CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 1792

_id 409f
authors Becker, Joseph D.
year 1987
title Arabic Word Processing
source communications of the ACM. July, 1987. vol. 30: pp. 600-610 : ill. includes bibliography
summary The technology of word processing in the Middle East recently developed a word processing software that can correctly format the cursive, interacting letters of the Arabic script. Moreover, new layout procedures can automatically intermix right-to-left Arabic or Hebrew writing with left-to-right text in European or other languages. The design presented in this article is embodied in the Xerox View Point Documenter, but its principles apply equally well to any Arabic desktop publishing
keywords software, computer graphics
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 8e02
authors Brown, A.G.P. and Coenen, F.P.
year 2000
title Spatial reasoning: improving computational efficiency
source Automation in Construction 9 (4) (2000) pp. 361-367
summary When spatial data is analysed the result is often very computer intensive: even by the standards of contemporary technologies, the machine power needed is great and the processing times significant. This is particularly so in 3-D and 4-D scenarios. What we describe here is a technique, which tackles this and associated problems. The technique is founded in the idea of quad-tesseral addressing; a technique, which was originally applied to the analysis of atomic structures. It is based on ideas concerning Hierarchical clustering developed in the 1960s and 1970s to improve data access time [G.M. Morton, A computer oriented geodetic database and a new technique on file sequencing, IBM Canada, 1996.], and on atomic isohedral (same shape) tiling strategies developed in the 1970s and 1980s concerned with group theory [B. Grunbaum, G.C. Shephard, Tilings and Patterns, Freeman, New York, 1987.]. The technique was first suggested as a suitable representation for GIS in the early 1980s when the two strands were brought together and a tesseral arithmetic applied [F.C. Holdroyd, The Geometry of Tiling Hierarchies, Ars Combanitoria 16B (1983) 211–244.; S.B.M. Bell, B.M. Diaz, F.C. Holroyd, M.J.J. Jackson, Spatially referenced methods of processing raster and vector data, Image and Vision Computing 1 (4) (1983) 211–220.; Diaz, S.B.M. Bell, Spatial Data Processing Using Tesseral Methods, Natural Environment Research Council, Swindon, 1986.]. Here, we describe how that technique can equally be applied to the analysis of environmental interaction with built forms. The way in which the technique deals with the problems described is first to linearise the three-dimensional (3-D) space being investigated. Then, the reasoning applied to that space is applied within the same environment as the definition of the problem data. We show, with an illustrative example, how the technique can be applied. The problem then remains of how to visualise the results of the analysis so undertaken. We show how this has been accomplished so that the 3-D space and the results are represented in a way which facilitates rapid interpretation of the analysis, which has been carried out.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id maver_093
id maver_093
authors Clarke J.A., Kim J.J., Maver T.W. and Stearn, D.
year 1987
title Lighting Simulation in Building Design
source Proc. Electronic Imaging '87, Institute for Graphics Communication, Boston
series other
last changed 2003/09/03 15:01

_id 9999
authors Coxe, W., Hartung, N.F., Hochberg, H.H., Lewis, B.J., Maister, D.H., Mattox, R.F. and Piven, P.A.
year 1987
title Success Strategies for Design Professionals
source New York, McGraw-Hill
summary As consultants with the opportunity to analyze literally hundreds of professional design firms, we have found the search for ideal management methods challenging. Each time we've observed a format that appears to work well for some or many firms, an exception has soon appeared, contradicting what looked like a good rule to follow. For example, some firms do outstanding work organized as project teams, others are very successful with a departmentalized project structure, and still others get good results with a studio format. One of the major puzzles for observers has been finding a relation between the project delivery system used by firms (that is, "how we do our work") and how the organization itself is operated (that is, "how we structure and run the firm"). After years of study and trial and error, a model has begun to emerge that holds promise for creating some order among these issues. At the heart of this model is the recognition that although no one strategy fits all firms, there is a family of understandable principles from which almost any firm of design professionals can devise its own best strategy. We call these the SuperPositioning principles. This book sets forth the theory, a set of master strategies derived from it, and some thoughts on how to put the principles to use. We look forward to further learning in the years ahead from the experience of professionals who apply the principles in their own firms.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 0748
authors Coyne, R.D., Rosenman, M.A. and Radford, A.D. (
year 1987
title Innovation and Creativity in Knowledge-based CAD
source Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1987. pp. 435-465
summary The authors examine the creativity of knowledge-based design systems from a narrow information processing perspective. As a property of the design process innovation and creativity can be identified by observing both the quality of the product, and also the characteristics of the process itself. The key theme running through the discussion is the acquisition of knowledge as the key to understanding creativity. This involves not only the ability of a system to acquire knowledge, but also its ability to control its own processes and change its own structure. In order to discuss this view a model of design systems is put forward in which a distinction between interpretative and syntactic subsystems for innovation and creativity is made
keywords design process, knowledge base, systems, creativity, knowledge acquisition, representation
series CADline
last changed 2003/05/17 10:13

