CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 17672

_id 418a
authors Kim, Inhan
year 1996
title A Design System for Concurrent Reuse of Architectural Data
source CAADRIA ‘96 [Proceedings of The First Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 9627-75-703-9] Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 25-27 April 1996, pp. 163-172
summary This paper describes a design system which supports the concurrent re-use of existing design information by means of an object-oriented database system. The system manages component versioning within a flexible design environment which is to be used by a design team working on an evolving, complex design. A database of prototype designs has been built with a database system that supports versioning. The basic database operations are then extended with the routines that support inter-designer communication. The database system with these extensions produces a design environment in which designers using partitioned design databases holding multiple design component versions, may concurrently develop new designs. In addition, an expert system shell has been incorporated to deal with design evaluation processes. In this paper, the authors investigate the mechanisms by which existing design versions may be represented, combined and edited to provide new designs.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id caadria2011_006
id caadria2011_006
authors Kim, Jason J. and Hyoung-June Park
year 2011
title Digital catalogue: A computational implementation of Korean joinery system in the design of a transformable disaster shelter
source Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / The University of Newcastle, Australia 27-29 April 2011, pp. 61-70
summary With the help of Building Information Modelling (BIM), the digital catalogue of all the 44 components of Korean joinery system is developed for the application of their tectonic principles in the design of a transformable disaster shelter. Based upon the components of three primary bracket styles (Jusim-Po, Ik-Gong, and Da-Po) of traditional Korean joinery system in the catalogue, the parametric modifications of the components and their rearrangements are performed for various iteration of the disaster shelter. The usage of Korean joinery system in assembling and disassembling the components enhances the transformability and the reusability of the shelter. This paper demonstrates the computational implementation of Korean joinery system and the design process of a transformable disaster shelter.
keywords Digital catalogue; BIM; Korean joinery system
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id cf2019_004
id cf2019_004
authors Kim, Jinsung; Jaeyeol Song and Jin-Kook Lee
year 2019
title Recognizing and Classifying Unknown Object in BIM using 2D CNN
source Ji-Hyun Lee (Eds.) "Hello, Culture!"  [18th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2019, Proceedings / ISBN 978-89-89453-05-5] Daejeon, Korea, p. 23
summary This paper aims to propose an approach to automated classifying building element instance in BIM using deep learning-based 3D object classification algorithm. Recently, studies related to checking or validating engine of BIM object for ensuring data integrity of BIM instances are getting attention. As a part of this research, this paper train recognition models that are targeted at basic building element and interior element using 3D object recognition technique that uses images of objects as inputs. Object recognition is executed in two stages; 1) class of object (e.g. wall, window, seating furniture, toilet fixture and etc.), 2) sub-type of specific classes (e.g. Toilet or Urinal). Using the trained models, BIM plug-in prototype is developed and the performance of this AI-based approach with test BIM model is checked. We expect this recognition approach to help ensure the integrity of BIM data and contribute to the practical use of BIM.
keywords 3D object classification, Building element, Building information modeling, Data integrity, Interior element
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2019/07/29 14:08

_id cf2019_007
id cf2019_007
authors Kim, Jong Bum and Bimal Balakrishnan
year 2019
title Visualize Smart Growth Development with Parametric BIM: A Case Study of Columbia Unified Development Plan
source Ji-Hyun Lee (Eds.) "Hello, Culture!"  [18th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2019, Proceedings / ISBN 978-89-89453-05-5] Daejeon, Korea, p. 26
summary Smart Growth is a multifaceted urban planning approach that has embraced planning regulation reforms across the municipalities in the United States. Urban planning regulations undoubtedly have formed built environment, but their impact on sustainability is often unforeseen in the early stage of community development. This research investigates an urban modeling framework that can envision Smart Growth development with parametric modeling, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Virtual Reality (VR), and software prototyping. As a pilot test, the paper presents a case study of Downtown Columbia Unified Development Code.
keywords Smart Growth, Parametric Building Information Modeling, Immersive Visualization, Community Design/ Development
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2019/07/29 14:08

