CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id sigradi2022_67
id sigradi2022_67
authors Vieira Teles, Amanda Régia; Monteiro Xavier de Lima, Mariana
year 2022
title The development of a BIM Execution Plan for contracting public work projects
source Herrera, PC, Dreifuss-Serrano, C, Gómez, P, Arris-Calderon, LF, Critical Appropriations - Proceedings of the XXVI Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2022), Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, 7-11 November 2022 , pp. 777–786
summary Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the current expression of innovation in the construction industry, a set of technologies, processes and policies that affect the deliveries, the relationships, and the roles of the civil construction industry. In Brazil, BIM is still scarce, especially in the public sector. Due to this problem, this study aims to elaborate a BIM Execution Plan for public works project contracts. The focus of this study is a public institution in the state of Ceará. For the development of this study, we adopted the Design Science Research method. As a result, we obtained a BIM Execution Plan that served as a foundation for the elaboration of BIM projects in the public institution in question. Therefore, this study contributes to the reduction of the main errors in BIM project contracting and, as a result, to the dissemination of BIM in the state of Ceará.
keywords BIM Adoption, ISO 19650, BIM execution plan, BIM implementation, Public sector
series SIGraDi
last changed 2023/05/16 16:57

_id cdrf2022_293
id cdrf2022_293
authors Amal Algamdey, Aleksander Mastalski, Angelos Chronis, Amar Gurung, Felipe Romero Vargas, German Bodenbender, and Lea Khairallah
year 2022
title AI Urban Voids: A Data-Driven Approach to Urban Activation
source Proceedings of the 2022 DigitalFUTURES The 4st International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2022)
summary With the development of digital technologies, big urban data is now readily available online. This opens the opportunity to utilize new data and create new relationships within multiple urban features for cities. Moreover, new computational design techniques open a new portal for architects and designers to reinterpret this urban data and provide much better-informed design decisions. The “AI Urban Voids'' project is defined as a data-driven approach to analyze and predict the strategic location for urban uses in the addition of amenities within the city. The location of these urban amenities is evaluated based on predictions and scores followed by a series of urban analyses and simulations using K-Means clustering. Furthermore, these results are then visualized in a web-based platform; likewise, the aim is to create a tool that will work on a feedback loop system that constantly updates the information. This paper explains the use of different datasets from Five cities including Melbourne, Sydney, Berlin, Warsaw, and Sao Paulo. Python, Osmx libraries and K-means clustering open the way to manipulate large data sets by introducing a collection of computational processes that can override traditional urban analysis.
series cdrf
last changed 2024/05/29 14:02

_id caadria2022_166
id caadria2022_166
authors Eisenstadt, Viktor, Bielski, Jessica, Mete, Burak, Langenhan, Christoph, Althoff, Klaus-Dieter and Dengel, Andreas
year 2022
title Autocompletion of Floor Plans for the Early Design Phase in Architecture: Foundations, Existing Methods, and Research Outlook
source Jeroen van Ameijde, Nicole Gardner, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Dan Luo, Urvi Sheth (eds.), POST-CARBON - Proceedings of the 27th CAADRIA Conference, Sydney, 9-15 April 2022, pp. 323-332
summary This paper contributes the current research state and possible future developments of AI-based autocompletion of architectural floor plans and shows demand for its establishment in computer-aided architectural design to facilitate decent work, economic growth through accelerating the design process to meet the future workload. Foundations of data representations together with the autocompletion contexts are defined, existing methods described and evaluated in the integrated literature review, and criteria for qualitative and sustainable autocompletion are proposed. Subsequently, we contribute three unique deep learning-based autocompletion methods currently in development for the research project metis-II. They are described in detail from a technical point of view on the backdrop of how they adhere to the proposed criteria for creating our novel AI.
keywords Artificial Intelligence, Architectural Design, Floor Plan, Autocompletion, SDG 8, SDG 9
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/07/22 07:34

