CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id c568
authors Balachandran, M.B. and John S. Gero
year 1987
title A Model for Knowledge Based Graphical Interfaces
source AI '87: Proceedings of the Australian Joint Artificial Intelligence Conference. 1987. pp. 505-521. Also published in Artificial Intelligence Developments and Applications edited by J. S. Gero and R Stanton, North-Holland Pub. 1988. -- CADLINE has abstract only.
summary This paper describes a model for knowledge-based graphical interface which incorporates a variety of knowledge of the domain of application. The key issues considered include graphics interpretation, extraction of features of graphics objects and identification of prototype objects. The role of such knowledge-based interfaces in computer-aided design is discussed. A prototype system developed in Prolog and C is described and its application in the domain of structural engineering is demonstrated
keywords user interface, computer graphics, knowledge base, systems, civil engineering, structures
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 2a36
authors Ben-Moshe, R. and Sorgen, A.
year 1988
title Parametric Shape Definition by Example
source 12, [13] p., [7] p. of ill. Israel: MICROCAD, 1988(?). includes bibliography
summary Incorporation of parametric design facilities into CAD systems presents some serious problems. The major issues are: (1) functionality - the need to cater for a great variety of designs, (2) natural user interface, with no need for the user to acquire programming skills, (3) integration and consistency with the 'host' CAD environment
keywords parametrization, user interface, CAD, geometric modeling, mechanical engineering, CAM
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id cf08
authors Blaha, Michael R., Premerlani, William J. and Rumbaugh, James E.
year 1988
title Relational Database Design Using An Object- Oriented Methodology
source communications of the ACM. April, 1988. vol. 31: pp. 414-427 : ill. includes a short bibliography
summary Object-oriented concepts provide a useful abstraction for relational database design. In this article the authors present a design technique that has been used for several projects at General Electric. The methodology is intuitive, expressive, and extensible. The new approach to relational database design is based on the work of Loomis, Sha, and Rumbaugh
keywords relational database, design, methods, objects, modeling, representation
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 0ee6
authors Boyle, R. and Thomas, R.
year 1988
title Computer Vision: A First Course
source Blackwell Scientific Publications
summary Computer vision is a new discipline recently developed from image processing, which is able to take raw images, and, after suitable processing, derive information from them automatically. Computer vision applications are legion in the areas of automated manufacture and robotics, where it may be addressed to such problems as resolving motion in images, and 3-D analysis. This book is a much-needed introduction to the subject for senior undergraduates and graduates. It covers the necessary mathematical techniques at a level suitable for the mathematical literate who has not encountered any image processing before, and proceeds to an examination of some pure vision applications. There is a discussion of human perception and how it relates to machine perception, and there are examples throughout the text, with exercises at the end of each chapter. Table of Contents Perception A pattern recognition system Image acquisition and modelling Low level processing Segmentation A PCB example Line labelling Towards three dimensions Knowledge representation Rule based systemsl Epilogue Appendices.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 5f4b
authors Coyne, R.D.
year 1988
title Logic Models of Design
source Pitman, London
summary This monograph places design in a theoretical context which applies developments in knowledge-based systems, logic programming and planning to design. It addresses two important design issues: the interpretation of designs, which concerns the discovery of implicit design attributes, a key activity in design evaluation that can be modelled by deductive inference in logic programming; and the process of generation, whereby a design description is produced which exhibits these implicit design attributes. Implicit attributes can be seen as analogous to the semantic content of natural language utterances. The work presented here is mainly concerned with design generation, and an operational model of design is investigated in which operations on processes are treated in a similar way to operations on form. It is argued that there are advantages in representing control knowledge as rules in a design system, and that logic is an effective medium for this purpose. This is demonstrated by means of programs developed in Prolog and C using the example of spatial layout in buildings. Primarily, this book is directed at those in artificial intelligence (AI) involved in logic programming, planning and expert systems. However, since AI techniques are finding widespread application in industry, the use of an architectural design example makes this work relevant to architects, designers, engineers and developers of intelligent architectural design software.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id ef5c
authors Danahy, J. W. and Wright, R.
year 1988
title Exploring Design through 3-Dimensional Simulations
source Landscape Architecture 78(5), pp. 64-71
summary Contributed by Susan Pietsch (
keywords 3D City Modeling, Development Control, Design Control
series other
last changed 2001/06/04 20:27