_id caadria2021_404
id caadria2021_404
authors Kim, Jong Bum, Aman, Jayedi and Balakrishnan, Bimal
year 2021
title Forecasting performance of Smart Growth development with parametric BIM-based microclimate simulations
source A. Globa, J. van Ameijde, A. Fingrut, N. Kim, T.T.S. Lo (eds.), PROJECTIONS - Proceedings of the 26th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 1, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Online, Hong Kong, 29 March - 1 April 2021, pp. 411-420
summary Smart Growth is a fast-growing urban design and planning movement developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These regulations control urban morphologies such as building form, position, façade configurations, building materials, road configurations, which have an explicit association with the microclimate and outdoor comfort. This paper presents an urban modeling and simulation framework that can represent the urban morphology and its impact on microclimate shaped by Smart Growth. First, we created urban models using custom parametric objects and a building component library in BIM. Then we integrated parametric BIM and multiple performance simulations, including wind analysis, solar accessibility, and energy use. For implementation, a case study was carried out using two Smart Growth regulations in the Kansas City metropolitan area. The paper elaborates on the findings from simulation results, challenges in implementation, and limitations of the proposed framework to manage a large number of regulation variables in simulation.
keywords Smart Growth Regulations; Building Information Modeling (BIM); Parametric Simulation; Microclimate Simulation; Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id caadria2020_431
id caadria2020_431
authors Kim, Jong Bum, Balakrishnan, Bimal and Aman, Jayedi
year 2020
title Environmental Performance-based Community Development - A parametric simulation framework for Smart Growth development in the United States
source D. Holzer, W. Nakapan, A. Globa, I. Koh (eds.), RE: Anthropocene, Design in the Age of Humans - Proceedings of the 25th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 1, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 5-6 August 2020, pp. 873-882
summary Smart Growth is an urban design movement initiated by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States (Smart Growth America, 2019). The regulations of Smart Growth control urban morphologies such as building height, use, position, section configurations, façade configurations, and materials, which have an explicit association with energy performances. This research aims to analyze and visualize the impact of Smart Growth developments on environmental performances. This paper presents a parametric modeling and simulation framework for Smart Growth developments that can model the potential community development scenarios, simulate the environmental footprints of each parcel, and visualize the results of modeling and simulation. We implemented and examined the proposed framework through a case study of two Smart Growth regulations: Columbia Unified Development Code (UDC) in Missouri (City of Columbia Missouri, 2017) and Overland Park Downtown Form-based Code (FBC) in Kansas City (City of Overland Park, 2017, 2019). Last, we discuss the implementation results, the limitations of the proposed framework, and the future work. We anticipate that the proposed method can improve stakeholders' understanding of how Smart Growth developments are associated with potential environmental footprints from an expeditious and thorough exploration of what-if scenarios of the multiple development schemes.
keywords Smart Growth; Building Information Modeling (BIM); Parametric Simulation; Solar Radiation
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id caadria2023_403
id caadria2023_403
authors Kim, Jong Bum, Kim, Seongchan and Aman, Jayedi
year 2023
title An Urban Building Energy Simulation Method Integrating Parametric BIM and Machine Learning
source Immanuel Koh, Dagmar Reinhardt, Mohammed Makki, Mona Khakhar, Nic Bao (eds.), HUMAN-CENTRIC - Proceedings of the 28th CAADRIA Conference, Ahmedabad, 18-24 March 2023, pp. 665–674
summary This research investigates a method of urban building energy simulation (UBES) by integrating Building Information Modeling (BIM), building simulation, and algorithm-based prediction to forecast the impact of surrounding conditions. In the urban context, building energy performances are determined not only by the individual building design but also by the building's surrounding context. Many energy performances are sensitive to outdoor and surrounding building conditions, such as neighbouring building volumes, heights, and spaces between buildings. However, such surrounding conditions were overlooked because they can exponentially increase the complexity of urban modeling and simulation. In that regard, the research sought to investigate a novel framework to take advantage of accurate performance simulations and algorithm-based fast predictions. This paper presents our UBES method implemented from three research phases: (i) building a parametric urban model in BIM to provide simulation inputs, (ii) creating a parametric simulation interface to produce training and validation data, and (iii) creating a prediction interface using a Support Vector Machine (SVR) algorithm. Lastly, the paper elaborates on the findings from the prediction results.
keywords Urban Energy Simulation, Solar Accessibility, Surrounding Conditions, Parametric BIM, Machine Learning, Support Vector Machine, Sustainable Cities and Communities
series CAADRIA
last changed 2023/06/15 23:14

