CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 2115

_id 656d
authors Donath , Dirk and Regenbrecht, Holger
year 1996
title Using Virtual Reality Aided Design Techniques for Three-dimensional Architectural Sketching
source Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-05-5] Tucson (Arizona / USA) October 31 - November 2, 1996, pp. 199-212
summary With this paper we would like to introduce a system which supports the early phases of the architectural design process. The system consists of two main components: the software solution "voxDesign" and the physical environment "platform". Our aims are: to formulate, develop, and evaluate an architectural design system through the use of VR (virtual reality) space. The exploration and development of design intentions is supplemented by a new method of three dimensional sketching. In the second part of this paper we will show how these components were used to train students in architecture and design at our university. Parts of this paper were published to the academic public at "Designing Digital Space". (Regenbrecht 1996)
keywords Virtual Reality, Architectural Design, Human-computer interfaces, Design Techniques
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id e309
authors Breen, Jack and Stellingwerff, Martijn
year 1996
title A Case for Computer-Assisted Creativity through Clarity, Project 12 CAD and Beyond
source CAD Creativeness [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 83-905377-0-2] Bialystock (Poland), 25-27 April 1996 pp. 31-35
summary A paper exploring the opportunities of different Design Media for the benefit of Architectural and Urban Composition. It is argued that during the design process, the designer develops Models for a projected end result, which are visualised in the form of Images using traditional media. The Computer affords the possibility of creating (virtual) Models from which Images can be taken. Current types of Computer Interfaces still form an obstacle for creative computer assisted design, comparable to Sketching. It is argued that the Clarity of the medium will need to be enhanced, if it is to become an Instrument for truly creative design. Using the example of an educational, practical CAD exercise, the case for' Clarity for the benefit of creative Computing is put forward.
series plCAD
last changed 2003/05/17 10:01

_id a0d3
authors Breen, Jack and Stellingwerff, Martijn
year 1996
title A Case For Computer Assisted Creativity Through Clarity - Project 12 CAD and Beyond ...
source Approaches to Computer Aided Architectural Composition [ISBN 83-905377-1-0] 1996, pp. 45-60
summary A paper exploring the opportunities of different Design Media for the benefit of Architectural and Urban Composition. It is argued that during the design process, the designer develops Models for a projected end result, which are visualised in the form of Images using traditional media. The Computer affords the possibility of creating (virtual) Models from which Images can be taken. Current types of Computer Interfaces still form an obstacle for creative computer assisted design, comparable to Sketching. It is argued that the Clarity of the medium will need to be enhanced, if it is to become an Instrument for truly creative design. Using the example of an educational, practical CAD exercise, the case for Clarity for the benefit of creative Computing is put forward.
series other
last changed 1999/04/08 17:16

