CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 1585

_id 34b8
authors Batie, D.L.
year 1997
title The incorporation of construction history in architectural history: the HISTCON interactive computer program
source Automation in Construction 6 (4) (1997) pp. 275-285
summary Current teaching methods for architectural history seldom embrace building technology as an essential component of study. Accepting the premise that architectural history is a fundamental component to the overall architectural learning environment, it is argued that the study of construction history will further enhance student knowledge. This hypothesis created an opportunity to investigate how the study of construction history could be incorporated to strengthen present teaching methods. Strategies for teaching architectural history were analyzed with the determination that an incorporation of educational instructional design applications using object-oriented programming and hypermedia provided the optimal solution. This evaluation led to the development of the HISTCON interactive, multimedia educational computer program. Used initially to teach 19th Century iron and steel construction history, the composition of the program provides the mechanism to test the significance of construction history in the study of architectural history. Future development of the program will provide a method to illustrate construction history throughout the history of architecture. The study of architectural history, using a construction oriented methodology, is shown to be positively correlated to increased understanding of architectural components relevant to architectural history and building construction.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 0024
authors Breen, J. and Dijk, T. van
year 1997
title Modelling for eye level composition; design media experiments in an educational setting.
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [Proceedings of the 3rd European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 90-407-1669-2]
summary In order to simulate the visual effects of designs at eye level, it is necessary to construct models from which (sequences of) images can be taken. This holds true for both Optical Endoscopy and Computer Aided Visualisation techniques. In what ways can an eye level approach stimulate spatial awareness and create insights into the workings of a design concept? Can Endoscopic methods be used effectively as a creative environment for design decision-making and teamwork and even to stimulate the generation of new design ideas? How should modelmaking be considered if it is to be of use in an ‘impatient’ design process, and how can students be made aware of the opportunities of both direct eye level observations from design models and of the more sophisticated endoscopic imaging techniques? This paper explores the theme of eye level modelling by focusing on a number of formal exercises and educational experiments carried out by the Delft Media group in recent years. An attempt is made to describe and evaluate these experiences, in order to draw conclusions and to signal possible new opportunities for eye level composition for the benefit of both design education and practice...
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id a4ae
authors Breen, J.L.H. and Stellingwerff, M.C.
year 1997
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [Proceedings of the 3rd European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 90-407-1669-2]
summary The workshop Imaging Imagination attempted to bring experts from different institutes together within the framework of a creative exercise, which might stimulate comparison of different results and lead to an exchange of ideas. Results: 7 endoscope presentations and 7 computer presentations, result of the Questionnaire, a Discussion and Conclusions. Presented in the conference proceedings and on website:
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
type normal paper
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id cabb
authors Broughton, T., Tan, A. and Coates, P.S.
year 1997
title The Use of Genetic Programming In Exploring 3D Design Worlds - A Report of Two Projects by Msc Students at CECA UEL
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 885-915
