CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id acadia21_328
id acadia21_328
authors Akbari, Mostafa; Lu, Yao; Akbarzadeh, Masoud
year 2021
title From Design to the Fabrication of Shellular Funicular Structures
source ACADIA 2021: Realignments: Toward Critical Computation [Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-986-08056-7]. Online and Global. 3-6 November 2021. edited by B. Bogosian, K. Dörfler, B. Farahi, J. Garcia del Castillo y López, J. Grant, V. Noel, S. Parascho, and J. Scott. 328-339.
summary Shellular Funicular Structures (SFSs) are single-layer, two-manifold structures with anticlastic curvature, designed in the context of graphic statics. They are considered as efficient structures applicable to many functions on different scales. Due to their complex geometry, design and fabrication of SFSs are quite challenging, limiting their application in large scales. Furthermore, designing these structures for a predefined boundary condition, control, and manipulation of their geometry are not easy tasks. Moreover, fabricating these geometries is mostly possible using additive manufacturing techniques, requiring a lot of supports in the printing process. Cellular funicular structures (CFSs) as strut-based spatial structures can be easily designed and manipulated in the context of graphic statics. This paper introduces a computational algorithm for translating a Cellular Funicular Structure (CFS) to a Shellular Funicular Structure (SFS). Furthermore, it explains a fabrication method to build the structure out of a flat sheet of material using the origami/ kirigami technique as an ideal choice because of its accessibility, processibility, low cost, and applicability to large scales. The paper concludes by displaying a structure that is designed and fabricated using this technique.
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2023/10/22 12:06

_id ascaad2021_146
id ascaad2021_146
authors Aly, Zeyad; Aly Ibrahim, Sherif Abdelmohsen
year 2021
title Augmenting Passive Actuation of Hygromorphic Skins in Desert Climates: Learning from Thorny Devil Lizard Skins
source Abdelmohsen, S, El-Khouly, T, Mallasi, Z and Bennadji, A (eds.), Architecture in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: Transformations and Challenges [9th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-1-907349-20-1] Cairo (Egypt) [Virtual Conference] 2-4 March 2021, pp. 264-278
summary The exploitation of latent properties of natural materials such as wood in the passive actuation of adaptive building skins is of growing interest due to their added value as a low-cost and low-energy approach. The control of wood response behavior is typically conducted via physical experiments and numerical simulations that explore the impact of hygroscopic design parameters. Desert climates however suffer from water scarcity and high temperatures. Complementary mechanisms are needed to provide sufficient sources of water for effective hygroscopic operation. This paper aims to exploit such mechanisms, with specific focus on thorny devil lizard skins whose microstructure surface properties allow for maximum humidity absorption. We put forward that this process enhances hygroscopic-based passive actuation systems and their adaptation to both humidity and temperature in desert climates. Specific parameters and rules are deduced based on the lizard skin properties. Physical experiments are conducted to observe different actuation mechanisms. These mechanisms are recorded, and texture and bending morphologies are modeled for adaptive skins using Grasshopper.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2021/08/09 13:13

