CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id 4b55
authors Af Klercker, J. , Ekholm, A. and Fridqvist, S. (Ed.)
year 1996
title Education for Practice [Conference Proceedings]
source 14th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-2-2 / Lund (Sweden) 12-14 September 1996, 425 p.
summary There are many of us trying to make place for CAAD in a natural way in the Curriculum of the Architect school. We would like to make CAAD useful to the students already during their studies. Even if we have the support of our collegues for running courses there is very often no space in the timetable. And even if we have all the entusiasm of our students it is hard to practice your CAAD knowledge on projects where it is not asked for.

The education of architects in the use of computers has lead me to try to find "the roots of education of architects" in general. A collegue of mine in a bookshelf of course litterature in Informatics found and put into my hands "Educating the reflective practitioner" by Donald Schön. It lead to an interesting process of personal reflection and discussion within our CAAD team.

We think by the way that the theme of the conference points to the heart of the message in Donald Schöns book and we are inviting him as a key note speaker at the Conference.

series eCAADe
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id 8a25
authors Alshawi, M. and Underwood, J.
year 1996
title Applying object-oriented analysis to the integration of design and construction
source Automation in Construction 5 (2) (1996) pp. 105-121
summary This paper implements an Object Oriented Analysis technique to model information related to design and construction. In a previous study, an approach to integrate design and construction processes based upon information analysis and modelling has been proposed. By breaking down the project's vast information into groups of related information, construction related problems have been identified and then traced back too their relevant design processes. This paper models this process using a relatively young and new method of analysis rather than a traditional structured approach. An Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA) method has been applied to model the information in terms of the fundamental ideas that underlie object-oriented technology i.e. object types and classes, methods, requests, encapsulation and inheritance. Proceeding through the five major activities of Coad and Yourdon's OOA method, a complete OOA model has been developed with potential to improve the construction related problems.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id cf57
authors Anumba, C.J.
year 1996
title Functional Integration in CAD Systems
source Advances in Engineering Software, 25, 103-109
summary This paper examines the issue of integration in CAD systems and argues that for integration to be effective, it must address the functional aspects of a CAD system. It discusses the need for integrated systems and, within a structural engineering context, identifies several facets of integration that should be targeted. These include 2-D drafting and 3-D modelling, graphical and non-graphical design information, the CAD data structure and its user interface, as well as integration of the drafting function with other engineering applications. Means of achieving these levels of integration are briefly discussed and a prognosis for the future development of integrated systems explored. Particular attention is paid to the emergence (and potential role) of `product models' which seek to encapsulate the full range of data elements required to define completely an engineering artefact.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id af94
authors Anumba, C.J.
year 1996
title Data structures and DBMS for computer-aided design systems
source Advances in Engineering Software, 25(2/3), 123-129
summary The structures for the storage of data in CAD systems influence to a large extent the effectiveness of the system. This paper reviews the wide range of data structures and database management systems (DBMS) available for structuring CAD data. Examples of basic data types are drawn from the MODULA-2 language. The relationship between these basic data types, their composite structures and the classical data models (on which many DBMS are based) is discussed, and the limitations of existing DBMS in modelling CAD data highlighted. A set of requirements for CAD database management systems is drawn up and the emerging role of product models (which seek to encapsulate the totality of data elements required to define fully an engineering artefact) is explored.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id ddssup9602
id ddssup9602
authors Arentze, T.A., Borgers, A.W.J. and Harry J.P.
year 1996
title A knowledge-based model for developing location strategies in a DSS for retail planning
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part two: Urban Planning Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary Most DSS for retail planning are based on impact assessment models to support the evaluation of plan scenario's. This paper introduces a complementary knowledge-based model to support also the earlier stage of formulating plan scenario's. An analysis of the retail planning problem reveals the main lines of the strategies adopted by most Dutch planners and retailers to achieve their goals. A basic strategy that seems to be appropriate in most problem contexts is formulated in the form of a set of decision tables. Each decision table or system of decision tables specifies for a problem area decision rules to identify and analyse problems and to formulate possible actions. The model is implemented in a DSS where it is used in combination with quantitative impact assessment models. A case study in the area of daily good facilities demonstrates the approach. The major conclusion is that the knowledge-based approach and in particular the decision table technique provides interesting possibilities to implement planning task structures in a DSS environment.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id ddssar9638
id ddssar9638
authors Bax, M.F.Th. and Trum, H.M.G.J.
