CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 1116

_id cf2017_682
id cf2017_682
authors Rocha, Joao
year 2017
title Design and Architecture for the Dawn of the Personal Computer: The Pioneer Vision of Adriano Olivetti
source Gülen Çagdas, Mine Özkar, Leman F. Gül and Ethem Gürer (Eds.) Future Trajectories of Computation in Design [17th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2017, Proceedings / ISBN 978-975-561-482-3] Istanbul, Turkey, July 12-14, 2017, pp. 682-701.
summary In 1952 the Italian Olivetti Company opened a study laboratory on electronic calculators in New Canaan, USA; in 1955 it created an electronic research laboratory in Pisa and two years later, co-founded a company to produce electronic conductors. In 1959 it presented ELEA 9003 and in 1965 the P101, respectively the first full transistorized computer and the first desktop computer. This paper aims to investigate how the Olivetti Company accomplished in such a brief period of time a pioneer vision in the field of computing. By one hand it seeks to highlight the forerunner idea of Adriano Olivetti (1901-1960) for an integrated awareness of what computing could become and on the other hand, how that wakefulness fostered an innovative agenda among architects, designers, filmmakers and scientists for the invention of the computer as an artifact expression of an epoch. This successful endeavor anticipated what would become the concept of personal computing. Moreover the paper underlines how the early commercial development of Olivetti and IBM computing flourished in the context of the Universal Exhibitions of Brussels and New York.
keywords Olivetti, Computing, Architecture, Mario Tchou, Ettore Sottsass, IBM
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2017/12/01 14:38

_id 6a37
authors Fowler, Thomas and Muller, Brook
year 2002
title Physical and Digital Media Strategies For Exploring ‘Imagined’ Realities of Space, Skin and Light
source Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual [Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-11-X] Pomona (California) 24-27 October 2002, pp. 13-23
summary This paper will discuss an unconventional methodology for using physical and digital media strategies ina tightly structured framework for the integration of Environmental Control Systems (ECS) principles intoa third year design studio. An interchangeable use of digital media and physical material enabledarchitectural explorations of rich tactile and luminous engagement.The principles that provide the foundation for integrative strategies between a design studio and buildingtechnology course spring from the Bauhaus tradition where a systematic approach to craftsmanship andvisual perception is emphasized. Focusing particularly on color, light, texture and materials, Josef Albersexplored the assemblage of found objects, transforming these materials into unexpected dynamiccompositions. Moholy-Nagy developed a technique called the photogram or camera-less photograph torecord the temporal movements of light. Wassily Kandinsky developed a method of analytical drawingthat breaks a still life composition into diagrammatic forces to express tension and geometry. Theseschematic diagrams provide a method for students to examine and analyze the implications of elementplacements in space (Bermudez, Neiman 1997). Gyorgy Kepes's Language of Vision provides a primerfor learning basic design principles. Kepes argued that the perception of a visual image needs aprocess of organization. According to Kepes, the experience of an image is "a creative act ofintegration". All of these principles provide the framework for the studio investigation.The quarter started with a series of intense short workshops that used an interchangeable use of digitaland physical media to focus on ECS topics such as day lighting, electric lighting, and skin vocabulary tolead students to consider these components as part of their form-making inspiration.In integrating ECS components with the design studio, an nine-step methodology was established toprovide students with a compelling and tangible framework for design:Examples of student work will be presented for the two times this course was offered (2001/02) to showhow exercises were linked to allow for a clear design progression.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id ae2a
authors Fowler, Thomas and Muller, Brook
year 2002
title Physical and Digital Media Strategies For Exploring ‘Imagined’ Realities of Space, Skin and Light
source SIGraDi 2002 - [Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Caracas (Venezuela) 27-29 november 2002, pp. 24-27
summary This paper will discuss an unconventional methodology for using physical and digital media strategies interchangeably in a tightly structured framework for the integration of environmental control systems (ECS) principles into a third year design studio. An eight-step methodology enabled architectural explorations of rich tactile and luminous engagement. The principles that provide the foundation for these integrative strategies between a design studio and building technology course, spring from a systematic approach that follows the tradition of the Bauhaus principles (e.g., Albers, Moholy-Nagy, Kandinsky and Kepes) of craftsmanship and visual perception.A series of intense short workshops focused on day lighting, electric lighting, and skin vocabulary to lead students to consider these components as part of their form-making inspiration. Examples of student work and their feedback on this methodology process will show how the exercises were linked to allow for a clear design progression.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id ff51
authors Neiman, Bennett R. and Do, Ellen Yi-Luen
year 1999
title Digital Media and the Language of Vision
source Media and Design Process [ACADIA ‘99 / ISBN 1-880250-08-X] Salt Lake City 29-31 October 1999, pp. 70-80
summary Digital media are transforming the practice and teaching of design. Information technologies offer not only better production and rendering tools but also the ability to model, manipulate, and to understand designing in new ways. This paper outlines a thirteen-step methodology used in a seminar that teaches design students how to see, think, and form space using both digital and physical media.