_id ecaade2021_187
id ecaade2021_187
authors Lacroix, Igor, Furtado Lopes, Gonçalo and Sousa, José Pedro
year 2021
title Integrating Sociological Survey and Algorithmic Modelling for Low-Cost Housing
source Stojakovic, V and Tepavcevic, B (eds.), Towards a new, configurable architecture - Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021, pp. 445-454
summary This paper presents a study developed in the scope of an ongoing research about the creation of an architectural design system of low-cost housing in Portugal's context. Its goal is to present the survey, analysis and digitization work of a research carried out in the 1960s by Portuguese architect Nuno Portas, with the help of architect Alexandre Alves Costa. The method was to convert mathematical information contained in Portas' and Alves Costa's report from Lisbon's National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC) into an algorithmic model with Rhinoceros® and Grasshopper® software. Besides revealing for the first time a comprehensive study of this pioneering work, this paper will set the foundations to propose the adaptation of its process into low-cost housing design. The result presented here is an algorithm for selecting the best architectural type from a database of housing floor plans, analyzed by a questionnaire regarding the inhabitants' needs and satisfactions.
keywords sociological survey; algorithmic modelling; low-cost housing; Nuno Portas; Alexandre Alves Costa
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id caadria2021_196
id caadria2021_196
authors Lu, Yueheng, Tian, Runjia, Li, Ao, Wang, Xiaoshi and Jose Luis, Garcia del Castillo Lopez
year 2021
title CubiGraph5K - Organizational Graph Generation for Structured Architectural Floor Plan Dataset
source A. Globa, J. van Ameijde, A. Fingrut, N. Kim, T.T.S. Lo (eds.), PROJECTIONS - Proceedings of the 26th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 1, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Online, Hong Kong, 29 March - 1 April 2021, pp. 81-90
summary In this paper, a novel synthetic workflow is presented for procedural generation of room relation graphs of floor plans from structured architectural datasets. Different from classical floor plan generation models, which are based on strong heuristics or low-level pixel operations, our method relies on parsing vectorized floor plans to generate their intended organizational graph for further graph-based deep learning. This research work presents the schema for the organizational graphs, describes the generation algorithms, and analyzes its time/space complexity. As a demonstration, a new dataset called CubiGraph5K is presented. This dataset is a collection of graph representations generated by the proposed algorithms, using the floor plans in the popular CubiCasa5K dataset as inputs. The aim of this contribution is to provide a matching dataset that could be used to train neural networks on enhanced floor plan parsing, analysis and generation in future research.
keywords Graph Theory; Algorithm; Architecture Design Dataset; Organizational Graph
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id caadria2021_333
id caadria2021_333
authors Ma, Chun Yu, Chan, Yan Yu Jennifer and Crolla, Kristof
year 2021
title Expanding Bending-Active Bamboo Gridshell Structures' Design Solution Space Through Hybrid Assembly Systems
source A. Globa, J. van Ameijde, A. Fingrut, N. Kim, T.T.S. Lo (eds.), PROJECTIONS - Proceedings of the 26th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 1, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Online, Hong Kong, 29 March - 1 April 2021, pp. 331-340
summary This paper discusses the development and testing of a novel design method for the low-tech construction of bending-active bamboo gridshell structures. It expands this typologys current design solution space by combining and building up on two common production methods for light-weight shell structures: 1) the lay-up method, typically used in bamboo architecture in which members are added one at a time, and 2) the flatbed method, in which a prefabricated equidistant flat grid without shear rigidity is propped up and deformed into its final doubly curved shape. The novel methodology expands the systems design solution space by incorporating singularities within the grid topology and by layering multiple separate grids. This allows for spatially radically different building geometries without loss of implementation workflow efficiency. A demonstrator design project, tested through a large-scale prototype model, is described to illustrate the possible spatially engaging architectural design opportunities presented by the novel approach.
keywords Bending-active structures; Bamboo architecture; Shell structures; Low-tech fabrication; Form finding
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id caadria2021_220
id caadria2021_220
authors MacDonald, Katie and Schumann, Kyle
year 2021
title Twinned Assemblage - Curating and Distilling Digital Doppelgangers
source A. Globa, J. van Ameijde, A. Fingrut, N. Kim, T.T.S. Lo (eds.), PROJECTIONS - Proceedings of the 26th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 1, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Online, Hong Kong, 29 March - 1 April 2021, pp. 693-702
summary Recent developments in digital fabrication have made increasingly intelligent use of machine visioning and 3D scanning. These technologies enable ever-higher resolution digital models of physical material, and present opportunities for physical material to gain agency in the design process. Digital design workflows using such technologies require ever-greater computing power as the resolution of digitized models increases, and high-fidelity 3D scanning systems become cost-prohibitive, creating obstacles to widespread use. Twinned assemblage uses consumer-grade photogrammetry software, lowering the cost of equipment required, and presents a series of distillation methods that strategically reduce the fidelity of data digitally describing a physical object. Distillation methods discussed include reducing a mesh to a low-poly geometry, identifying the location and orientation of an object's largest faces, and creating 2D sections, among others. These methods can be designed intentionally to extract or highlight certain qualities in digital models, that in turn inform aggregation strategies generated through computational simulation. This paper presents several examples of such aggregations in a variety of materials, conveying benefits and challenges of the process. Such methods present opportunities for granting agency to physical materials in the design process, and for the democratized use of digitizing technologies.
keywords Authorship; Digitizing; Material Agency; Digital Design; Democratized Technology
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id acadia21_502
id acadia21_502
authors Mytcul, Anna
year 2021
title ARchitect
source ACADIA 2021: Realignments: Toward Critical Computation [Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-986-08056-7]. Online and Global. 3-6 November 2021. edited by B. Bogosian, K. Dörfler, B. Farahi, J. Garcia del Castillo y López, J. Grant, V. Noel, S. Parascho, and J. Scott. 502-511.
summary This research investigates gaming as a framework for design democratization in architecture, where the end user is the key decisionmaker in the design process. ARchitect is a multisensory game that promotes and explores the educational aspects of learning games and their influence on end user engagement with house co-design. This combinatorial game relies on an augmented reality (AR) application accessible through a smartphone, serving as a low-threshold tool for converting architectural drawings into 3D models in real time and using AR technology for design evaluation.

