CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 2097

_id dfaf
authors Ataman, Osman
year 2000
title Some Experimental Results in the Assessment of Architectural Media
source Eternity, Infinity and Virtuality in Architecture [Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / 1-880250-09-8] Washington D.C. 19-22 October 2000, pp. 163-171
summary The relationship between the media and architectural design can be an important factor and can influence the design outcome. However, the nature, direction and magnitude of this relationship are unknown. Consequently, there have been many speculative claims about this relationship and almost none of them are supported with empirical research studies. In order to investigate these claims and to provide a testable framework for their potential contributions to architectural education, this study aims to explore the effects of media on architectural design. During 1995-1997, a total of 90 students enrolling in First Year Design Studio and Introduction to Computing classes at Georgia Tech participated in the study. A set of quantitative measures was developed to assess the differences between the two media and the effects on the architectural design. The results suggested that media influenced certain aspects of students’ designs. It is concluded that there is a strong relationship between the media and architectural design. The type of media not only changes some quantifiable design parameters but also affects the quality of design.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 34b8
authors Batie, D.L.
year 1997
title The incorporation of construction history in architectural history: the HISTCON interactive computer program
source Automation in Construction 6 (4) (1997) pp. 275-285
summary Current teaching methods for architectural history seldom embrace building technology as an essential component of study. Accepting the premise that architectural history is a fundamental component to the overall architectural learning environment, it is argued that the study of construction history will further enhance student knowledge. This hypothesis created an opportunity to investigate how the study of construction history could be incorporated to strengthen present teaching methods. Strategies for teaching architectural history were analyzed with the determination that an incorporation of educational instructional design applications using object-oriented programming and hypermedia provided the optimal solution. This evaluation led to the development of the HISTCON interactive, multimedia educational computer program. Used initially to teach 19th Century iron and steel construction history, the composition of the program provides the mechanism to test the significance of construction history in the study of architectural history. Future development of the program will provide a method to illustrate construction history throughout the history of architecture. The study of architectural history, using a construction oriented methodology, is shown to be positively correlated to increased understanding of architectural components relevant to architectural history and building construction.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 4e1c
authors Berdinski, D.
year 1997
title Combining different kinds of perspective images in architectural practice.
source Architectural and Urban Simulation Techniques in Research and Education [Proceedings of the 3rd European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 90-407-1669-2]
summary This paper is about combining photo-, video-, endoscope captured images with handmade or computer generated ones. Practically all optical systems are known to produce more or less curved perspective (spherical or cylindrical) which depends of angle-of-view, and a computer as a rule (as handmade) constructs linear perspective images. To combine them on any media correctly, an operator has to be professional painter or designer, because there is no mathematically determined way to combine them. The author's-made demo-computer program is able to generate spherical perspective of simple spatial constructions. It allows to illustrate mathematically and visually the principles of optical curved perspective, laws of their combination with linear ones and helps to feel how to achieve the accordance with natural visual architectural images.
keywords Architectural Endoscopy, Endoscopy, Simulation, Visualisation, Visualization, Real Environments
series EAEA
last changed 2005/09/09 10:43

_id debf
authors Bertol, D.
year 1997
title Designing Digital Space - An Architect's Guide to Virtual Reality
source John Wiley & Sons, New York
summary The first in-depth book on virtual reality (VR) aimed specifically at architecture and design professionals, Designing Digital Space steers you skillfully through the learning curve of this exciting new technology. Beginning with a historical overview of the evolution of architectural representations, this unique resource explains what VR is, how it is being applied today, and how it promises to revolutionize not only the design process, but the form and function of the built environment itself. Vividly illustrating how VR fits alongside traditional methods of architectural representation, this comprehensive guide prepares you to make optimum practical use of this powerful interactive tool, and embrace the new role of the architect in a virtually designed world. Offers in-depth coverage of the virtual universe-data representation and information management, static and dynamic worlds, tracking and visual display systems, control devices, and more. Examines a wide range of current VR architectural applications, from walkthroughs, simulations, and evaluations to reconstructions and networked environments Includes insightful essays by leading VR developers covering some of today's most innovative projects Integrates VR into the historical framework of architectural development, with detailed sections on the past, present, and future Features a dazzling array of virtual world images and sequential displays Explores the potential impact of digital architecture on the built environment of the future
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 83a5
authors Bock, Thomas
year 1997
title CAD-So What?
source CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 15-43
summary Computers were applied in construction towards the end of the 50s. In the meantime CA-X technologies rapidly evolved in areas such as integration of application software, 3D modelling and simulation, multimedia systems, artificial intelligence, CAD/CAM, robotics, and computer-based integration of design, construction and facility management. The structural changes under way in the construction industry ask for a transition from mere CAD, where "D" stands for design and drafting, towards CAC, where the second "C" represents construction , thus farther processing the previously generated CAD data .
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2003/11/21 15:16