_id d610
authors Burdea, G.C.
year 1996
title Force and Touch Feedback for Virtual Reality
source New York: John Wiley & Sons
summary Could weight, temperature, and texture combine to bring simulated objects to life? Describing cutting-edge technology that will influence the way we interact with computers for years to come, this pioneering book answers yes: not only is it possible, but devices capable of providing force and tactile sensory feedback already exist. Force and Touch Feedback for Virtual Reality is the first comprehensive source of information on the design, modeling, and applications of force and tactile interfaces for VR. It is a must have for scientists, engineers, psychologists, and developers involved in VR, and for anyone who would like to gain a deeper understanding of this exciting and fast-growing field. Complete with hundreds of tables, figures, and color illustrations, Force and Touch Feedback for Virtual Reality offers * Basic information on human tactile sensing and control and feedback actuator technology * A worldwide survey of force and tactile interface devices, from the simple joystick to full-body instrumented suits based on human factor tests * Step-by-step instructions for realistic physical modeling of virtual object characteristics such as weight, surface smoothness, compliance, and temperature * A unified treatment of the benefits of the new haptic interface technology for simulation and training based on human factor tests * A detailed analysis of optimum control requirements for force and tactile feedback devices * A review of emerging applications in areas ranging from surgical training and entertainment to telerobotics and the military
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id f5ee
authors Erhorn, H., De Boer, J. and Dirksmueller, M.
year 1997
title ADELINE, an Integrated Approach to Lighting Simulation
source Proceedings of Right Light 4, 4th European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, pp.99-103
summary The use of daylighting and artificial lighting simulation programs to calculate complex systems and models in the design practice often is impeded by the fact that the operation of these programs, especially the model input, is extremely complicated and time-consuming. Programs that are easier to use generally do not show the calculation capabilities required in practice. A second obstacle arises as the lighting calculations often do not allow any statements regarding the interactions with the energetic and thermal building performance. Both problems are mainly due to a lacking integration of the design tools of other building design practitioners as well as due to insufficient user interfaces. The program package ADELINE (Advanced Daylight and Electric Lighting Integrated New Environment) being available since May 1996 as completely revised version 2.0 presents a promising approach to solve these problems. This contribution describes the approaches and methods used within the international project IEA Task 21 for a further development of the ADELINE system. Aim of this work is a further improvement of user interfaces based on the inclusion of new dialogs and on a portation of the program system from MS-DOS to the Windows NT platform. Additional focus is laid on the use of recent developments in the field of information technology and experiences gained in other projects on integrated building design systems, like for example EU-COMBINE, in a pragmatical way. An integrated building design system with open standardized interfaces is to be achieved inter alia by using ISOSTEP formats, database technologies and a consequent, object-oriented design.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 08af
authors Gross, M.D. and Do, E.
year 1996
title Ambiguous Intentions: a Paper-like Interface for Creative Design
source Proceedings UIST ’96 Seattle Washington, pp. 183-192
summary Interfaces for conceptual and creative design should recognize and interpret drawings. They should also capture users' intended ambiguity, vagueness, and imprecision and convey these qualities visually and through interactive behavior. Freehand drawing can provide this information and it is a natural input mode for design. We describe a pen-based interface that acquires information about ambiguity and precision from freehand input, represents it internally, and echoes it to users visually and through constraint based edit behavior.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 7f0f
authors Naai-Jung, S.
year 1996
title A study of 2D- and 3D-oriented architectural drawing production methods
source Automation in Construction 5 (4) (1996) pp. 273-283
summary The purpose of this paper is to present drawing production methods based on the difference between 2D- and 3D-oriented approaches. This study emphasizes the comparison of the two approaches in data production, updating and analysis. Architectural CAD drawings are outputted from design information through a computational interface. A drawing production model (P) can be represented by a database (DB) and an interface (I). The input interface is the input or update method between users and application systems. The output interface is the method of presenting architecture drawings like plans, elevations, sections and details based on input data. Under the constraints of a predefined data structure, the computational interface determines the efficiency and characteristics of input and output data. Drawing production methods can be classified into three types: segregating drawing files, applying reference files and constructing a virtual building model. These types come with different interfaces: 2D drafting has the same input and output interface, whereas constructing a 3D model is achieved using a different interface. A digital building model is defined as the electronic information of a whole building which is assembled by components with attributes. 2D- and 3D-oriented drawing methods are compared, based on items such as the required preparation before drafting, consistency of plans, elevations and sections, ease of modification, drafting efficiency, number of persons involved, and analysis potential.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:23

