CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 1876

_id 22d6
authors Ballheim, F. and Leppert, J.
year 1991
title Architecture with Machines, Principles and Examples of CAAD-Education at the Technische Universität München
source Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Munich (Germany) 17-19 October 1991
summary "Design tools affect the results of the design process" - this is the starting point of our considerations about the efficient use of CAAD within architecture. To give you a short overview about what we want to say with this thesis lets have a short - an surely incomplete - trip through the fourth dimension back into the early time of civil engineering. As CAD in our faculty is integrated in the "Lehrstuhl für Hochbaustatik und Tragwerksplanung" (if we try to say it in English it would approximately be "institute of structural design"), we chose an example we are very familiar with because of its mathematical background - the cone sections: Circle, ellipse, parabola and hyperbola. If we start our trip two thousand years ago we only find the circle - or in very few cases the ellipse - in their use for the ground plan of greek or roman theaters - if you think of Greek amphitheaters or the Colosseum in Rome - or for the design of the cross section of a building - for example the Pantheon, roman aqueducts or bridges. With the rediscovery of the perspective during the Renaissance the handling of the ellipse was brought to perfection. May be the most famous example is the Capitol in Rome designed by Michelangelo Buonarotti with its elliptical ground plan that looks like a circle if the visitor comes up the famous stairway. During the following centuries - caused by the further development of the natural sciences and the use of new construction materials, i.e. cast-iron, steel or concrete - new design ideas could be realized. With the growing influence of mathematics on the design of buildings we got the division into two professions: Civil engineering and architecture. To the regret of the architects the most innovative constructions were designed by civil engineers, e.g. the early iron bridges in Britain or the famous bridges of Robert Maillard. Nowadays we are in the situation that we try to reintegrate the divided professions. We will return to that point later discussing possible solutions of this problem. But let us continue our 'historical survey demonstrating the state of the art we have today. As the logical consequence of the parabolic and hyperbolic arcs the hyperbolic parabolic shells were developed using traditional design techniques like models and orthogonal sections. Now we reach the point where the question comes up whether complex structures can be completely described by using traditional methods. A question that can be answered by "no" if we take the final step to the completely irregular geometry of cable- net-constructions or deconstructivistic designs. What we see - and what seems to support our thesis of the connection between design tools and the results of the design process - is, that on the one hand new tools enabled the designer to realize new ideas and on the other hand new ideas affected the development of new tools to realize them.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id a1dc
authors Budd, T.
year 1991
title An introduction to Object Oriented programming
source Addison-Wesley
summary In An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Timothy Budd provides a language-independent presentation of object-oriented principles, such as objects, methods, inheritance (including multiple inheritance) and polymorphism. Examples are drawn from several different languages, including (among others) C++, C#, Java, CLOS, Delphi, Eiffel, Objective-C and Smalltalk. By examining many languages, the reader is better able to appreciate the general principles that lie beyond the syntax of the individual languages.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id maver_069
id maver_069
authors Clarke, J. and Maver, T.W.
year 1991
title Advanced Design Tools for Energy Conscious Building Design
source Building and Environment, Pergamon Press, vol Vol 26, No 1, 25-34
series other
last changed 2003/09/03 15:01

_id cdb1
authors Cornick, T., Noble, B. and Hallahan, C.
year 1991
title The Limitations of Current Working Practices on the Development of Computer Integrating Modelling in Construction
source computer Integrated Future, CIB W78 Seminar. Calibre, The Netherlands: Eindhoven University of Technology, september, 1991. Unnumbered. includes bibliography
summary For the construction Industry to improve its processes through the application computer-based systems, traditional working practices must first change to support the integrated control of design and construction. Current manual methods of practice accept the limitations of man to process a wide range of building performance and production information simultaneously. However when these limitations are removed, through the applications of computer systems, the constraints of manual methods need no longer apply. The first generation of computer applications to the Construction Industry merely modelled the divided and sequential processes of manual methods i.e. drafting, specification writing, engineering and quantity calculations, estimating, billing, material ordering data-bases and activity planning. Use of these systems raises expectations that connections within the computer between the processes modelled can actually be made and faster and more integrated information processing be achieved. 'Linking' software is then developed. The end result of this approach was that users were able to produce information faster, present it in an impressive manner but, in reality, no perceived improvement in actual building performance, production economy or efficiency was realized. A current government sponsored Teaching Company Programme with a UK design and build company is addressing the problem of how real economic benefit can be realized through improvement in, amongst other things, their existing computer applications. This work is being carried out by both considering an academic conceptual model of how 'designing for production' can be achieved in computer applications and what is immediately realizable in practice by modelling the integration of a limited number of knowledge domains to which computers are already being applied. i.e. billing from design, estimating and buying. This paper describes each area of work and how they are impacting on each other
keywords construction, building process, integration
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 673a
authors Fukuda, T., Nagahama, R. and Sasada, T.
