CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 6620

_id c5d7
authors Kuffer, Monika
year 2003
title Monitoring the Dynamics of Informal Settlements in Dar Es Salaam by Remote Sensing: Exploring the Use of Spot, Ers and Small Format Aerial Photography
source CORP 2003, Vienna University of Technology, 25.2.-28.2.2003 [Proceedings on CD-Rom]
summary Dar es Salaam is exemplary for cities in the developing world facing an enormous population growth. In the last decades, unplanned settlements have tremendously expanded, causing that around 70 percent of the urban dwellers are living now-a-days in these areas. Tools for monitoring such tremendous growth are relatively weak in developing countries, thus an effective satellite based monitoring system can provide a useful instrument for monitoring the dynamics of urban development. An investigation to asses the ability of extracting reliable information on the expansion and consolidation levels (density) of urban development of the city of Dar es Salaam from SPOT-HRV and ERS-SAR images is described. The use of SPOT and ERS should provide data that is complementary to data derived from the most recent aerial photography and from digital topographic maps. In a series of experiments various classification and fusion techniques are applied to the SPOT-HRV and ERS-SAR data to extract information on building density that is comparable to that obtained from the 1992 data. Ultimately, building density is estimated by linear and non-linear regression models on the basis of an one ha kernel and further aggregation is made to the level of informal settlements for a final analysis. In order to assess the reliability, use is made of several sample areas that are relatively stable over the study period, as well as, of data derived from small format aerial photography. The experiments show a high correlation between the density data derived from the satellite images and the test areas.
series other
last changed 2003/03/11 20:39

_id 46c7
id 46c7
authors Ozel, Filiz
year 1992
title Data Modeling Needs of Life Safety Code (LSC) Compliance Applications
source Mission - Method - Madness [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-01-2] 1992, pp. 177-185
summary One of the most complex code compliance issues originates from the conformance of designs to Life Safety Code (NFPA 101). The development of computer based code compliance checking programs attracted the attention of building researchers and practitioners alike. These studies represent a number of approaches ranging from CAD based procedural approaches to rule based, non graphic ones, but they do not address the interaction of the rule base of such systems with graphic data bases that define the geometry of architectural objects. Automatic extraction of the attributes and the configuration of building systems requires 11 architectural object - graphic entity" data models that allow access and retrieval of the necessary data for code compliance checking. This study aims to specifically focus on the development of such a data model through the use of AutoLISP feature of AutoCAD (Autodesk Inc.) graphic system. This data model is intended to interact with a Life Safety Code rule base created through Level5-Object (Focus Inc.) expert system.

Assuming the availability of a more general building data model, one must define life and fire safety features of a building before any automatic checking can be performed. Object oriented data structures are beginning to be applied to design objects, since they allow the type versatility demanded by design applications. As one generates a functional view of the main data model, the software user must provide domain specific information. A functional view is defined as the process of generating domain specific data structures from a more general purpose data model, such as defining egress routes from wall or room object data structure. Typically in the early design phase of a project, these are related to the emergency egress design features of a building. Certain decisions such as where to provide sprinkler protection or the location of protected egress ways must be made early in the process.

