CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 1974

_id 0ab2
authors Amor, R., Hosking, J., Groves, L. and Donn, M.
year 1993
title Design Tool Integration: Model Flexibility for the Building Profession
source Proceedings of Building Systems Automation - Integration, University of Wisconsin-Madison
summary The development of ICAtect, as discussed in the Building Systems Automation and Integration Symposium of 1991, provides a way of integrating simulation tools through a common building model. However, ICAtect is only a small step towards the ultimate goal of total integration and automation of the building design process. In this paper we investigate the next steps on the path toward integration. We examine how models structured to capture the physical attributes of the building, as required by simulation tools, can be used to converse with knowledge-based systems. We consider the types of mappings that occur in the often different views of a building held by these two classes of design tools. This leads us to examine the need for multiple views of a common building model. We then extend our analysis from the views required by simulation and knowledge-based systems, to those required by different segments of the building profession (e.g. architects, engineers, developers, etc.) to converse with such an integrated system. This indicates a need to provide a flexible method of accessing data in the common building model to facilitate use by different building professionals with varying specialities and levels of expertise.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 22d6
authors Ballheim, F. and Leppert, J.
year 1991
title Architecture with Machines, Principles and Examples of CAAD-Education at the Technische Universität München
source Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Munich (Germany) 17-19 October 1991
summary "Design tools affect the results of the design process" - this is the starting point of our considerations about the efficient use of CAAD within architecture. To give you a short overview about what we want to say with this thesis lets have a short - an surely incomplete - trip through the fourth dimension back into the early time of civil engineering. As CAD in our faculty is integrated in the "Lehrstuhl für Hochbaustatik und Tragwerksplanung" (if we try to say it in English it would approximately be "institute of structural design"), we chose an example we are very familiar with because of its mathematical background - the cone sections: Circle, ellipse, parabola and hyperbola. If we start our trip two thousand years ago we only find the circle - or in very few cases the ellipse - in their use for the ground plan of greek or roman theaters - if you think of Greek amphitheaters or the Colosseum in Rome - or for the design of the cross section of a building - for example the Pantheon, roman aqueducts or bridges. With the rediscovery of the perspective during the Renaissance the handling of the ellipse was brought to perfection. May be the most famous example is the Capitol in Rome designed by Michelangelo Buonarotti with its elliptical ground plan that looks like a circle if the visitor comes up the famous stairway. During the following centuries - caused by the further development of the natural sciences and the use of new construction materials, i.e. cast-iron, steel or concrete - new design ideas could be realized. With the growing influence of mathematics on the design of buildings we got the division into two professions: Civil engineering and architecture. To the regret of the architects the most innovative constructions were designed by civil engineers, e.g. the early iron bridges in Britain or the famous bridges of Robert Maillard. Nowadays we are in the situation that we try to reintegrate the divided professions. We will return to that point later discussing possible solutions of this problem. But let us continue our 'historical survey demonstrating the state of the art we have today. As the logical consequence of the parabolic and hyperbolic arcs the hyperbolic parabolic shells were developed using traditional design techniques like models and orthogonal sections. Now we reach the point where the question comes up whether complex structures can be completely described by using traditional methods. A question that can be answered by "no" if we take the final step to the completely irregular geometry of cable- net-constructions or deconstructivistic designs. What we see - and what seems to support our thesis of the connection between design tools and the results of the design process - is, that on the one hand new tools enabled the designer to realize new ideas and on the other hand new ideas affected the development of new tools to realize them.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 792a
authors Blaschke, Thomas and Tiede, Dirk
year 2003
title Bridging GIS-based landscape analysis/modelling and 3D-simulation.Is this already 4D?
source CORP 2003, Vienna University of Technology, 25.2.-28.2.2003 [Proceedings on CD-Rom]
summary Several studies have used remote sensing to map patterns of e.g. deforestation or to analyse the rates of land use change. Thesestudies have proven useful for interpreting the causes of urbanization, deforestation etc. and the impact of such changes on theregion. Monitoring of change (e.g. deforestation or reforestation) is frequently perceived as one of the most important contributionsof remote sensing technology to the study of global ecological and environmental change (Roughgarden et al. 1991). Manyresearchers believe that the integration of remote sensing techniques within analysis of environmental change is essential if ecologistsare to meet the challenges of the future, specifically issues relating to global change; however, in practice, this integration has so farbeen limited (Griffiths & Mather 2000). Considerable difficulties are encountered in linking, on the one hand, the biologies oforganisms and the ecologies of populations to the fluxes of material and energy quantifiable at the level of ecosystems. In this paper,we concentrate on the methodological aspects of the delineation of landscape objects and touch the ecological application onlysuperficially but we elucidate the potential of the proposed methodology for several ecological applications briefly.
series other
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id 85f9
authors Brisson, E., Debras, P. and Poyet, Patrice
year 1991
title A First Step Towards an Intelligent Integrated Design System in the Building Field
source computer Integrated Future, CIB W78 Seminar. September, 1991. Unnumbered pages : ill. includes bibliography
summary This article presents the work the Knowledge Base Group is achieving towards the integration of Artificial Intelligence based facilities in the Building design process. After an overview of the current state of the integrated design process, the context and the technical guidelines to realize computer integrated software in the building design field is described. Then some tools are presented to model the knowledge (the HBDS method) and to implement such model in our Mips home-made knowledge modeling software platform (including object-oriented database management facilities, expert system reasoning facilities, hypertext edition facilities, 3D-design and 3D-view modules...). Finally the authors describe the Quakes application devoted to assess detached house anti-seismic capabilities during the design process. A deep conceptual model considers all the semantic entities (columns, resistant panels, openings, ...) involved in the anti-seismic expertise. Using both this conceptual model description of a detached house and the 3D design tool, they input the project. Then the seismic expertise is driven in a divide and conquer approach and records the alleged configuration recognized automatically linked to the corresponding section of the building regulation
keywords AI, design, knowledge, software, integration, building, CAD, structures
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id 0aba
authors Carrara, Gianfranco, Kalay, Yehuda E. and Novembri, Gabriele
year 1991
title Intelligent Systems for Supporting Architectural Design
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures: Education, Research, Applications [CAAD Futures ‘91 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 3-528-08821-4] Zürich (Switzerland), July 1991, pp. 191-202
summary Design can be considered a process leading to the definition of a physical form that achieves a certain predefined set of objectives. The process comprises three distinct operations: (1) definition of the desired set of performance criteria (design goals); (2) production of alternative design solutions; (3) evaluation of the expected performances of alternative design solutions, and comparing them to predefined criteria. Difficulties arise in performing each one of the three operations, as well as in combining them into a purposeful, unified process. First, it is difficult to define the desired performance criteria prior to and independently of, the search for an acceptable solution that achieves them, since many aspects of the desired criteria can only be discovered through the search for an acceptable solution. Furthermore, the search for such a solution may well alter the definition of these criteria, as new criteria and incompatibilities between existing criteria are discovered. Second the generation of a design solution is a task demanding creativity, judgement, and experience, all three of which are difficult to define, teach, and otherwise capture in some explicit manner. Third, it is difficult to evaluate the expected performances of alternative design solutions and to compare them to the predefined criteria. Design parameters interact with each other in complex ways, which cause effects and side effects. Predicting the expected performances of even primary effects involves extrapolating non-physical characteristics from the proposed solution's physical organization, a process which relies on a host of assumptions (physical, sociological, psychological, etc.) and hence is seldom a reliable measure. A fourth problem arises from the need to coordinate the three operations in an iterative process that will converge on an acceptable design solution in reasonable time. Computational techniques that were developed in the past to assist designers in performing the above mentioned activities have shown limitations and proved inadequate to a large degree. In this paper we discuss the work in progress aimed at developing an intelligent support system for building and architectural design, which will be able to play a decisive role in the definition, evaluation and putting into effect of the design choices.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2003/05/16 20:58

