CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id 5cf4
id 5cf4
authors Barrionuevo, Luis F.
year 2004
source Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of Mathematics & Design, Special Edition of the Journal of Mathematics & Design, Volume 4, No.1, pp. 179-187.
summary This paper deals with “Spirospaces”. These are a conversion to the third dimension of the two dimensional geometric entities called “Spirolaterals”.

Abelson, Harold, diSessa and Andera (1968) gave the first rules concerning Spirolaterals. To obtain a Spirolateral from a set of straight lines, the first of them must be one unit long and the following must be incremented one unit at each step, at the same time that they turn in a constant direction. Odds (1973) establish the variation of the rotation direction, either to the left or the right. However, he did not give a mathematical relation able to calculate open Spirolaterals. Krawczyk (2001) developed a computer program that generates Spirolaterals following the method suggested by Abelson. These are Spirolaterals obtained by enumeration without a predictive mathematical formula. Krawczyc went farther proposing Spirolaterals based in curved lines. He pointed out that there are a variety of spirolateral forms that have architectural potentiality. Following this, the architectural potentiality of Spirolaterals is the basis of this paper.

To take advantage of that potentiality a computer program was implemented to generate spatial configurations based in Spirolaterals. When a third dimension is given to the Spirolaterals they become Spirospaces. These new entities need spatial and design parameters to be useful for architectural purposes. Barrionuevo and Borsetti (2001) gave results about that work establishing the concept of Spirospaces.

The aim of this paper is to describe a work directed to improve rules and procedures concerning Spirospaces. It is expected that these procedures governed by the proposed rules can be employed as tools during the early steps in the architectural design process.

In this work some aspects concerning Spirospaces are considered. First, Spirolaterals are presented as the predecessors of Spirospaces. Second, Spirospaces are defined, together with their structural parameters. Architectural modeling is studied at the light of two special elements of the Spirospaces: Interstitial spaces and Object spaces. Next, a computer program is presented as the appropriate tool to model configurations having architectural potentiality. Finally, the results obtained running the computer program are analyzed to determine their possible use as architectural forms. Several graphic illustrations are presented showing steps going from the exploration of spatial alternatives to the selection of a specific configuration to be developed.

It is expected that the described computer program could be employed as a design aid tool. As the operation of the program generates a variety of spaces able to dwell architectural objects, it eases the search of configurations suitable to specific functions. The results obtained have the possibility of being exported to computer graphic applications able to add materials, lights and cameras.

keywords Spirolaterals, Spirospaces, architectural spaces, interstitial spaces, objectual spaces
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2005/04/07 15:34

_id caadria2012_089
id caadria2012_089
authors Fernando, R.; R. Drogemuller and A. Burden
year 2012
title Parametric and generative methods with building information modelling: Connecting BIM with explorative design modelling
source Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / Chennai 25-28 April 2012, pp. 537–546
summary Parametric and generative modelling methods are ways in which computer models are made more flexible, and of formalising domain-specific knowledge. At present, no open standard exists for the interchange of parametric and generative information. The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) which are an open standard for interoperability in building information models is presented as the base for an open standard in parametric modelling. The advantage of allowing parametric and generative representations are that the early design process can allow for more iteration and changes can be implemented quicker than with traditional models. This paper begins with a formal definition of what constitutes to be parametric and generative modelling methods and then proceeds to describe an open standard in which the interchange of components could be implemented. As an illustrative example of generative design, Frazer’s ‘Reptiles’ project from 1968 is reinterpreted.
keywords Building information model; parametric modelling; generative modelling
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id ddssar9601
id ddssar9601
authors Achten, H.H., Bax, M.F.Th. and Oxman, R.M.
year 1996
title Generic Representations and the Generic Grid: Knowledge Interface, Organisation and Support of the (early) Design Process
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary Computer Aided Design requires the implementation of architectural issues in order to support the architectural design process. These issues consist of elements, knowledge structures, and design processes that are typical for architectural design. The paper introduces two concepts that aim to define and model some of such architectural issues: building types and design processes. The first concept, the Generic grid, will be shown to structure the description of designs, provide a form-based hierarchical decomposition of design elements, and to provide conditions to accommodate concurrent design processes. The second concept, the Generic representation, models generic and typological knowledge of building types through the use of graphic representations with specific knowledge contents. The paper discusses both concepts and will show the potential of implementing Generic representations on the basis of the Generic grid in CAAD systems.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:15

