CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id a7ba
authors Maher, Mary Lou and Gu, Ning
year 2002
title Design Agents in Virtual Worlds - A User-Centred Virtual Architecture Agent
source Gero JS and Brazier FMT (eds) (2002) Agents in Design 2002. Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney, pp. 23-38
summary This paper presents a User-centred Virtual Architecture (UcVA) Agent, a kind of rational agent capable of representing a person in virtual worlds and designing virtual worlds based on current needs. The two major structural aspects of this agent are Avatar Agent and Design Agent. The UcVA agent in this paper is presented from various perspectives: structure, process, and use scenarios. A proposed application of these agent models and an analysis of User-centred Virtual Architecture designed by this agent illustrates and evaluates this approach to designing virtual architecture.
series other
last changed 2003/05/10 10:16

_id 2fd0
authors Maher, Mary Lou, Zhao, F. and Gero, John S.
year 1989
title Creativity in Humans and Computers
source Helsinki: Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, 1989. pp. 129-141. Also Published as : Creativity in Humans and Computers: A Discussion of Creativity in Computer-Aided Architectural Design, in J.S. Gero and T. Oksala (eds.) Symposium on Knowledge-based Design in Architecture, Helsinki University of Technology, pp. 31-44. 1988
summary This paper explores creativity from a process viewpoint. It examines various strategies employed by humans during their creative acts and posits analogous computational processes. The discussion provides a framework for the current work by the authors on knowledge-based creative design
keywords creativity, design process, architecture, knowledge base
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id a262
authors Maher, Mary Lou, Zhao, F. and Gero, John S.
year 1989
title An Approach to Knowledge-Based Creative Design
source NSF Engineering Design Research Conference. PREPRINT. 1989. pp. 333-346. CADLINE has abstract only
summary When considering the design process as a search through a design space, creative design occurs when the design space is expanded by adding knowledge from outside the space. A design space includes a state space, points which represent partial design descriptions, and operators that enable the process to move from one state to another. The design operators embody generalized design knowledge about classes of design solutions, i.e. prototypes. The authors' approach to knowledge- based creative design provides mechanisms for prototype adaptation and generation through analogy and mutation. This model is illustrated by creative solutions to building design problems. The implementation is discussed
keywords synthesis, knowledge, representation, creativity, design process, prototypes, building, architecture, engineering
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 10:24

_id 4494
authors Maher, Mary Lou
year 1985
title Hi-Rise and Beyond : Directions for Expert Systems in Design
source Computer Aided Design. November, 1985. vol. 17: pp. 420-427 : ill. includes bibliography
summary This paper commences with a brief introduction to expert systems and then describes the Hi-Rise expert system for structural design in terms of scope, problem solving strategy, knowledge representation and implementation. It then discusses the potential for developing an expert system capable of innovative design and describes the possibility of developing a generic expert system framework appropriate for any structural design problem
keywords expert systems, civil engineering, structures, knowledge, representation, synthesis
series CADline
last changed 2003/05/17 10:19

_id 0b62
authors Maher, Mary Lou
year 1990
title Process Models for Design Synthesis
source AI Magazine. 1990. vol. 11: pp. 49-58
summary Models of design processes provide guidance in the development of knowledge-based systems for design. The basis for such models comes from both research in design theory and methodology as well as problem solving in artificial intelligence. Three models are presented: decomposition, case-based reasoning, and transformation. Each model provides a formalism for representing design knowledge and experience in distinct and complementary forms
keywords design process, knowledge base, systems, theory, decomposition, representation, reasoning
series CADline
last changed 2003/05/17 10:19