series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id sigradi2005_144
id sigradi2005_144
authors Goldberg, Sergio Araya
year 2005
title ICHTYOMORPH - Design and development of a fish-skin double façade system for freeform super tall buildings using Parametric Design Tools
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 144-149
summary Parametric design implies a whole new paradigm of non standard design through the propagation of the difference, the repetition of variation. The ability to control variation and adaptation to local conditions allows more precise yet complex designs. This paper describes a research project designing double skin façade systems for tall buildings using a parametric approach. These designs are tested later through rapid prototyping techniques. This research aims its design towards an adjustable façade structure, articulated according to various complex geometrical conditions on the façade of a building. The skin is conceived as a light, flexible, reconfigurable composition responding to different criteria regarding the design, its environment or the program. It achieves this through different levels of control on different scales of the project, by embedding several layers of parametric features, which are nested one inside the other, in order to produce the overall rainscreen surface of the tower.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id acadia19_188
id acadia19_188
authors Leschok, Matthias; Dillenburger, Benjamin
year 2019
title Dissolvable 3DP Formwork
source ACADIA 19:UBIQUITY AND AUTONOMY [Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-578-59179-7] (The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture, Austin, Texas 21-26 October, 2019) pp. 188-197
summary Additive manufacturing technology frees the designer and manufacturer from the constraints for creating formwork for castable materials. However, the removal of formwork remains a challenging task for specific geometric features such as undercuts and hollow parts. The entire formwork needs to be reachable by humans or machines to be broken, which poses a great risk of damaging the final concrete surface or destroying intricate details. This paper focuses on the development of a sustainable FDM 3D printed formwork system, enabling the casting of components at an architectural scale, without creating material waste. It does so by combining a minimal 3D printed shell with additional geometrical formwork features. Furthermore it proposes the usage of an alternative formwork material, Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA). PVA is water dissolvable, non-toxic, and biodegradable. Introducing water dissolvable 3D printed formwork allows designers to exploit in full the advantages of additive manufacturing technologies and the formability of castable materials. Concrete can be cast to fabricate one of a kind, full-scale, structural components without compromising the complexity of form, while at the same time, reducing the amount of material waste drastically.
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id ddss2006-hb-187
id DDSS2006-HB-187
authors Lidia Diappi and Paola Bolchi
year 2006
title Gentrification Waves in the Inner-City of Milan - A multi agent / cellular automata model based on Smith's Rent Gap theory
source Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) 2006, Innovations in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Springer, ISBN-10: 1-4020-5059-3, ISBN-13: 978-1-4020-5059-6, p. 187-201
summary The aim of this paper is to investigate the gentrification process by applying an urban spatial model of gentrification, based on Smith's (1979; 1987; 1996) Rent Gap theory. The rich sociological literature on the topic mainly assumes gentrification to be a cultural phenomenon, namely the result of a demand pressure of the suburban middle and upper class, willing to return to the city (Ley, 1980; Lipton, 1977, May, 1996). Little attempt has been made to investigate and build a sound economic explanation on the causes of the process. The Rent Gap theory (RGT) of Neil Smith still represents an important contribution in this direction. At the heart of Smith's argument there is the assumption that gentrification takes place because capitals return to the inner city, creating opportunities for residential relocation and profit. This paper illustrates a dynamic model of Smith's theory through a multi-agent/ cellular automata system approach (Batty, 2005) developed on a Netlogo platform. A set of behavioural rules for each agent involved (homeowner, landlord, tenant and developer, and the passive 'dwelling' agent with their rent and level of decay) are formalised. The simulations show the surge of neighbouring degradation or renovation and population turn over, starting with different initial states of decay and estate rent values. Consistent with a Self Organized Criticality approach, the model shows that non linear interactions at local level may produce different configurations of the system at macro level. This paper represents a further development of a previous version of the model (Diappi, Bolchi, 2005). The model proposed here includes some more realistic factors inspired by the features of housing market dynamics in the city of Milan. It includes the shape of the potential rent according to city form and functions, the subdivision in areal submarkets according to the current rents, and their maintenance levels. The model has a more realistic visualisation of the city and its form, and is able to show the different dynamics of the emergent neighbourhoods in the last ten years in Milan.
keywords Multi agent systems, Housing market, Gentrification, Emergent systems
series DDSS
last changed 2006/08/29 12:55

_id acadia18_434
id acadia18_434
authors Meibodi, Mania Aghaei ; Jipa, Andrei; Giesecke, Rena; Shammas, Demetris; Bernhard, Mathias; Leschok, Matthias; Graser, Konrad; Dillenburger, Benjamin
year 2018
title Smart Slab. Computational design and digital fabrication of a lightweight concrete slab
source ACADIA // 2018: Recalibration. On imprecisionand infidelity. [Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-17729-7] Mexico City, Mexico 18-20 October, 2018, pp. 434-443
summary This paper presents a computational design approach and novel digital fabrication method for an optimized lightweight concrete slab using a 3D-printed formwork. Smart Slab is the first concrete slab fabricated with a 3D-printed formwork. It is a lightweight concrete slab, displaying three-dimensional geometric differentiation on multiple scales. The optimization of slab systems can have a large impact on buildings: more compact slabs allow for more usable space within the same building volume, refined structural concepts allow for material reduction, and integrated prefabrication can reduce complexity on the construction site. Among the main challenges is that optimized slab geometries are difficult to fabricate in a conventional way because non-standard formworks are very costly. Novel digital fabrication methods such as additive manufacturing of concrete can provide a solution, but until now the material properties and the surface quality only allow for limited applications. The fabrication approach presented here therefore combines the geometric freedom of 3D binderjet printing of formworks with the structural performance of fiber reinforced concrete. Using 3D printing to fabricate sand formwork for concrete, enables the prefabrication of custom concrete slab elements with complex geometric features with great precision. In addition, space for building systems such as sprinklers and Lighting could be integrated in a compact way. The design of the slab is based on a holistic computational model which allows fast design optimization and adaptation, the integration of the planning of the building systems, and the coordination of the multiple fabrication processes involved with an export of all fabrication data. This paper describes the context, design drivers, and digital design process behind the Smart Slab, and then discusses the digital fabrication system used to produce it, focusing on the 3D-printed formwork. It shows that 3D printing is already an attractive alternative for custom formwork solutions, especially when strategically combined with other CNC fabrication methods. Note that smart slab is under construction and images of finished elements can be integrated within couple of weeks.
keywords full paper, digital fabrication, computation, generative design, hybrid practices
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:58