_id 2f73
authors Coad, P.and Yourdon, E.
year 1991
title Object Oriented Analysis
source 2nd. edition, Englewood Cliffs, NJ., Yourdon Press/ Prentice Hall
summary A step-by-step approach to: defining and communicating system requirements; understanding the application domain in which the user operates; integrating the data and process models; analyzing and specifying systems using self-contained partitioning; gaining leverage through explicit representation of commonality; applying a consistent underlying representation for analysis; and accommodating families of systems.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id cdb1
authors Cornick, T., Noble, B. and Hallahan, C.
year 1991
title The Limitations of Current Working Practices on the Development of Computer Integrating Modelling in Construction
source computer Integrated Future, CIB W78 Seminar. Calibre, The Netherlands: Eindhoven University of Technology, september, 1991. Unnumbered. includes bibliography
summary For the construction Industry to improve its processes through the application computer-based systems, traditional working practices must first change to support the integrated control of design and construction. Current manual methods of practice accept the limitations of man to process a wide range of building performance and production information simultaneously. However when these limitations are removed, through the applications of computer systems, the constraints of manual methods need no longer apply. The first generation of computer applications to the Construction Industry merely modelled the divided and sequential processes of manual methods i.e. drafting, specification writing, engineering and quantity calculations, estimating, billing, material ordering data-bases and activity planning. Use of these systems raises expectations that connections within the computer between the processes modelled can actually be made and faster and more integrated information processing be achieved. 'Linking' software is then developed. The end result of this approach was that users were able to produce information faster, present it in an impressive manner but, in reality, no perceived improvement in actual building performance, production economy or efficiency was realized. A current government sponsored Teaching Company Programme with a UK design and build company is addressing the problem of how real economic benefit can be realized through improvement in, amongst other things, their existing computer applications. This work is being carried out by both considering an academic conceptual model of how 'designing for production' can be achieved in computer applications and what is immediately realizable in practice by modelling the integration of a limited number of knowledge domains to which computers are already being applied. i.e. billing from design, estimating and buying. This paper describes each area of work and how they are impacting on each other
keywords construction, building process, integration
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id sigradi2016_710
id sigradi2016_710
authors Duarte, Rovenir Bertola; Lepri, Louisa Savignon; Sanches, Malu Magalh?es
year 2016
title Objectile e o projeto paramétrico [Objectile and parametric design]
source SIGraDi 2016 [Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Argentina, Buenos Aires 9 - 11 November 2016, pp.149-156
summary The objectile was a concept developed by Deleuze and Cache in the 80s. It treats the object as a variable and anticipates the society of obsolescence, an inquiry about the contemporary life of the object (marketing, function, representation, modeling, production and consumption). This concept deals with the object where“... fluctuation of the norm replaces the permanence of a law; where the object assumes a place in a continuum by variation” (Deleuze, 1991, p.38). This paper proposes to think objectile as the object of the architectural design, on three types of approximations between design and objectile: (a) Objectile as variable of the design, (b) Objectile as a design variable, and (c) Objectile as architecture (variable architecture). The second approximation (b) enables to discuss the conception of continuous design with power to cross other projects - a meta-design. The main aspect of this meta-design is the variability, another way of control based on concepts of patterns and modulations; however, objectile can mean the release of mind for new types of thought and new kinds of design based on “continuum by variation”: meta-design.
keywords Objectile; parametric design; Gilles Deleuze; Modulado; Digital design
series SIGRADI
last changed 2021/03/28 19:58