_id caadria2022_317
id caadria2022_317
authors Grugni, Francesco, Voltolina, Marco and Cattaneo, Tiziano
year 2022
title Use of Object Recognition AI in Community and Heritage Mapping for the Drafting of Sustainable Development Strategies Suitable for Individual Communities, With Case Studies in China, Albania and Italy
source Jeroen van Ameijde, Nicole Gardner, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Dan Luo, Urvi Sheth (eds.), POST-CARBON - Proceedings of the 27th CAADRIA Conference, Sydney, 9-15 April 2022, pp. 717-726
summary In order to plan effective strategies for the sustainable development of individual communities, as prescribed by the United Nations‚ Sustainable Development Goal 11, it is necessary for designers and policy makers to gain a deep awareness of the bond that connects people to their territory. AI-driven technologies, and specifically Object Recognition algorithms, are powerful tools that can be used to this end, as they make it possible to analyse huge amounts of pictures shared on social media by residents and visitors of a specific area. A model of the emotional, subjective point of view of the members of the community is thus generated, giving new insights that can support traditional techniques such as surveys and interviews. For the purposes of this research, three case studies have been considered: the neighbourhood around Siping Road in Shanghai, China; the village of Moscopole in southeastern Albania; the rural area of Oltrep Pavese in northern Italy. The results demonstrate that a conscious use of AI-driven technologies does not necessarily imply homogenisation and flattening of individual differences: on the contrary, in all three cases diversities tend to emerge, making it possible to recognise and enhance the individuality of each community and the genius loci of each place.
keywords sustainable communities, artificial intelligence, object recognition, social media, SDG 11
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/07/22 07:34

_id caadria2023_001
id caadria2023_001
authors Immanuel Koh, Dagmar Reinhardt, Mohammed Makki, Mona Khakhar, Nic Bao (eds.),
year 2023
title CAADRIA 2023: HUMAN-CENTRIC - Volume 2
source CAADRIA 2023, HUMAN-CENTRIC - Proceedings of the 28th CAADRIA Conference - vol. 2, Ahemdabad, 18-24 March 2023, 658 p.
summary The annual Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) conference provides an international community of researchers and practitioners with a venue to exchange, to discuss and to publish their latest ideas and accomplishments. These proceedings, consisting of two volumes, contain the research papers that were accepted for presentation at the 28th International CAADRIA Conference, organised by CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India. The proceedings are the outcome of an extensive collaborative and voluntary effort between the International Reviewing Committee and Paper Selection Committee, with the former consisting of 140 reviewers from over 30 different countries working across the globe. It marks another year of growing quality and strength in the history of CAADRIA. The papers in this publication have been selected through a two-stage double-blind peer review process. Calls for papers in July of 2022 resulted in the submission of 450 abstracts from 37 countries, of which 292 were invited for further development as full paper submission. At least 3 to 4 international reviewers were assigned to conduct a double-blind review of each of the submitted papers. Following the reviewers’ recommendation and the Paper Selection Committee’s evaluation, 139 papers were finally accepted in February of 2023 for their inclusion in the publication and presentation at the conference.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2023/06/15 23:14

_id caadria2023_000
id caadria2023_000
authors Immanuel Koh, Dagmar Reinhardt, Mohammed Makki, Mona Khakhar, Nic Bao (eds.)
year 2023
title CAADRIA 2023: HUMAN-CENTRIC - Volume 1
source CAADRIA 2023, HUMAN-CENTRIC - Proceedings of the 28th CAADRIA Conference - vol. 1, Ahemdabad, 18-24 March 2023, 772 p.
summary The annual Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) conference provides an international community of researchers and practitioners with a venue to exchange, to discuss and to publish their latest ideas and accomplishments. These proceedings, consisting of two volumes, contain the research papers that were accepted for presentation at the 28th International CAADRIA Conference, organised by CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India. The proceedings are the outcome of an extensive collaborative and voluntary effort between the International Reviewing Committee and Paper Selection Committee, with the former consisting of 140 reviewers from over 30 different countries working across the globe. It marks another year of growing quality and strength in the history of CAADRIA. The papers in this publication have been selected through a two-stage double-blind peer review process. Calls for papers in July of 2022 resulted in the submission of 450 abstracts from 37 countries, of which 292 were invited for further development as full paper submission. At least 3 to 4 international reviewers were assigned to conduct a double-blind review of each of the submitted papers. Following the reviewers’ recommendation and the Paper Selection Committee’s evaluation, 139 papers were finally accepted in February of 2023 for their inclusion in the publication and presentation at the conference.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2023/06/15 23:14