_id ce38
authors Paoluzzi, Alberto and Sansoni, Claudio
year 1989
title A Programming Language for Architectural Symbolic Modeling
source CAAD: Education - Research and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 87-982875-2-4] Aarhus (Denmark) 21-23 September 1989, pp. 8.4.1-8.4.16
summary In this paper a software project supporting architectural design is outlined. Such a project aims to develop the new design language PLASM (a Programming Language for Architectural Symbolic Modeling), which is planned to be a very high-level, user-oriented language, belonging to the class of constraint languages. The language PLASM will support a small set of abstract data types which are significant in various outstanding problems of architectural design, and will offer both procedural features and non-procedural constraints satisfaction. It will allow the designer to make use of a large set of computing tools in any phase of architectural design, in order to explore a wider set of design solutions. Customizable evaluation functions will be available in the language. The execution of a PLASM program may result either in generating or in updating a semantic network over a set of data objects solving the geometric problem under consideration. The proposed language will support both abstract data types significant in the design domain, and tools performing automatized data generation and transformations between different data types. The modification of any object in such a system, both performed by editing a daemon program and/or by interactively modifying a data object, will result in the immediate propagation of changes into the problem network, by activating a message passing mechanism.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 7670
authors Sawicki, Bogumil
year 1995
title Ray Tracing – New Chances, Possibilities and Limitations in AutoCAD
source CAD Space [Proceedings of the III International Conference Computer in Architectural Design] Bialystock 27-29 April 1995, pp. 121-136
summary Realistic image synthesis is nowadays widely used in engineering applications. Some of these applications, such as architectural, interior, lighting and industrial design demand accurate visualization of non-existent scenes as they would look to us, when built in reality. This can only be archived by using physically based models of light interaction with surfaces, and simulating propagation of light through an environment. Ray tracing is one of the most powerful techniques used in computer graphics, which can produce such very realistic images. Ray tracing algorithm follows the paths of light rays backwards from observer into the scene. It is very time consuming process and as such one could not be developed until proper computers appeared, In recent years the technological improvements in computer industry brought more powerful machines with bigger storage capacities and better graphic devices. Owing to increasing these hardware capabilities successful implementation of ray tracing in different CAD software became possible also on PC machines. Ray tracing in AutoCAD r.12 - the most popular CAD package in the world - is the best of that example. AccuRender and AutoVision are an AutoCAD Development System (ADS) applications that use ray tracing to create photorealistic images from 3D AutoCAD models. These ,internal"' applications let users generate synthetic images of threedimensional models and scenes entirely within AutoCAD space and show effects directly on main AutoCAD screen. Ray tracing algorithm accurately calculates and displays shadows, transparency, diffusion, reflection, and refraction from surface qualities of user-defined materials. The accurate modelling of light lets produce sophisticated effects and high-quality images, which these ray tracers always generates at 24-bit pixel depth,"providing 16,7 million colours. That results can be quite impressive for some architects and are almost acceptable for others but that coloured virtual world, which is presented by ray tracing in AutoCAD space in such convincing way, is still not exactly the same as the real world. Main limitations of realism are due to the nature of ray tracing method Classical ray tracing technique takes into account the effects of light reflection from neighbouring surfaces but, leaves out of account the ambient and global illumination arising out of complex interreflections in an environment. So models generated by ray tracing belong to an "ideal" world where real materials and environment can't find their right place. We complain about that fact and say that ray tracing shows us "too specular world", but (...) (...) there is anything better on the horizon? It should be concluded, that typical abilities of today's graphics software and hardware are far from exploited. As was observed in literature there have been various works carried along with the explicit intention of overcoming all these ray tracing limitations, These researches seem to be very promising and let us hope that their results will be seen in CAD applications soon. As it happens with modelling, perhaps the answer will come from a variety of techniques that can be combined together with ray tracing depending on the case we are dealing with. Therefore from the point of view of an architects that try to keep alive some interest on the nature of materials and their interaction with form, "ray tracing" seems to be right path of research and development that we can still a long way follow, From the point of view of the school, a critical assimilation of "ray tracing" processes is required and one that might help to determinate exactly their distortions and to indicate the correct way of its development and right place in CAAD education. I trust that ray tracing will become standard not only in AutoCAD but in all architectural space modelling CAD applications and will be established as a powerful and real tool for experimental researches in architectural design process. Will be the technological progress so significant in the nearest future as it is anticipated?
series plCAD
last changed 2000/01/24 10:08