_id acadia07_174
id acadia07_174
authors Bontemps, Arnaud; Potvin, André; Demers, Claude
year 2007
title The Dynamics of Physical Ambiences
source Expanding Bodies: Art • Cities• Environment [Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 978-0-9780978-6-8] Halifax (Nova Scotia) 1-7 October 2007, 174-181
summary This research proposes to support the reading of physical ambiences by the development of a representational technique which compiles, in a numerical interface, two types of data: sensory and filmic. These data are recorded through the use of a portable array equipped with sensors (Potvin 1997, 2002, 2004) as well as the acquisition of Video information of the moving environment. The compilation of information is carried out through a multi-media approach, by means of a program converting the environmental data into dynamic diagrams, as well as the creation of an interactive interface allowing a possible diffusion on the Web. This technique, named APMAP/Video, makes it possible to read out simultaneously spatial and environmental diversity. It is demonstrated through surveys taken at various seasons and time of the day at the new Caisse de dépôt et de placement headquarters in Montreal which is also the corpus for a SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) research grant on Environmental Adaptability in Architecture (Potvin et al. 2003-2007). This case study shows that the technique can prove of great relevance for POEs (Post Occupancy Evaluation) as well as for assistance in a new design project.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ccc0
authors Braithwaite, G., Radford, A., Huang, E. , Chang, T.W., Jones, D., Woodbury, R. and Sweeting, R.
year 1997
title The Computer Modeling of Development Proposals: A Routine Part of Development Control
source CAADRIA ‘97 [Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 957-575-057-8] Taiwan 17-19 April 1997, pp. 123-132
summary This paper describes and discusses the aims and practicalities involved in the computer modeling of contentious development applications becoming accepted as a routine part of the processes of development control. It uses three case studies drawn from the University of Adelaide’s work with the City of Adelaide in Australia to delineate the role of 3D computer models of proposed new buildings and their immediate surroundings in the public understanding of the streetscape, neighbourhood context, overshadowing and overlooking implications of the proposals.
keywords 3D City Modeling
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id 63ea
authors Brown, A.G.P., Berridge, P. and Mackie, D.
year 1997
title Gaming as a Vehicle for Collaborative Designcollaborative design
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary This paper outlines one approach to addressing the problem of participation in a properly understood process and goes on to show how the principles used are being reinforced by an interactive computer based application.
keywords Collaborative Design
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id 629a
authors Brunetta, Vincent
year 1997
title EXPLORER A Procedural Modeler Based on Architectural Knowledge
source AVOCAAD First International Conference [AVOCAAD Conference Proceedings / ISBN 90-76101-01-09] Brussels (Belgium) 10-12 April 1997, pp. 125-133
summary Cet article est consacré à la modélisation procédurale de configurations architecturales. Les outils de CAO actuels reproduisent et figent la pratique traditionelle du projet architectural, leurs modèles de représentation sous-jacents sont considérablement éloignés de la représentation usuelle de l'objet architectural. Il nous apparaît que les modes d'accès et de constitution "alternatifs" du modèle informatique (description textuelle et modélisation procédurale) représentent un champ d'expérimentation privilégié susceptible de questionner ces problèmes de représentation du savoir architectural. Nous commencerons par l'examen de modélisations par description textuelle (notamment de façades néoclassiques et de l'architecture palladienne) pour ensuite nous intéresser à une série de modélisations procédurales à base de connaissances architecturales. Nous verrons enfin comment cette réflexion, dans un cadre pédagogique, confronte nos étudiants à la fois à l'analyse architecturale, à une approche de la programmation structurée ou orientée-objet ainsi qu'à une utilisation "critique" des outils de conception assistée.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id 1073
authors Bruton, Dean
year 1997
title A contingent sense of grammar
source University of Adelaide
summary Investigates the contingent senses in which concepts of grammars and grammatical design apply in the practice of form making in art and design. Using the strategies of a literature review; an examination through a perspective of grammatical design of some selected bodies of art work, including interviews with artists, theorists and some designers; and the reflective practice of image making with computer media in the author's own work as an artists.
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id d60a
authors Casti, J.C.
year 1997
title Would be Worlds: How simulation is changing the frontiers of science
source John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