_id caadria2022_471
id caadria2022_471
authors Kim, Taehoon, Hong, Soonmin, Panya, David Stephen, Gu, Hyeongmo, Park, Hyejin, Won, Junghye and Choo, Seungyeon
year 2022
title Development of Technology for Automatic Extraction of Architectural Plan Wall Lines for Concrete Waste Prediction Using Point Cloud
source Jeroen van Ameijde, Nicole Gardner, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Dan Luo, Urvi Sheth (eds.), POST-CARBON - Proceedings of the 27th CAADRIA Conference, Sydney, 9-15 April 2022, pp. 597-606
summary Recently, as more and more projects on residential environment improvement in cities are actively carried out, the cases of demolishing or remodelling buildings has been increasing. Most of the target buildings for such projects are made of concrete. In order to reduce energy use as well as carbon emissions, the amount of concrete used as a building material should be reduced. This is because the concrete is the largest amount of construction waste, which the exact amount of concrete needs to be predicted. The architectural drawings are essential for the estimation and demolition of building waste, but the problem is that most of the old buildings' drawings do not exist. The 3D scanning process was performed to create the plans for such old buildings instead of the conventional method that is long time-consuming and labour-intensive actual measurement. In this study, we scanned 40 old houses that were scheduled to be demolished. The result showed that the 3D scanned drawings' accuracy - 99.2% - was higher than the ones measured by the conventional way. Through the algorithm developed in this study, the various processes of demolition, drawing measurement, and discarding quantity prediction can be solved in one process, thereby reducing work efficiently. And, considering the reliability of the research results, it is possible to reduce the economic loss by predicting the exact amount of waste in advance. After that, if the algorithm, developed in this study, can be further subdivided and supplemented to identify the materials for each part of the old buildings, it will be able to propose an efficient series of processes that distinguish between recyclable materials and wastes and thereby efficiently dispose of them. 0864108000
keywords Point Cloud, Construction Waste, Parametric Design, Algorithm, Automatic Extraction, SDG 8
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/07/22 07:34

_id ijac202220407
id ijac202220407
authors Lacroix, Igor; Orkan Zeynel Güzelci; Gonçalo Furtado Lopes; José Pedro Sousa
year 2022
title Connecting the Portuguese system of evolutive housing with building information modeling: From analogical to digital methods
source International Journal of Architectural Computing 2022, Vol. 20 - no. 4, pp. 801–816
summary In Portugal, in the 1960s and 1970s, there was research concerning a system of the architectural design of housing for economically less favored populations, which related sociological information with analogical computational methods and culminated with its application in the Local Ambulatory Support Service (SAAL). This article presents the digitization process of these methods for the development of an architectural design system for social housing. The main goal is to improve methodological procedures for the original research and, specifically, to adapt them to computational design and modeling processes. To this end, this research transposed the aforementioned methodology into an algorithmic model that matches sociological information acquired from an online form with a database of social housing floor plan images to generate a building information modeling (BIM) directly from the selected image source. The result is an algorithmic model informed by sociological data linked with a BIM model to enable further rationalization of architectural design.
keywords evolutive housing, social housing, local ambulatory support service, sociological survey, algorithmic modeling, building information modeling
series journal
last changed 2024/04/17 14:30