By allowing for learning through playing, ARchitect provides alternative ways of gaining knowledge about design and architecture and empowers non-experts to take active and informed positions in shaping their future urban environments on a micro-scale, rethinking conventional market relations and exploring emerging personal and public values. The ARchitect game challenges conventional participatory design where an architect plays an essential role in facilitation of the design process and translation of end users’ design proposals. In contrast, the proposed game system allows non-architect players to autonomously produce and access design solutions through embedded computational simulation by an AR application, thus giving an equal chance to non-professionals to express their design visions and become aware of potential implications of their ideas. By providing free access to the game contents through the ARchitect platform and a playful user experience by which design principles can be learned, this game will inspire the general public to engage in conversation about home design, eventually spreading architectural literacy to less-privileged communities.

series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2023/10/22 12:06

_id acadia21_520
id acadia21_520
authors Richter-Lunn, Katarina; del Castillo y López, Jose L. García
year 2021
title Affective Prosthesis
source ACADIA 2021: Realignments: Toward Critical Computation [Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-986-08056-7]. Online and Global. 3-6 November 2021. edited by B. Bogosian, K. Dörfler, B. Farahi, J. Garcia del Castillo y López, J. Grant, V. Noel, S. Parascho, and J. Scott. 520-529.
summary As the demand for technologies that mediate the environment continues to rise, day-to-day activities have been increasingly overloaded with devices that collect personal signals, such as phones, watches, jewelry, and fitness trackers. Yet, despite the sensibility of these machines, little has been explored in decoding the highly informative signals collected by these devices to temper the physical environment. These signals have the potential to communicate one’s cognitive state and, in turn, address signs of stress and anxiety. Embracing the open access to these technologies, this research seeks to question how covert physiological signals can be turned into perceived sensorial experiences to increase awareness of one’s cognitive state and elicit positive affect through material interfaces. Acting not as a substitute for traditional therapies but as an alternative antidote, these sensorial interventions seek to process, analyze, and interpret physiological patterns, such as electrodermal activity and heart rate variability, to recognize signs of high and low emotional arousal and pair them with tactile, olfactory, auditory, and visual alterations in one’s surrounding. It is predicted that through the repeated association of the actuated stimuli with specific physiological states, a certain conditioning can be evoked to subsequently promote an instinctual response to malleable matter. The results illustrate that the fabric of the environment can not only be empathetic to subconscious mood but also able to foster positive affect through psychophysiological adaptation.
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2023/10/22 12:06