year 1996
title A Conceptual Model for Concurrent Engineering in Building Design according to Domain Theory
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary Concurrent engineering is a design strategy in which various designers participate in a co-ordinated parallel process. In this process series of functions are simultaneously integrated into a common form. Processes of this type ask for the identification, definition and specification of relatively independent design fields. They also ask for specific design knowledge designers should master in order to participate in these processes. The paper presents a conceptual model of co-ordinated parallel design processes in which architectural space is simultaneously defined in the intersection of three systems: a morphological or level-bound system, a functional or domain-bound system and a procedural or phase-bound system. Design strategies for concurrent engineering are concerned with process design, a design task which is comparable to the design of objects. For successfully accomplishing this task, knowledge is needed of the structural properties of objects and systems; more specifically of the morphological, functional and procedural levels which condition the design fields from which these objects emerge, of the series of generic forms which condition their appearance and of the typological knowledge which conditions their coherence in the overall process.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id c872
authors Beliveau, Y.J., Fithian, J.E. and Deisenroth, M.P.
year 1996
title Autonomous vehicle navigation with real-time 3D laser based positioning for construction
source Automation in Construction 5 (4) (1996) pp. 261-272
summary Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are a way of life in manufacturing where navigation can be done in a structured environment. Construction is an unstructured environment and requires a different type of navigation system to deal with three dimensional control and rough terrain. This paper provides a review of navigation systems that utilize dead-reckoning in conjunction with absolute referencing systems such as beacon-based systems, and vision and mapping based system. The use of a real-time laser based technology is demonstrated as a new form of navigation. This, technology does not rely on dead reckoning. The paper outlines the issues and strategies in guiding an autonomous vehicle utilizing only the laser-based positioning system. Algorithms were developed to provide real-time control of the AGV. The laser based positioning system is unique in that it provides three dimensional position data with five updates per second. No other system can provide this level of performance. This allows for control of end effectors and autonomous vehicles in complex and unstructured three dimensional environments. The use of this new type of navigation makes possible the automation of large complex assemblies in rough terrain such as construction.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id c19c
authors Beliveau, Y.J.
year 1996
title What can real-time positioning do for construction?
source Automation in Construction 5 (2) (1996) pp. 79-89
summary New technologies are now available that can rapidly measure three-dimensional coordinates of objects. The integration of these fast 3-D Real-time Position Measurement (D-RtPM) devices and CAD (3D-RtPM/CAD) technologies can be viewed as a better tool for surveyors or as a means to change the most fundamental concepts of the construction industry. 3D-RtPM/CAD is a better surveying tool; however, 3D-RtPM/CAD as the basis for fundamental change within the construction industry is the issue. There are several potential technologies that can provide real-time position measurement. This paper will limit presentation to two of these. The first is based on recent developments in Global Positioning Systems. The second is a new laser-based product, OdysseyTM (Odyssey is a trademark of Spatial Positioning Systems, Inc.). Odyssey received the NOVA award in March, 1995 because of its recognized performance enhancement to the construction industry. These positioning systems provide the capability for equipment and crafts people to view the project from a graphical representation in which they see their position interactively updated. Potential benefits to the construction industry are presented. The research needed achieving maximum benefits of these systems is also presented.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 82ff
authors Bhavnani, S.K., Flemming, U., Forsythe, D.E., Garrett, J.H., Shaw, D.S. and Tsai, A.
year 1996
title CAD usage in an architectural office: from observations to active assistance
source Automation in Construction 5 (3) (1996) pp. 243-255
summary The functionality and resources provided by CAD systems have been increasing rapidly, but productivity growth expected from their use has been difficult to achieve. Although many surveys describe this productivity puzzle, few studies have been conducted on actual CAD users to understand its causes. In an effort to arrive at such an understanding, the first author visited a federal architectural office and observed CAD users in their natural setting. This paper describes preliminary results obtained from the study, which used ethnographic techniques developed by cultural anthropologists. The study revealed that users had leveled-off in their learning and experimentation and were using the CAD system in suboptimal ways. By asking why users were not using many resources available to them to improve performance, the observer uncovered issues of communication and management that needed to be addressed. Based on this understanding, the authors provide explicit recommendations to CAD users and vendors. In addition, they hypothesize that users might benefit from a system that provides active assistance, that is, intervenes spontaneously with advice, assistance, and relevant information while the user interacts with the CAD system. They conclude with some issues revealed by the study that should be considered when developing such active assistance.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id c4be
authors Bock, T., Stricker, D., Fliedner, J. and Huynh, T.