_id 9d26
authors Adriane Borda Da Silva, A., Félix, N.R., Magallón Lacarta, J.A., Serón Arbeloa, F.J.
year 2000
title Da Representação à Modelagem (From Representation Towards Modeling)
source SIGraDi’2000 - Construindo (n)o espacio digital (constructing the digital Space) [4th SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 85-88027-02-X] Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 25-28 september 2000, pp. 280-282
summary This work intends to structure a conceptual and technical referential to guide the development of the “Post-Graduate Drawing Course - from traditional tracing to computer graphics” (DTGC-IFM,UFPel, RS, Brasil), related to the process of using the computer technology for problem-solving in graphics representation. The referential intends to evaluate the level of development, and also orientate the investments with qualification of the staff, hardware and software. This study refers only to the process of solving problems using computer graphics techniques for Geometric and Visual Modeling.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id 9fe2
authors Almeida da Silva, A.B., Serón Arbeloa, F.J., Magallón Lacarta, J.A. and Félix, N.R.
year 2001
title PICTÓRICA O CIENTÍFICA? LA ACTIVIDAD DE GENERACIÓN DE IMÁGENES SINTÉTICAS EN EL CONTEXTO DE ENSEÑANZA (Pictoric or Scientific? The Activity of Generation of Synthetic Images in the Teaching Context)
source SIGraDi biobio2001 - [Proceedings of the 5th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics / ISBN 956-7813-12-4] Concepcion (Chile) 21-23 november 2001, pp. 192-194
summary This work is restricted to the field of Graphics Representation in Architecture, analyzing the use of illumination models which are present at the software usually used for the development of images to describe the architectural objects. The differences between the real scene and the equivalences structured into the world of computer graphics related to the illumination models and light, are specially specified. This work analyses the categories of architectural problems associated to each of the available models; questions how this associations are included in architectural teaching context and studies how associated they are during the academic studies of the architect.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id 899b
authors Alvarado, R.G., Abufarde, F.B., Moreno, P.R. and Bravo, M.P.
year 2002
title Modelación de Actividades [Modeling of Activities]
source SIGraDi 2002 - [Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Caracas (Venezuela) 27-29 november 2002, pp. 151-154
summary Despite increasing interest in the functionality and humanization of architecture, scarcely the occupation of buildings are studied and it lacks methods to represent activities in the spaces. By this reason, it proposes a system such integrates simulation of processes and virtual modeling software, to program the behavior of tri-dimensional characters based on the probabilistic evolution of events, testing this approach in the study of emergency services of hospitals. It describes the procedure developed and reflections about temporal representation, demonstrating that modeling of activities allows to suggest functional and spatial improvements.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id a1be
id a1be
authors Andel, J. van
year 1995
source Oxman, R.M., Bax, M.F.Th., Achten, H.H. (eds.) Design research in the Netherlands, 43-47
series book
type normal paper
last changed 2005/10/12 15:12

_id 592b
authors Apollonio, F., Carini, A., Farina, R., Nuti, F. and Tolomelli, F.
year 1994
source Beyond Tools for Architecture [Proceedings of the 5th European Full-scale Modeling Association Conference / ISBN 90-6754-375-6] Wageningen (The Netherlands) 6-9 September 1994, pp. 71-82
summary The Italian simulation laboratory carries out most of its activity within the experimental programmes promoted by the Ministry of Works. Within this context, we conducted studies based on the topics of EUROPAN competitions for young architects, built models based on EUROREX programme's projects and analyzed experimental projects directly financed by the Ministry (mainly restoration projects).
keywords Model Simulation, Real Environments
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2004/05/04 11:01

_id ecaade2011_021
id ecaade2011_021
authors Asanowicz, Aleksander
year 2011
title Digital “serial vision” - new approach in urban composition teaching
source RESPECTING FRAGILE PLACES [29th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3], University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (Slovenia) 21-24 September 2011, pp.716-724
summary The paper discusses the following problem: How can digital technology are integrated with urban composition teaching to provide a better understanding of the aesthetical and emotional aspects of the city? It argues for the current need for an integration of computer modelling and the approaches developed form the work of K. Lynch, G. Cullen, R. Krier, F. Ching. The paper is based on the experience in design studio teaching and an experiment completed with students. The exercise shows the students that different spatial organization may cause different emotions according to the treatment of space-defining elements. The paper presents the background and context as well as describes the experimental environment and the student work.
wos WOS:000335665500083
keywords Urban composition; serial vision; computer animation
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/05/01 23:21