_id ijac202119310
id ijac202119310
authors Schwartz, Yair; Raslan, Rokia; Korolija, Ivan; Mumovic, Dejan
year 2021
title A decision support tool for building design: An integrated generative design, optimisation and life cycle performance approach
source International Journal of Architectural Computing 2021, Vol. 19 - no. 3, 401–430
summary Building performance evaluation is generally carried out through a non-automated process, where computational models are iteratively built and simulated, and their energy demand is calculated. This study presents a computational tool that automates the generation of optimal building designs in respect of their Life Cycle Carbon Footprint (LCCF) and Life Cycle Costs (LCC). This is achieved by an integration of three computational concepts: (a) A designated space-allocation generative-design application, (b) Using building geometry as a parameter in NSGA-II optimization and (c) Life Cycle performance (embodied carbon and operational carbon, through the use of thermal simulations for LCCF and LCC calculation). Examining the generation of a two-storey terrace house building, located in London, UK, the study shows that a set of building parameters combinations that resulted with a pareto front of near-optimal buildings, in terms of LCCF and LCC, could be identified by using the tool. The study shows that 80% of the optimal building’s LCCF are related to the building operational stage (o= 2), while 77% of the building’s LCC is related to the initial capital investment (o= 2). Analysis further suggests that space heating is the largest contributor to the building’s emissions, while it has a relatively low impact on costs. Examining the optimal building in terms compliance requirements (the building with the best operational performance), the study demonstrated how this building performs poorly in terms of Life Cycle performance. The paper further presents an analysis of various life-cycle aspects, for example, a year-by-year performance breakdown, and an investigation into operational and embodied carbon emissions.
keywords Generative design, genetic algorithms, thermal simulation, life cycle, carbon, LCA, NSGA-II, building performance
series journal
last changed 2024/04/17 14:29

_id ecaade2021_145
id ecaade2021_145
authors Wu, Shaoji
year 2021
title The Cognition of Residential Convenience Areas Based on Street View Image's Entropy and Complexity - Beijing as an example
source Stojakovic, V and Tepavcevic, B (eds.), Towards a new, configurable architecture - Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021, pp. 545-554
summary This paper quantifies the convenience of living in Beijing by calculating street view image's two inherent properties, entropy and complexity. The image's entropy H can measure the degree of disorder in its pixel arrangement, and the complexity C can measure the "structure" of its pixel arrangement. The study methodology can be divided into four steps as follows. (1) 20,194 Baidu Street View (BSV) images of random geographic coordinates within the study area are crawled as the dataset. (2) Calculate the entropy and complexity of each image separately and plot the entropy-complexity plane. (3) Clustering of data points on the entropy-complexity plane using the K-means algorithm. (4) Analysis of the geographical distribution of the different cluster's data points. The following two conclusions can be drawn from this research. Firstly, low entropy and high complexity street view images can characterize built-up urban areas where the sky occupies a large area, and its buildings are usually more uniform. Conversely, high-entropy and low-complexity images can characterize areas with the more complex built-up environment. Secondly, street view images representing high residential convenience areas in Beijing are characterized by high entropy and low complexity.
keywords Street View Image; Entropy; Complexity; Residential Convenience
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id acadia21_462
id acadia21_462
authors Yablonina, Maria; Coleman, James
year 2021
title Small Robots and Big Projects
source ACADIA 2021: Realignments: Toward Critical Computation [Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-986-08056-7]. Online and Global. 3-6 November 2021. edited by B. Bogosian, K. Dörfler, B. Farahi, J. Garcia del Castillo y López, J. Grant, V. Noel, S. Parascho, and J. Scott. 462-469.
summary This paper describes a custom robotic process for semi-autonomous survey and layout of architectural elements for a large-scale renovation project. Specifically, the research presents a custom single-task robotic device accompanied with software and workflow methods for surveying, localizing, and marking the positions of façade anchors along the surface of primary steel members. Enabled by custom robotic locomotion and real-time localization, the presented approach offers high-tolerance installation in a low-tolerance environment while minimizing dangerous erection steps that would typically be done by field personnel.

The robotic system and the workflow are designed, developed, and tailored to the specific project needs and parameters of the renovated building. For instance, the Halbach magnetic locomotion system presented in this paper is custom designed to traverse the radius of steel pipes that the building structure consists of. On the one hand, such specificity renders the robotic hardware obsolete when applied beyond this project. However, the hardware simplicity enabled by its single-task purpose, allowed the team to rapidly develop and deploy the robotic system on-site within a year which would have not been possible with generic hardware. The paper describes the current stage of development of the robotic system and uses the presented robotic workflow to outline the benefits of single-task robotics approach in construction.