_id a9f5
authors Maher, Mary Lou
year 1997
title Sam: A Multimedia Case Library of Structural Designs
source CAADRIA ‘97 [Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 957-575-057-8] Taiwan 17-19 April 1997, pp. 5-13
summary Recent developments in multimedia and case-based reasoning provide the basis for developing teaching aids for architecture students that present technology and science learning materials as design cases. Case-based reasoning tools can provide assistance in the identification of a relevant design case and the modification of a case for the current design problem. We have developed multimedia library of buildings to support a case-based reasoning approach to teaching structural design. The design cases are linked through a network of concepts that follow a specific learning area, for example, the structural design of tall buildings is linked through the concept of lateral load resistance. The multimedia environment provides an active learning tool that the student uses to generate design solutions.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id ascaad2012_002
id ascaad2012_002
authors Maher, Mary Lou
year 2012
title Designing CAAD for Creativity
source CAAD | INNOVATION | PRACTICE [6th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2012 / ISBN 978-99958-2-063-3], Manama (Kingdom of Bahrain), 21-23 February 2012, pp. 7-9
summary Can we design CAAD to enhance creativity? CAAD is often considered a tool that assists architects in design by managing documentation and facilitating visualization. While there has been anecdotal concern that CAAD inhibits creativity, there is empirical evidence that CAAD can enhance creativity. The challenge is to develop principles for designing CAAD for creativity based on theoretical and empirical research on recognizing and enhancing individual and distributed creative cognition. This presentation describes three concepts that can lead to principles for designing CAAD to enhance human creativity: recognition, perception, and diversity. // 1. Recognition: A framework for recognizing and evaluating creative design, shown in Figure 1, is developed based on research in psychology and design science that includes novelty, value, and surprise. This framework provides a basis for comparing and evaluating the impact of CAAD on creativity. 2. Perception: Perception affects cognition and therefore interaction design is a critical component of designing CAAD for creativity. The results of an empirical study, shown in Figure 2, using a protocol analysis find that changing perception to include tangible user interfaces has a positive effect on creative cognition. These results lead to design principles for increasing perceptual modalities in future CAAD systems. 3. Diversity: A theoretical framework for social and collective intelligence in design show how an increase in cognitive diversity leads to an increase in innovation. Using this framework we can develop design processes that combine the benefits of individual, team, and crowdsourced design ideas, as shown in Figure 3.
series ASCAAD
type keynote paper
last changed 2012/05/15 20:46

_id cf2007_447
id cf2007_447
authors Maher, Mary Lou; Kathryn Merrick and Rob Saunders
year 2007
title From Passive to Proactive Design Elements
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / 978-1-4020-6527-9 2007 [Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / 978-1-4020-6527-9] Sydney (Australia) 11–13 July 2007, pp. 447-460
summary Agent technology has been used as an organising mechanism for software systems that focus on modularity and autonomy. This paper presents two applications that explore the potential of combining agent technologies with physical building design elements to change the nature of the built environment from a passive space to one that proactively engages with its inhabitants. We focus on how these curious places sense the state of the environment and the activities of the humans in the environment and enhance the human experience, thus going beyond the concept of supporting human activities in traditional approaches to intelligent rooms.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2007/07/06 12:47

_id bfa9
id bfa9
authors Mahiques, Myriam Beatriz
year 2004
source Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of Mathematics & Design, Special Edition of the Journal of Mathematics & Design, Volume 4, No.1, pp. 55-59.
summary Investigations about urban form are developed in many directions, being the history branch the strongest. It is based on the importance of forms created by previous generations. So, urban morphologists must examine the inhabitants and the processes that originate the urban form. In our discipline, ´´epistemological physicalism´´ is studied through the theory of complex systems and chaos theory. The resultant shape is obtained by selecting some elements of the abstract structure considered (non Euclidean geometry) and simulation software is used for experimentation, like L Systems, Diffusion Limited Aggregated, Cellular Automata. Then we have to discover what is veiled at first sight and to reflect on the optimal model for the community.
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2005/04/07 12:48

_id ijac202220211
id ijac202220211
authors Mahmoud, Randa M.A.; Amr M.A. Youssef
year 2022
title A computational framework for supporting architectural education of spaces’ furnishing design
source International Journal of Architectural Computing 2022, Vol. 20 - no. 2, pp. 346–377
summary Self-learning is receiving great attention internationally in different fields, along with the best utilization of different computational applications or methods. This paper introduces a novel computational approach for supporting Architectural Design Education (ADE) in its early stages; a computational implementation through MATLAB has been developed to conduct the proposed processes. As a scope, spaces’ furnishing design has been selected to demonstrate the proposed computational approach and implementation, while office workspaces have been selected as a representative case. However, the proposed approach provides and enhances ADE through three main concepts: (a) generating design alternatives for different cases of furnishing spaces, (b) providing accurate and flexible evaluations to students’/designers’ works with different levels, and (c) tracking students based on their defaults and relevant sensitive modifications. Different applications of the proposed approach have been generated, analyzed, and validated
keywords Keywords Computational implementations, architectural design education, spaces’ furnishing, office workspaces, design framewor
series journal
last changed 2024/04/17 14:29