_id d166
authors Shin, Yongjae and Han, Soon-Hung
year 1998
title Data enhancement for sharing of ship design models
source Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 30 (12) (1998) pp. 931-941
summary Within a shipyard, many designers each having their own design objective cooperate in a complex design situation where a variety of software tools run on differenthardware platforms. The exchange of design data models among these heterogeneous CAD systems is a difficult task because the systems involved have different datastructures optimized for their own functions. CAD geometric models are represented by different schemes such as 2D graphic entities, 3D wireframe, 3D surface model,and solid B-Rep/CSG model. A data exchange usually requires topological modifications of CAD data. This paper presents a strategy of CAD data enhancement for thepurpose of data exchange that includes topological changes of geometric models. As a practical example, a shipbuilding product model with shipbuilding features isimplemented according to the STEP methodology. Its geometric data is enhanced through a non-manifold modeler to a data set valuable to downstream applications suchas a FEM solver or a detail design system. The ACIS modeler that supports a non-manifold data structure is used for low-level geometric operations.
keywords CAD Data Exchange, STEP, Feature, Non-Manifold Model, Ship Structure
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:33

_id acadia23_v2_352
id acadia23_v2_352
authors Wei, Jiaying; Cardoso Llach, Daniel; Bard, Joshua
year 2023
title Responsive Robotic Assembly System With Heterogeneous Materials: A Case Study with Unprocessed Wood
source ACADIA 2023: Habits of the Anthropocene: Scarcity and Abundance in a Post-Material Economy [Volume 2: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference for the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-9891764-0-3]. Denver. 26-28 October 2023. edited by A. Crawford, N. Diniz, R. Beckett, J. Vanucchi, M. Swackhamer 352-360.
summary This paper explores how robotic automated assembly can be adapted towards archi- tectural materials, and develops a dual planning and design framework between ROS (Robot Operating System) and Grasshopper for responsive assembly with non-stan- dardized tree branches. The framework synthesizes features of adaptive path planning, material analysis, and parametric design as an efficient and dynamic feedback system to adjust robot trajectory planning and design decision-making. It creates the potential for adaptive mass-customized fabrication with heterogeneous natural materials. The paper documents iterate research and testing leading to a series of prototypes using wood branches collected in local parks and forests as test materials. Approaching these through a bi-directional, real-time system, we bypass industrial standardization; confront geometric and tectonic challenges unique to irregular, biological forms; and evaluate the system's performance. The framework embodies techniques in 3D map generation and calibration through sensors, empirical design solver, and data efficiency organization. This distributed, resourceful approach to fabrication challenges the historical tendency of automation technologies towards increased mass standardization and capital concentra- tion. The attention to direct employment of non-standardized raw wood not only supports biologically inspired computational designs, but also ecologically friendly fabrication practices that scavenge waste materials and save costs from material-standardization treatment. Responding to the global concerns of waste management and resource repur- posing, the research seeks to contribute towards an equitable, ecological, architectural design practice with computation and semi-autonomous robots.
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2024/12/20 09:12