summary Genetic algorithms are used to evolve rule systems for a generative process, in one case a shape grammar,which uses the "Dawkins Biomorph" paradigm of user driven choices to perform artificial selection, in the other a CA/Lindenmeyer system using the Hausdorff dimension of the resultant configuration to drive natural selection. (1) Using Genetic Programming in an interactive 3D shape grammar. A report of a generative system combining genetic programming (GP) and 3D shape grammars. The reasoning that backs up the basis for this work depends on the interpretation of design as search In this system, a 3D form is a computer program made up of functions (transformations) & terminals (building blocks). Each program evaluates into a structure. Hence, in this instance a program is synonymous with form. Building blocks of form are platonic solids (box, cylinder, etc.). A Variety of combinations of the simple affine transformations of translation, scaling, rotation together with Boolean operations of union, subtraction and intersection performed on the building blocks generate different configurations of 3D forms. Using to the methodology of genetic programming, an initial population of such programs are randomly generated,subjected to a test for fitness (the eyeball test). Individual programs that have passed the test are selected to be parents for reproducing the next generation of programs via the process of recombination. (2) Using a GA to evolve rule sets to achieve a goal configuration. The aim of these experiments was to build a framework in which a structure's form could be defined by a set of instructions encoded into its genetic make-up. This was achieved by combining a generative rule system commonly used to model biological growth with a genetic algorithm simulating the evolutionary process of selection to evolve an adaptive rule system capable of replicating any preselected 3D shape. The generative modelling technique used is a string rewriting Lindenmayer system the genes of the emergent structures are the production rules of the L-system, and the spatial representation of the structures uses the geometry of iso-spatial dense-packed spheres
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id 629a
authors Brunetta, Vincent
year 1997
title EXPLORER A Procedural Modeler Based on Architectural Knowledge
source AVOCAAD First International Conference [AVOCAAD Conference Proceedings / ISBN 90-76101-01-09] Brussels (Belgium) 10-12 April 1997, pp. 125-133
summary Cet article est consacré à la modélisation procédurale de configurations architecturales. Les outils de CAO actuels reproduisent et figent la pratique traditionelle du projet architectural, leurs modèles de représentation sous-jacents sont considérablement éloignés de la représentation usuelle de l'objet architectural. Il nous apparaît que les modes d'accès et de constitution "alternatifs" du modèle informatique (description textuelle et modélisation procédurale) représentent un champ d'expérimentation privilégié susceptible de questionner ces problèmes de représentation du savoir architectural. Nous commencerons par l'examen de modélisations par description textuelle (notamment de façades néoclassiques et de l'architecture palladienne) pour ensuite nous intéresser à une série de modélisations procédurales à base de connaissances architecturales. Nous verrons enfin comment cette réflexion, dans un cadre pédagogique, confronte nos étudiants à la fois à l'analyse architecturale, à une approche de la programmation structurée ou orientée-objet ainsi qu'à une utilisation "critique" des outils de conception assistée.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id 35a1
authors Caneparo, L.
year 1997
title Shared Information System for Urban and Architectural Design
source Coyne, R. Ramscar, M. Lee, J. and Zreik, K. (eds.) Design and the net. Proceedings of the Sixth International EuropIA Conference, Europia Productions, Paris, pp. 39-52
summary This paper briefly describes the implementation of an Internet-intranet information system applied to a large-scale project. The large-scale project is centered on the urban area around the Porta Susa railway station in Turin, Italy. The information system integrates the communicative tools used to facilitate and improve the collaboration between the different actors working on the project and the distributed environment used to elaborate the information across a wide area network. The main factors considered are those which exploit the potentialities of computers and networks for interaction and communication. One result is the possibility of interacting dynamically with the information, re-elaborating and distributing it in progress. The information systems opens different ways of collaboration between the project employees, and extends the participation in the project to the citizens.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id aa2f
authors Carrara, G., Fioravanti, A. and Novembri, G.
year 1997
title An Intelligent Assistant for the Architectural Design Studio
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary It seems by now fairly accepted by many researchers in the field of the Computer Aided Design that the way to realise support tools for the architectural design is by means of the realisation of Intelligent Assistants. This kind of computer program, based on the Knowledge Engineering and machine learning, finds his power and effectiveness by the Knowledge Base on which it is based. Moreover, it appears evident that the modalities of dialogue among architects and operators in the field of building industry, are inadequate to support the exchange of information that the use of these tools requires.