_id ecaade2023_227
id ecaade2023_227
authors Moorhouse, Jon and Freeman, Tim
year 2023
title Towards a Genome for Zero Carbon Retrofit of UK Housing
source Dokonal, W, Hirschberg, U and Wurzer, G (eds.), Digital Design Reconsidered - Proceedings of the 41st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2023) - Volume 2, Graz, 20-22 September 2023, pp. 197–206
summary The United Kingdom has some of the worst insulated housing stock in Northern Europe. This is in part due to the age of housing in the UK, with over 90% being built before 1990 [McCrone 2017, Piddington 2020]. Moreover, 85% of current UK housing will still be in use in 2050 by which stage their Government are targeting Net Carbon Zero [Eyre 2019]. Domestic energy use accounts for around 25% of UK carbon emissions. The UK will need to retrofit 20 million dwellings in order to meet this target. If this delivery were evenly spread, it would equate to over 2,000 retrofit completions each day. Government-funded initiatives are stimulating the market, with upwards of 60,000 social housing retrofits planned for 2023, but it is clear that a system must be developed to enable the design and implementation of housing-stock improvement at a large scale.This paper charts the 20-year development of a digital approach to the design for low-carbon domestic retrofit by architects Constructive Thinking Studio Limited and thence documents the emergence of a collaborative approach to retrofit patterns on a National scale. The author has led the Research and Development stream of this practice, developing a Building Information Modelling methodology and integrated Energy Modelling techniques to optimise design for housing retrofit [Georgiadou 2019, Ben 2020], and then inform a growing palette of details and a database of validated solutions [Moorhouse 2013] that can grow and be used to predict options for future projects [D’Angelo 2022]. The data is augmented by monitoring energy and environmental performance, enabling a growing body of knowledge that can be aligned with existing big data to simulate the benefits of nationwide stock improvement. The paper outlines incremental case studies and collaborative methods pivotal in developing this work The proposed outcome of the work is a Retrofit Genome that is available at a national level.
keywords Retrofit, Housing, Zero-Carbon, BIM, Big Data, Design Genome
series eCAADe
last changed 2023/12/10 10:49

_id ascaad2022_063
id ascaad2022_063
authors Ozman, Gizem; Selcuk, Semra
year 2022
title Generating Mass Housing Plans through GANs: A case in TOKI, Turkey
source Hybrid Spaces of the Metaverse - Architecture in the Age of the Metaverse: Opportunities and Potentials [10th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings] Debbieh (Lebanon) [Virtual Conference] 12-13 October 2022, pp. 17-29
summary Nowadays, Machine Learning (ML) is frequently used in almost all disciplines having an intersection with technology. Recently, architects are using existing plan data sets in architecture through Deep Learning (DL) algorithms of big data to achieve generative and non-existent plan models by using ML. Especially, Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (GANs), one of the deep learning algorithms, have been in use in the creation of generative models for architectural studies. Within the scope of this paper, architectural drawings were generated by using GANs. This generation method allows for the training of spatial layout planning to networks and for the generation of plans that do not exist in the dataset. Architectural drawings of TOKI (Housing Development Administration of the Republic of Türkiye) mass housing projects were used as datasets. In line with studies already carried out, this study attempts to create a method for further processing of the research. In this study, the differences between the plan typologies generated with raster images and the reality relations in visual productions between graph-based plan layout productions were evaluated. In this context, 157 plan datasets were obtained by multiplying plans which were spatially correlated with the RGB settings of 21 plan typologies. As a result of this research, it has been determined that the spatial layout planning of the HouseGAN algorithm provides TOK?'s current plan typologies of generation together with bubble diagrams. HouseGAN was trained using its dataset and the outputs obtained were realistic background images.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2024/02/16 13:29

_id sigradi2022_232
id sigradi2022_232
authors Paniagua Hernández, Viviana; Vargas Soto, Emily
year 2022
title Promoting experimentation and integrated design process through the exploration of the steam bending technique in wood: Essay F8 challenging orthogonality
source Herrera, PC, Dreifuss-Serrano, C, Gómez, P, Arris-Calderon, LF, Critical Appropriations - Proceedings of the XXVI Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2022), Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, 7-11 November 2022 , pp. 857–868
summary Due to the lack of experimentation with wood on a real scale, which is needed to generate design proposals and discuss aesthetic, spatial, and structural alternatives in a multidisciplinary way. An experimental workshop for architecture and engineering students was developed. To integrate design modeling, and fabrication, using the wood steam bending technique. It was explored following a collaborative methodology. The main results obtained included conceptualization sessions, prototyping, physical and digital modeling, and development of work strategies (base plan, scaffolding, production, assembly, iteration, adjustments, and detailing) until the proposal scope met the expectations. From this workshop, remains the challenge of converting empirical knowledge into more precise work parameters. The need to complement the design phases with parametric software modeling, structural analysis, and fabrication methods to open new teaching possibilities was identified.
keywords Interdisciplinary Design, Construction Experience, Steam Wood Bending
series SIGraDi
last changed 2023/05/16 16:57