_id 218a
authors Ervin, Stephen M.
year 1991
title Intra-Medium and Inter-Media Constraints
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures: Education, Research, Applications [CAAD Futures ‘91 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 3-528-08821-4] Zürich (Switzerland), July 1991, pp. 365-380
summary Designers work with multiple representations in a variety of media to express and explore different kinds of knowledge. The advantages of multi-media in design are well- known, and exemplified by the current interest in 'hyper-media' approaches to knowledge exploration. A principal activity in working between views in one medium (e.g. plan, section and perspective drawings), or between different representations (diagrams, maps, graphs, pictures, e.g.) is extrapolating decisions made in one view or medium over to others, so that some consistency is maintained, and implications can be explored. The former kind of consistency maintenance (intra-medium) is beginning to be well understood techniques for constraint expression., satisfaction and propagation are starting to appear in 'smart CAD' systems. The latter kind of consistency maintenance inter-media.) is different, less well understood, and will require new mechanisms for constraint management and exploration. Experiments, hypotheses, and solutions in this direction will be central to any effort that seeks to explain, emulate or assist the integrative, synthetic reasoning that characterizes environmental design and planning. This paper examines some of the characteristics and advantages of intra and inter-media constraint exploration, describes a prototype "designers workstation" and some experiments in the context of landscape planning and design, and lays out some directions for development of these ideas in future computer aided design systems.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/07 12:03