year 1997
title Networked Interactive 3-D design System for Collaboration
source CAADRIA ‘97 [Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 957-575-057-8] Taiwan 17-19 April 1997, pp. 429-437
summary The concept of ODE (Open Design Environment) and corresponding system were presented in 1991. Then the new concept of NODE. which is networked version of ODE. was generated to make wide area collaboration in 1994. The aim of our research is to facilitate the collaboration among the various people involved in the design process of an urban or architectural project. This includes various designers and engineers, the client and the citizens who may be affected by such a project. With the new technologies of hyper medium, network, and component architecture, we have developed NODE system and applied in practical use of the collaboration among the various people. This study emphasizes the interactive 3-D design tool of NODE which is able to make realistic and realtime presentation with interactive interface. In recent years, ProjectFolder of NODE system, which is a case including documents, plans, and tools to proceed project., is created in the World Wide Web (WWW) and makes hyper links between a 3-D object and a text, an image. and other digital data.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id c882
authors Gantz, John
year 1991
title The Market at Large
source Computer Graphics World. April, 1991. vol. 14: pp. 27-33 : tables
summary The computer graphics market has embarked on a long journey that began somewhere in the 1970s and won't end until the turn of the century. As the worldwide economy experiences a recession, deals with war in the Middle East and the restoration of an Eastern Europe market, the graphics market is in great shape to weather anything the economy throws at it. The article discusses the reasons for that
keywords business, computer graphics
series CADline
last changed 1999/02/12 15:08

_id b04c
authors Goerger, S., Darken, R., Boyd, M., Gagnon, T., Liles, S., Sullivan, J. and Lawson, J.
year 1996
title Spatial Knowledge Acquisition from Maps and Virtual Environments in Complex Architectural Space
source Proc. 16 th Applied Behavioral Sciences Symposium, 22-23 April, U.S. Airforce Academy, Colorado Springs, CO., 1996, 6-10
summary It has often been suggested that due to its inherent spatial nature, a virtual environment (VE) might be a powerful tool for spatial knowledge acquisition of a real environment, as opposed to the use of maps or some other two-dimensional, symbolic medium. While interesting from a psychological point of view, a study of the use of a VE in lieu of a map seems nonsensical from a practical point of view. Why would the use of a VE preclude the use of a map? The more interesting investigation would be of the value added of the VE when used with a map. If the VE could be shown to substantially improve navigation performance, then there might be a case for its use as a training tool. If not, then we have to assume that maps continue to be the best spatial knowledge acquisition tool available. An experiment was conducted at the Naval Postgraduate School to determine if the use of an interactive, three-dimensional virtual environment would enhance spatial knowledge acquisition of a complex architectural space when used in conjunction with floor plan diagrams. There has been significant interest in this research area of late. Witmer, Bailey, and Knerr (1995) showed that a VE was useful in acquiring route knowledge of a complex building. Route knowledge is defined as the procedural knowledge required to successfully traverse paths between distant locations (Golledge, 1991). Configurational (or survey) knowledge is the highest level of spatial knowledge and represents a map-like internal encoding of the environment (Thorndyke, 1980). The Witmer study could not confirm if configurational knowledge was being acquired. Also, no comparison was made to a map-only condition, which we felt is the most obvious alternative. Comparisons were made only to a real world condition and a symbolic condition where the route is presented verbally.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 0ed4
authors Kusama, H., Fukuda, T., Park, J.W. and Sasada, T.