_id architectural_intelligence2024_17
id architectural_intelligence2024_17
authors Mahnaz Bahremandi-Tolou, Chenhao Wang, Joseph M. Gattas & Dan Luo
year 2024
title Curved surface form-finding with self-shaping perforated plates
source Architectural Intelligence Journal
summary Self-shaping systems offer a promising approach for making complex 3D geometries from the material-driven transformation of 2D sheets. However, current research development of such systems is focused on small-scale applications. This study proposes a self-shaping composite for generation of larger-scale curved surfaces suitable for spatial structures. The composite arises from the novel combination of a perforated plate passive layer and a heat-shrinkable active layer. Experimental investigations are undertaken to assess the influence of perforation parameters of the passive layer over the degree of curvature generated in the self-shaping composite system. A 3D scanner and parametric curvature evaluation tool were used to extract and analyse the fabricated surface curvatures. Three key deformation characteristics were identified: the generated surface is cylindrical with dominant curvature in the x-direction; curvature is approximately uniform across the surface width and length; and curvature is strongly influenced by perforation bridge and strap length parameters. Results of this study support the application of self-shaping curved surfaces for customizable discrete structure parts.
series Architectural Intelligence
last changed 2025/01/09 15:05

_id 5570
authors Mahnke, Frank H.
year 1996
title Color, environment, and human response: an interdisciplinary understanding of color and its use as a beneficial element in the design of the architectural environment
source Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York
summary Written for architects, interior designers, and color consultants, this ambitious study explores the psychological and physiological effects of color in the man-made environment. Scientific findings and industry-by-industry examples are furnished to help professionals specify colors that will create healthful environments in hospitals, schools, restaurants, and other public facilities.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 8095
authors Mahrouq, Abdulrahman and Al-Haddad, Baha'uddin
year 2001
title Gaza City: Virtual space and the control of physical space
source CORP 2001, Vienna, pp. 397-402
summary The interaction between virtual space and physical space is increasingly gaining more importance and consideration [1]. Much of theinterest concentrates upon theorizing this interaction and investigating the different concepts behind it [2]. Another concern is toexplore aspects of the physical space through its virtuality especially in the field of architecture and urban design [3]. Yet with theevidence that the increasing pace of development in multimedia, information and communications technology is exerting vastchanges on the physical space, there is a disparate need for control over these very fast changes. Control of the physical space is themain subject of physical planning where it is crucial to develop new tools and procedures for better control of the urban change.Applications of data, information and communications technologies in urban planning and geographic information system (GIS)constitute one of the vital fields for the control and guidance of urban development.In Gaza Strip for example, unprecedented developments resulted after the declaration of the Palestinian- Israeli peace agreements in1994. Information and communications technologies and data sources were improved with the introduction of computers, moderntelephone and wireless communications and satellite imaging. The new developments began to impinge the existing British Mandatesystem and the physical planning process. The municipality of Gaza city took the lead and became the most important and activelocal planning institution to benefit from the new situation. Although the new developments are in their early stage, the positiveimpact on the planning process and the control over the built environment in the city are paramount.This paper aims at exploring the new developments of spatial technologies in the municipality of Gaza and their impact on theplanning conduct and the built environment in the city.
series other
last changed 2002/09/04 13:19