_id 9964
authors Augenbroe, G. and Winkelmann, F.
year 1991
title Integration of Simulation into the Building Design Process
source J.A. Clarke, J.W. Mitchell, and R.C. Van de Perre (eds.), Proceedings, Building Simulation '91 IBPSA Conference, pp. 367-374
summary We describe the need for a joint effort between design researchers and simulation tool developers in formulating procedures and standards for integrating simulation into the building design process. We review and discuss current efforts in the US and Europe in the development of next-generation simulation tools and design integration techniques. In particular, we describe initiatives in object-oriented simulation environments (including the US Energy 'Kernel System, the Swedish Ida system, the UK Energy Kernel System, and the French ZOOM program.) and consider the relationship of these environments to recent R&D initiatives in design integration (the COMBINE project in Europe and the AEDOT project in the US).
series other
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id 2a2d
authors Baesler, F.A., Sepúlveda, J., Thompson, W., García, R.A., Pezo, M.B. and Rodríguez, P.M.
year 2001
title EL USO DE SIMULACIÓN EN EL ANÁLISIS DEL FLUJO DE PACIENTES EN SISTEMAS DE SALUD (The Use of Simulation in the Analysis of the Flow of Patients in Health Systems)
source SIGraDi biobio2001 - [Proceedings of the 5th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics / ISBN 956-7813-12-4] Concepcion (Chile) 21-23 november 2001, pp. 86-88
summary This paper presents the results of three research projects developed by the authors oriented to the use of simulation as a tool for process improvement at the emergency room and cancer treatment center of the Orlando Regional Health Care Systems Hospital in the USA. The results obtained showed that simulation is as powerful tool for reducing patients waiting time. A second phase of this study presents the idea of integrating simulation and virtual reality techniques. This methodology would allow to explore digitally new alternatives for architectonic design linked to the development of activities over time.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id 22d6
authors Ballheim, F. and Leppert, J.
year 1991
title Architecture with Machines, Principles and Examples of CAAD-Education at the Technische Universität München
source Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Munich (Germany) 17-19 October 1991
summary "Design tools affect the results of the design process" - this is the starting point of our considerations about the efficient use of CAAD within architecture. To give you a short overview about what we want to say with this thesis lets have a short - an surely incomplete - trip through the fourth dimension back into the early time of civil engineering. As CAD in our faculty is integrated in the "Lehrstuhl für Hochbaustatik und Tragwerksplanung" (if we try to say it in English it would approximately be "institute of structural design"), we chose an example we are very familiar with because of its mathematical background - the cone sections: Circle, ellipse, parabola and hyperbola. If we start our trip two thousand years ago we only find the circle - or in very few cases the ellipse - in their use for the ground plan of greek or roman theaters - if you think of Greek amphitheaters or the Colosseum in Rome - or for the design of the cross section of a building - for example the Pantheon, roman aqueducts or bridges. With the rediscovery of the perspective during the Renaissance the handling of the ellipse was brought to perfection. May be the most famous example is the Capitol in Rome designed by Michelangelo Buonarotti with its elliptical ground plan that looks like a circle if the visitor comes up the famous stairway. During the following centuries - caused by the further development of the natural sciences and the use of new construction materials, i.e. cast-iron, steel or concrete - new design ideas could be realized. With the growing influence of mathematics on the design of buildings we got the division into two professions: Civil engineering and architecture. To the regret of the architects the most innovative constructions were designed by civil engineers, e.g. the early iron bridges in Britain or the famous bridges of Robert Maillard. Nowadays we are in the situation that we try to reintegrate the divided professions. We will return to that point later discussing possible solutions of this problem. But let us continue our 'historical survey demonstrating the state of the art we have today. As the logical consequence of the parabolic and hyperbolic arcs the hyperbolic parabolic shells were developed using traditional design techniques like models and orthogonal sections. Now we reach the point where the question comes up whether complex structures can be completely described by using traditional methods. A question that can be answered by "no" if we take the final step to the completely irregular geometry of cable- net-constructions or deconstructivistic designs. What we see - and what seems to support our thesis of the connection between design tools and the results of the design process - is, that on the one hand new tools enabled the designer to realize new ideas and on the other hand new ideas affected the development of new tools to realize them.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 85bd
id 85bd
authors Bax, M.F.Th.
year 1995
source Oxman, R.M., Bax, M.F.Th., Achten, H.H. (eds.) Design research in the Netherlands, 89-94
series book
type normal paper
last changed 2005/10/12 15:16

_id c531
authors Becker, R.
year 1997
title Performance evaluation of an intelligent hybrid floor-collector system
source Automation in Construction 6 (5-6) (1997) pp. 427-436
summary The paper presents the intelligent features of a hybrid floor-slab/wall-air-collector system, that is being developed at the Fraunhofer Institut für Bauphysik, and was analyzed by the author. The system can be identified as an intelligent system for "truly intelligent" buildings, namely, a sub-system that integrates the building fabric and the interior temperature control system to produce an automatically controlled environment, that improves comfort while saving energy.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 6317
id 6317
authors Beheshti, R., Tolman, F. and van der Veer, P.
year 2001
source Achten, H.H., de Vries, B. and Hennessey, J. (eds). Design Research in the Netherlands 2000, 143-154
series book
type normal paper
last changed 2005/10/12 15:41