_id sigradi2022_297
id sigradi2022_297
authors Roco, Miguel
year 2022
title ePortfolio as a Techno-pedagogical Strategy for Networked Learning in the Architectural Design Studio
source Herrera, PC, Dreifuss-Serrano, C, Gómez, P, Arris-Calderon, LF, Critical Appropriations - Proceedings of the XXVI Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2022), Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, 7-11 November 2022 , pp. 1075–1086
summary This paper shows and describes the experience of the ePortfolio implementation in architectural training for promoting Networked Learning (NL). The aim was to analyze the potential of ePortfolio, as a techno-pedagogical strategy to develop and enhance connections and learning integrations among students who belong in the second year of the Architectural Design Studio. The research had a descriptive methodology with a mixed approach over fourteen cohorts of the same training cycle across the years 2012 to 2018, considering a total of 336 students. The results reveal that ePortfolio, conceived inside the techno-pedagogical model, articulates a set of learning connections between students and learning situations and promotes the construction of an active collaboration net, which evidence NL development in the formative process.
keywords ePortfolio, Networked Learning, ICT, Architectural Teaching, Techno-pedagogy
series SIGraDi
last changed 2023/05/16 16:57

_id sigradi2022_224
id sigradi2022_224
authors Santos, Carlos Eduardo; Dias, Maria Angela; Braida, Frederico
year 2022
title Spatial skills and the education of architecture and urbanism: use of Minecraft game for shape and geometry study
source Herrera, PC, Dreifuss-Serrano, C, Gómez, P, Arris-Calderon, LF, Critical Appropriations - Proceedings of the XXVI Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2022), Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, 7-11 November 2022 , pp. 687–698
summary The focus of this article is to highlight the use of digital games as a tool for developing of spatial skills, due to their immersive, playful character and for generating environments with creative possibilities through a digital platform, aspects amplified in the simulated environment. As part of ongoing research, the present work presents an experience of the application of the Minecraft game in the first-year class of an Architecture and Urbanism course. As a methodology, the application took place in two meetings, in which, following the structure of Bloom's taxonomy, students developed three creative activities relating to architecture and geometry. What was observed was that the students demonstrated development in the knowledge of the geometry of the architectures studied, creating new relationships between abstract forms and the possibilities of materialization of the built environment.
keywords Digital education, Digital games, Spatial skills, Architecture and Urbanism, Teaching Observation
series SIGraDi
last changed 2023/05/16 16:56

_id caadria2022_431
id caadria2022_431
authors Sun, Ke Nan, Lo, Tian Tian, Guo, Xiangmin and Wu, Jinxuan
year 2022
title Digital Construction of Bamboo Architecture Based on Multi-Technology Cooperation: Constructing a New Parameterized Digital Construction Workflow of Bamboo Architecture From Traditional Bamboo Construction Technology
source Jeroen van Ameijde, Nicole Gardner, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Dan Luo, Urvi Sheth (eds.), POST-CARBON - Proceedings of the 27th CAADRIA Conference, Sydney, 9-15 April 2022, pp. 223-232
summary Limited by the non-standard nature of bamboo, bamboo has always been regarded as a traditional, restrictive, and time-consuming building material. Therefore, there is an urgent need for an enhanced parametric design system and digital construction workflow to upgrade the traditional bamboo construction process. In this paper, through the analysis of the bamboo pavilion "Diecui†Gallery" under the traditional construction method, five main factors restricting the development of bamboo architecture are obtained: difficult positioning of supporting structure, low efficiency of material selection and matching, the manual processing of materials, non-standard node and low utilization rate of non-standard waste materials. Then, through literature review, we proposed the technical means to improve these factors and put forward a multi-technology collaborative digital construction workflow. The workflow will comprise augmented reality, 3D scanning, robot-aided construction, 3D printing, and design rules. Moreover, by building parametric benches, we used augmented reality technology and new design rules to verify multi-technology collaborative fabrication workflow possibilities and effectiveness. This paper wants to explore a parametric design method based on bamboo material characteristics and multi-technology collaborative workflow, to improve the utilization rate of non-standard bamboo components in parametric design.
keywords Bamboo Material, Multi-technology Collaboration, Parametric Design System, Augmented Reality, Digital Construction Method, SDG 11
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/07/22 07:34