_id 47c5
authors Weiler, Kevin J.
year 1986
title Topological Structures for Geometric Modeling
source Computer and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
summary Geometric modeling technology for representing three-dimensional objects has progressed from early wireframe representations, through surface representations, to the most recent representation, solid modeling. Each of these forms has many possible representations. The boundary representation technique, where the surfaces, edges, and vertices of objects are represented explicitly, has found particularly wide application. Many of the more sophisticated versions of boundary representations explicitly store topological information about the positional relationships among surfaces, edges, and vertices. This thesis places emphasis on the use of topological information about the shape being modeled to provide a framework for geometric modeling boundary representations and their implementations, while placing little constraint on the actual geometric surface representations used. The major thrusts of the thesis fall into two areas of geometric modeling. First, a theoretical basis for two-manifold solid modeling boundary topology representation is developed. The minimum theoretical and minimum practical topological adjacency information required for the unambiguous topological representation of manifold solid objects is determined. This provides a basis for checking the correctness of existing and proposed representations. The correctness of the winged edge structure is also explored, and several new representations which have advantages over existing techniques are described and their sufficiency verified. Second, a non-two-manifold boundary geometric modeling topology representation is developed which allows the unified and simultaneous representation of wireframe, surface, and solid modeling forms, while featuring a representable range beyond what is achievable in any of the previous modeling forms. In addition to exterior surface features, interior features can be modeled, and non-manifold features can be represented directly. A new data structure, the Radial Edge structure, which provides access to all topological adjacencies in a non-manifold boundary representation, is described and its completeness is verified. A general set of non-manifold topology manipulation operators is also described which is independent of a specific data structure and is useful for insulating higher levels of geometric modeling functionality from the specifics and complexities of underlying data structures. The coordination of geometric and topological information in a geometric modeling system is also discussed.
series thesis:MSc
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id 2f1a
authors Dabney, M.K., Wright, J.C. and Sanders, D.H.
year 1999
title Virtual Reality and the Future of Publishing Archaeological Excavations: the multimedia publication of the prehistoric settlement on Tsoungiza at Ancient Nemea
source New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
summary The Nemea Valley Archaeological Project is a study of settlement and land use in a regional valley system in Greece extending from the Upper Paleolithic until the present. Active field research was conducted by four teams between 1981 and 1990. The first component was a regional archaeological survey. Second, and closely related to the first, was a social anthropological study of modern settlement and land use. Next was a team assigned to excavate the succession of prehistoric settlements of Ancient Nemea on Tsoungiza. Last, historical ecologists, a palynologist, and a geologist formed the environmental component of the research. As a result of advances in electronic publishing, plans for the final publication of the Nemea Valley Archaeological Project have evolved. Complete publication of the excavation of the prehistoric settlements of Ancient Nemea on Tsoungiza will appear in an interactive multimedia format on CD/DVD in Fall 2000. This project is planned to be the first electronic publication of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. We have chosen to publish in electronic format because it will meet the needs and interests of a wider audience, including avocational archaeologists, advanced high school and college students, graduate students, and professional archaeologists. The multimedia format on CD/DVD will permit the inclusion of text, databases, color and black-and-white images, two and three-dimensional graphics, and videos. This publication is being developed in cooperation with Learning Sites, Inc., which specializes in interactive three-dimensional reconstructions of ancient worlds The Nemea Valley Archaeological Project is particularly well prepared for the shift towards electronic publishing because the project's field records were designed for and entered in computer databases from the inception of the project. Attention to recording precise locational information for all excavated objects enables us to place reconstructions of objects in their reconstructed architectural settings. Three-dimensional images of architectural remains and associated features will appear both as excavated and as reconstructed. Viewers will be able to navigate these images through the use of virtual reality. Viewers will also be able to reference all original drawings, photographs, and descriptions of the reconstructed architecture and objects. In this way a large audience will be able to view architectural remains, artifacts, and information that are otherwise inaccessible.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id ecaade2018_402
id ecaade2018_402
authors Ron, Gili, Shallaby, Sara and Antonako, Theofano
year 2018
title On-Site Fabrication and Assembly for Arid Region Settlements
source Kepczynska-Walczak, A, Bialkowski, S (eds.), Computing for a better tomorrow - Proceedings of the 36th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, 19-21 September 2018, pp. 801-810
summary With fast growing population rates and the further desertification of the global climate, desert regions, covering one fifth of the world's surface, provide an opportunity for future habitats. However, their extreme climatic conditions and remoteness pose a planning challenge, currently addressed with prefabrication and layered design; wasteful and costly solutions. This article proposes a bespoke design, fabrication and assembly process: performed in-situ with using local resources and novel automation. The research addresses challenges in on-site robotic forming and assembly of mono-material discrete elements, made in waterless concrete of sand-Sulphur composite. The formed components are examined in formwork-free assembly of wall and arch, with Pick & Place tool-path. The component's design incorporates topological and osteomorphic interlocking, facilitating structural integrity, as well as self-shading and passive cooling, to fit with local climate. This work culminates in a design proposal for constructing desert habitats, climatically adapted for Zagora oasis in the Moroccan Sahara: a remote site of hyper-arid climate.
keywords Material System; Vernacular Architecture; Digital Morphogenesis; Topological Interlocking; Robotic Fabrication; Robotic Assembly
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id aa78
authors Bayazit, Nigan
year 1992
title Requirements of an Expert System for Design Studios
source CAAD Instruction: The New Teaching of an Architect? [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Barcelona (Spain) 12-14 November 1992, pp. 187-194
summary The goal of this paper is to study problems of the transition from traditional architectural studio teaching to CAAD studio teaching which requires a CAAD expert system as studio tutor, and to study the behavior of the student in this new environment. The differences between the traditional and computerized studio teaching and the experiences in this field are explained referring to the requirements for designing time in relation to the expertise of the student in the application of a CAD program. Learning styles and the process of design in computerized and non-computerized studio teaching are discussed. Design studio requirements of the students in traditional studio environment while doing design works are clarified depending on the results of an empirical study which explained the relations between the tutor and the student while they were doing studio critiques. Main complaints of the students raised in the empirical study were the lack of data in the specific design problem area, difficulties of realization of ideas and thoughts, not knowing the starting point of design, having no information about the references to be used for the specific design task, having difficulties in the application of presentation techniques. In the concluding parts of the paper are discussed the different styles of teaching and their relation to the CAAD environment, the transformation of the instructional programs for the new design environment, the future expectations from the CAAD programs, properties of the new teaching environment and the roles of the expert systems in design studio education.