_id ga0024
id ga0024
authors Ferrara, Paolo and Foglia, Gabriele
year 2000
title TEAnO or the computer assisted generation of manufactured aesthetic goods seen as a constrained flux of technological unconsciousness
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary TEAnO (Telematica, Elettronica, Analisi nell'Opificio) was born in Florence, in 1991, at the age of 8, being the direct consequence of years of attempts by a group of computer science professionals to use the digital computers technology to find a sustainable match among creation, generation (or re-creation) and recreation, the three basic keywords underlying the concept of “Littérature potentielle” deployed by Oulipo in France and Oplepo in Italy (see “La Littérature potentielle (Créations Re-créations Récréations) published in France by Gallimard in 1973). During the last decade, TEAnO has been involving in the generation of “artistic goods” in aesthetic domains such as literature, music, theatre and painting. In all those artefacts in the computer plays a twofold role: it is often a tool to generate the good (e.g. an editor to compose palindrome sonnets of to generate antonymic music) and, sometimes it is the medium that makes the fruition of the good possible (e.g. the generator of passages of definition literature). In that sense such artefacts can actually be considered as “manufactured” goods. A great part of such creation and re-creation work has been based upon a rather small number of generation constraints borrowed from Oulipo, deeply stressed by the use of the digital computer massive combinatory power: S+n, edge extraction, phonetic manipulation, re-writing of well known masterpieces, random generation of plots, etc. Regardless this apparently simple underlying generation mechanisms, the systematic use of computer based tools, as weel the analysis of the produced results, has been the way to highlight two findings which can significantly affect the practice of computer based generation of aesthetic goods: ? the deep structure of an aesthetic work persists even through the more “desctructive” manipulations, (such as the antonymic transformation of the melody and lyrics of a music work) and become evident as a sort of profound, earliest and distinctive constraint; ? the intensive flux of computer generated “raw” material seems to confirm and to bring to our attention the existence of what Walter Benjamin indicated as the different way in which the nature talk to a camera and to our eye, and Franco Vaccari called “technological unconsciousness”. Essential references R. Campagnoli, Y. Hersant, “Oulipo La letteratura potenziale (Creazioni Ri-creazioni Ricreazioni)”, 1985 R. Campagnoli “Oupiliana”, 1995 TEAnO, “Quaderno n. 2 Antologia di letteratura potenziale”, 1996 W. Benjiamin, “Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reprodizierbarkeit”, 1936 F. Vaccari, “Fotografia e inconscio tecnologico”, 1994
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id 44c8
authors Hacfoort, E.J.H.
year 1991
title The COSMOS Building Design Tool
source Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Munich (Germany) 17-19 October 1991
summary This paper describes the development of a method to bring expert knowledge forward in the preliminary stage of the design process. We are focusing on the use of a graphic interface which makes it possible, in an easy and for a designer, familiar way, to state explicitly about the technical and economical impact of his design proposals. The first problem to overcome was to provide the designer with a design tool that combines the capability to reflect the geometry of the design and at the same time generate systematically, for computing and evaluation, a usable database. To fulfil this task we developed the program COSMOS, it receives the basic geometry of a design and produces a set of data which can be partly evaluated inside the program and furthermore function for design and computation in specialized programs. In this paper COSMOS is presented as the design tool developed so far and which we are now are introducing and testing in the education of building design and building physics at our faculty.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 8f20
authors Hannus, Matti, Jarvinen, Heikki and Astrom, Gunnar
year 1991
title Exchange of Product Data of Prefabricated Concrete Structures
source The Computer Integrated Future, CIB W78 Seminar. September, 1991. Unnumbered : ill
summary As part of efforts to adopt manufacturing automation in a scattered organizational structure the Finnish precast concrete industry has initiated the development of a number of solutions for data exchange. Guidelines concerning various aspects of using computers in the design/manufacturing process were defined in a manual which was widely distributed to involved parties. Standardized neutral file formats for data exchange between dissimilar computer systems were developed for three kinds of data: 1) drawings, 2) tables (e.g. bills of materials) and 3) product model-based data. Translator programs were developed for a number of common CAD-systems as well as a set of software tools to the users of standardized exchange files and software developers. The result of these developments have been widely adopted by fabricators, designers and software developers
keywords CAD, communication, product modeling, standards
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 13:58