In fact, many efforts at international level are in progress to define tools in order to make easier the multiple exchange of information in different fields of building design. Concerning this point, protocol and ontology of structured information interchanges constitute the first steps in this sense, e.g. those under standardisation by ISO (STEP), PDT models and Esprit project ToCEE. To model these problems it has brought forth a new research field: the collaborative design one, an evolution of distributed work and concurrent design.

The CAAD Laboratory of Dipartimento di Architettura and Urbanistica per l'Ingegneria has carried out a software prototype, KAAD, based on Knowledge Engineering in the fields of hospital building and of building for aged people. This software is composed by an Interface, a Knowledge Base, a Database and Constraints. The Knowledge Base has been codified by using the formal structure of frames, and has been implemented by the Lisp language. All the elements of KB are objects

keywords Design Studio
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 88f9
authors Carrara, G., Novembri, G., Zorgno, A.M., Brusasco, P.L.
year 1997
title Virtual Studio of Design and Technology on Internet (I) - Educator's approach
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary This paper presents a teaching experience involving students and professors from various universities, in Italy and abroad, which began in 1996 and is still on going. The Virtual Studios on the Internet (VSI) have some features in common with the Teaching Studios planned for the new programme of the faculties of Architecture in Italian universities. These are the definition of a common design theme, and the participation of disciplinary teachers. The greatest difference is in the modes of collaboration, which is achieved through information and communication technologies. The chief result of this is that the various work groups in different places can work and collaborate at the same time: the computer networks provide the means to express, communicate and share the design project.
keywords CAAD, Teaching of architectural design, Shared virtual reality, Virtualdesign studio, Collective intelligence.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 508b
authors Chiu, Mao-Lin
year 1997
title Representations and Communication channels in collaborative architectural design
source Mary L. M., John S. G., Fay S., editor, Formal Aspects of Collaborative CAD, IFIP97, Australia, Februrary, 1997, pp. 77-96
summary Collaborative design requires participation of individuals and coordination of design information and tasks. This paper focuses on the representations and communication channels in collaboration design. On the basis of a design communication model and findings of four collaborative design case studies, the phenomena of design communication are presented. The study also examines when the conditions of collaboration are achieved and what kinds of interfaces in computer-mediated collaborative work are needed, and propose a theme-oriented interface for computer-mediated collaborative design.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id ga9921
id ga9921
authors Coates, P.S. and Hazarika, L.
year 1999
title The use of genetic programming for applications in the field of spatial composition
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary Architectural design teaching using computers has been a preoccupation of CECA since 1991. All design tutors provide their students with a set of models and ways to form, and we have explored a set of approaches including cellular automata, genetic programming ,agent based modelling and shape grammars as additional tools with which to explore architectural ( and architectonic) ideas.This paper discusses the use of genetic programming (G.P.) for applications in the field of spatial composition. CECA has been developing the use of Genetic Programming for some time ( see references ) and has covered the evolution of L-Systems production rules( coates 1997, 1999b), and the evolution of generative grammars of form (Coates 1998 1999a). The G.P. was used to generate three-dimensional spatial forms from a set of geometrical structures .The approach uses genetic programming with a Genetic Library (G.Lib) .G.P. provides a way to genetically breed a computer program to solve a problem.G. Lib. enables genetic programming to define potentially useful subroutines dynamically during a run .* Exploring a shape grammar consisting of simple solid primitives and transformations. * Applying a simple fitness function to the solid breeding G.P.* Exploring a shape grammar of composite surface objects. * Developing grammarsfor existing buildings, and creating hybrids. * Exploring the shape grammar of abuilding within a G.P.We will report on new work using a range of different morphologies ( boolean operations, surface operations and grammars of style ) and describe the use of objective functions ( natural selection) and the "eyeball test" ( artificial selection) as ways of controlling and exploring the design spaces thus defined.
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

_id 751d
authors Cubero, R., Caldera, N., Indriago, J.A., Camacaro, L., Nixon, M. and Cestary, J.
year 2001
title Georeferenciando revicios y recursos turisticos para la plaificacion territorial: El Sigtur-Zulia [Georeferential Services and Touristic Resources for Territorial Planning: The Sigtur-Zulia]
source 2da Conferencia Venezolana sobre Aplicación de Computadores en Arquitectura, Maracaibo (Venezuela) december 2001, pp. 146-155
summary In 1997, the Research Institute of Faculty of Architecture and Design, University of Zulia, started the R&D project of a decision making support system for tourism planning. For this, GIS technologies have been used for geocodification and spatial analysis of all the tourism facilities and resources existing in Zulia State, studying this kind of socioeconomic development according to critical poverty problems that are typical of their population. This paper describes this geographic information system, with the application of accessibility analysis, areas of influence, and threedimensional studies through network analysisó three-dimensional analysis with ArcView GIS clients, ArcExplorer clients, and MapObjects clients, on an MS Windows NT client/server environment.
keywords GIS; Tourism Planning; Internet; Desktop Mapping
series other
last changed 2003/02/14 08:29