_id 68c8
authors Flemming, U., Coyne, R. and Fenves, S. (et al.)
year 1994
title SEED: A Software Environment to Support the Early Phases in Building Design
source Proceeding of IKM '94, Weimar, Germany, pp. 5-10
summary The SEED project intends to develop a software environment that supports the early phases in building design (Flemming et al., 1993). The goal is to provide support, in principle, for the preliminary design of buildings in all aspects that can gain from computer support. This includes using the computer not only for analysis and evaluation, but also more actively for the generation of designs, or more accurately, for the rapid generation of design representations. A major motivation for the development of SEED is to bring the results of two multi-generational research efforts focusing on `generative' design systems closer to practice: 1. LOOS/ABLOOS, a generative system for the synthesis of layouts of rectangles (Flemming et al., 1988; Flemming, 1989; Coyne and Flemming, 1990; Coyne, 1991); 2. GENESIS, a rule-based system that supports the generation of assemblies of 3-dimensional solids (Heisserman, 1991; Heisserman and Woodbury, 1993). The rapid generation of design representations can take advantage of special opportunities when it deals with a recurring building type, that is, a building type dealt with frequently by the users of the system. Design firms - from housing manufacturers to government agencies - accumulate considerable experience with recurring building types. But current CAD systems capture this experience and support its reuse only marginally. SEED intends to provide systematic support for the storing and retrieval of past solutions and their adaptation to similar problem situations. This motivation aligns aspects of SEED closely with current work in Artificial Intelligence that focuses on case-based design (see, for example, Kolodner, 1991; Domeshek and Kolodner, 1992; Hua et al., 1992).
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id cc50
authors Gossard, D.C., Zuffante, R.P. and Sakurai, H.
year 1988
title Representing Dimensions, Tolerances, and Features in MCAE Systems
source IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. March, 1988. vol. 8: pp. 51-59 : ill. includes bibliography
summary Presented is a method for explicitly representing dimensions, tolerances, and geometric features in solid models. The method combines CSG and boundary representations in a graph structure called an object graph. Dimensions are represented by a relative position operator. The method can automatically translate changes in dimensional values into corresponding changes in geometry and topology. The representation provides an important foundation for higher level application programs to automate the redesign of assemblies and to automate tolerance analysis and synthesis. A prototype interactive polyhedral modeler based on this representation was implemented
keywords CAE, B-rep, representation, CAD, CAM, features, dimensioning, tolerances, graphs, topology, geometric modeling, assemblies
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 14:42

_id 0b4a
authors Halbert, A.R., Todd, A.J.P. and Woodwark, J.R.
year 1988
title Generalizing Active Zones for Set-Theoretic Solid Models
source 8 p. : ill Winchester, UK: IBM UK Scientific Centre, January, 1988. IBM UKSC Report 182. includes bibliography.
summary A major drawback of the set-theoretic solid model is the global and non-unique way in which it is defined. In a recent paper, Rossignac and Voelcker introduced the concept of the active zone of a primitive or sub-model, which provides a localization of a set-theoretic model which is useful for a number of purposes. A more general, but simplified, definition of the active zone is presented which exploits the properties of the symmetric difference operator. A novel application of the active zone to the interactive graphical editing of set- theoretic solid models is also outlined
keywords solid modeling, boolean operations, CSG
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 20a1
authors Hall, R.
year 1989
title Illumination and Color in Computer Generated Imagery
source New York: Springer Verlag
summary This is a discussion of the physics of illumination and the associated techniques for modeling global and local illumination in computer generated imagery. It was state-of-the-art in 1988, but is now rather outdated. It does include discussions of physics and color theory basics that have not changed, and a discussion of illumination models through ray tracing models using various specular reflectance functions and including Fresnel effects. This text is currently out of print. However, we still receive numerous requests for an electronic version of the source code in the book.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 3fb2
authors Itami, R. M.
year 1988
title Cellular World: Models for Dynamic Conceptions of Landscape
source Landscape Architecture 78(5), pp. 52 -57
summary Contributed by Susan Pietsch (
keywords 3D City Modeling, Development Control, Design Control
series other
last changed 2001/06/04 20:38