_id dfec
authors Hornyanszky-Dalholm, Elisabeth and Rydberg-Mitchell, Birgitta
year 1991
source Proceedings of the 3rd European Full-Scale Modelling Conference / ISBN 91-7740044-5 / Lund (Sweden) 13-16 September 1990, pp. 23-30
summary In Lund the full-scale laboratory is mainly used as a tool for citizen or user participation. Our intention is to develop the full-scale method further for this purpose. For several years now, we have carried through projects together with different users - mainly people from various types of working-places but recently also with dwellers. Most of our work has been financed by our clients, i.e. private enterprises, trade unions, county councils or municipalities, but since this summer we also receive support from the Swedish Council for Building Research. We have worked with many types of environments and their specific problems, but thanks to the research money we will now have an opportunity to develop our method in a more conscious manner. The purpose of our research is to increase the awareness of the different mechanisms involved in the participant/user process. We want to improve and refine our method and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages compared to other media for spatial communication. In our research program we will now present some criteria that have developed from our previous experiences and which we find essential to our future work.
keywords Full-scale Modeling, Model Simulation, Real Environments
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2004/05/04 15:16

_id 2eb4
authors Johnson, Robert E.
year 1991
title ESP - An Expert System for Property Revitalization
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures: Education, Research, Applications [CAAD Futures ‘91 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 3-528-08821-4] Zürich (Switzerland), July 1991, pp. 425-442
summary This paper reports on the development of a knowledge based system that can help to assess the reuse potential of idle industrial property. It does not take the place of the architect or engineer, but allows for strategic design factors to be considered in very early and important property redesign and revitalization decisions. The idea is predicated on the judgment that there is a relatively systematic approach to evaluating the reuse potential of vacant property. A frame based approach together with a series of "if-then" rules are used to represent the knowledge domain and procedures required to perform a feasibility analysis. Rules for assessing the impact of the regional economy, industrial market trends, building configuration, building design strategies and the impact of building codes are included in this manner. A prototype of this system system has been implemented on both an Apple Macintosh computer using AAIS Prolog and an IBM AT compatible using Arity/Prolog.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/07 12:03

_id cb47
authors Kalay, Yehuda E.
year 1991
title Computational Modalities of Evaluation and Prediction in Design
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures: Education, Research, Applications [CAAD Futures ‘91 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 3-528-08821-4] Zürich (Switzerland), July 1991, pp. 271-284
summary Evaluation can be defined as measuring the fit between achieved (or expected) performances and stated criteria. It is complicated by the multi-criteria and multi-level modalities of design, where an overall balance of performances is preferred to maximizing the performance of a few characteristics, and where evaluation must be performed at different design phases, each characterized by a different informational profile. Each design modality requires a different approach to evaluation: the Multi-Criteria modality requires evaluation of a proposed solution at a particular design phase from multiple points of view, while the Multi-Level modality requires the evaluation of a particular performance characteristic at several different design phases. This paper discusses the multi-modal nature of evaluation and prediction in design, exemplified by some of the approaches that have been proposed to support them computationally. It then argues for the need to develop an integrated, multi-modal design evaluation paradigm.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2003/05/16 20:58

_id 84a7
authors Kalay, Yehuda E.
year 1991
title Multi-Faceted, Dynamic Representation of Design Knowledge
source ARCC Conference on Reflections on Representations. September, 1991. [16] p. : ill. includes bibliography
summary Explicit representation of design knowledge is needed if scientific methods are to be applied in design research, and if computers are to be used in the aid of design education and practice. The representation of knowledge in general, and design knowledge in particular, have been the subject matter of computer science, design methods, and computer-aided design research for quite some time. Several models of design knowledge representation have been developed over the last 30 years, addressing specific aspects of the problem. This paper describes an approach that recognizes the multiplicity of design knowledge representation modalities and the dynamic nature of the represented knowledge. It uses a variety of computational tools to encode different aspects of design knowledge, including the realities, perceptions and the intentions it comprises. The representation is intended to form a parsimonious, communicable and presentable knowledge- base that can be used as a tool for design research and education
keywords design, knowledge, representation, architecture, integration
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 10:24