The paper describes a systematic approach that follows the tradition of the Bauhaus principles of craftsmanship and visual perception. Precedents are drawn from the use of light, color and texture in the visual arts such as the glass collage assemblages of Albers and Moholy-Nagy’s camera-less photogram. References are also drawn from Kandinsky’s diagrammatic analysis of still life drawings and Kepes’s idea of the language of vision.

The focus of the paper is how digital media and physical material can be used interchangeably as instruments in a design environment. The investigation centers on developing teaching methods for seeing, thinking and making of spatial design. A sequence of experimental exercises stimulates students’ intuition and powers of analytical observation. This systematic approach helps students explore how space can be perceived and informed by using types of media that are significantly different in their nature. The methodology explores the concerns and techniques of making and exploring space through the use of light, shadow, motion, color and transparency.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ecaade2014_113
id ecaade2014_113
authors Burak Pak and Johan Verbeke
year 2014
title ICT-enabled Civic Empowerment and Participation: in Design, through Design
source Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, pp. 89-97
summary This paper aims to discuss the potentials of novel modes of participatory design in relation to the latest developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The first part of the study involves the extraction of the basic principles from the extraordinary cases of the Medical Faculty Housing by Lucien Kroll (1976) and Cedric Price's Fun Place (1965) in which various forms of ICT-enabled participation were conceived. In the second part, we reframe the existing ICT tools and strategies and elaborate their potentials to support the modes of participation performed in these two cases. As a result, by distilling the created knowledge, we introduce a model of ICT-enabled design participation which exploits a set of collective action tools to support sustainable ways of self-organization and bottom-up design.
wos WOS:000361384700008
keywords Participatory architectural design; crowdsourcing; crowdfunding; self-organization
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia20_150
id acadia20_150
authors Gaudilliere-Jami, Nadja
year 2020
title AD Magazine
source ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities / Volume I: Technical Papers [Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-578-95213-0]. Online and Global. 24-30 October 2020. edited by B. Slocum, V. Ago, S. Doyle, A. Marcus, M. Yablonina, and M. del Campo. 150-159.
summary This paper aims to contribute to a history of computational design and to a historiography of the field by proposing a study of the development of sociotechnical networks of computation in architecture between 1965 and 2020 as shown in AD magazine. The research focuses on two aspects: (1) a methodological approach for the constitution of a comprehensive history of the field and the application of that methodology to a corpus of items published in AD, and (2) questions the relevance of the outlook into computational design as given by the magazine in comparison to a more comprehensive history taking into account other sources. First, the paper presents the history and the editorial line of AD, as well as its pertinence as a primary source. Second, a brief account of the history emerging from this research is given, with a focus on four different periods: pioneering research of the 1960s–1970s, emergence of 3D modeling tools and the procedural winter in the 1980s–1990s, constitution of a large-scale academic and professional network in the 2000s, and democratization of algorithmic design tools in the 2010s. Third, observations are made on editorial choices of the magazine and the biases of its account of computational research, with a special focus on the period 2000–2020, during which many issues have been dedicated to computational design themes, therefore making potential biases more visible. Despite the preponderance of specific topics, editors, and contributors, AD magazine provides an outlook into key concerns of the community at given times. The main biases identified, including a strong focus on the themes of biodesign and rationalization of practices, mirror the biases of the computational field itself, demonstrating the value of AD as an archive for the history of the field.
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2023/10/22 12:06