_id 8a1b
authors Mackenzie, C.A.
year 1987
title Inducing Relational Grammars From Design Interpretations
source AI'87 : Proceeding of the Australian Joint Artificial Intelligence Conference. 1987. pp. 207-220 CADLINE has abstract only.
summary --- Also published in Artificial Intelligence Developments and Applications edited by J. S. Gero and R. Stanton, North-Holland Pub. 1988. The combination of a heuristic driven search and a tree systems inference technique to induce context-free design grammars is presented. This is achieved by searching for the most useful interpretations of each design in a sample set and discovering regularities in their tree systems representation. The knowledge induced is represented as an accepting tree systems automation and generative grammar. Examples from the domain of architectural design are given
keywords heuristics, inference, search, shape grammars, knowledge, representation, architecture
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id ed0f
authors Moshe, R. and Shaviv, E.
year 1988
title Natural Language Interface for CAAD System
source CAAD futures ‘87 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-444-42916-6] Eindhoven (The Netherlands), 20-22 May 1987, pp. 137-148
summary This work explores issues involved in the development of a natural interface for man-machine dialogue in architectural design processes. A hand-touch on an interactive surface is suggested as the best natural-language interface for architectural CAD systems. To allow the development of a rich range of hand-touch natural-language for communicating information and commands to the computer, it is proposed to develop a new type of a touch-panel, for which a set of specifications is presented. A conceptual design of an architectural workstation, having the described touch-panel, is presented. This workstation is characterized by the integration of the entire range of control and communication facilities required for any architectural task into a single interactive unit. The conceptual model for this workstation is the standard size drawing board, on which the architect is accustomed to spread documents, drawings, books and tools, shuffle them around and interchange them freely by using the natural-language interface developed in this work. The potential of the suggested hand-touch natural-language and the proposed workstation are demonstrated by a case-study.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2003/05/16 20:58

_id aaf1
authors Oxman, R., Oxman, R.E. and Radford, A.D.
year 1988
title The Pedagogical Role of the Computer in Design Studies
source Computer Bulletin. September, 1988. pp. 11-17 : ill. includes a short bibliography
summary The teaching of architectural design involves the transfer of a broad spectrum of knowledge. This ranges in diversity from the acquisition of skills to those types of domain- distinctive knowledge which are actually employed in the generation of designs. The authors make a broad distinction between instrumental knowledge employed in various stages of design but peripheral to the actual process of generating designs, and conceptual-configurative knowledge which, in fact, makes the generation of designs possible. In the model of the design process in which there is a sequential relationship between the conceptual-formal and physical- material stages of design, this distinction between the instrumental and the conceptual is most marked during the early, or conceptual, stages of design. However it may be seen to follow through all stages of the design process
keywords design process, education, architecture
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 14:41