year 1996
title Automatic generation of the controlling-system for a wall construction robot
source Automation in Construction 5 (1) (1996) pp. 15-21
summary In this article we present several important aspects of a software system control. This is designed and developed for a wall assembly robot in an European Esprit III project called ROCCO, RObot assembly system for Computer integrated COnstruction. The system consists of an off-line program for planning of complex assembly tasks and for generating robot actions. The execution is controlled through an adaptive user interface and gives the user the possibilities to switch in an on-line mode command. All the software is designed with the object-oriented concept and implemented in C + +. The wall assembly system is organized on the base of the successive generation of different types of actions, called "Mission", "Task", and "Action". They represent different levels of assembly complexities. Those different actions are organized in a tree structure. Furthermore, the software system can be connected to a CAD-robot simulation software for checking the robot assembly motions. Added to the control system, a recovery module has been implemented for all possible errors during the construction. First the OO-model of the world and of robot activities will be presented. Secondly, several aspects of the algorithm will be explained and at the end we will show the strategy used for the robot motion.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id ddssup9604
id ddssup9604
authors Boelen, A.J.
year 1996
title Impact-Analysis of Urban Design Realtime impact-analysis models for urban designers
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part two: Urban Planning Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary The past five years Prof Dr Jr T.M. de Jong, professor in environmental planning and sustainability at the Technical University of Delft, has developed a theoretical foundation for the analysis of urban design on the ecological, technical, economical, cultural and political impacts of morphologic interventions on different levels of scale. From september 1994 Jr AJ. Boelen (Urban Design Scientist and Knowledge Engineer) started a research project at the same university to further explore the possibilities of these theories and to develop impact evaluation models for urban design and development with the theoretical work of De Jong as a starting point. The paper discusses the development of a design and decision support system based on these theories. For the development of this system, techniques like object-orientation, genetic algorithms and knowledge engineering are used. The user interface, the relation between the real world, paper maps and virtual maps and the presentation of design-interventions and impacts caused by the interventions are important issues. The development-process is an interactive step by step process. It consists of the making of a prototype of the system, testing the theory and hypothe-sisses the system is based on, by applying tests end adjusting the theory and hypothesisses where needed. Eventually the system must be able to act as an integrator of many different models already developed or still to be developed. The structure of the system will allow easy future expansion and adjustment to changing insights. The logic used to develop the basic theory on which this system is founded makes it possible to even introduce and maintain rather subjective aspects like quality or appraisal as impacts that can be evaluated. In a previously developed system "Momentum" this was proved to work effectively for the national level. In this project we will - amongst other things - try to prove the effectiveness of impact-evaluation for other levels of scale.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id 4931
authors Breen, Jack
year 1996
title Learning from the (In)Visible City
source Education for Practice [14th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-2-2] Lund (Sweden) 12-14 September 1996, pp. 65-78
summary This paper focuses on results and findings of an educational project, in which the participating students had to develop a design strategy for an urban plan by using and combining endoscopic and computational design visualisation techniques. This educational experiment attempted to create a link between the Media research programme titled 'Dynamic Perspective' and an educational exercise in design composition. It was conceived as a pilot study, aimed at the investigation of emerging applications and possible combinations of different imaging techniques which might be of benefit in architectural and urban design education and potentially for the (future) design practice. The aim of this study was also to explore the relationship between spatial perception and design simulation. The point of departure for the student exercise was an urban masterplan which the Dynamic Perspective research team prepared for the workshop 'the (in)visible city' as part of the 1995 European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference in Vienna, Austria. The students taking part in the exercise were asked to develop, discuss and evaluate proposals for a given part of this masterplan by creating images through different model configurations using optical and computer aided visualisation techniques besides more traditional design media.The results of this project indicate that an active and combined use of visualisation media at a design level, may facilitate communication and lead to a greater understanding of design choices, thus creating insights and contributing to design decision-making both for the designers and for the other participants in the design process.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 9530
authors Broadhurst, S.J., Cockerham, G., Taylor, N. and Pridmore, T.