_id fd35
authors Donath, Dirk
year 1999
title Using Immersive Virtual Reality Systems for Spatial Design in Architecture
source AVOCAAD Second International Conference [AVOCAAD Conference Proceedings / ISBN 90-76101-02-07] Brussels (Belgium) 8-10 April 1999, pp. 307-318
summary In the very young discipline of Virtual Reality Applications only a few reports are available about using this technology for periods longer than in experimental setups. This paper describes experiences made during four years of usage of Virtual Reality (VR) in educational training for architects. About 100 different people were working with our systems during this period. Two programs were developed at Bauhaus University with the aim of teaching students in architecture in three-dimensional sketching. An other program for free and own interfaces and environments is currently under construction and will be presented at the international computer fair "CeBit" in 1999. The first program called voxDesign is based on the metaphor of voxels. The second program, planeDesign, uses rectangualar planes to describe room-like situations. All programs force the users to design in a 1:1 scale, which means that the design and the feedback actions are coupled in an embodied way. A real walking metaphor is used for navigation. The experiences made by the students are explained too.
keywords Virtual Reality, Architecture, Design, Design Support Systems, Interaction, Research, Education, Usability, Human Computer Interfaces
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id 7c32
authors Hovestadt,V., Gramberg, O. and Deussen, O.
year 1995
title Hyperbolic User Interfaces for Computer Aided Architectural Design Short Papers: Drawing, Painting and Sketching
source Proceedings of ACM CHI'95 Conference on HumanFactors in Cmputing Systems 1995 v.2 pp. 304-305
summary We present basic ideas and a prototypical implementation of a graphical user interface intended for the architectural design process. The interface integrates CAD-like object manipulation and navigation through large data sets. Navigation and working area are not separated as done in prior work. Geometric transformations produce a deformed but controllable display of the data in the border area of the working window while normal working is possible in the untransformed center. The arrangement allows the user to shift directly from construction tasks to navigation tasks. Data reduction techniques have been implemented in order to reduce the cost of transformation and display.
keywords Information Visualization; Fisheye Technique; Focus+Context Technique, Interaction
series other
last changed 2002/07/07 16:01

_id 4b55
authors Af Klercker, J. , Ekholm, A. and Fridqvist, S. (Ed.)
year 1996
title Education for Practice [Conference Proceedings]
source 14th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-2-2 / Lund (Sweden) 12-14 September 1996, 425 p.
summary There are many of us trying to make place for CAAD in a natural way in the Curriculum of the Architect school. We would like to make CAAD useful to the students already during their studies. Even if we have the support of our collegues for running courses there is very often no space in the timetable. And even if we have all the entusiasm of our students it is hard to practice your CAAD knowledge on projects where it is not asked for.

The education of architects in the use of computers has lead me to try to find "the roots of education of architects" in general. A collegue of mine in a bookshelf of course litterature in Informatics found and put into my hands "Educating the reflective practitioner" by Donald Schön. It lead to an interesting process of personal reflection and discussion within our CAAD team.

We think by the way that the theme of the conference points to the heart of the message in Donald Schöns book and we are inviting him as a key note speaker at the Conference.

series eCAADe
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id aa7c
authors Amirante, M. Isabella and Burattini, Ernesto
year 1996
title Automatic Procedures for Bio-Climatic Control
source Education for Practice [14th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-2-2] Lund (Sweden) 12-14 September 1996, pp. 29-40
summary The experiences illustrated here are related to the new regulation of teaching architecture in Italy and these ones in particular have been concentrated on the technological aspects of teaching architecture. We can consider the evolution of the architect from the individual operator to the manager multi- disciplinary aspects of the building process ( building process manager) as a reality today. Information technology, specifically applied to bio-climatic architecture and environmental control, can be of great importance for this professional role, and for this reason it is very useful to include these topics at the beginning the teaching design process. This paper describes a particular approach to bio-climatic problems of the architectural project. An experimental course has been performed by the second year students of the "Laboratorio di Construzione dell' Architettura", at the School of Architecture of the Second University of Naples, in Aversa. Analysing old and new buildings, they used some flow charts for the evaluation and representation of energetic behaviour of buildings regarding their climatic and geographical environment. In the flow charts the decisions are represented by boxes that allow to determine "rightness index" related to: morphological characters of the site and environment, typology and particular organisation of the inside spaces, shape of building, technological solution of the building "skin". The navigation through the decision boxes is made with simple options like; "winds: protected or exposed site", "shape of building; free, close or cross plane", "presence of trees on the south,; yes or not",; it shows the students the bio-climatic quality of the building and, through numeric value assigned to each option, determines the "weight" of its climatic comfort.