series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2023/10/22 12:06

_id sigradi2021_118
id sigradi2021_118
authors Henriques, Gonçalo Castro, Xavier, Pedro Maciel, Silva, Victor de Luca and Bispo, Luca Rédua
year 2021
title Designing Learning Methods: Programming with Visual and Textual Language in Python
source Gomez, P and Braida, F (eds.), Designing Possibilities - Proceedings of the XXV International Conference of the Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2021), Online, 8 - 12 November 2021, pp. 819–830
summary At the fourth industrial revolution, programming is gaining relevance, and it promises to be a fundamental teaching subject as math, science, languages or the arts. Architects project more than buildings; they have developed innovative methods and are among the pioneers developing visual programming. However, after more than 10 years of use visual programming in architecture, despite its fast learning curve, it presents limitations to address complex problems. To overcome them, we propose associating the advantages of visual with textual languages in Python. The article reports the process to implement the discipline “Computation for Architecture in Python” at FAU-UFRJ. The methodology comprises the translation and adaptation of generic programming disciplines, and exercises, for architecture. The results are encouraging and demonstrate that students value learning programming. However, despite the participants' satisfaction with the discipline, they report difficulties in programming fundamentals, such as lists, loops and recursion.
keywords Computational Design, Visual Programming, Textual Programming, Mixed Languages, Python
series SIGraDi
last changed 2022/05/23 12:11

_id ecaade2021_169
id ecaade2021_169
authors Qi, Yue, Zhong, Ruqing, Kaiser, Benjamin, Tahouni, Yasaman, Wagner, Hans-Jakob, Verl, Alexander and Menges, Achim
year 2021
title Augmented Accuracy - A human-machine integrated adaptive fabrication workflow for bamboo construction utilizing computer vision
source Stojakovic, V and Tepavcevic, B (eds.), Towards a new, configurable architecture - Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021, pp. 345-354
summary Despite being sustainable, strong and lightweight, naturally grown bamboo poles are currently used in restricted building typologies. This is due to the large tolerances in the built structures, which is caused by the variations in the dimensions and geometry of natural material as well as the manual, uninformed and imprecise assembly methods. In previous work, we introduced an adaptive fabrication method for bamboo structures that can monitor the fabrication process and compensate for deviations between built and designed form. As a proof of concept, the method is suitable for small scale bamboo structures in 2D- or simple 3D configuration. This paper extends the previous method by integrating the adaptation strategies into a cohesive fabrication and assembly workflow for large scale complex bamboo structures. To enable that, a more effective sensor localization method, adaptation algorithm, connection and assembly system, as well as web-based user interface are developed. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is demonstrated through the fabrication of a pavilion scale branching bamboo structure that complies with intended geometric boundary conditions. Even though the material has substantial geometrical variations, the final structure shows small geometric deviations and a successful interface with the prefabricated roof elements. Our work shows how vernacular materials and processes can be digitally augmented in order to reliably produce building structures, hence enabling their usage in modern applications to a larger extent.
keywords Adaptive Digital Fabrication; Construction Uncertainties; Computer Vision; Bamboo Structures; HMI
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id ascaad2021_053
id ascaad2021_053
authors Vegas, Gonzalo; Francisco Calvo, Marcelo Bernal
year 2021
title Dynamic Aggregation: Merging Aggregation and Particle-Spring Systems in a Form-Finding Approach
source Abdelmohsen, S, El-Khouly, T, Mallasi, Z and Bennadji, A (eds.), Architecture in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: Transformations and Challenges [9th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-1-907349-20-1] Cairo (Egypt) [Virtual Conference] 2-4 March 2021, pp. 661-671
summary We present the Dynamic Aggregation model: a form-finding tool to generate volumes with an active interior from a set of surfaces. We offer a novel approach to form-finding by combining two models: Particle-Spring Systems and Discrete Aggregation. Dynamic Aggregation allows the designer to generate emergent results while granting real-time control of the general topology in an interactive physics system. To do so, we built our model from a graph structure composed of Nodes and Links with a local notion of orientation. It allows the model to aggregate, bifurcate, link, and unlink continuously, starting from an initial Node configuration until reaching a target surface, while keeping the Node organization in the process. We test the model in two abstract scenarios and three architectural typologies with distinct topological and geometric features to display differentiation, adaptation, and control capabilities.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2021/08/09 13:11