_id 45b7
authors Oxman, R.E.
year 1988
title Expert System for Generation and Evaluation in Architectural Design
source Technion, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planing, Haifa
summary The research field, focuses on a new research area of Knowledge Based Systems for Architectural Design. The research deals with concepts and tools emerging from Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Based Systems and Expert Systems. The research is involved with the construction of a theoretical basis for the development of approaches and methods for the representation and control of design knowledge as a reasoning process. Key questions which attempt to reconsider representation and control in design are formulated. The following questions serve as a research framework out of which new approaches, methods and tools were developed. (1.)What are the existing ideas, methods and tools in Expert Systems? (2.) What are the performance characteristics of Expert Systems in Architectural Design ? (3.) What are the desired operative characteristics and interactions for Expert Systems in design ? (4.) How is it possible to formulate and apply the diverse forms of Architectural Knowledge in Expert Systems for design? (5.) What are the problems of implementation in the development of Expert Systems for design ? The state of the art in knowledge based systems is surveyed, while emphasizing the differences between conventional systems and knowledge based systems. Representation and control methods and the components of expert systems are reviewed. Expert systems for diagnosis, interpretation, planning and design are analysed with respect to their performance characteristics. Techniques and technologies of existing tools are defined. An expert system for the generation and evaluation of ill defined architectural design problems is develped. A formalization of the concept of 'design interpretation' is proposed and developed. It is applied in the process of defining and classifying the performance characteristics of expert systems for design. This concept is based upon two sets of reasoning processes: those which enable a mapping between design requirements and solution descriptions in the generation stage of design and those between solution descriptions and performance evaluation in the evaluation stage of design. On the basis of the formalization of this concept, an expert system capable of integrating various modes of performance is proposed and developed. The system functions as a 'design generator', a 'design critic', or a' design critic-generator'. These modes, which integrate generation and evaluation in the same system, operate by employing both forward chaining and backward chaining inference mechanisms. As a result of the examination of desired forms of interactions, a new approach for dual direction interpretation between graphic and verbal modes is developed. This approach reflects the importance of both graphical and verbal expression in design. The approach is based upon a simultaneous mapping between symbolic-verbal interpretation and graphic interpretation. The work presents the mapping process through the concept of design interpretation, employing geometrical knowledge, typological knowledge and evaluation knowledge. A tool which provides communication between an expert system and a graphic system was developed and is presented. The importance of such a tool in expert systems for design resides in the provision of free choice to the user for interacting with the system either graphically or verbally during the design process. An additional component in the development of knowledge-based systems for design is related to the important question of knowledge definition and the representational schemata of design knowledge. A new representational scheme for complex architectural knowledge, termed 'The generation and refinement scheme of a design prototype' is proposed and developed. Its operation as part of a total integrated design system is demonstrated. The scheme is based upon the structures of knowledge of design precedents which constitute typical situations and solutions in architectural design. This scheme provides an appropriate representation for the two types of knowledge which operate in a refinement process of a design prototype. Generative knowledge describes the solution space by predefined refinement stages; interpretive knowledge enables their selection. The examination of representational methods for the proposed scheme indicated that employing a single representational method lacked enough generalization and expressive power for the needs of the design knowledge structures. It was found that a way to represent complex structures is through the integration of multiple methods of representation, each one according to the knowledge characteristics. In order to represent the proposed scheme of design knowledge, a unique method was developed which integrates both rules and frames. The method consists of a rules-frames-rules structure for the representation of a design prototype. An approach is developed for the implementation of these concepts in an expert system for design. PRODS: A prototype based expert system shell for design is developed and demonstrated. The system consists of three basic components: a rule-based expert system shell, a frame system, and a knowledge base interface. All system interactions are controlled by the inference engine. It passes control between the rule-base and the frame-base inference engines, and provides communications between the rule-based and frame-based representations. It is suggested that expert system can interface with external CAD systems including graphics, communicating through a central representation. These concepts and developments are demonstrated in two implementations. The PREDIKT system for the preliminary design of the residential kitchen; the PROUST system for the selection and refinement of dwelling types. PREDIKT demonstrates the integration of rules and a graphical-verbal interpreter; in addition, PROUST demonstrates the significance of hybrid representation in the generation and refinement processes. The results and conlusions are summarized. Future research agenda within the field of knowledge-based systems for design is discussed, and potential research areas are defined.
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id 98bd
authors Pea, R.
year 1993
title Practices of Distributed Intelligence and Designs for Education
source Distributed Cognitions, edited by G. Salomon. New York, NY: CambridgeUniversity Press
summary v Knowledge is commonly socially constructed, through collaborative efforts... v Intelligence may also be distributed for use in designed artifacts as diverse as physical tools, representations such as diagrams, and computer-user interfaces to complex tasks. v Leont'ev 1978 for activity theory that argues forcibly for the centrality of people-in-action, activity systems, as units of analysis for deepening our understanding of thinking. v Intelligence is distributed: the resources that shape and enable activity are distributed across people, environments, and situations. v Intelligence is accomplished rather than possessed. v Affordance refers to the perceived and actual properties of a thing, primarily those functional properties that determine how the thing could possibly be used. v Norman 1988 on design and psychology - the psychology of everyday things" v We deploy effort-saving strategies in recognition of their cognitive economy and diminished opportunity for error. v The affordances of artifacts may be more or less difficult to convey to novice users of these artifacts in the activities to which they contribute distributed intelligence. v Starts with Norman's seven stages of action Ø Forming a goal; an intention § Task desire - clear goal and intention - an action and a means § Mapping desire - unable to map goal back to action § Circumstantial desire - no specific goal or intention - opportunistic approach to potential new goal § Habitual desire - familiar course of action - rapidly cycle all seven stages of action v Differentiates inscriptional systems from representational or symbol systems because inscriptional systems are completely external, while representational or symbol systems have been used in cognitive science as mental constructs. v The situated properties of everyday cognition are highly inventive in exploiting features of the physical and social situation as resources for performing a task, thereby avoiding the need for mental symbol manipulations unless they are required by that task. v Explicit recognition of the intelligence represented and representable in design, specifically in designed artifacts that play important roles in human activities. v Once intelligence is designed into the affordances properties of artifacts, it both guides and constrains the likely contributions of that artifact to distributed intelligence in activity. v Culturally valued designs for distributed intelligence will change over time, especially as new technology becomes associated with a task domain. v If we treat distributed intelligence in action as the scientific unit of analysis for research and theory on learning and reasoning... Ø What is distributed? Ø What constraints govern the dynamics of such distributions in different time scales? Ø Through what reconfigurations of distributed intelligence might the performance of an activity system improve over time? v Intelligence is manifest in activity and distributed in nature. v Intelligent activities the real world... are often collaborative, depend on resources beyond an individual's long-term memory, and require the use of information-handling tools... v Wartofsky 1979 - the artifact is to cultural evolution what the gene is to biological evolution - the vehicle of information across generations. v Systems of activity - involving persons, environment, tools - become the locus of developmental investigation. v Disagrees with Salomon et al.'s entity-oriented approach - a language of containers holding things. v Human cognition aspires to efficiency in distributing intelligence - across individuals, environment, external symbolic representations, tools, and artifacts - as a means of coping with the complexity of activities we often cal "mental." "
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id aef1
authors Rosenman, M.A., Gero, J.S. and Coyne, R.D. (et al)
year 1987
title SOLAREXPERT : A Prototype Expert System for Passive Solar Energy Design in Housing
source Canberra: Aust NZ Solar Energy Society, 1987. vol.II: pp. 361-370. Also published in People and Technology - Sun, Climate and Building, edited by V. Szokolay, Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, 1988
summary Passive solar energy design is not an exact science in which a set of analytical procedures can be followed to produce results. Rather it depends heavily on subjective parameters and experience collected over time which is heuristic by nature. At present this knowledge is available in books but while this knowledge is comprehensive, it is unstructured and not always easy to make use of. A computer-based system allows for flexible interactive dialogue and for the incorporation of analytical procedures which may be required. This paper describes work on SOLAREXPERT, a prototype expert system to aid designers in passive solar energy design for single dwellings. The system operates at a strategic level to provide basic advice on the form of construction and types of passive solar systems and at a spatial zone level to provide more detailed advice on sizes and materials. It allows for modification of the information entered so that users may explore several possibilities
keywords applications, experience, housing, expert systems, energy, design, architecture
series CADline
last changed 2003/05/17 10:17