_id caadria2022_001
id caadria2022_001
authors van Ameijde, Jeroen, Gardner, Nicole, Hyun, Kyung Hoon and Luo, Dan
year 2022
title CAADRIA 2022: POST-CARBON - Volume 2
source CAADRIA 2022, POST-CARBON - Proceedings of the 27th CAADRIA Conference - vol. 2, Sydney, 9-15 April 2022, 774 p.
summary The annual Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) conference provides an international community of researchers and practitioners with a venue to exchange, to discuss and to publish their latest ideas and accomplishments. These proceedings, consisting of two volumes, contain the research papers that were accepted for presentation at the 27th International CAADRIA Conference, organised jointly by the University of New South Wales, The University of Sydney, and the University of Technology Sydney. The papers in this publication have been selected through a two-stage, double-blind peer review process. All reviews and papers have been evaluated by the Paper Selection Committee. After receiving an initial 488 abstract submissions, a final set of 150 full papers has been selected for publication, translating to an acceptance rate of 30.7%. The papers in these proceedings are specifically selected for their contribution to this year's conference theme, following the conference organisers' call for authors to position their work in relation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As the world is experiencing the increasing impacts of climate change, there is an urgent need to reflect on the potential of the latest research in architecture, urbanism and construction to address these global challenges.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/05/23 12:05

_id caadria2022_000
id caadria2022_000
authors van Ameijde, Jeroen, Gardner, Nicole, Hyun, Kyung Hoon, Luo, Dan and Sheth, Urvi
year 2022
title CAADRIA 2022: POST-CARBON - Volume 1
source CAADRIA 2022, POST-CARBON - Proceedings of the 27th CAADRIA Conference - vol. 1, Sydney, 9-15 April 2022, 772 p.
summary The annual Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) conference provides an international community of researchers and practitioners with a venue to exchange, to discuss and to publish their latest ideas and accomplishments. These proceedings, consisting of two volumes, contain the research papers that were accepted for presentation at the 27th International CAADRIA Conference, organised jointly by the University of New South Wales, The University of Sydney, and the University of Technology Sydney. The papers in this publication have been selected through a two-stage, double-blind peer review process. All reviews and papers have been evaluated by the Paper Selection Committee. After receiving an initial 488 abstract submissions, a final set of 150 full papers has been selected for publication, translating to an acceptance rate of 30.7%. The papers in these proceedings are specifically selected for their contribution to this year's conference theme, following the conference organisers' call for authors to position their work in relation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As the world is experiencing the increasing impacts of climate change, there is an urgent need to reflect on the potential of the latest research in architecture, urbanism and construction to address these global challenges.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/05/23 12:04

_id cdrf2022_314
id cdrf2022_314
authors Yuqian Li, Weiguo Xu, and Xingchen Liu
year 2022
title Research on Architectural Generation Design of Specific Architect's Sketch Based on Image-To-Image Translation
source Proceedings of the 2022 DigitalFUTURES The 4st International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2022)
summary Sketch is a way for architects to communicate with others. Architects record their own ideas through rapid drawing. However, sketches are abstract, vague, and even ambiguous. To this end, architects need to spend a lot of time, through modeling and other means, to present the architectural plan that can be understood by people. However, this method is time-consuming and laborious. Due to the development of deep learning technology, especially convolutional neural networks (CNN) and generative adversarial networks (GAN), they have shown great advantages in the field of image recognition and generation. With the help of these technologies, ambiguous architectural sketches can be directly transformed into architectural scheme drawings, and architects’ creative intentions can be continuously improved and developed, It will be very convenient and efficient. Therefore, based on the image-to-image translation, this paper realizes the mapping from architectural sketches to architectural scheme drawings with the help of CycleGAN. Through the analysis of the architectural generation design results of Frank Gehry's and Alberto Campo Baeza's architectural sketches, firstly, the feasibility of this method is verified. Secondly, it is found that this method can well complete the identification of sketch boundaries. In the generated scheme drawings, it can not only reflect the volume and lighting changes of the building, but also reflect the architect's creative intention and style to a large extent, The side reflects the cognitive ability of this method to architectural design.
series cdrf
last changed 2024/05/29 14:02