summary Five Golden Rules is caviar for the inquiring reader. Anyone who enjoyed solving math problems in high school will be able to follow the author's explanations, even if high school was a long time ago. There is joy here in watching the unfolding of these intricate and beautiful techniques. Casti's gift is to be able to let the nonmathematical reader share in his understanding of the beauty of a good theory.-Christian Science Monitor "[Five Golden Rules] ranges into exotic fields such as game theory (which played a role in the Cuban Missile Crisis) and topology (which explains how to turn a doughnut into a coffee cup, or vice versa). If you'd like to have fun while giving your brain a first-class workout, then check this book out."-San Francisco Examiner "Unlike many popularizations, [this book] is more than a tour d'horizon: it has the power to change the way you think. Merely knowing about the existence of some of these golden rules may spark new, interesting-maybe even revolutionary-ideas in your mind. And what more could you ask from a book?"-New Scientist "This book has meat! It is solid fare, food for thought . . . makes math less forbidding, and much more interesting."-Ben Bova, The Hartford Courant "This book turns math into beauty."-Colorado Daily "John Casti is one of the great science writers of the 1990s."-San Francisco Examiner In the ever-changing world of science, new instruments often lead to momentous discoveries that dramatically transform our understanding. Today, with the aid of a bold new instrument, scientists are embarking on a scientific revolution as profound as that inspired by Galileo's telescope. Out of the bits and bytes of computer memory, researchers are fashioning silicon surrogates of the real world-elaborate "artificial worlds"-that allow them to perform experiments that are too impractical, too costly, or, in some cases, too dangerous to do "in the flesh." From simulated tests of new drugs to models of the birth of planetary systems and galaxies to computerized petri dishes growing digital life forms, these laboratories of the future are the essential tools of a controversial new scientific method. This new method is founded not on direct observation and experiment but on the mapping of the universe from real space into cyberspace. There is a whole new science happening here-the science of simulation. The most exciting territory being mapped by artificial worlds is the exotic new frontier of "complex, adaptive systems." These systems involve living "agents" that continuously change their behavior in ways that make prediction and measurement by the old rules of science impossible-from environmental ecosystems to the system of a marketplace economy. Their exploration represents the horizon for discovery in the twenty-first century, and simulated worlds are charting the course. In Would-Be Worlds, acclaimed author John Casti takes readers on a fascinating excursion through a number of remarkable silicon microworlds and shows us how they are being used to formulate important new theories and to solve a host of practical problems. We visit Tierra, a "computerized terrarium" in which artificial life forms known as biomorphs grow and mutate, revealing new insights into natural selection and evolution. We play a game of Balance of Power, a simulation of the complex forces shaping geopolitics. And we take a drive through TRANSIMS, a model of the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, to discover the root causes of events like traffic jams and accidents. Along the way, Casti probes the answers to a host of profound questions these "would-be worlds" raise about the new science of simulation. If we can create worlds inside our computers at will, how real can we say they are? Will they unlock the most intractable secrets of our universe? Or will they reveal instead only the laws of an alternate reality? How "real" do these models need to be? And how real can they be? The answers to these questions are likely to change the face of scientific research forever.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id e292
authors Charitos, D. and Bridges, A.H.
year 1997
title On Architectural Design of Virtual Environments
source Design Studies, Vol.18, No. 2, 143-154
summary This paper considers the domains of architectural design and film theory for the purpose of informing the design of virtual environments (VEs). It is suggested that these domains may form a background for the consideration of possible metaphors for the design of VEs. Firstly, the paper investigates the relation between architecture and virtual reality technology, through the nature of drawings and virtual environments as means of representing three-dimensional spaces. Then, differences between VEs and physical environments (PEs) are identified for the purpose of understanding the intrinsic nature of VEs, by comparing them to our familiar everyday spatial experience. This step is considered essential in helping us understand how we might be able to develop an architectural conception of designing spaces, in the context of VEs. The paper then presents two directions towards informing VE design by means of theoretical and practical architectural design knowledge. Finally, the use of film-related studies is considered as a means of enhancing our conception of time and movement in VEs.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 8956
authors Charitos, D. and Rutherford, P.
year 1997
title Ways of aiding navigation in VRML worlds
source Proceedings of the Sixth international EuropIA Conference, europia Production
summary This paper suggests ways of enhancing spatial awareness for the operator of a VRML world, in order to augment her performance, in terms of orientation and wayfinding. In essence, it draws from the fields of environmental cognition, architectural and urban design theories, in order to address the problem of designing VRML worlds, so as to aid the operator's spatial awareness. In addition, it explores the possible development of navigation aids for wayfinding, within such virtual environments. The inclusion of these navigation aids will be seen to have a direct bearing upon the spatial awareness of the designed VRML world.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id 2354
authors Clayden, A. and Szalapaj, P.
year 1997
title Architecture in Landscape: Integrated CAD Environments for Contextually Situated Design
source Challenges of the Future [15th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-3-0] Vienna (Austria) 17-20 September 1997
summary This paper explores the future role of a more holistic and integrated approach to the design of architecture in landscape. Many of the design exploration and presentation techniques presently used by particular design professions do not lend themselves to an inherently collaborative design strategy.