_id sigradi2014_047
id sigradi2014_047
authors Igansi Nunes, João Fernando
year 2014
title PréCRIAR - ProGRAMAR : Por Uma Estética Da Interface Computational
source SiGraDi 2014 [Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-9974-99-655-7] Uruguay - Montevideo 12 - 14 November 2014, pp. 429-432
summary Definitions of Computational Aesthetics from the metric measurement of algorithmic mathematical language will be treated here under the concepts of: Aesthetic Measures by Birkhoff (1928); Information-, Generativ-, Abstract- and Experimental-Aesthetic by Bense (1965); Aesthetic of algorithmic by Stiny and Gips (1978); Endo-Aesthetic by Claudia Giannetti (2005); and, Maximizing Transfer of Struture and Maximizing Recoverability of the Generative Operations by Leyton (2006). The methodological approach to issues of practice and theory used is the main concepts of the relationship between author / reader on the perspective of Arts and Design with Computational Science.
keywords Interface; Computational; Aesthetic
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:53

_id c7e9
authors Maver, T.W.
year 2002
title Predicting the Past, Remembering the Future
source SIGraDi 2002 - [Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Caracas (Venezuela) 27-29 november 2002, pp. 2-3
summary Charlas Magistrales 2There never has been such an exciting moment in time in the extraordinary 30 year history of our subject area, as NOW,when the philosophical theoretical and practical issues of virtuality are taking centre stage.The PastThere have, of course, been other defining moments during these exciting 30 years:• the first algorithms for generating building layouts (circa 1965).• the first use of Computer graphics for building appraisal (circa 1966).• the first integrated package for building performance appraisal (circa 1972).• the first computer generated perspective drawings (circa 1973).• the first robust drafting systems (circa 1975).• the first dynamic energy models (circa 1982).• the first photorealistic colour imaging (circa 1986).• the first animations (circa 1988)• the first multimedia systems (circa 1995), and• the first convincing demonstrations of virtual reality (circa 1996).Whereas the CAAD community has been hugely inventive in the development of ICT applications to building design, it hasbeen woefully remiss in its attempts to evaluate the contribution of those developments to the quality of the built environmentor to the efficiency of the design process. In the absence of any real evidence, one can only conjecture regarding the realbenefits which fall, it is suggested, under the following headings:• Verisimilitude: The extraordinary quality of still and animated images of the formal qualities of the interiors and exteriorsof individual buildings and of whole neighborhoods must surely give great comfort to practitioners and their clients thatwhat is intended, formally, is what will be delivered, i.e. WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get.• Sustainability: The power of «first-principle» models of the dynamic energetic behaviour of buildings in response tochanging diurnal and seasonal conditions has the potential to save millions of dollars and dramatically to reduce thedamaging environmental pollution created by badly designed and managed buildings.• Productivity: CAD is now a multi-billion dollar business which offers design decision support systems which operate,effectively, across continents, time-zones, professions and companies.• Communication: Multi-media technology - cheap to deliver but high in value - is changing the way in which we canexplain and understand the past and, envisage and anticipate the future; virtual past and virtual future!MacromyopiaThe late John Lansdown offered the view, in his wonderfully prophetic way, that ...”the future will be just like the past, onlymore so...”So what can we expect the extraordinary trajectory of our subject area to be?To have any chance of being accurate we have to have an understanding of the phenomenon of macromyopia: thephenomenon exhibitted by society of greatly exaggerating the immediate short-term impact of new technologies (particularlythe information technologies) but, more importantly, seriously underestimating their sustained long-term impacts - socially,economically and intellectually . Examples of flawed predictions regarding the the future application of information technologiesinclude:• The British Government in 1880 declined to support the idea of a national telephonic system, backed by the argumentthat there were sufficient small boys in the countryside to run with messages.• Alexander Bell was modest enough to say that: «I am not boasting or exaggerating but I believe, one day, there will bea telephone in every American city».• Tom Watson, in 1943 said: «I think there is a world market for about 5 computers».• In 1977, Ken Olssop of Digital said: «There is no reason for any individuals to have a computer in their home».The FutureJust as the ascent of woman/man-kind can be attributed to her/his capacity to discover amplifiers of the modest humancapability, so we shall discover how best to exploit our most important amplifier - that of the intellect. The more we know themore we can figure; the more we can figure the more we understand; the more we understand the more we can appraise;the more we can appraise the more we can decide; the more we can decide the more we can act; the more we can act themore we can shape; and the more we can shape, the better the chance that we can leave for future generations a trulysustainable built environment which is fit-for-purpose, cost-beneficial, environmentally friendly and culturally significactCentral to this aspiration will be our understanding of the relationship between real and virtual worlds and how to moveeffortlessly between them. We need to be able to design, from within the virtual world, environments which may be real ormay remain virtual or, perhaps, be part real and part virtual.What is certain is that the next 30 years will be every bit as exciting and challenging as the first 30 years.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:55