_id ecaade2022_158
id ecaade2022_158
authors Zhao, Xingjian, Wang, Tsung-Hsien and Peng, Chengzhi
year 2022
title Automatic Room Type Classification using Machine Learning for Two-Dimensional Residential Building Plans
source Pak, B, Wurzer, G and Stouffs, R (eds.), Co-creating the Future: Inclusion in and through Design - Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2022) - Volume 2, Ghent, 13-16 September 2022, pp. 593–600
summary Building plan semantic retrieval is of interest in every stage of construction and facility management processes. A conceptual design model with a space layout can be used for the early building evaluation, such as functional spatial validation, circulation and security checking, cost estimation, and preliminary energy consumption simulation. With the development of information technology, existing machine learning methods applied to semantic segmentation of building plan images have successfully identified building elements such as doors, windows, and walls. However, for the higher level of room type/function recognition, the prediction accuracy is low when building plans do not contain sufficient details such as furniture. In this paper, we present a workflow and a predictive model for residential room type classification. Given a building plan image, the building elements are first identified, followed by room feature extraction by connectivity and morphological characterization using a rule-based algorithm. The Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) is trained with the feature set and then predicts the room type of test samples. We collected 1,586 residential room samples from 165 building layout plans and categorized rooms into nine types. Finally, our current model can achieve a classification accuracy of 0.82.
keywords Floor Plan Semantic Retrieval, Room Type Classification, Machine Learning
series eCAADe
last changed 2024/04/22 07:10

_id architectural_intelligence2022_6
id architectural_intelligence2022_6
authors Achim Menges, Fabian Kannenberg & Christoph Zechmeister
year 2022
title Computational co-design of fibrous architecture
source Architectural Intelligence Journal
summary Fibrous architecture constitutes an alternative approach to conventional building systems and established construction methods. It shows the potential to converge architectural concerns such as spatial expression and structural elegance, with urgently required resource effectiveness and material efficiency, in a genuinely computational approach. Fundamental characteristics of fibre composite are shared with fibre structures in the natural world, enabling the transfer of design principles and providing a vast repertoire of inspiration. Robotic fabrication based on coreless filament winding, a technique to deposit resin impregnated fibre filaments with only minimal formwork, as well as integrative computational design methods are imperative to the development of complex fibrous building systems. Two projects, the BUGA Fibre Pavilion as an example for long-span structures, and Maison Fibre as an example of multi-storey architecture, showcase the application of those techniques in an architectural context and highlight areas of further research opportunities. The highly interrelated aesthetic, structural and fabrication characteristics of fibre nets are difficult to understand and go beyond a designer’s comprehension and intuition. An AI powered, self-learning agent system aims to extend and thoroughly explore the design space of fibre structures to unlock the full design potential coreless filament winding offers. In order to ensure feedback between all relevant design and performance criteria and enable interdisciplinary convergence, these novel design methods are embedded in a larger co-design framework. It formalizes the interaction of involved interdisciplinary domains and allows for interactive collaboration based on a central data model, serving as a base for design optimisation and exploration. To further advance research on fibre composites in architecture, bio-based materials are considered, continuing the journey of discovery of fibrous architecture to fundamentally rethinking design and construction towards a novel, computational material culture in architecture.
series Architectural Intelligence
last changed 2025/01/09 15:00

_id acadia22_604
id acadia22_604
authors Adel, Arash
year 2022
title Co-Robotic Assembly of Nonstandard Timber Structures
source ACADIA 2022: Hybrids and Haecceities [Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-9860805-8-1]. University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design. 27-29 October 2022. edited by M. Akbarzadeh, D. Aviv, H. Jamelle, and R. Stuart-Smith. 604-613.
summary This paper presents a novel approach for the construction of nonstandard timber structures made from regionally sourced short dimensional lumber, which is enabled through human-robot collaborative assembly (HRCA). To address the research question, three main research objectives are identified and experimentally explored: 1) Characterization of a comprehensive construction process, which consists of off-site HRCA of bespoke timber sub-assemblies, 2) Development of a suitable constructive system for robotic assembly, making feasible the realization of articulated structures out of short timber elements, and 3) Incorporation of these techniques and their constraints into an integrative digital design and fabrication method and implementation of a continuous digital design-to-fabrication workflow. 
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2024/02/06 14:04

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