_id ascaad2021_022
id ascaad2021_022
authors Baºarir, Lale; Kutluhan Erol
year 2021
title Briefing AI: From Architectural Design Brief Texts to Architectural Design Sketches
source Abdelmohsen, S, El-Khouly, T, Mallasi, Z and Bennadji, A (eds.), Architecture in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: Transformations and Challenges [9th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-1-907349-20-1] Cairo (Egypt) [Virtual Conference] 2-4 March 2021, pp. 23-31
summary The main focus of this research is to uncover the underlying intuitive knowledge of architecture with the help of machine learning models. To achieve this, a generic architectural design process is considered and divided into iterative portions based on their output for each phase. This study looks into the initial portion of the architectural design process called “Briefing”. The authors search for the intuition that exists within the design process and how it can be learned by artificial intelligence (AI) that is currently gained through master-apprentice relationship and experience that builds up this knowledge. In this study, a way to enable users to attain an architectural design sketch while defining an architectural design problem with text is explored. This on-going research decomposes the components of the briefing and preliminary design sketching processes. Therefore the domain knowledge at each phase is considered for translating to constraints via natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).
series ASCAAD
type normal paper
last changed 2021/08/09 13:11

_id caadria2021_039
id caadria2021_039
authors Chen, Jielin, Stouffs, Rudi and Biljecki, Filip
year 2021
title Hierarchical (multi-label) architectural image recognition and classification
source A. Globa, J. van Ameijde, A. Fingrut, N. Kim, T.T.S. Lo (eds.), PROJECTIONS - Proceedings of the 26th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 1, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Online, Hong Kong, 29 March - 1 April 2021, pp. 161-170
summary The task of architectural image recognition for both architectural functionality and style remains an open challenge. In addition, the paucity of well-organized, large-scale architectural image datasets with specific consideration for the domain of architectural design research has hindered the exploration of these challenging tasks. Drawing upon images from the professional architectural website Archdaily®, and leveraging state-of-the-art deep-learning-based classification models, we explore a hierarchical multi-label classification model as a potential baseline for the task of architectural image classification. The resulting model showcases the potential for innovative architectural discipline-related analyses and demonstrates some heuristic insights for visual feature extraction pertaining to both architectural functionality and architectural style.
keywords image recognition; hierarchical classification; multi-label classification; architectural functionality; style
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id caadria2021_089
id caadria2021_089
authors Cristie, Verina, Ibrahim, Nazim and Joyce, Sam Conrad
year 2021
title Capturing and Evaluating Parametric Design Exploration in a Collaborative Environment - A study case of versioning for parametric design
source A. Globa, J. van Ameijde, A. Fingrut, N. Kim, T.T.S. Lo (eds.), PROJECTIONS - Proceedings of the 26th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 2, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Online, Hong Kong, 29 March - 1 April 2021, pp. 131-140
summary Although parametric modelling and digital design tools have become ubiquitous in digital design, there is a limited understanding of how designers apply them in their design processes (Yu et al., 2014). This paper looks at the use of GHShot versioning tool developed by the authors (Cristie & Joyce, 2018; 2019) used to capture and track changes and progression of parametric models to understand early-stage design exploration and collaboration empirically. We introduce both development history graph-based metrics (macro-process) and parametric model and geometry change metric (micro-process) as frameworks to explore and understand the captured progression data. These metrics, applied to data collected from three cohorts of classroom collaborative design exercises, exhibited students' distinct modification patterns such as major and complex creation processes or minor parameter explorations. Finally, with the metrics' applicability as an objective language to describe the (collaborative) design process, we recommend using versioning for more data-driven insight into parametric design exploration processes.
keywords Design exploration; parametric design; history recording; version control; collaborative design
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ijac202119106
id ijac202119106
authors Del Campo, Matias; Alexandra Carlson, and Sandra Manninger
year 2021
title Towards Hallucinating Machines - Designing with Computational Vision
source International Journal of Architectural Computing 2021, Vol. 19 - no. 1, 88–103
summary There are particular similarities in how machines learn about the nature of their environment, and how humans learn to process visual stimuli. Machine Learning (ML), more specifically Deep Neural network algorithms rely on expansive image databases and various training methods (supervised, unsupervised) to “make sense” out of the content of an image. Take for example how students of architecture learn to differentiate various architectural styles. Whether this be to differentiate between Gothic, Baroque or Modern Architecture, students are exposed to hundreds, or even thousands of images of the respective styles, while being trained by faculty to be able to differentiate between those styles. A reversal of the process, striving to produce imagery, instead of reading it and understanding its content, allows machine vision techniques to be utilized as a design methodology that profoundly interrogates aspects of agency and authorship in the presence of Artificial Intelligence in architecture design. This notion forms part of a larger conversation on the nature of human ingenuity operating within a posthuman design ecology. The inherent ability of Neural Networks to process large databases opens up the opportunity to sift through the enormous repositories of imagery generated by the architecture discipline through the ages in order to find novel and bespoke solutions to architectural problems. This article strives to demystify the romantic idea of individual artistic design choices in architecture by providing a glimpse under the hood of the inner workings of Neural Network processes, and thus the extent of their ability to inform architectural design.The approach takes cues from the language and methods employed by experts in Deep Learning such as Hallucinations, Dreaming, Style Transfer and Vision. The presented approach is the base for an in-depth exploration of its meaning as a cultural technique within the discipline. Culture in the extent of this article pertains to ideas such as the differentiation between symbolic and material cultures, in which symbols are defined as the common denominator of a specific group of people.1 The understanding and exchange of symbolic values is inherently connected to language and code, which ultimately form the ingrained texture of any form of coded environment, including the coded structure of Neural Networks.A first proof of concept project was devised by the authors in the form of the Robot Garden. What makes the Robot Garden a distinctively novel project is the motion from a purely two dimensional approach to designing with the aid of Neural Networks, to the exploration of 2D to 3D Neural Style Transfer methods in the design process.
keywords Artificial intelligence, design agency, neural networks, machine learning, machine vision
series journal
last changed 2021/06/03 23:29

