
title Built-In Immersive VR Technology for Decision-Making in Design and Simulation of a Flexible Shading Device
source Abdelmohsen, S, El-Khouly, T, Mallasi, Z and Bennadji, A (eds.), Architecture in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: Transformations and Challenges [9th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-1-907349-20-1] Cairo (Egypt) [Virtual Conference] 2-4 March 2021, pp. 190-200
summary This paper discusses the potential offered by Virtual Reality (VR) and accompanied gesture-based devices as tools for architectural design and simulation. This is done by outlining a workflow and by demonstrating an experimental study for the development of an interactive, flexible and parametric shading device consisting of bending-active wooden strips. More specifically, the project focuses on the relationship between physical inputs acquisition and virtual experience of two users in space. Through the use of Kinect and VR headset, the first user is responsible to check and control the shading system regarding the shape and sun direction. The aim is to create configurations that serves his/her shading needs by moving his/her hand in order to hide the sun in a game like procedure until satisfactory shading is acquired. The second user, through the use of a leap motion sensor and a projection screen, is able to check and control the efficiency of structure in terms of bending behavior and environmental impact, also in a loop of possibilities. Using the thump and pointer fingers he/she controls the bending behavior by watching a screen that shows in different colours the bending factor of each element. At the same time, the distance between his/her hands controls the number of elements in order to achieve the optimal rate between material consumption and shading. The two users can intervene sequentially or concurrently during the process. A series of investigations related to shading rate and bending behavior as well as minimum material consumption leading to lower environmental impact are conducted. This attempts to offer useful conclusions as regard the potential application of immersive VR technology as mechanism for decision-making in architecture and simulation but also in the fabrication of the suggested shading device.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2021/08/09 13:11

_id ecaade2021_205
id ecaade2021_205
authors Kunic, Anja, Kramberger, Aljaz and Naboni, Roberto
year 2021
title Cyber-Physical Robotic Process for Re-Configurable Wood Architecture - Closing the circular loop in wood architecture
source Stojakovic, V and Tepavcevic, B (eds.), Towards a new, configurable architecture - Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021, pp. 181-188
summary The concept of circularity implies that materials, components, systems can be re-utilized to reduce their environmental impact by extending their life-cycle. This paper discusses an approach to circular construction that revolves around transformable wood architecture. What if we can make buildings that can be assembled, disassembled, and re-assembled by robots in infinite circular loops of reconfigurations? To explore this concept, a robotic process is developed to automate the reconfiguration of timber structures, considering the material, geometric and processual challenges involved in the operations. This method entangles establishing a cyber-physical process based on visual and force feedback, the development of wood construction elements suitable for the process, the deployment of design algorithms for semi-autonomous online construction. The paper describes this setup and demonstrates its functionality through a set of experimental prototypes conceived and evaluated in a three-phase collaborative process of assembly-disassembly-reassembly.
keywords Robotic timber construction; Circular wood architecture; Cyber-physical systems; Robotic timber re-assembly
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id ecaade2022_302
id ecaade2022_302
authors Lu, Xin, Meng, Zeyuan, Rodriguez, Alvaro Lopez and Pantic, Igor
year 2022
title Reusable Augmented Concrete Casting System - Accessible method for formwork manufacturing through holographic guidance
source Pak, B, Wurzer, G and Stouffs, R (eds.), Co-creating the Future: Inclusion in and through Design - Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2022) - Volume 1, Ghent, 13-16 September 2022, pp. 371–380
summary Reinforced concrete has been one of the essential materials for modern architecture for the last hundred years. Its use is entirely global, having been adopted by all cultures and styles since its invention in the late 19th century. Although its value is excellent due to its low cost, durability and adaptability, its environmental impact is significant, being, in fact, one of the most polluting industries in the world (Babor et al. 2009). This experimental project will research a more sustainable use of concrete, exploring a new form of reusable concrete formwork that will ideally reduce the CO2 footprint by removing wood waste in the casting process and replacing it with adaptable metal components. The modular part-based system for the concrete casting also attempts to simplify one of the current complexities for concrete construction, the Skilled-Labour shortage. (Yusoff et al. 2021). To mitigate this problem, the project also proposes using an Augmented Assembly logic for the casting parts to guide the ensemble and dismantle the formwork through an optimised algorithmic logic. The use of Augmented Reality as a replacement for traditional paper instructions will facilitate access to more workers to this construction art and potentially improve access to optimised use of concrete in developing communities with restricted building technological resources.
keywords Mixed Reality, Distributed Manufacturing, Augmented Manufacturing, Sustainability, Computational Design, Concrete Casting
series eCAADe
last changed 2024/04/22 07:10

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