_id 68ce
authors De Buhren, Christian
year 1997
title Expertise CAO et Conseil Organisationnel: diagnostic precautions gestion du changement
source AVOCAAD First International Conference [AVOCAAD Conference Proceedings / ISBN 90-76101-01-09] Brussels (Belgium) 10-12 April 1997, pp. 163-186
summary Dans un bureau d'architectes ou un bureau d'études, le choix d'un logiciel d'informatique graphique n'est pas sans incidences sur l'organisation du travail. On constate, à titre d'exemple, que l'autonomie des utilisateurs augmente en même temps que la coordination des activités par le dirigeant est rendue plus difficile. Pour augmenter son avantage concurrentiel, des changements dans le mode de gestion de l'organisation doivent être mis en place. Construite dans l'esprit des normes ISO 9000 (normes internationales sur le management et l'assurance de la qualité) nous vous proposons une méthodologie pratique d'intervention. Un produit directement opérationnel élaboré sur la base d'une haute compétence technique et de savoirs acquins en organisation d'entreprises.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id d4b1
authors Egglib, L., Ching-yaob, H., Brüderlinb, B. and Elbera, G.
year 1997
title Inferring 3D models from freehand sketches and constraints
source Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 29 (2) (1997) pp. 101-112
summary This paper describes `Quick-sketch', a 2D and 3D modelling tool for pen-based computers. Users of this system define a model by simple pen strokes, drawn directlyon the screen of a pen-based PC. Exact shapes and geometric relationships are interpreted from the sketch. The system can also be used to sketch 3D solid objects andB-spline surfaces. These objects may be refined by defining 2D and 3D geometric constraints. A novel graph-based constraint solver is used to establish the geometricrelationships, or to maintain them when manipulating the objects interactively. The approach presented here is a first step towards a conceptual design system.Quick-sketch can be used as a hand sketching front-end to more sophisticated modelling, rendering or animation systems.
keywords Geometric Constraints, Conceptual Design, Free-Hand Sketch Interpretation
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:33

_id 600e
authors Gavin, Lesley
year 1999
title Architecture of the Virtual Place
source Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-5-7] Liverpool (UK) 15-17 September 1999, pp. 418-423
summary The Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, University College London (UCL), set up the first MSc in Virtual Environments in the UK in 1995. The course aims to synthesise and build on research work undertaken in the arts, architecture, computing and biological sciences in exploring the realms of the creation of digital and virtual immersive spaces. The MSc is concerned primarily with equipping students from design backgrounds with the skills, techniques and theories necessary in the production of virtual environments. The course examines both virtual worlds as prototypes for real urban or built form and, over the last few years, has also developed an increasing interest in the the practice of architecture in purely virtual contexts. The MSc course is embedded in the UK government sponsored Virtual Reality Centre for the Built Environment which is hosted by the Bartlett School of Architecture. This centre involves the UCL departments of architecture, computer science and geography and includes industrial partners from a number of areas concerned with the built environment including architectural practice, surveying and estate management as well as some software companies and the telecoms industry. The first cohort of students graduated in 1997 and predominantly found work in companies working in the new market area of digital media. This paper aims to outline the nature of the course as it stands, examines the new and ever increasing market for designers within digital media and proposes possible future directions for the course.
keywords Virtual Reality, Immersive Spaces, Digital Media, Education
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id faf7
authors Greer, R., Haas, C., Gibson, G., Traver, A. and Tucker, R.L.
year 1997
title Advances in control systems for construction manipulators
source Automation in Construction 6 (3) (1997) pp. 193-203
summary Fundamental advances in sensors, actuators, and control systems technology are creating opportunities to improve the performance of traditional construction equipment. New capabilities are being developed as well. These improvements in performance and new capabilities are resulting in better safety and efficiency. However, selecting control strategies can be confusing, and measuring and predicting their performance can be difficult. This paper identifies emerging control paradigms and describes methods for measuring their performance. Many control schemes and corresponding example applications are identified, including single degree of freedom control sticks, multiple degree of freedom joysticks, operating and safety constraints, teach/learn capability, resolved motion with internal and external sensors, spatially correspondent controllers, tele-operation, graphical programming and control, and autonomous controls. Methods described for measuring performance are based on American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standard tests, applications analysis, and ergonomics. Examples focus on the University of Texas at Austin's large scale hydraulic manipulator (LSM) and Automated Road Maintenance Machine (ARMM) with the results of performance tests on these manipulators being presented.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 44a7
authors Gross, M.D., Parker, L. and Elliott, A.M.
year 1997
title MUD: Exploring Tradeoffs In Urban Design
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 373-387
summary The design of cities and neighborhoods involves multiple stakeholders with various agendas, each comprising multiple criteria. Any design proposal will rank differently against each stakeholder's agenda, and effective participatory design requires that stakeholder interests are mutually understood and negotiated. We describe a program to promote this understanding and negotiation among stakeholders, called MUD, that enables each stakeholder to articulate their criteria for judging designs, to make design proposals, and to score designs against the criteria. By enabling stakeholders with different values and different areas of expertise to exchange design proposals and agendas we hope to foster understanding and stimulate negotiation.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 1999/04/06 09:19