_id 244d
authors Monedero, J., Casaus, A. and Coll, J.
year 1992
title From Barcelona. Chronicle and Provisional Evaluation of a New Course on Architectural Solid Modelling by Computerized Means
source CAAD Instruction: The New Teaching of an Architect? [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Barcelona (Spain) 12-14 November 1992, pp. 351-362
summary The first step made at the ETSAB in the computer field goes back to 1965, when professors Margarit and Buxade acquired an IBM computer, an electromechanical machine which used perforated cards and which was used to produce an innovative method of structural calculation. This method was incorporated in the academic courses and, at that time, this repeated question "should students learn programming?" was readily answered: the exercises required some knowledge of Fortran and every student needed this knowledge to do the exercises. This method, well known in Europe at that time, also provided a service for professional practice and marked the beginning of what is now the CC (Centro de Calculo) of our school. In 1980 the School bought a PDP1134, a computer which had 256 Kb of RAM, two disks of 5 Mb and one of lO Mb, and a multiplexor of 8 lines. Some time later the general politics of the UPC changed their course and this was related to the purchase of a VAX which is still the base of the CC and carries most of the administrative burden of the school. 1985 has probably been the first year in which we can talk of a general policy of the school directed towards computers. A report has been made that year, which includes an inquest adressed to the six Departments of the School (Graphic Expression, Projects, Structures, Construction, Composition and Urbanism) and that contains interesting data. According to the report, there were four departments which used computers in their current courses, while the two others (Projects and Composition) did not use them at all. The main user was the Department of Structures while the incidence of the remaining three was rather sporadic. The kind of problems detected in this report are very typical: lack of resources for hardware and software and for maintenance of the few computers that the school had at that moment; a demand (posed by the students) greatly exceeding the supply (computers and teachers). The main problem appeared to be the lack of computer graphic devices and proper software.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id 2
authors Montagu, Arturo
year 1998
title Desde La Computacion Grafica a los Sistemas CAD Actuales. Una Vision Historica de la Revolucion Producida en los Sistemas de Representacion Grafica (1966-1998) (From Graphical Computation to Present CAD Systems. An Historical Vision of the Revolution Produced in the Systems of Graphical Representation (1966-1998))
source II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 14-21
summary Throughout these pages are made known the persons, the projects and the books that have influenced my actions and that they will be mentioned in form underlined in this paper. I have to emphasize that since 1965 to 1970, and in the continuous search that I was accomplishing to find data and bibliography adapted to the topic of computer graphics, only two series of publications contained topics related to this matter at that time: one was the IBM Journal and the other series was the communications of the ACM. The purpose of this work is to make known an experience accomplished throughout 30 years of intense activity in finding new methods of drawing and design, based on the use of digital computers, mainly in Argentina, and during certain periods of time in Great Britain and since 1971 during short visits to the United States and also in France. The first idea emerged in the year 1965 when I was assistant teacher at the School of Architecture of the University of Buenos Aires, as a combination of ideas between the concepts of spatial geometry and the current morphological studies that we taught in the Course of professor Gaston Breyer. However the idea of automatic drawing emerged observing the operation of the first scientific digital computer installed in the Computing Institute of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires in 1963 (Sadosky 1963). At the beginning, the approach to the computer were not accomplished from a strictly scientific point of view, but it was implying a kind of "sincresis" (Koheler 1940) it is more than a synthesis, because I was tried to combine ideas that have had its origin in different worlds of thinking, the analogous world and the digital world, and this situation was very difficult to accept at that time.The designing procedures in the decade 1960's was deeply rooted (and still continues) in the architectural design field as a result of a drawing process based in heuristic techniques.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:55