series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ddssup9601
id ddssup9601
authors Aoke, Yoshitsugu and Muraoka, Naoto
year 1996
title An optimization method of the facility location by genetic algorithm
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part two: Urban Planning Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary In planning of community-facilities, it is important to decide the facility location to provide the effective service for residents. The behavior of residents using the facility and the evaluation methods of the location have been studied. But, finding the optimum location is very hard in actual planning because the volume of calculation depends on the number of feasible locating points of facilities. To conquer the difficulty of searching the optimum location, we propose an optimization method using Genetic Algorithm. An alternative of location is expressed by a chromosome. Each chromosome consists of genes, and each gene expresses a located zone of the facility. We gave definitions of genetic procedures; crossing-over, mutation and selection. Alternatives of the facility location are generated by these genetic procedures like as life evolution. For each alternative, the behaviors of users are estimated by a spatial-interaction model, and the facilities that residents in each place choose are determined. The effectiveness of the location is measured by a total sum of distances between the facility and the user. After the confirmation of the effectiveness of our method by applying on ideal example problems, we applied it on the actual problem in Japanese town. By this method we could find the optimum location in about one-third time and effort as compared with the ordinal method.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:15

_id 0ce7
authors Asanowicz, Aleksander
year 1996
title Design, Creativity and CAAD
source CAD Creativeness [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 83-905377-0-2] Bialystock (Poland), 25-27 April 1996 pp. 13-20
summary What is designing? Many theories about design, architectural design in particular, describe the design process as a sequence of activities like analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
series plCAD
last changed 2003/05/17 10:01