_id 0e42
authors Rouse, W., Geddes, N. and Curry, R.
year 1998
title An Architecture for Intelligent Interfaces: Outline of an Approach to Supporting Operators of Complex Systems Articles
source Human-Computer Interaction 1987-1988 v.3 n.2 pp. 87-122
summary The conceptual design of a comprehensive support system for operators of complex systems is presented. Key functions within the support system architecture include information management, error monitoring, and adaptive aiding. One of the central knowledge sources underlying this functionality is an operator model that involves a combination of algorithmic and symbolic models for assessing and predicting an operator's activities, awareness, intentions, resources, and performance. Functional block diagrams are presented for the overall architecture as well as the key elements within this architecture. A variety of difficult design issues are discussed, and ongoing efforts aimed at resolving these issues are noted.
series other
last changed 2002/07/07 16:01

_id e757
authors Schijf, R.
year 1988
title Strategies For CAAD Education - The Singapore Way
source CAAD futures ‘87 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-444-42916-6] Eindhoven (The Netherlands), 20-22 May 1987, pp. 23-46
summary For over one year (1985/86) the author was as senior lecturer instrumental in developing and initiating a CAAD-curriculum at the Singapore School of Architecture. The paper describes the circumstances surrounding the acquisition of the Schools' large CAD-system, the CAAD-curriculum proposals, and the first pilot courses. On the basis of this preliminary experience some observations for CAAD-teaching are made, which are related to more universal strategies for CAAD-education.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/03 17:58

_id 0ee1
authors Veness, R. E.
year 1988
title Bridge Builder: An Expert System for the Design of Non-Equipment Military Bridging
source Department of Architectural Science, University of Sydney
summary This thesis describes an expert system for the selection, design and documentation of non-equipment military bridges. The expert system uses the expert system shell BUILD. Extensive use has been made of interfacing between BUILD and Prolog and then by using Prolog's foreign language interface with Pascal procedures and the graphics interface. The expert system, which consists of rules, Pascal procedures and a graphics package, aims at: (a) the determination of the suitable bridging structure; (b) designing a bridge using material constraints; (c) producing a consistent and sound structural design for the bridge and the necessary support structures; (d) producing the necessary working drawings and a bill of materials for the solution. The graphics interface is used to display and manipulate a three dimensional model of the solution and the hardcopy output. [Unpublished. -- CADLINE has abstract only.]
keywords Military Engineering, Expert Systems, Structures, User Interface, Applications
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2002/12/14 19:13

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