_id acadia10_164
id acadia10_164
authors Ponte, Alessandra
year 2010
title Notes for an Archeology of Responsive Environments: The case of Montreal 1965-1975
source ACADIA 10: LIFE in:formation, On Responsive Information and Variations in Architecture [Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-4507-3471-4] New York 21-24 October, 2010), pp. 164-167
series ACADIA
type panel paper
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id c58e
authors Sutherland, I.
year 1965
title The Ultimate Display
source Proceedings of the IFIPS Congress 65(2):506-508. New York: IFIP
summary We live in a physical world whose properties we have come to know well through long familiarity. We sense an involvement with this physical world which gives us the ability to predict its properties well. For example, we can predict where objects will fall, how well-known shapes look from other angles, and how much force is required to push objects against friction. We lack corresponding familiarity with the forces on charged particles, forces in non-uniform fields, the effects of nonprojective geometric transformations, and high-inertia, low friction motion. A display connected to a digital computer gives us a chance to gain familiarity with concepts not realizable in the physical world. It is a looking glass into a mathematical wonderland. Computer displays today cover a variety of capabilities. Some have only the fundamental ability to plot dots. Displays being sold now generally have built in line-drawing capability. An ability to draw simple curves would be useful. Some available displays are able to plot very short line segments in arbitrary directions, to form characters or more complex curves. Each of these abilities has a history and a known utility.
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2007/04/30 08:11

_id e104
authors Woodbury, Robert F.
year 1991
title Realities of Design
source Reality and Virtual Reality [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-00-4] Los Angeles (California - USA) October 1991, pp. 177-192
summary In an article published in 1965, the Bauhaus teacher and designer, Johannes Itten, wrote: “The creation of a work of art often requires that the creative potential has at its disposition a multitude of possibilities to arrive at the simplest and clearest formulation.” The possibilities that Itten refers to are the inner creative resources of the artist. In order to train these resources Itten's students worked on exercises to practice the links between perceiving, imagination and artistic media. Itten found the source of possibilities inside the artist; in recent years we have learned something about expressing possibilities externally.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id acadia18_72
id acadia18_72
authors Nagy, Danil; Stoddart, Jim; Villaggi, Lorenzo; Burger, Shane; Benjamin, David
year 2018
title Digital Dérive. Reconstructing urban environments based on human experience
source ACADIA // 2018: Recalibration. On imprecisionand infidelity. [Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-17729-7] Mexico City, Mexico 18-20 October, 2018, pp. 72-81
summary This paper describes a novel method for reconstructing urban environments based on individual occupant experience. The method relies on a low-cost off-the-shelf 360-degree camera to capture video and audio data from a natural walk through the city. It then uses a custom workflow based on an open-source Structure from Motion (SfM) library to reconstruct a dense point cloud from images extracted from the 360-degree video. The point cloud and audio data are then represented within a virtual reality (VR) model, creating a multisensory environment that immerses the viewer into the subjective experience of the occupant.