keywords CAAD Education, Expert System, Architectural Design Studio, Knowledge Acquisition
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id aba4
authors Lischinski, D. Tampieri, F. and Greenberg, D.P.
year 1992
title Discontinuity Meshing for Accurate Radiosity
source IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, November 1992, pp.25-38
summary We discuss the problem of accurately computing the illumination of a diffuse polyhedral environment due to an area light source. We show how umbra and penumbra boundaries and other illumination details correspond to discontinuities in the radiance function and its derivatives. The shape, location, and order of these discontinuities is determined by the geometry of the light sources and obstacles in the environment. We describe an object-space algorithm that accurately reproduces the radiance across a surface by constructing a discontinuity mesh that explicitly represents various discontinuities in the radiance function as boundaries between mesh elements. A piecewise quadratic interpolant is used to approximate the radiance function, preserving the discontinuities associated with the edges in the mesh. This algorithm can be used in the framework of a progressive refinement radiosity system to solve the diffuse global illumination problem. Results produced by the new method are compared with ones obtained using a standard radiosity system.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id eaff
authors Shaviv, Edna and Kalay, Yehuda E.
year 1992
title Combined Procedural and Heuristic Method to Energy Conscious Building Design and Evaluation
source New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1992. pp. 305-325 : ill. includes bibliography
summary This paper describes a methodology that combines both procedural and heuristic methods by means of integrating a simulation model with a knowledge based system (KBS) for supporting all phases of energy conscious design and evaluation. The methodology is based on partitioning the design process into discrete phases and identifying the informational characteristics of each phase, as far as energy conscious design is concerned. These informational characteristics are expressed in the form of design variables (parameters) and the relationships between them. The expected energy performance of a design alternative is evaluated by a combination of heuristic and procedural methods, and the context-sensitive application of default values, when necessary. By virtue of combining knowledge based evaluations with procedural ones, this methodology allows for testing the applicability of heuristic rules in non-standard cases,Ô h)0*0*0*°° ÔŒ thereby improving the predictable powers of the evaluation
keywords design process, evaluation, energy, analysis, synthesis, integration, architecture, knowledge base, heuristics, simulation
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 10:24