year 1996
title Networked CAD System for Designer Group
source CAADRIA ‘96 [Proceedings of The First Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 9627-75-703-9] Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 25-27 April 1996, pp. 153-161
summary Open Design Environment (ODE), the concept of which was proposed in 1991, is a platform on computers to support synthetic to proceed design. We have applied ODE in practical use of design, design review and presentation to make collaboration by using CG in design participants. Recent linkage between LAN and Wide Area Network, just as the Internet, gave ODE a new progress to make wide area collaboration. It leads to generate the concept of Network ODE (NODE). However, we have found some problems on system to proceed the wide area collaboration by using ODE’s Design Tools. Since they are developed on the specific computer system, they can not correspond to the wide area collaboration on various network environments. As a result, the re-arrangement of design environment and the development of Design Tools are needed, which are rather flexible and general purpose, i.e. independent of machine sort and network adaptive. In this paper, to proceed collaboration in a designer group, how to create the system of NODE is demonstrated with the new Key Technologies of network and CG.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id eee5
authors Luczak, H., Beitz, W., Springer, J. and Langner, T.
year 1991
title Frictions and Frustrations in Creative-Informatory Work with Computer Aided Design -- CAD-Systems -- Congress I: Work with Terminals: HEALTH ASPECTS: WORKLOAD, STRESS AND STRAIN AND IRREGULAR WORKING HOURS; Causes and Measures of Stress
source Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 1991 v.1 pp. 175-179
summary The effects of computer aided design work on the design process are analysed by field experiments. The study focuses on the influence of 3 different design tasks (standard tasks) and 11 CAD-systems (2D and 3D), taking into account the performance and strain measurements of 43 subjects (15 design engineers, 8 technicians, 17 draughtsmen, 3 trainees). The 3 standard tasks differ in performance measurements, especially in time spent on task, quantity of generated elements, not in the quality of the solution. The kind of CAD-system influences the time spent on task as well as the design performance, with significant differences of up to 100%. The same tendency can be diagnosed in a comparison of 2D and 3D systems. During the use of different functions of the CAD-system, strain effects are identified by cross-correlation with continuously measured physiological parameters, even with CAD-functions which should reduce stresses of routine work. Deficits and complications in the handling of CAD-systems increase with the complexity of the system and thus cause an antinome effect on performance and strain of its operators: creativity is reduced by frictions and frustrations in system handling even if operators are highly trained.
keywords Stressor Analysis; Performance Measurement; Field-Experiment; Design Process
series other
last changed 2002/07/07 16:01

_id maver_070
id maver_070
authors Maver, T.W. and Petric, J.
year 1991
title Computer Aided Architectural Design: The Next Generation
source Proceedings of ICOGRAPHICS 91, Milan
summary Currently there is very rapid progress in the development of computer based techniques for the visual simulation of those environments which are physically inaccessible. Three such developments are discussed advanced lighting models, interactive animation and virtual reality. The paper then proposes, in the context of building design, a more technically comprehensive approach to experiencing architectural space.
series other
last changed 2003/09/03 15:01

_id 2914
authors Mortola, Elena and Giangrande, Alessandro
year 1991
title An Evaluation Module for "An Interface for Designing" (AID)- A Procedure based on Trichotomic Segmentation
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures: Education, Research, Applications [CAAD Futures ‘91 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 3-528-08821-4] Zürich (Switzerland), July 1991, pp. 139-154
summary The paper illustrates a model used to construct the evaluation module for "An Interface for Designing" (AID), a system to aid architectural design. The model can be used at the end of every cycle of analysis-synthesis-evaluation in the intermediate phases of design development. With the aid of this model it is possible to evaluate the quality of a project in overall terms to establish whether the project is acceptable, whether it should be elaborated ex-novo or whether it is necessary to begin a new cycle to improve it. In this last case it is also possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the possible actions and strategies for improvement. T he model is based on a procedure of trichotomic segmentation, developed within the MCDA (Multi- Criteria Decision Aid), which uses the outranking relation to compare the project with some evaluation profiles taken as projects for reference. In the paper an example of the application of the model in the teaching field will also be described.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/07 12:03

_id 3105
authors Novak, T.P., Hoffman, D.L., and Yung, Y.-F.
year 1996
title Modeling the structure of the flow experience
source INFORMS Marketing Science and the Internet Mini-Conference, MIT
summary The flow construct (Csikszentmihalyi 1977) has recently been proposed by Hoffman and Novak (1996) as essential to understanding consumer navigation behavior in online environments such as the World Wide Web. Previous researchers (e.g. Csikszentmihalyi 1990; Ghani, Supnick and Rooney 1991; Trevino and Webster 1992; Webster, Trevino and Ryan 1993) have noted that flow is a useful construct for describing more general human-computer interactions. Hoffman and Novak define flow as the state occurring during network navigation which is: 1) characterized by a seamless sequence of responses facilitated by machine interactivity, 2) intrinsically enjoyable, 3) accompanied by a loss of self-consciousness, and 4) selfreinforcing." To experience flow while engaged in an activity, consumers must perceive a balance between their skills and the challenges of the activity, and both their skills and challenges must be above a critical threshold. Hoffman and Novak (1996) propose that flow has a number of positive consequences from a marketing perspective, including increased consumer learning, exploratory behavior, and positive affect."