_id ga9917
id ga9917
authors Maia Jr., A., Valle, R. do, Manzolli, J. and Pereira, L.N.S.
year 1999
title Generative Polymodal Music Process
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary We present underlying ideas used to develop an Algorithmic Composition software named KYKLOS. It was designed to generate music based on generalised musical scales and modes. It is an interactive sonic device to be applied in composition as well in performance. The sonic output of the whole process can be described as generalised polymodal music since “synthetic scales” are generated by the algorithm. This environment can be used in a Computer Assisted Composition manner in order to generate MIDI files. On the other hand, it can equally be used as a performance environment in which a dynamic change of parameters enables a real time control of the sonic process. Recently, we advocated that several mathematical applications in Computer Music can be understood as Sound Functors [1]. In extension, we describe here a sound functor used to model scales and modes. As can be verified, part of early investigations on mathematical structures in music studied musical scales and modes using Combinatorics, Fibonacci Series and Golden Mean in order to understand compositional processes which use modal concepts. Using the Functor definition it is possible to enumerate n-scales as a sequence of integers. Each value in that sequence gives the distance (in half tones) between two consecutive tones. For example, the sequence 3:2:2:3 is interpreted as a pentatonic scale C-Eb-F-G-Bb, and as defined above it is a C mode. So, if we apply cyclical permutations, (n-1)-sequences of numbers should be interpreted as n-modes of tones. Our algorithmic implementation is described briefly. A n-mode is defined as an array with n-1 integers [a1, a2,]. Each array generated at k-th step can be read as a number a1a2a3 in decimal representation, where ai is a integer between 1 and 9. We denote the number obtained at k-th step as (a1a2a3 . The rules to implement the algorithm are the following:1) V0 = (1, 1, 1, 1 ......,1) (initial n-mode)2) ? ai ? 11 with i= 1, 2...n-1 (octave range constraint)3) Vk = (a1a2a3 < (b1b2b3 = Vk+1 where aj ?bj , 1? j ? n-1.4) Vmax = (13 – n, 1, 1, ...,1)In this paper we start with a theoretical view and an introduction on the algorithmic mechanism used. Further, we present a concept of man ? machine interaction used to create the composition environment. We also describe the compositional graphic interface developed and general functions of the system. Finally there is a set of music examples generated by KYKLOS as MIDI files.
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id sigradi2023_366
id sigradi2023_366
authors Maia, Marcelo, Silva, Beatriz, Marajó, Marcela and Rena, Natacha
year 2023
title Belo Horizonte, Zurich and Wuhan: a comparative analysis of transportation systems as a strategy for innovation and intelligence
source García Amen, F, Goni Fitipaldo, A L and Armagno Gentile, Á (eds.), Accelerated Landscapes - Proceedings of the XXVII International Conference of the Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2023), Punta del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay, 29 November - 1 December 2023, pp. 807–818
summary Technological innovations such as 5G connectivity, the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 'Big Data' have fostered the development of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects. It should be noted, however, that intelligence does not lie in the use of technological innovations, but in innovative urban planning practices that are developed in an environment of political intelligence. This finding is the result of a comparative study of urban transportation policies in the face of technological innovations between Belo Horizonte (Brazil), Zurich (Switzerland) and Wuhan (China). It uses 28 indicators divided into 6 Intelligence Areas based on smart cities rankings, empirical studies and related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The purpose of the analysis is to contribute to the improvement of urban transport services by guiding innovation and intelligence in urban transport policy.
keywords Virtual environments, Intelligent Transportation System, Digitalization of mobility, Smart cities, Political intelligence.
series SIGraDi
last changed 2024/03/08 14:07

_id sigradi2018_1587
id sigradi2018_1587
authors Maia, Marcelo; Borges, Jéssica; Brito, Michele; de Sá, Ana Isabel
year 2018
title Internet of Things Technology and Policy in Belo Horizonte Public Transportation System
source SIGraDi 2018 [Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISSN: 2318-6968] Brazil, São Carlos 7 - 9 November 2018, pp. 568-573
summary From a critical point of view regarding Smart Cities, this paper presents an overview of Brazilian policies concerning the application of Internet of Things (IoT) on public transportation systems, using as a case study the city of Belo Horizonte. We performed a critical analysis of its public transportation system considering the already installed IoT infrastructure, including mobile communication technology that uses distributed locative media among users. Our main focus was understanding its use, potential and political dimension, specially concerning terms of use and data distribution and sharing between users, public administration and private companies that compose the transportation system.
keywords urban transportation system; technopolitics; internet of things; smart city; instant city
series SIGRADI
last changed 2021/03/28 19:58

_id cf2015_239
id cf2015_239
authors Maia, Sara Costa and Meyboom, AnnaLisa
year 2015
title Interrogating interactive and responsive architecture: The quest of a technological solution looking for an architectural problem
source The next city - New technologies and the future of the built environment [16th International Conference CAAD Futures 2015. Sao Paulo, July 8-10, 2015. Electronic Proceedings/ ISBN 978-85-85783-53-2] Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 8-10, 2015, pp. 239.
summary Interactive Architecture and Responsive Architecture are provocative fields of investigation and have potentially disruptive and far reaching effects for architecture. However it can be argued that these fields haven’t been developed as a direct response to previously identified architectural demands. Instead, they have risen as consequence of new technology availability, with ad hoc discussions in the context of the built environment. In order to test this hypothesis, 229 publications were examined and narrowed down to 77 papers and 41 design projects, which were systematically analyzed. The primary objective of this investigation is to understand Interactive Architecture’s development with regard to justification. This understanding provides us with the basis to speculate on the possibly expanding introduction of extraneous technological solutions to the discipline of architecture. The research findings indicate a mismatch between theoretical discourse and projects being developed in those fields. They also describe the current state of Interactive Architecture research.
keywords Interactive Architecture, Responsive Architecture, Literature Analysis, Design Projects Analysis.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2015/06/29 07:55