_id 2f5a
authors Gero, John S. and Coyne, Richard D.
year 1987
title Knowledge-based Planning as a Design Paradigm
source Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1987. pp. 289-323 : tables. includes bibliography
summary The application of sequential planning to the design process is discussed, considering design as a search through a space of states. The procedures which transform states utilize a kind of design knowledge. Planning is considered as a method of controlling the design process. Various paradigms of planning are discussed along with their application to design. The authors discuss forward deduction and backtracking, backward deduction hierarchical planning and constructive approaches to planning. These lead to the view that control in design is a multi-level process. The paradigms are illustrated with examples implemented in PROLOG. With this it is shown that knowledge-based planning is a good design paradigm
keywords control, design process, planning, PROLOG, knowledge base
series CADline
last changed 2003/05/17 10:17

_id e60d
authors Gross, Mark D., Ervin, Stephen M. and Anderson, James (et al)
year 1987
title Designing with Constraints
source John Wiley & Sons, 1987. pp. 53-83. includes bibliography
summary The constraint model of designing provides a means of demonstrating and exploring the computability of design. Designing is understood as a process of incrementally defining an initially ill-defined question, and concurrently proposing and testing possible answers. That is, not finding THE solution to A problem, but finding A solution to THE problem. Articulating (including inventing and modifying) the question, and exploring possible alternative answers (or designs), are two fundamental activities which can be supported by computers and the constraint model. The authors discuss the use of constraints to explicate design questions, circumscribe feasible regions and specify proposed solutions, and examine the processes of search and scrutiny within a region. Naming, solving history-keeping, block-structuring, identifying and resolving conflicts are among tasks identified that can be rendered to a computer. Questions of knowledge representation and inference making with ambiguity and imprecision are discussed. Examples of the application of the constraint model to design problems in architecture and site planning are illustrated by brief scenarios
keywords constraints, design process, search, knowledge
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 10:24

_id 0740
authors Herman, M. Jackson, N. and Pomerenke, S.
year 1987
title Four-D Architectural Exploration Through CAD: Applications of the Computer to Architectural History
source Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum [ACADIA Conference Proceedings] Raleigh (North Carolina / USA) 1987, pp. 55-64
summary This paper, which is based on ongoing research, demonstrates methods of utilizing Computer-Aided Design (CAD) to explore objects of architectural significance in relation to time and space. The paper shows how the use of animated walk-through allows these objects to be experienced with the realism of built form which no other means of recording can achieve.

The paper argues that, through the use of the computer, the whole nature of Architectural History, as it is currently taught in schools of architecture, will need to be changed and that a more pragmatic, hands- on approach to the subject will have to be adopted. Thus we advocate that the computer, the tool of today and the future, will allow students to experience architecture in the way they did in the past, from the Grand Tour to the architectural apprenticeship, aU before the introduction of architectural academies.

series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id cd7b
authors Hopgood, F. and Duce, D.
year 1988
title Future Developments in Graphics and Workstations
source CAAD futures ‘87 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-444-42916-6] Eindhoven (The Netherlands), 20-22 May 1987, pp. 217-252
summary The application of Computer Aided Design has been fragmented so far due to the lack of standards at the hardware and basic software level. The most impressive products have been turn-key systems using custom-built hardware with large software suites developed over a number of years. Such systems have often been difficult to modify and maintain. The very nature of such systems is that they are expensive to produce, have a limited market and, consequently, are expensive. Hardware and software advances over the last few years point to a change in this environment. The trend is towards hardware and software compatibility from the computer suppliers allowing software suppliers to target their offerings at a wider range of products. This produces a competitive market and the downward trend in hardware costs gives the possibility for systems of much lower cost and, consequently, opens up the market to a larger customer base. This paper will concentrate on the developments in single user workstations and graphics standards which should provide a firm base for this new environment.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/03 17:58