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id cf2009_poster_43
id cf2009_poster_43
authors Oh, Yeonjoo; Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Mark D Gross, and Suguru Ishizaki
year 2009
title Delivery Types And Communication Modalities In The Flat-Pack Furniture Design Critic
source T. Tidafi and T. Dorta (eds) Joining Languages Cultures and Visions: CAADFutures 2009 CD-Rom
summary A computer-based design critiquing system analyzes a proposed solution and offers critiques (Robbins 1998). Critiques help designers identify problems as well as opportunities to improve their designs. Compared with human critics, today’s computer-based critiquing systems deliver feedback in quite restricted manner. Most systems provide only negative evaluations in text; whereas studio teachers critique by interpreting the student’s design, introducing new ideas, demonstrating and giving examples, and offering evaluations (Bailey 2004; Uluoglu 2000) using speech, writing, and drawing to communicate (Anthony 1991; Schön 1983). This article presents a computer-based critiquing system, Flat-pack Furniture Design Critic (FFDC). This system supports multiple delivery types and modalities, adapting the typical system architecture of constraint-based intelligent tutors (Mitrovic et al. 2007).
keywords Critiquing system, design critiquing
series CAAD Futures
type poster
last changed 2009/07/08 22:12

_id 61c0
authors Pittioni, Gernot (Ed.)
year 1991
title Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings]
source eCAADe Conference Proceedings/ Munich (Germany) 17-19 October 1991
summary As a rising number of schools of architecture have decided to extend their curriculum with the new subject CAAD (Computer Aided Architectural Design) the questions of how to organize the education is deeply affecting the concerned faculty members. Though the general education objectives differ with crossing the borders it is of high interest and at the same time extraordinarily valuable to achieve an exchange of experience in the methods of CAAD-education - thus giving new stimulus to the "aged" CAAD-teachers and encouraging the "newcomers". The submitted papers were coming from many countries and they are covering a variety of questions dealing with education and practice. Research topics are touched, because the research work of CAAD- teachers always has some influence on the educational work.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id 4d41
authors Pittioni, Gernot
year 1991
title Support of Structural Design
source Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Munich (Germany) 17-19 October 1991
summary The tendency of using CAD-systems in the early phases of architectural design involve the need of advice tools to support the design process. Many influences have to be managed by the designer. This paper catches a glance on an experiment presently running, aiming at the support of structural design. The system is implemented on AutoCAD 10.0, using AutoLISP with the outlook on future C-interfacing with AutoCAD.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 82c6
authors Sabater, Txatxo
year 1991
title Learning from Volume Processing
source Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Munich (Germany) 17-19 October 1991
summary We will expose a kind of chosen curriculum about the activities we have been working on, basically at the Politechnical University of Barcelona Valles School of Architecture. Our activities, in the realm of Apple Macintosh, involve undergraduate students and a Master degree as well. The way we use graphic computers and 3D software has been formulated gradually through a continuous and progressive use. Dedicating work with Apple Macintosh computers doesn't concern to teaching drawing programmes, but we try to "normalize" its use. How? Integrating it in different tasks and suggesting its use in a range of programmes. And, sometimes, letting the visual transcriptions suggest new arguments. The visual system of values developed by the Modernists (now history) and through the mass media, especially photography, cinema, video, are, nowadays, part of our visual language.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id ddss9483
id ddss9483
authors Shyi, Gary C.-W. and Huang, Tina S.-T.