_id ddssup9603
id ddssup9603
authors Bach, Boudewijn and MacGillivray, Trina
year 1996
title Semi-manual design support for increasing railwaystation catchment & sustainable traffic routing
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part two: Urban Planning Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary The shape ('configuration'), location and direction of the pattern of potential trips by foot or bicycle can help decision makers and designers:- the shape of such a pattern informs about the potential size of a traffic calming area(such as 30Km-zoning),- the location of such a pattern refers to the user-groups and specific destinations that a urban network should bring in safe reach for dictated groups,- the direction of such a pattern, together with shape and location, points to the best routing to raise the Sustainable Traffic Modal Split or to improve the reach of destinations like a railway-station.The patters can be generated from zip-code's of user-groups with obvious and daily destinations (school-children, rail-passengers). The next step confronts the theoretical pattern with the layout of streets and the traffic flow, mapping or listing (potential) confrontations between cars and the non-motorised modes, a basis for economical investment in traffic-safety.A design can 'model' the analysed pattern(s) to a economic, direct and safe base (cycle or pedestrian) network. In co-operation, the Dutch the traffic consultant "Verkeersadviesbureau Diepens & Okkema" in Delft, The Netherlands and the Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, in Delft, The Netherlands, develloped the semi-manual design & decision support system "STAR-Analysis"
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id ddssup9604
id ddssup9604
authors Boelen, A.J.
year 1996
title Impact-Analysis of Urban Design Realtime impact-analysis models for urban designers
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part two: Urban Planning Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
summary The past five years Prof Dr Jr T.M. de Jong, professor in environmental planning and sustainability at the Technical University of Delft, has developed a theoretical foundation for the analysis of urban design on the ecological, technical, economical, cultural and political impacts of morphologic interventions on different levels of scale. From september 1994 Jr AJ. Boelen (Urban Design Scientist and Knowledge Engineer) started a research project at the same university to further explore the possibilities of these theories and to develop impact evaluation models for urban design and development with the theoretical work of De Jong as a starting point. The paper discusses the development of a design and decision support system based on these theories. For the development of this system, techniques like object-orientation, genetic algorithms and knowledge engineering are used. The user interface, the relation between the real world, paper maps and virtual maps and the presentation of design-interventions and impacts caused by the interventions are important issues. The development-process is an interactive step by step process. It consists of the making of a prototype of the system, testing the theory and hypothe-sisses the system is based on, by applying tests end adjusting the theory and hypothesisses where needed. Eventually the system must be able to act as an integrator of many different models already developed or still to be developed. The structure of the system will allow easy future expansion and adjustment to changing insights. The logic used to develop the basic theory on which this system is founded makes it possible to even introduce and maintain rather subjective aspects like quality or appraisal as impacts that can be evaluated. In a previously developed system "Momentum" this was proved to work effectively for the national level. In this project we will - amongst other things - try to prove the effectiveness of impact-evaluation for other levels of scale.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id af53
authors Boyer, E. and Mitgang, L.
year 1996
title Building community: a new future for architecture education and practice
source Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
summary Internships, before and after graduation, are the most essential link connecting students to the world of practice. Yet, by all accounts, internship is perhaps the most troubled phase of the continuing education of architects. During this century, as architectural knowledge grew more complex, the apprenticeship system withered away and schools assumed much of the responsibility for preparing architects for practice. However, schools cannot do the whole job. It is widely acknowledged that certain kinds of technical and practical knowledge are best learned in the workplace itself, under the guidance of experienced professionals. All state accrediting boards require a minimum period of internship-usually about three years-before a person is eligible to take the licensing exam. The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) allows students to earn up to two years of work credit prior to acquisition of an accredited degree. The Intern Development Program (IDP), launched by NCARB and the American Institute of Architects in 1979, provides the framework for internship in some forty states. The program was designed to assure that interns receive adequate mentoring, that experiences are well-documented, and that employers and interns allocate enough time to a range of educational and vocational experiences to prepare students for eventual licensure. As the IDP Guidelines state, "The shift from school to office is not a transition from theory to pragmatism. It is a period when theory merges with pragmatism.... It's a time when you: apply your formal education to the daily realities of architectural practice; acquire comprehensive experience in basic practice areas; explore specialized areas of practice; develop professional judgment; continue your formal education in architecture; and refine your career goals." Whatever its accomplishments, however, we found broad consensus that the Intern Development Program has not, by itself, solved the problems of internship. Though we found mutually satisfying internship programs at several of the firms we visited or heard about around the country, at many others interns told us they were not receiving the continuing education and experience they needed. The truth is that architecture has serious, unsolved problems compared with other fields when it comes to supplying on-the-job learning experiences to induct students into the profession on a massive scale. Medicine has teaching hospitals. Beginning teachers work in actual classrooms, supported by school taxes. Law offices are, for the most part, in a better financial position to support young lawyers and pay them living wages. The architecture profession, by contrast, must support a required system of internship prior to licensure in an industry that has neither the financial resources of law or medicine, the stability and public support of teaching, nor a network of locations like hospitals or