_id 489e
authors Jolliet, Aimé and Quincerot, Richard
year 1987
title Video et Architecture
source Architectural Education and the Information Explosion [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Zurich (Switzerland) 5-7 September 1987.
summary L'institution architecturale est organisée à partir du postulat d'une incommunicabilité de l'architecture ("I'espace indicible" de Le Corbusier, par exemple), ce qui ne facilite pas l'enseignement ni l'exercice professionnel. Comme l'ont montré divers travaux théoriques, ce postulat n'a rien de nécessaire, bien qu'il joue un rôle institutionnel historiquement situé. Une activité pratique de communication de l'architecture par la vidéo conduit à la même conclusion: bien des opportunités existent d'exploiter les techniques médiatiques contemporaines pour les mettre au service de l'architecture, de son enseignement et des pratiques professionnelles. La présentation s'appuie sur quinze ans d'expérience d'enseignement et de production de vidéos dans l'Ecole d'architecture de l'Université de Genève ayant permis la réalisation d'une centaine d'émissions sur l'architecture, la construction et l'urbanisme.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id af13
authors Kennedy, Michael
year 1987
title The Initial Start: Beginning CAADD for the Brand New Student
source Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum [ACADIA Conference Proceedings] Raleigh (North Carolina / USA) 1987, pp. 65-76
summary Described is a teaching system presently being used during the first five weeks of a first course in Computer Aided Architectural Design and Drafting (After these five weeks students spend eleven weeks actively using a 2-D drafting package and a 3-D surface modeling package).

It is the view of the author that a student can obtain much more from her or his first course in CAADD if some fundamental concepts are covered specifically and dramatically, rather than assumed or conveyed by osmosis. On the other hand, one does not want to significantly delay the teaching of he principal objective: how to use a computer as a partner in design and production. The answer to meeting these two divergent objectives is two-fold: (1) careful organization with computer based tutorials, and (2) integration of architectonic lessons during the introduction.

The objectives of he initial five weeks are (1) to demystify computers, (2) teach the fundamental concepts of computer systems relating to hardware (disks, cpu, memory, display), and software (programs, data, files), (3) illustrate programming and program design, and (4) convey the concept of discrete symbol manipulation and its relation to graphics and text.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id maver_108
id maver_108
authors Maver, T.W., Clarke, J.A., Stearn, D.d. and Kim, J.J.
year 1987
title Lighting Simulation in Building Performance Appraisal
source Proceedings of Electronic Imaging Conference, Boston
summary This paper describes an advanced, multi-chromatic lighting simulation model capable of representing complex geometries and randomly distributed luminaires. The model, known by the acronym DIM (Dynamic Illumination Model), is now operational as a research prototype and a follow-on project has now commenced which aims to transform this prototype into a polished design tool. DIM accepts a description of a zone's geometry, surface finishes, contents and natural and artificial light sources. A multi-chromatic ray tracking scheme is then employed to obtain the spectral surface luminance distribution corresponding to each light source. Output from the model are the usual contours of planar illuminance and coloured perspective images.
series other
last changed 2003/09/03 15:36

_id ce3b
authors Mitchell, J.R. and Radford, Antony D.
year 1987
title EAVE, A Generative Expert System for Detailing
source Environment and Planning B. 1987. vol. 14: pp. 281-292
summary Grammars of shapes and designs are rule-based models for the generation of members of a class of designs. The applicability of the formalism as a basis for generative expert systems for construction details in computer-aided design is discussed. A demonstration system is presented
keywords applications, automation, synthesis, shape grammars, CAD, expert systems
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 14:41