_id acadia16_372
id acadia16_372
authors Maia, Sara Costa; Meyboom, AnnaLisa
year 2016
title Researching Inhabitant Agency in Interactive Architecture
source ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 372-381
summary The study of Interactive Architecture (IA) spans over several decades and appears to be gaining increasing momentum in recent years. Yet, inhabitant-centered approaches towards research and design in the field still have a long way ahead to explore. Particularly, we observed that the examination of IA’s social relevance in literature is still incipient and ill supported by evidence. The study discussed in this paper is attempting to remediate this gap by exploring one of the first socio-political arguments around the relevance of IA, namely inhabitant empowerment and agency. It investigates whether an inhabitant’s relation and experience with interactive spaces, conceived according to different interaction strategies, increases the participants’ perception of their own agency in the space. In this paper, we briefly explain the prototyping of an interactive space-plan designed to emulate the behavior of four basic models of interaction. Finally, the paper presents an experimental study set to test inhabitant agency in IA. It concludes that IA has the potential to increase inhabitant agency, but that this is very dependable on the system’s design regarding behavior and interaction.
keywords agency, responsive environments, interactive architecture, sensate systems
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id cdrf2019_124
id cdrf2019_124
authors Maider Llaguno-Munitxa and Elie Bou-Zeid
year 2020
title Sensing the Environmental Neighborhoods Mobile Urban Sensing Technologies (MUST) for High Spatial Resolution Urban Environmental Mapping
source Proceedings of the 2020 DigitalFUTURES The 2nd International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2020)
summary Given the benefits of fine mapping of large urban areas affordably, mobile environmental sensing technologies are becoming increasingly popular to complement the traditional stationary weather and air quality sensing stations. However the reliability and accuracy of low-cost mobile urban technologies is often questioned. This paper presents the design of a fast-response, autonomous and affordable Mobile Urban Sensing Technology (MUST) for the acquisition of high spatial resolution environmental data. Only when accurate neighborhood scale environmental data is affordable and accessible for architects, urban planners and policy makers, can design strategies to enhance urban health be effectively implemented. The results of an experimental air quality sensing campaign developed within Princeton University Campus is presented.
series cdrf
last changed 2022/09/29 07:51

_id ecaade2020_511
id ecaade2020_511
authors Maierhofer, Mathias, Ulber, Marie, Mahall, Mona, Serbest, Asli and Menges, Achim
year 2020
title Designing (for) Change - Towards adaptivity-specific architectural design for situational open Environments
source Werner, L and Koering, D (eds.), Anthropologic: Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age - Proceedings of the 38th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 16-18 September 2020, pp. 575-584
summary The introduction of cybernetic principles to the architectural discourse some 50 years ago stimulated a new notion of buildings as dynamic and under-specified systems. Although their traditional conception as static and deterministic objects has remained predominant to this day, concepts for adaptive architecture capable of interacting with their surroundings and occupants have gained renewed attention in recent decades. However, investigations so far have largely concentrated on small-scale applications or individual adaptation strategies. The notion of situational open Environments, as argued in this paper, provides a framework through which adaptivity can be conceived and explored more holistically as well as on an inhabitable scale. Environments reject deterministic design and adaptation solutions and hence call for integrative and interactive design strategies that not only allow for the exploration of particularly adaptable (i.e. underspecified) architectural morphologies, but also for the communication and negotiation during their further development beyond deployment. In respect thereof, this paper discusses the potentials and implications of computational (design) strategies, meaning the agencies of buildings, designers, residents, and surroundings. The presented research originates from the author's involvement in an interdisciplinary research project centered around the development of an adaptive high-rise building that incorporates various adaptation strategies.
keywords Adaptive Architecture; Architectural Environment; Computational Design; Agent-based Modeling; Architecture Theory; Cybernetics
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

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