_id ascaad2021_125
id ascaad2021_125
authors Gomez, Paula; Khatereh Hadi, Matthew Swarts, Olga Kemenova,Marcelo Bernal
year 2021
title Spatiotemporal Modeling: Spread of COVID-19 in Educational Settings: The Role of Architecture in A Pandemic
source Abdelmohsen, S, El-Khouly, T, Mallasi, Z and Bennadji, A (eds.), Architecture in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: Transformations and Challenges [9th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-1-907349-20-1] Cairo (Egypt) [Virtual Conference] 2-4 March 2021, pp. 421-434
summary In this study, we explore the role of Architecture within the COVID-19 pandemic. Our research focuses on the role of buildings and smaller-scale spaces on virus spread instead of large-scale environments. The approach tests the scenarios through which the interaction between humans and enclosed built environments impacts virus exposure probabilities. We propose a comprehensive parametric modeling approach of the most significant parameters shown to impact COVID-19 spread in educational buildings. This publication presents the models by aspect, extending our initial research on the Spatiotemporal Modeling of COVID-19 Spread in Built environments based on human-to-human and fomite contagion. It includes the most significant parameter of the spread: airborne transmission. The proof-of-concept study for this research is a K-12 educational setting.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2021/08/09 13:13

_id caadria2023_446
id caadria2023_446
authors Guida, George
year 2023
title Multimodal Architecture: Applications of Language in a Machine Learning Aided Design Process
source Immanuel Koh, Dagmar Reinhardt, Mohammed Makki, Mona Khakhar, Nic Bao (eds.), HUMAN-CENTRIC - Proceedings of the 28th CAADRIA Conference, Ahmedabad, 18-24 March 2023, pp. 561–570
summary Recent advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Diffusion Models (DMs) are leading to a significant change in the way architecture is conceived. With capabilities that surpass those of current generative models, it is now possible to produce an unlimited number of high-quality images (Dhariwal and Nichol 2021). This opens up new opportunities for using synthetic images and marks a new phase in the creation of multimodal 3D forms, central to architectural concept design stages. Presented here are three methodologies of generation of meaningful 2D and 3D designs, merging text-to-image diffusion models Stable Diffusion, and DALL-E 2 with computational methods. These allow designers to intuitively navigate through a multimodal feedback loop of information originating from language and aided by artificial intelligence tools. This paper contributes to our understanding of machine-augmented design processes and the importance of intuitive user interfaces (UI) in enabling new dialogues between humans and machines. Through the creation of a prototype of an accessible UI, this exchange of information can empower designers, build trust in these tools, and increase control over the design process.
keywords Machine Learning, Diffusion Models, Concept Design, Semantics, User Interface, Design Agency
series CAADRIA
last changed 2023/06/15 23:14

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