year 1994
title Constructing Three-Dimensional Mental Models from Two-Dimensional Displays
source Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
summary In the present study we adopted the tasks and the experimental procedures used in a recent series of study by Cooper (1990, 1991) for the purpose of examining how we utilized two-dimensional information in a line-drawing of visual objects to construct the corresponding three-dimensional mental structure represented by the 2-D displays. We expected that the stimulus materials we used avoided some of the problems that Cooper's stimuli had, and with that we examined the effect of complexity on the process of constructing 3-D models from 2-D displays. Such a manipulation helps to elucidate the difficulties of solving problems that require spatial abilities. We also investigated whether or not providing information representing an object viewed from different standpoints would affect the construction of the object's 3-D model. Some researchers have argued that 3-D models, once constructed, should be viewer-independent or viewpoint-invariant, while others have suggested that 3-D models are affected by the viewpoint of observation. Data pertinent to this issue are presented and discussed.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id e924
authors Willems, P.H., Kuiper, P. and Luiten, G.T. (et al)
year 1991
title A Framework for Evolutionary Information Model Development
source The Computer Integrated Future, CIB W78 Seminar. September, 1991. Unnumbered :ill. includes bibliography
summary Large scale information modelling projects, like the development of ISO/STEP, require a modelling approach that does not develop a new model from scratch, but rather base it on a more generic model which, in turn, is based on an even more abstract model, etc. The resulting structure shows a layered framework. On top of which can be found the most generic concepts and downward the more specific concepts with increased semantics. The benefits of such a model development approach are improvements in: version management, object orientated modelling, concurrent model development, controlled change, standardized interfaces, conformance testing etc. This paper describes an environment which supports the development of a new model out of one or more generic parent models. The generation process consists of two steps. In the first step entities of the parent models can be instanciated while constraining the inherited behavior and introducing new behavior. In fact this process is identical with instanciating run time objects from class templates in the object oriented paradigm. However, in the authors' development environment an important (inherited) property of each entity is self-reproduction. In the second step, therefore, each instance is forced to represent its run time state into some kind of information modelling language specification. Appropriate measures are taken to guarantee that the resulting model will conform the behavior of its parent model(s). The paper demonstrates this approach in a multi-layered example currently being implemented and explores several implementation issues
keywords product modeling, standards, integration, abstraction, OOPS
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id e336
authors Achten, H., Roelen, W., Boekholt, J.-Th., Turksma, A. and Jessurun, J.
year 1999
title Virtual Reality in the Design Studio: The Eindhoven Perspective
source Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-5-7] Liverpool (UK) 15-17 September 1999, pp. 169-177
summary Since 1991 Virtual Reality has been used in student projects in the Building Information Technology group. It started as an experimental tool to assess the impact of VR technology in design, using the environment of the associated Calibre Institute. The technology was further developed in Calibre to become an important presentation tool for assessing design variants and final design solutions. However, it was only sporadically used in student projects. A major shift occurred in 1997 with a number of student projects in which various computer technologies including VR were used in the whole of the design process. In 1998, the new Design Systems group started a design studio with the explicit aim to integrate VR in the whole design process. The teaching effort was combined with the research program that investigates VR as a design support environment. This has lead to increasing number of innovative student projects. The paper describes the context and history of VR in Eindhoven and presents the current set-UP of the studio. It discusses the impact of the technology on the design process and outlines pedagogical issues in the studio work.
keywords Virtual Reality, Design Studio, Student Projects
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ecaade2010_040
id ecaade2010_040
authors Akdag, Suzan Girginkaya; Cagdas, Gulen; Guney, Caner
year 2010
title Analyzing the Changes of Bosphorus Silhouette
source FUTURE CITIES [28th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-9-6] ETH Zurich (Switzerland) 15-18 September 2010, pp.815-823
summary Due to improving technology and global competition today sky is the only limit for high towers of metropolitan areas. The increase in number of high rise has been ruining the silhouette of cities all over the world like Istanbul, whose identity and image have also been destroyed by skyscrapers dominating the seven slopes on which it was once built. The urbanization in Istanbul has somehow become homogenous and destructive over the topography. Despite of raising debates on the critical issue now and then, no analytical approach has ever been introduced. The research therefore, aims to analyze the change of Bosphorus silhouette caused by the emergence of high rise blocks in Zincirlikuyu-Maslak route since it was defined as a Central Business District and a high rise development area by Bosphorus Conservation Law in 1991. ArcGIS Desktop software and its analyst extensions are used for mapping, analyzing and evaluating the urban development within years. The application is considered to be the initial step for a decision support system which will assist in assigning ground for high rise buildings in Istanbul.
wos WOS:000340629400087
keywords GIS; Bosphorus; Silhouette analysis; High rise buildings
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

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