year 1996
title Automatic task modelling for sewer studies
source Automation in Construction 5 (1) (1996) pp. 61-71
summary Research into the development of robotic modules is discussed in the context of cost-effective, small bore, non-man entry (NME) sewer renovation. Following an introduction to the engineering problem or task and the respective task-associated sensing system, interest is centred upon suitably robust task kinematics and control, where predictive modelling is implemented employing the GRASP robotic simulation software package. The physical prototype and its accompanying environment are discussed and general conclusions drawn.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 8e02
authors Brown, A.G.P. and Coenen, F.P.
year 2000
title Spatial reasoning: improving computational efficiency
source Automation in Construction 9 (4) (2000) pp. 361-367
summary When spatial data is analysed the result is often very computer intensive: even by the standards of contemporary technologies, the machine power needed is great and the processing times significant. This is particularly so in 3-D and 4-D scenarios. What we describe here is a technique, which tackles this and associated problems. The technique is founded in the idea of quad-tesseral addressing; a technique, which was originally applied to the analysis of atomic structures. It is based on ideas concerning Hierarchical clustering developed in the 1960s and 1970s to improve data access time [G.M. Morton, A computer oriented geodetic database and a new technique on file sequencing, IBM Canada, 1996.], and on atomic isohedral (same shape) tiling strategies developed in the 1970s and 1980s concerned with group theory [B. Grunbaum, G.C. Shephard, Tilings and Patterns, Freeman, New York, 1987.]. The technique was first suggested as a suitable representation for GIS in the early 1980s when the two strands were brought together and a tesseral arithmetic applied [F.C. Holdroyd, The Geometry of Tiling Hierarchies, Ars Combanitoria 16B (1983) 211–244.; S.B.M. Bell, B.M. Diaz, F.C. Holroyd, M.J.J. Jackson, Spatially referenced methods of processing raster and vector data, Image and Vision Computing 1 (4) (1983) 211–220.; Diaz, S.B.M. Bell, Spatial Data Processing Using Tesseral Methods, Natural Environment Research Council, Swindon, 1986.]. Here, we describe how that technique can equally be applied to the analysis of environmental interaction with built forms. The way in which the technique deals with the problems described is first to linearise the three-dimensional (3-D) space being investigated. Then, the reasoning applied to that space is applied within the same environment as the definition of the problem data. We show, with an illustrative example, how the technique can be applied. The problem then remains of how to visualise the results of the analysis so undertaken. We show how this has been accomplished so that the 3-D space and the results are represented in a way which facilitates rapid interpretation of the analysis, which has been carried out.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 8bd9
authors Coomans, M.K.D. and Oxman, R.M.
year 1996
title Prototyping of Designs in Virtual Reality
source H.J.P. Timmermans (ed.), 3rd Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Conference, Vol I: Architecture Proceedings, pp. 13-25
summary Conventional CAD systems have not yet proven their ability to provide support for activities which characterise the early conceptual phase of design. We propose to refer to this set of capabilities of the human designer in conventional design as, design prototyping. We define the theoretical limitations of current CAD systems for supporting design prototyping, and postulate the potential of functionally dedicated, task related, CAD modules in Virtual Reality as a means to provide a unique form of a knowledgebased, visual design support environment for design prototyping support. We are currently engaged in a research program in which we explore CAD as a medium to support early conceptual design through rapid prototyping of architectural form. Furthermore we are exploring Virtual Reality as a potential design prototyping environment in which prototypes of designs can be constructed, communicated and visually evaluated at a high level of verisimilitude. In the first phase we have built the prototype system VIDE. This system has been used for extensive internal evaluation. In the ongoing second phase we are constructing an empirical research to observe designers at work on design prototyping in the Virtual Reality environment.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 78f0
authors Cotton, J.F.
year 1996
title Solid modeling as a tool for constructing solar envelopes
source Automation in Construction 5 (3) (1996) pp. 185-192
summary This paper presents a method for constructing solar envelopes in site planning using a 3D solid-modeling program. The solar envelope for a site is a mechanism for ensuring that planning regulations on the solar access rights of others are observed. In this application, solid modeling offers the advantage of being a general-purpose tool having the capability to handle sets of site conditions that are complex. The paper reviews the concept of solar envelopes and demonstrates the method of application of solar envelope construction to a site. Techniques for displaying the constraints on building sections imposed by a solar envelope are presented.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id b81d
authors Davies, C. and Harrison, J.