_id 0ed4
authors Kusama, H., Fukuda, T., Park, J.W. and Sasada, T.
year 1996
title Networked CAD System for Designer Group
source CAADRIA ‘96 [Proceedings of The First Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 9627-75-703-9] Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 25-27 April 1996, pp. 153-161
summary Open Design Environment (ODE), the concept of which was proposed in 1991, is a platform on computers to support synthetic to proceed design. We have applied ODE in practical use of design, design review and presentation to make collaboration by using CG in design participants. Recent linkage between LAN and Wide Area Network, just as the Internet, gave ODE a new progress to make wide area collaboration. It leads to generate the concept of Network ODE (NODE). However, we have found some problems on system to proceed the wide area collaboration by using ODE’s Design Tools. Since they are developed on the specific computer system, they can not correspond to the wide area collaboration on various network environments. As a result, the re-arrangement of design environment and the development of Design Tools are needed, which are rather flexible and general purpose, i.e. independent of machine sort and network adaptive. In this paper, to proceed collaboration in a designer group, how to create the system of NODE is demonstrated with the new Key Technologies of network and CG.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id 2e3b
authors Kvan, Thomas and Kvan, Erik
year 1997
title Is Design Really Social
source Creative Collaboration in Virtual Communities 1997, ed. A. Cicognani. VC'97. Sydney: Key Centre of Design Computing, Department of Architectural and Design Science, University of Sydney, 8 p.
summary There are many who will readily agree with Mitchell’s assertion that “the most interesting new directions (for computer-aided design) are suggested by the growing convergence of computation and telecommunication. This allows us to treat designing not just as a technical process... but also as a social process.” [Mitchell 1995]. The assumption is that design was a social process until users of computer-aided design systems were distracted into treating it as a merely technical process. Most readers will assume that this convergence must and will lead to increased communication between design participants; that better social interaction leads to be better design. The unspoken assumption appears to be that putting the participants into an environment with maximal communication channels will result in design collaboration. The tools provided; therefore; must permit the best communication and the best social interaction. We think it essential to examine the foundations and assumptions on which software and environments are designed to support collaborative design communication. Of particular interest to us in this paper is the assumption about the “social” nature of design. Early research in computer-assisted design collaborations has jumped immediately into conclusions about communicative models which lead to high-bandwidth video connections as the preferred channel of collaboration. The unstated assumption is that computer-supported design environments are not adequate until they replicate in full the sensation of being physically present in the same space as the other participants (you are not there until you are really there). It is assumed that the real social process of design must include all the signals used to establish and facilitate face-to-face communication; including gestures; body language and all outputs of drawing (e.g. Tang [1991]). In our specification of systems for virtual design communities; are we about to fall into the same traps as drafting systems did?
keywords CSCW; Virtual Community; Architectural Design; Computer-Aided Design
series other
last changed 2002/11/15 18:29

_id c65f
authors Littlefair, P.J.
year 1991
title Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight
source Building Research Establishment Report
summary This guide gives advice on site layout planning to achieve good sunlight and daylight within buildings and adjacent open spaces such as gardens. It includes methods that allow for the calculation of sunlight or daylight levels at 4 different latitudes within the UK and for different times of the year. An additional section discusses the subject of site layout and design for obtaining maximum solar energy. This guide supersedes the original Department of the Environment document Sunlight and Daylight. BRE 209 has sections for the following:- * Light from the Sky. * New development. * Existing Buildings. * Adjoining development land. * Sunlighting. * New development. * Existing Buildings. * Gardens & open spaces. * Passive solar design. * Other issues. * View. * Privacy. * Security. * Access. * Enclosure. * Microclimate. * Solar dazzle. * Appendix A. Indicators to calculate access to sunlight, skylight and solar radiation. * Appendix B. A waldram diagram to calculate vertical sky component. * Appendix C. Interior daylighting recommendations. * Appendix D. Plotting the no-sky line. * Appendix E. Rights to light. * Appendix F. Setting alternative target values for skylight access. * Appendix G. Calculation of sun on the ground. * Appendix H. Definitions.
series report
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id ead3
authors Meinecke, Christoph and Scherer, Raimar J.
year 1991
title Architecture of a Knowledge- Based -System for the Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Columns
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures: Education, Research, Applications [CAAD Futures ‘91 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 3-528-08821-4] Zürich (Switzerland), July 1991, pp. 451-464
summary This paper presents the hypothesis part of an expert-system for detailing reinforced concrete structures. The structural members on which the work is focused are columns. To generate a hypothesis - that means to configurate the reinforcement for a given structural member with an almost fixed geometry - needs different kinds of information, i.e. knowledge and a strategy to apply this knowledge. Therefore a hybrid system is chosen which combines object oriented organization to represent the fixed knowledge and a rule base to model the strategy and the dynamic knowledge.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/07 12:03

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