_id c54a
authors Welch, W. and Witkin, A.
year 1992
title Variational surface modeling
source Computer Graphics, 26, Proceedings, SIGGRAPH 92
summary We present a newapproach to interactivemodeling of freeform surfaces. Instead of a fixed mesh of control points, the model presented to the user is that of an infinitely malleable surface, with no fixed controls. The user is free to apply control points and curves which are then available as handles for direct manipulation. The complexity of the surface's shape may be increased by adding more control points and curves, without apparent limit. Within the constraints imposed by the controls, the shape of the surface is fully determined by one or more simple criteria, such as smoothness. Our method for solving the resulting constrained variational optimization problems rests on a surface representation scheme allowing nonuniform subdivision of B-spline surfaces. Automatic subdivision is used to ensure that constraints are met, and to enforce error bounds. Efficient numerical solutions are obtained by exploiting linearities in the problem formulation and the representation.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id a3f5
authors Zandi-Nia, Abolfazl
year 1992
title Topgene: An artificial Intelligence Approach to a Design Process
source Delft University of Technology
summary This work deals with two architectural design (AD) problems at the topological level and in presence of the social norms community, privacy, circulation-cost, and intervening opportunity. The first problem concerns generating a design with respect to a set of above mentioned norms, and the second problem requires evaluation of existing designs with respect to the same set of norms. Both problems are based on the structural-behavioral relationship in buildings. This work has challenged above problems in the following senses: (1) A working system, called TOPGENE (The TOpological Pattern GENErator) has been developed. (2) Both problems may be vague and may lack enough information in their statement. For example, an AD in the presence of the social norms requires the degrees of interactions between the location pairs in the building. This information is not always implicitly available, and must be explicated from the design data. (3) An AD problem at topological level is intractable with no fast and efficient algorithm for its solution. To reduce the search efforts in the process of design generation, TOPGENE uses a heuristic hill climbing strategy that takes advantage of domain specific rules of thumbs to choose a path in the search space of a design. (4) TOPGENE uses the Q-analysis method for explication of hidden information, also hierarchical clustering of location-pairs with respect to their flow generation potential as a prerequisite information for the heuristic reasoning process. (5) To deal with a design of a building at topological level TOPGENE takes advantage of existing graph algorithms such as path-finding and planarity testing during its reasoning process. This work also presents a new efficient algorithm for keeping track of distances in a growing graph. (6) This work also presents a neural net implementation of a special case of the design generation problem. This approach is based on the Hopfield model of neural networks. The result of this approach has been used test TOPGENE approach in generating designs. A comparison of these two approaches shows that the neural network provides mathematically more optimal designs, while TOPGENE produces more realistic designs. These two systems may be integrated to create a hybrid system.
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id ijac202018304
id ijac202018304
authors Aagaard, Anders Kruse and Niels Martin Larsen
year 2020
title Developing a fabrication workflow for irregular sawlogs
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 18 - no. 3, 270-283
summary In this article, we suggest using contemporary manufacturing technologies to integrate material properties with architectural design tools, revealing new possibilities for the use of wood in architecture. Through an investigative approach, material capacities and fabrication methods are explored and combined towards establishing new workflows and architectural expressions, where material, fabrication and result are closely interlinked. The experimentation revolves around discarded, crooked oak logs, doomed to be used as firewood due to their irregularity. This project treats their diverging shapes differently by offering unique processing to each log informed by its particularities. We suggest here a way to use the natural forms and properties of sawlogs to generate new structures and spatial conditions. In this article, we discuss the scope of this approach and provide an example of a workflow for handling the discrete shapes of natural sawlogs in a system that involve the collection of material, scanning/digitisation, handling of a stockpile, computer analysis, design and robotic manufacturing. The creation of this specific method comes from a combination of investigation of wood as a material, review of existing research in the field, studies of the production lines in the current wood industry and experimentation through our in-house laboratory facilities. As such, the workflow features several solutions for handling the complex and different shapes and data of natural wood logs in a highly digitised machining and fabrication environment. This up-cycling of discarded wood supply establishes a non-standard workflow that utilises non-standard material stock and leads to a critical articulation of today’s linear material economy. The project becomes part of an ambition to reach sustainable development goals and technological innovation in global and resource-intensive architecture and building industry.
keywords Natural wood, robotic fabrication, computation, fabrication, research by design
series journal
last changed 2020/11/02 13:34

_id acadia13_391
id acadia13_391
authors Abbasy-Asbagh, Ghazal
year 2013
title [re]folding Muqarnas: A case study
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 391-392
summary This project uses folded surface as a mechanism to make a historically non-structural system, Muqarnas, into one that combines surface and structure.
keywords structural optimization, folded surface, cultural landscapes, muqarnas, complex geometry
series ACADIA
type Design Poster
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

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