_id bbeb
authors Pena, W., Parshall, S. and Kelly, K.
year 1987
title Problem Seeking: An architectural programming primer
source 3d ed. Washinton, D. C. AIA Press
summary Architectural programming is a team effort that requires close cooperation between architects and their clients. Problem Seeking, Fourth Edition lays out a five-step procedure that teams can follow when programming any building or series of buildings, from a small house to a hospital complex. This simple yet comprehensive process encompasses the entire range of factors that influence the design of buildings. This new edition of the only programming guide appropriate for both architect and client features new ways of thinking about programming, new strategies for effective group action, and new settings in which to explore programming concepts. Supplemented with more than 120 helpful illustrations and diagrams, this indispensable resource provides updated technical information and faster, easier access to explanations, examples, and tools.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 27e8
authors Rasdorf, William J. and High, Stacey L.
year 1987
title Simplified Steel Compression Member Design
source Dynamics of Structures ASCE Structures Congress Proceedings. 1987. American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. D: pp. 352-367. CADLINE has abstract only
summary The American Institute of Steel Construction 'Specification for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel Buildings' has made manual steel column design exceedingly time consuming and difficult. The objective of this paper is to present a simplified method of designing steel columns subjected to axial loads and moments for use in situations where automated design methods are inappropriate. Steel column design is based on the interaction equations of the AISC Specification. These equations are presented in terms of actual and allowable stresses and much time is required by a designer to manually determine the stresses and solve the equations. To simplify their solution, the interaction equations were reformulated and a set of parameters (multipliers) was introduced into them. The parameters were investigated to determine their validity, limits, and ranges of significant influence. They were then tabulated to provide quick and easy access for use. The modified interaction equations and the tabulated parameters constitute the results of this study. They are the physical tools that enable a designer to rapidly select initial steel column sections to satisfy design requirements and specification constraints. The analysis confirms that these tools can realistically and accurately be determined. The equations were algebraically derived and the tables were generated as a function of the properties of the sections. Thus, a new design method, combining the use of tabulated parameters with algebraically modified interaction equations, has been developed. This method greatly simplifies and speeds up the column section selection process
keywords civil engineering, structures, synthesis, design, methods
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id c1b6
authors Ries, R.
year 1999
title Computational Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Building Designs
source Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
summary Concem for the environmental implications of human activities is becoming increasingly important to society. The concept of current development that does not compromise future generations! abilities to meet their needs is a goal for many communities and individuals (WCED 1987). These concerns require the evaluation and assessment of the potential environmental impact of human activities so that informed choices can be made. Building construction and operation activities are of significant importance in view of a) national and intemational economies, 6) resource consumption, c) human occupancy, and d) environmental impact. For example, in the United States the built environment represents an extensive investment, both as an annual expenditure and as an aggregate investment. In the mid-l980’s, up to 30% of new and remodeled buildings had indoor air quality related complaints. Buildings also consume approximately 35% of the primary energy in the U.S. every year, resulting in the release of 482 million metric tons of carbon in 1993. I Methods developed to assess the environmental impact of buildings and development patterns can and have taken multiple strategies. The most straightforward and simple methods use single factors, such as energy use or the mass of pollutant emissions as indicators of environmental performance. Other methods use categorization and weighting strategies. These gauge the effects of the emissions typically based on research studies and use a weighting or effect formulation to normalize, compare, and group emissions so that a scalar value can be assigned to a single or a set of emissions. These methods do not consider the characteristics of the context where the emissions occur.
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id e01a
authors Rosenman, M.A., Coyne, R.D. and Gero, J.S.
year 1987
title Expert Systems for Design Applications
source pp. 74-91
summary Reprinted in J.R. Quinlan (ed.) Applications of Expert Systems. Sydney, Addison-Wesley, (1987) pp. 66-84. The suitability of expert systems to design is demonstrated through three classes of design applications. These are the interpretation of design codes, the interpretation of design specifications to produce designs and, thirdly, a method for conflict resolution applicable to more general classes of design
keywords design, knowledge, expert systems
series CADline
last changed 2003/05/17 10:17

_id aef1
authors Rosenman, M.A., Gero, J.S. and Coyne, R.D. (et al)
year 1987
title SOLAREXPERT : A Prototype Expert System for Passive Solar Energy Design in Housing
source Canberra: Aust NZ Solar Energy Society, 1987. vol.II: pp. 361-370. Also published in People and Technology - Sun, Climate and Building, edited by V. Szokolay, Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, 1988
summary Passive solar energy design is not an exact science in which a set of analytical procedures can be followed to produce results. Rather it depends heavily on subjective parameters and experience collected over time which is heuristic by nature. At present this knowledge is available in books but while this knowledge is comprehensive, it is unstructured and not always easy to make use of. A computer-based system allows for flexible interactive dialogue and for the incorporation of analytical procedures which may be required. This paper describes work on SOLAREXPERT, a prototype expert system to aid designers in passive solar energy design for single dwellings. The system operates at a strategic level to provide basic advice on the form of construction and types of passive solar systems and at a spatial zone level to provide more detailed advice on sizes and materials. It allows for modification of the information entered so that users may explore several possibilities
keywords applications, experience, housing, expert systems, energy, design, architecture
series CADline
last changed 2003/05/17 10:17

_id 54c7
authors Schoen, D.
year 1987
title Educating the Reflective Practitioner
source San Francisco: Josey-Bass Publishers
summary Building on the concepts of professional competence that he introduced in his classic The Reflective Practitioner, Schon offers an approach for educating professional in all areas that will prepare them to handle the complex and unpredictable problems of actual practice with confidence, skill, and care.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 4f2f
authors Zube, E. H., Simcox, D. E. and Law, C. S.
year 1987
title Perceptual landscape simulations history and prospect
source Landscape Journal 6, pp. 62-80
summary Contributed by Susan Pietsch (
keywords 3D City Modeling, Development Control, Design Control
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:45

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