year 1996
title Osmose: Towards Broadening the Aesthetics of Virtual Reality
source ACM Computer Graphics: Virtual Reality Volume 30, Number 4
summary Osmose is an immersive virtual environment, produced by Softimage in 1994/95. One of the primary goals of Osmose was to push the expressive capabilities of existing 3D tools, to demonstrate that an alternative aesthetic and interactive sensibility is possible for real-time, interactive, 3D computer graphics. Osmose was created under the direction of Char Davies, the Director of Visual Research at Softimage. A former painter, as well as a creator of 3D computer graphic stills, Davies has a particular artistic vision which has driven the project. Davies has been striving for years to represent space as a luminous enveloping medium. This has led her from painting to 3D computer graphics, and finally into creating immersive virtual spaces. One of Davies' intentions for Osmose was to create a space that is "psychically innovating," one in which, to quote Bachelard, participants do not change "place," but change their own nature. Osmose was therefore designed to explore the potential of immersive virtual space to allow participants to shed their habitual ways of looking at (and behaving in) the world. By doing this, we hoped they would then emerge from the virtual world to experience the real world in a fresh way, reawakening a fundamental sense of their own "being-in-the-world." We hoped that this could be accomplished through the visual, aural and interactive aesthetic of the work.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 9613
authors Day, A., Bourdakis, V. and Robson, J.
year 1996
title Living with a Virtual City
source Architectural Research Quarterly, Vol 2. pp. 84-91
summary Computer models of entire cities are becoming increasingly common. The uses to which these models are put are varied and include the visualisation of proposed changes, the marketing of the facilities a city has to offer and the mapping of socio-economic data. Developments in the Internet mean that city models can be widely accessed and computer hardware and software have developed to the point where it is possible to both construct and view these models on personal computers. This paper discusses some issues relating to the construction and use of large urban models and draws upon the authors' experience of constructing the Bath computer model which remains one of the most detailed in the world.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 9a0d
authors Debevec, P.E., Taylor, C.J. and Malik, J.
year 1996
title Modeling and rendering architecture from photographs: a hybrid geometry- and image-based approach
source SIGGRAPH'96, New Orleans, Louisiana
summary We present a new approach for modeling and rendering existing architectural scenes from a sparse set of still photographs. Our modeling approach, which combines both geometry-based and imagebased techniques, has two components. The first component is a photogrammetricmodelingmethodwhich facilitates the recovery of the basic geometry of the photographed scene. Our photogrammetric modeling approach is effective, convenient, and robust because it exploits the constraints that are characteristic of architectural scenes. The second component is a model-based stereo algorithm, which recovers how the real scene deviates from the basic model. By making use of the model, our stereo technique robustly recovers accurate depth from widely-spaced image pairs. Consequently, our approach canmodel large architectural environmentswith far fewer photographs than current image-based modeling approaches. For producing renderings, we present view-dependent texture mapping, a method of compositing multiple views of a scene that better simulates geometric detail on basic models. Our approach can be used to recover models for use in either geometry-based or image-based rendering systems. We present results that demonstrate our approach's ability to create realistic renderings of architectural scenes from viewpoints far from the original photographs.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id ddssar9605
id ddssar9605
authors Dijkstra, J., Roelen, W.A.H. and Timmermans, H.J.P.
year 1996
title Conjoint measurement in virtual environment: a framework
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary Conjoint analysis (also called stated preference analysis) involves the use of designed hypothetical choice situations to measure individuals' preferences and predict their choice in new situations. Conjoint experiments involve the design and analysis of hypothetical decision tasks. Alternatives are described by their main features, called attributes. Multiple hypothetical alternatives (product profiles) are generated and presented to respondents, who are requested to express their degree of preference for these profiles. Conjoint experiments have become a popular tool to model individual preferences and decision-making in a variety of research areas. Most studies of conjoint analysis have involved a verbal description of product profiles, although some studies have used a pictorial presentation of product profiles. This paper describes a framework for a conjoint analysis system in a virtual environment. Product profiles are generated in a virtual environment and respondents are requested to choose in that virtual environment the product profile they prefer. Advantages of a virtual environment in this area of research include 3D presentation, improved experience and the possibility to include measurable attributes such as time and sound. This framework is a first attempt to explore the possibilities of virtual reality systems in conjoint analysis.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

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