_id 454c
authors Jun, H. and Gero, J.S.
year 1997
title Representation, re-representation and emergence in collaborative computer-aided design
source Maher, M.L., Gero, J.S. and Sudweeks, F. (eds), Preprints Formal Aspects of Collaborative Computer-Aided Design, Key Centre of Design Computing, University of Sydney, Sydney, pp. 303-320
summary Representation of drawings in CAD systems can cause problems during design collaboration. The notion of re-representation is proposed as one way of addressing these problems. Furthermore, re-representation is one way of allowing emergence to occur; emergence is an important aspect of collaborative computer-mediated design. Based on the concept of re-representation a model for collaborative CAD supporting emergence is presented and an example is demonstrated.
keywords Representation, Emergence, Collaborative CAD
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:33

_id b188
authors Kuohsiang, Chen and Owen, Charles L.
year 1997
title Form Language and Style Description
source Design Studies 18, 3, pp. 249-274
summary This paper presents a `style description framework' for the analysis of style as it is exhibited by objects, artifacts and, particularly, products. The framework equips a designer with both the ability to analyse existing styles and to describe new styles for target markets. A `style profile' consists of a set of polar adjective scales and associated weighting mechanisms. Within the profile, stylistic attributes -- in the form of values given on the scales -- are grouped into six categories: form elements, joining relationships, detail treatments, materials, colour treatments and textures. Two weighting mechanisms, an importance index and confidence factor, fine-tune the description. The style profile can be used not only to communicate styles between designers and computers, but also to accumulate formal style knowledge.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id ce1b
authors Kvan, Th., Lee, A. and Ho, L.
year 2000
title Anthony Ng Architects Limited: Building Towards a Paperless Future
source Case Study and Teaching Notes number 99/65, 10 pages, distributed by HKU Centre for Asian Business Cases, Harvard Business School Publishing (HBSP) and The European Case Clearing House (ECCH), June 2000
summary In early 1997; Mr. Anthony Ng; managing director of Anthony Ng Architects Ltd.; was keenly looking forward to a high-tech; paperless new office; which would free his designers from paperwork and greatly improve internal and external communication – a vision that he had had for a couple of years. In 1996; he brought on board a friend and expert in Internet technology to help him realise his vision. In July 1997; his company was to move into its new office in Wan Chai. Their plan was to have in place an Intranet and a web-based document management system when they moved into the new office. But he had to be mindful of resulting changes in communication patterns; culture and expectations. Resistance from within his company was also threatening to ruin the grand plan. Several senior executives were fiercely opposed to the proposal and refused to read a document off a computer screen. But Ng knew it was an important initiative to move his practice forward. Once the decision was made there would be no chance to reconsider; given the workload demands of the new HK$12 billion project. And this decision would mark a watershed in the company’s evolution. This case study examines the challenges and implications of employing IT to support an architectural office.
keywords IT In Practice; Professional Practice; Archives
series other
last changed 2002/11/15 18:29

_id d347
authors Kvan, Th., Vera, A. and West, R.L.
year 1997
title Expert and Situated Actions in Collaborative Design
source Proceedings of Second International Workshop on CSCW in Design, ed. P. Siriruchatapong, Z. Lin & J.-P. Barthes. Second International Workshop on CSCW in Design, Beijing: International Academic Publishers, November, pp. 400-405
summary This paper considers one of the fundamental questions behind research and implementation into collaborative design systems for architectural design: To what extent is design situated and to what extent is it expert behaviour? Extending from this question arises implementation questions for CSCW systems for architectural design. The authors propose a cognitive model of design and tested the model experimentally. From the results of the experiments; a discussion is presented of the expert and situated facets of the design process which have been manifested.
keywords Collaboration; CSCW; Group Work; Design
series other
last changed 2003/01/28 12:06

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