_id ecaade2009_124
id ecaade2009_124
authors Beirão, José Nuno; Duarte, José Pinto; Stouffs, Rudi
year 2009
title An Urban Grammar for Praia: Towards Generic Shape Grammars for Urban Design
source Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-8-9] Istanbul (Turkey) 16-19 September 2009, pp. 575-584
summary This paper presents a shape grammar for planned urban spaces intending an implementation for generative urban design. This implementation will form part of an urban design support tool defined to formulate, generate and evaluate urban designs. The goal is to formulate urban program descriptions according to context conditions using a description grammar and generate alternative design solutions using a shape grammar. The generation is guided by several evaluation processes performed by an evaluation module. In this paper we are focusing on the definition of the generic shape grammar using an existent urban plan as a case study. The aim is to encode the design moves of the urban designer into generic grammar rules amenable for specific instantiations through the customization of rule parameters.
wos WOS:000334282200069
keywords Shape grammars, patterns, generative urban design
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ddss9219
id ddss9219
authors Bourdakis, V. and Fellows, R.F.
year 1993
title A model appraising the performance of structural systems used in sports hall and swimming pool buildings in greece
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture (Proceedings of a conference held in Mierlo, the Netherlands in July 1992), ISBN 0-7923-2444-7
summary The selection of the best performing structural system (among steel, timber laminated, concrete, fabric tents) for medium span (30-50m) sports halls and swimming pools in Greece formed the impetus for this research. Decision-making concerning selection of the structural system is difficult in this sector of construction, as was explained in the "Long Span Structures" conference (November 1990, Athens. Greece). From the literature it has been found that most building appraisals end up at the level of data analysis and draw conclusions on the individual aspects they investigate. These approaches usually focus on a fraction of the problem, examining it very deeply and theoretically. Their drawback is loss of comprehensiveness and ability to draw conclusions on an overall level and consequently being applicable to the existing conditions. Research on an inclusive level is sparse. In this particular research project, an inclusive appraisal approach was adopted, leading to the identification of three main variables: resources, human-user-satisfaction, and technical. Consequently, this led to a combination of purely quantitative and qualitative data. Case studies were conducted on existing buildings in order to assess the actual performance of the various alternative structural systems. This paper presents the procedure followed for the identification of the research variables and the focus on the development of the model of quantification. The latter is of vital importance if the problem of incompatibility of data is to be solved, overall relation of findings is to be achieved and holistic conclusions are to be drawn.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id 653a
id 653a
authors Brazier, F. and Treur, J.
year 1995
source Oxman, R.M., Bax, M.F.Th., Achten, H.H. (eds.) Design research in the Netherlands, 141-149
series book
type normal paper
last changed 2005/10/12 15:21

_id sigradi2003_135
id sigradi2003_135
authors Breutmann, B., Fernández, M., Piegari, R., Guerrero, R., Borda Almeida da Silva, A. , Rodríguez Félix, N., Pina, A., Serón Arbeloa, F., Latorre Andrés, P. Vaz de Carvalho, C. and Payssé, M.
year 2003
title Proyecto Red Alfa T-GAME (Teaching computer Graphics And MultimEdia) (Alfa Network Project T-GAME (Teaching Computer Graphics and Multimedia))
source SIGraDi 2003 - [Proceedings of the 7th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Rosario Argentina 5-7 november 2003
summary T-GAME Project integrates the academical achievement of eight European and Latin American universities in order to design a series of interdisciplinaries courses, related to computer graphics, to be assumed in new standard and post grade plans of study by those universities.
keywords Teaching, computer graphics, multimedia, interdisciplinary
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id 7555
authors Brown, F., Cooper, G., Ford, S., Aouad, G., Brandon, P., Child, T., Kirkham, J., Oxman, R. and Young, B.
year 1995
title An integrated approach to CAD: modelling concepts in building design and construction
source Design Studies 16 (3) (1995) pp. 327-347
summary The ICON project is concerned with the creation of a generic information structure for the construction industry. A central feature of the information model is the use of object-oriented modelling techniques to allow information to be viewed from different 'perspectives' and at different levels of abstraction, according to the requirements of the user. This paper discusses the object modelling of concepts and information in the design area. Drawing on knowledge elicited from protocol analysis of the design activity, a series of interrelated object models has been developed, reflecting different perspectives and abstraction levels within the design domain. Three of these models (spatial design, physical design and structural design) are presented and their implications for the communication and sharing of information discussed.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:45

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