Within contemporary digital environments, there are increasing opportunities to explore and evaluate design proposals which integrate both architectural and landscape aspects. The production of integrated design solutions exploring buildings and their surrounding context is now possible through the design development of shared 3-D and 4-D virtual environments, in which buildings no longer float in space.

The scope of landscape design has expanded through the application of techniques such as GIS allowing interpretations that include social, economic and environmental dimensions. In architecture, for example, object-oriented CAD environments now make it feasible to integrate conventional modelling techniques with analytical evaluations such as energy calculations and lighting simulations. These were all ambitions of architects and landscape designers in the 70s when computer power restricted the successful implementation of these ideas. Instead, the commercial trend at that time moved towards isolated specialist design tools in particular areas. Prior to recent innovations in computing, the closely related disciplines of architecture and landscape have been separated through the unnecessary development, in our view, of their own symbolic representations, and the subsequent computer applications. This has led to an unnatural separation between what were once closely related disciplines.

Significant increases in the performance of computers are now making it possible to move on from symbolic representations towards more contextual and meaningful representations. For example, the application of realistic materials textures to CAD-generated building models can then be linked to energy calculations using the chosen materials. It is now possible for a tree to look like a tree, to have leaves and even to be botanicaly identifiable. The building and landscape can be rendered from a common database of digital samples taken from the real world. The complete model may be viewed in a more meaningful way either through stills or animation, or better still, through a total simulation of the lifecycle of the design proposal. The model may also be used to explore environmental/energy considerations and changes in the balance between the building and its context most immediately through the growth simulation of vegetation but also as part of a larger planning model.

The Internet has a key role to play in facilitating this emerging collaborative design process. Design professionals are now able via the net to work on a shared model and to explore and test designs through the development of VRML, JAVA, whiteboarding and video conferencing. The end product may potentially be something that can be more easily viewed by the client/user. The ideas presented in this paper form the basis for the development of a dual course in landscape and architecture. This will create new teaching opportunities for exploring the design of buildings and sites through the shared development of a common computer model.