schools where education and practice can be seamlessly connected. And many employers acknowledged those problems. "The profession has all but undermined the traditional relationship between the profession and the academy," said Neil Frankel, FAIA, executive vice president of Perkins & Will, a multinational firm with offices in New York, Chicago, Washington, and London. "Historically, until the advent of the computer, the profession said, 'Okay, go to school, then we in the profession will teach you what the real world is like.' With the coming of the computer, the profession needed a skill that students had, and has left behind the other responsibilities." One intern told us she had been stuck for months doing relatively menial tasks such as toilet elevations. Another intern at a medium-sized firm told us he had been working sixty to seventy hours per week for a year and a half. "Then my wife had a baby and I 'slacked off' to fifty hours. The partner called me in and I got called on the carpet for not working hard enough." "The whole process of internship is being outmoded by economics," one frustrated intern told us. "There's not the time or the money. There's no conception of people being groomed for careers. The younger staff are chosen for their value as productive workers." "We just don't have the best structure here to use an intern's abilities to their best," said a Mississippi architect. "The people who come out of school are really problems. I lost patience with one intern who was demanding that I switch him to another section so that he could learn what he needed for his IDP. I told him, 'It's not my job to teach you. You are here to produce.'" What steps might help students gain more satisfying work opportunities, both during and after graduation?
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 59c3
authors Bruckman, Amy
year 1996
title Finding One's Own Space in Cyberspace
source MIT Technology Review. January 1996, p. 50
summary The week the last Internet porn scandal broke, my phone didn't stop ringing: "Are women comfortable on the Net?" "Should women use gender-neutral names on the Net?" "Are women harassed on the Net?" Reporters called from all over the country with basically the same question. I told them all: your question is ill-formed. "The Net" is not one thing. It's like asking: "Are women comfortable in bars?" That's a silly question. Which woman? Which bar? The summer I was 18, I was the computer counselor at a summer camp. After the campers were asleep, the counselors were allowed out, and would go bar hopping. First everyone would go to Maria's, an Italian restaurant with red-and-white-checked table cloths. Maria welcomed everyone from behind the bar, greeting regular customers by name. She always brought us free garlic bread. Next we'd go to the Sandpiper, a disco with good dance music. The Sandpiper seemed excitingly adult--it was a little scary at first, but then I loved it. Next, we went to the Sportsman, a leather motorcycle bar that I found absolutely terrifying. Huge, bearded men bulging out of their leather vests and pants leered at me. I hid in the corner and tried not to make eye contact with anyone, hoping my friends would get tired soon and give me a ride back to camp.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 4fee
authors Chen, Hou I and Liou, Shuenn Ren
year 1996
title A Configuration-Generating Method Based on a Lattice System
source CAADRIA ‘96 [Proceedings of The First Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 9627-75-703-9] Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 25-27 April 1996, pp. 199-215
summary In this paper, I would propose a configuration-generating method: "L grammars”. Relating to Turing machine, cellular automata, tiling problem and Wang tile theory. It is named Lgrammars”. L grammars base on an infinite lattice space (usually a chess-board-like lattice plane) is a bottom-up approach, in which each cell of a lattice system corresponds to a bounded configuration unit. Thus, a lattice plane would corresponds to a configuration union. The power of L grammars is demonstrated by generating various configurations such as fractal images (two dimensional examples) and crystal models (three dimensional examples). Finally, it would be discussed briefly about some interesting issues concerning about L grammars such as the limitations of L grammars.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id 413e
authors Dalholm-Hornyansky, Elisabeth and Rydberg-Mitchell, Birgitta
year 1996
source Full-Scale Modeling in the Age of Virtual Reality [6th EFA-Conference Proceedings]
summary For the past decade, we have carried out a number of participation projects using full-scale modeling as an aid for communication and design. We are currently participating in an interdisciplinary research project which aims to combine and compare various visualization methods and techniques, among others, full-scale modeling and virtual reality, in design processes with users. In this paper, we will discuss virtual reality as a design tool in light of previous experience with full-scale modeling and literature on cognitive psychology. We describe a minor explorative study, which was carried out to elucidate the answers to several crucial questions: Is realism in movement a condition for the perception of space or can it be achieved while moving through walls, floors and so forth? Does velocity of movement and reduced visual field have an impact on the perception of space? Are landmarks vital clues for spatial navigation and how do we reproduce them in virtual environments? Can “daylight“, color, material and texture facilitate navigation and are details, furnishings and people important objects of reference? How could contextual information clues, like views and surroundings, be added to facilitate orientation? Do we need our other senses to supplement the visual experience in virtual reality and what is the role of mental maps in spatial navigation?
keywords Model Simulation, Real Environments
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2004/05/04 14:49

_id 6941
authors Dawidowski, Robert
year 1996
title CAD - The Step Towards the Aim as a Lot of Others or Something Else
source CAD Creativeness [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 83-905377-0-2] Bialystock (Poland), 25-27 April 1996 pp. 53-58
summary Right and left for years we have been swamped by information on equipment and software which is supposed change the quality and a designers' work style completely. In this computer and commercial deluge of words it is more and more difficult to get an understanding and clear attitude towards the dynamicly changing reality. Apart from the details of the CAD software and its influence on the effects of the architectural creative process, I would like to consider some problems connected with the influence of the CAD system on the architect's creative capabilities. Does it develope or limit these capabilities? Is a computer equipped with a CAD system a special tool (meaning the new values which it might give) or is it not?
series plCAD
last changed 1999/04/09 15:30

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