This work questions the role of precision and fidelity in our experience and representation of a “real” physical environment. On the one hand, the resulting VR environment is less complete and has lower fidelity than digital environments created through traditional modeling and rendering workflows. On the other hand, because each point in the point cloud is literally sampled from the actual environment, the resulting model also captures more of the noise and imprecision that characterizes our world. The result is an uncanny immersive experience that is less precise than traditional digital environments, yet represents many more of the unique physical characteristics that define our urban experiences.

keywords full paper, urban design & analysis, representation + perception, interactive simulations, virtual reality
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id acadia17_436
id acadia17_436
authors Nagy, Danil; Villaggi, Lorenzo; Zhao, Dale; Benjamin, David
year 2017
title Beyond Heuristics: A Novel Design Space Model for Generative Space Planning in Architecture
source ACADIA 2017: DISCIPLINES & DISRUPTION [Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-96506-1] Cambridge, MA 2-4 November, 2017), pp. 436- 445
summary This paper proposes a novel design space model that can be used in applications of generative space planning in architecture. The model is based on a novel data structure that allows fast subdivision and merge operations on planar regions in a floor plan. It is controlled by a relatively small set of input parameters and evaluated for performance using a set of congestion metrics, which allows it to be optimized by a metaheuristic such as a genetic algorithm (GA). The paper also presents a set of guidelines and methods for analyzing and visualizing the quality of the model through low-resolution sampling of the design space. The model and analysis methods are demonstrated through an application in the design of an exhibit hall layout. The paper concludes by speculating on the potential of such models to disrupt the architectural profession by allowing designers to break free of common "heuristics" or rules of thumb and explore a wider range of design options than would be possible using traditional methods.
keywords design methods; information processing; simulation & optimization; generative system; data visualization
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id acadia12_447
id acadia12_447
authors Rossi, Dino ; Nagy, Zoltan ; Schlueter, Arno
year 2012
title Adaptive Distributed Architectural Systems
source ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies [Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-62407-267-3] San Francisco 18-21 October, 2012), pp. 447-456
summary Artificial Intelligence has a long and rich history in the field of architecture. Building upon this history, we clarify the term “adaptive” and its use within the field. This allows us to explore the application of adaptive systems to architectural design through the prototyping of an adaptive solar envelope (ASE). The building envelope was chosen because it is a common place to address issues of energy performance and occupant comfort and thereby offers an ideal scenario in which to explore the negotiative potential of adaptive systems in architecture. The ASE prototype addresses issues of distributed shading, solar power generation through integrated thin film photovoltaics, and daylight distribution. In addition, building envelopes, being the most publically visible part of a building, play an important role in the aesthetic result of a design. Therefore, conceiving buildings as dynamic systems with the ability to adapt to the fluctuating environments in which they exist opens new aesthetic possibilities for designers. Additionally we present examples of student work created during workshops based on the theme of integrating adaptive distributed systems into architectural design. We argue that with presently available technology, and an increased exposure of architecture students and practitioners to adaptive design techniques, adaptive architectures will soon become a regular element of the built environment.
keywords adaptive , distributed , systems , reinforcement , learning , architecture , design
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ijac201210302
id ijac201210302
authors Rossi, Dino; Zoltán Nagy, Arno Schlueter
year 2012
title Adaptive Distributed Robotics for Environmental Performance, Occupant Comfort and Architectural Expression
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 10 - no. 3, 341-359
summary The integration of adaptive distributed robotics in architectural design has the potential to improve building energy performance while simultaneously increasing occupant comfort. In addition, conceiving buildings as dynamic systems with the ability to adapt to the changing environments in which they exist, opens new aesthetic possibilities for designers. As the façade of a building is a common place to address issues of energy performance and occupant comfort, this paper presents a first prototype of an adaptive solar envelope (ASE). Its functions are to provide distributed shading, solar power generation through integrated photovoltaics, and daylight distribution. We describe the interdisciplinary design process, and illustrate the architectural possibilities that arise from a distributed systems approach. The ASE is expanded to work in parallel with an adaptive artificial lighting element. Rather than being preprogrammed, the systems adapt their behavior through interaction with the environment and building occupants. This adaptation to the user's wishes is demonstrated successfully for the artificial light controller. We argue that with presently available technology and an increased exposure of architecture students and practitioners to adaptive design techniques, adaptive architectures will soon become a regular element of the built environment.
series journal
last changed 2019/05/24 09:55