keywords Integrated Design Process, Landscape and Architecture, Shared Environmentsenvironments
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id a05b
authors Clements-Croome, T.D.J.
year 1997
title What do we mean by intelligent buildings?
source Automation in Construction 6 (5-6) (1997) pp. 395-400
summary Various common definitions of intelligent buildings are discussed. A systems view of building design is a starting point for considering business, space and building management. An intelligent building helps an organisation to fulfil its objectives by facilitating the management of these resources and thereby increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation. At an even more fundamental level intelligent buildings can cope with social and technological change and also are adaptable to human needs.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id 123c
authors Coomans, M.K.D. and Timmermans, H.J.P.
year 1997
title Towards a Taxonomy of Virtual Reality User Interfaces
source Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV97), pp. 17-29
summary Virtual reality based user interfaces (VRUIs) are expected to bring about a revolution in computing. VR can potentially communicate large amounts of data in an easily understandable format. VR looks very promising, but it is still a very new interface technology for which very little application oriented knowledge is available. As a basis for such a future VRUI design theory, a taxonomy of VRUIs is required. A general model of human computer communication is formulated. This model constitutes a frame for the integration of partial taxonomies of human computer interaction that are found in the literature. The whole model constitutes a general user interface taxonomy. The field of VRUIs is described and delimited with respect to this taxonomy.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id ec84
authors Cote, Pierre
year 1999
title Québec City Churches
source ACADIA Quarterly, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 13-14
summary The following pictures come from a work in progress at the School of Architecture of Laval University, done in collaboration with the "Centre de développement économique et urbain de la Ville Québec" (CDEU). The 3D models from which the pictures were generated, have been created by students at the School of architecture (part of this work is illustrated). The project started at the beginning of the summer 97 by the modeling competition of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Church, located in Québec City Saint-Sauveur neighborhood. The works continued during the summers of 1997 and 1998 and will resume this summer. To date, this ongoing project has given to nine students the opportunity to model 19 churches to a level of details useful to professionals.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id 751d
authors Cubero, R., Caldera, N., Indriago, J.A., Camacaro, L., Nixon, M. and Cestary, J.
year 2001
title Georeferenciando revicios y recursos turisticos para la plaificacion territorial: El Sigtur-Zulia [Georeferential Services and Touristic Resources for Territorial Planning: The Sigtur-Zulia]
source 2da Conferencia Venezolana sobre Aplicación de Computadores en Arquitectura, Maracaibo (Venezuela) december 2001, pp. 146-155
summary In 1997, the Research Institute of Faculty of Architecture and Design, University of Zulia, started the R&D project of a decision making support system for tourism planning. For this, GIS technologies have been used for geocodification and spatial analysis of all the tourism facilities and resources existing in Zulia State, studying this kind of socioeconomic development according to critical poverty problems that are typical of their population. This paper describes this geographic information system, with the application of accessibility analysis, areas of influence, and threedimensional studies through network analysisó three-dimensional analysis with ArcView GIS clients, ArcExplorer clients, and MapObjects clients, on an MS Windows NT client/server environment.
keywords GIS; Tourism Planning; Internet; Desktop Mapping
series other
last changed 2003/02/14 08:29

_id fd8b
authors Czernuszenko, M., Pape, D., Sandin, D., DeFanti, T., Dawe, G. and Brown, M.
year 1997
title The ImmersaDesk and Infinity Wall projection-based virtual reality displays
source Computer Graphics, 31(2): 46-49, May
summary Virtual reality (VR) can be defined as interactive computer graphics that provides viewer-centered perspective, large field of view and stereo. Head-mounted displays (HMDs) and BOOMs™ achieve these features with small display screens which move with the viewer, close to the viewer's eyes. Projection-based displays, supply these characteristics by placing large, fixed screens more distant from the viewer. The Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) of the University of Illinois at Chicago has specialized in projection-based VR systems. EVL's projection-based VR display, the CAVE™ premiered at the SIGGRAPH 92 conference.In this article we present two new, CAVE-derived, projection-based VR displays developed at EVL: the ImmersaDesk™ and the Infinity Wall™, a VR version of the PowerWall. We describe the different requirements which led to their design, and compare these systems to other VR devices.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id 68ce
authors De Buhren, Christian
year 1997
title Expertise CAO et Conseil Organisationnel: diagnostic precautions gestion du changement
source AVOCAAD First International Conference [AVOCAAD Conference Proceedings / ISBN 90-76101-01-09] Brussels (Belgium) 10-12 April 1997, pp. 163-186
summary Dans un bureau d'architectes ou un bureau d'études, le choix d'un logiciel d'informatique graphique n'est pas sans incidences sur l'organisation du travail. On constate, à titre d'exemple, que l'autonomie des utilisateurs augmente en même temps que la coordination des activités par le dirigeant est rendue plus difficile. Pour augmenter son avantage concurrentiel, des changements dans le mode de gestion de l'organisation doivent être mis en place. Construite dans l'esprit des normes ISO 9000 (normes internationales sur le management et l'assurance de la qualité) nous vous proposons une méthodologie pratique d'intervention. Un produit directement opérationnel élaboré sur la base d'une haute compétence technique et de savoirs acquins en organisation d'entreprises.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

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