_id acadia16_184
id acadia16_184
authors Vasey; Lauren; Long Nguyen; Tovi Grossman; Heather Kerrick; Danil Nagy; Evan Atherton; David Thomasson; Nick Cote; David Benjamin; George Fitzmaurice; Achim Menges
year 2016
title Collaborative Construction: Human and Robotic Collaboration Enabling the Fabrication and Assembly of a Filament-Wound Structure
source ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 184-195
summary In this paper, we describe an interdisciplinary project and live-exhibit that investigated whether untrained humans and robots could work together collaboratively towards the common goal of building a large-scale structure composed out of robotically fabricated modules using a filament winding process. We describe the fabrication system and exhibition setup, including a custom end effector and tension control mechanism, as well as a collaborative fabrication process in which instructions delivered via wearable devices enable the trade-off of production and assembly tasks between human and robot. We describe the necessary robotic developments that facilitated a live fabrication process, including a generic robot inverse kinematic solver engine for non-spherical wrist robots, and wireless network communication connecting hardware and software. In addition, we discuss computational strategies for the fiber syntax generation and robotic motion planning which mitigated constraints such as reachability, axis limitations, and collisions, and ensured predictable and therefore safe motion in a live exhibition setting. We discuss the larger implications of this project as a case study for handling deviations due to non-standardized materials or human error, as well as a means to reconsider the fundamental separation of human and robotic tasks in a production workflow. Most significantly, the project exemplifies a hybrid domain of human and robot collaboration in which coordination and communication between robots, people, and devices can enhance the integration of robotic processes and computational control into the characteristic processes of construction.
keywords machin vision, cyber-physical systems, internet of things, robotic fabrication, human robot collaboration, sensate systems
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id 3ff5
authors Abbo, I.A., La Scalea, L., Otero, E. and Castaneda, L.
year 1992
title Full-Scale Simulations as Tool for Developing Spatial Design Ability
source Proceedings of the 4rd European Full-Scale Modelling Conference / Lausanne (Switzerland) 9-12 September 1992, Part C, pp. 7-10
summary Spatial Design Ability has been defined as the capability to anticipate effects (psychological impressions on potential observers or users) produced by mental manipulation of elements of architectural or urban spaces. This ability, of great importance in choosing the appropriate option during the design process, is not specifically developed in schools of architecture and is partially obtained as a by-product of drawing, designing or architectural criticism. We use our Laboratory as a tool to present spaces to people so that they can evaluate them. By means of a series of exercises, students confront their anticipations with the psychological impressions produced in other people. For this occasion, we present an experience in which students had to propose a space for an exhibition hag in which architectural projects (student thesis) were to be shown. Following the Spatial Design Ability Development Model which we have been using for several years, students first get acquainted with the use of evaluation instruments for psychological impressions as well as with research methodology. In this case, due to the short period available, we reduced research to investigate the effects produced by the manipulation of only 2 independents variables: students manipulated first the form of the roof, walls and interiors elements, secondly, color and texture of those elements. They evaluated spatial quality, character and the other psychological impressions that manipulations produced in people. They used three dimensional scale models 1/10 and 1/1.
keywords Full-scale Modeling, Model Simulation, Real Environments
series other
last changed 2003/08/25 10:12

_id sigradi2013_215
id sigradi2013_215
authors Abdelmohsen, Sherif M.
year 2013
title Reconfiguring Architectural Space using Generative Design and Digital Fabrication: A Project Based Course
source SIGraDi 2013 [Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Chile - Valparaíso 20 - 22 November 2013, pp. 391 - 395
summary This paper discusses a course that addresses the integration between generative design and digital fabrication in the context of reconfiguring architectural space. The objective of the course, offered for 3rd year architecture students at the Department of Architecture, Ain Shams University, Egypt, was to design and fabricate interior design elements to be installed within the department lobby. Students worked in digital and physical environments to develop 8 group projects that featured concepts of shape grammars, L-systems, fractals and cellular automata. The potential of the realized projects is discussed in terms of 3D development of systems, contextual generative design, and pedagogical objectives.
keywords Contextual generative design; Rule-based systems; Self-organizing systems; Digital fabrication
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

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