_id caadria2022_223
id caadria2022_223
authors Kim, Jong Bum, Oprean, Danielle, Cole, Laura and Zangori, Laura
year 2022
title Net Zero Game: A Pilot Study of Game Development for Green Building Education in Rural Schools
source Jeroen van Ameijde, Nicole Gardner, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Dan Luo, Urvi Sheth (eds.), POST-CARBON - Proceedings of the 27th CAADRIA Conference, Sydney, 9-15 April 2022, pp. 455-464
summary The research investigates the design and development of a serious game to teach green building design and energy literacy in rural middle schools in the United States. The paper presents a pilot study, education mini-game development integrated with parametric BIM and energy simulations. The game scenario was built on the developed science curriculum modules in our funded research, teaching building energy technologies such as daylighting, artificial lighting, window configurations, building materials, solar panels, etc. The mini game presents a baseline science lab and a media library of typical public schools in the United States. The players have the opportunity to improve energy literacy in several ways: manipulating the building configurations and the energy options, reviewing energy cost and the emission level changes, and monitoring the performance from the dashboards. This paper presents background theory, curriculum design, the mini-game development framework, methods and tools for energy simulation and BIM visualization, and the findings and challenges.
keywords Serious Game, Energy Literacy, Green Building Education, Parametric BIM, Energy Simulation, SDG 4, SDG 11
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/07/22 07:34

_id ijac202321305
id ijac202321305
authors Kim, Jong Bum; Danielle Oprean; Laura Cole; Laura Zangori
year 2023
title Illumi’s world: A mini-game development with parametric BIM-based simulations
source International Journal of Architectural Computing 2023, Vol. 21 - no. 3, 462–477
summary The research investigates the design and development of a serious game to teach green building design and energy literacy in rural middle schools in the United States. The paper presents a pilot study, education minigame development integrated with parametric BIM and energy simulations. The game scenario was built on the developed science curriculum modules in our funded research, teaching building energy technologies such as daylighting, artificial lighting, window configurations, building materials, solar panels, etc. The minigame, Illumi’s World, presents a baseline science lab and a media library of typical public schools in the United States. The players have the opportunity to improve energy literacy in several ways: manipulating the building configurations and the energy options, reviewing energy costs and emission level changes, and monitoring the performance from the game dashboards. This paper presents background theory, curriculum design, the mini-game development framework, methods and tools for energy simulation and BIM visualization, and the findings and challenges.
keywords Game-based learning, green building literacy, systems thinking, model-based reasoning, building information modeling, energy simulation
series journal
last changed 2024/04/17 14:30

_id caadria2013_208
id caadria2013_208
authors Kim, Jong Bum; Mark J. Clayton and Wei Yan
year 2013
title Parameterize Urban Design Codes with BIM and Object-Oriented Programming
source Open Systems: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2013) / Singapore 15-18 May 2013, pp. 33-42
summary There has been a significant need for the new urban design apparatus that carries out performance analyses of the urban models, since the code reform movements focused on the sustainable urban developments. This research explores the use of parametric Building Information Modeling to enable stakeholders to intuitively understand the implications and consequences of urban design codes. We investigate whether key regulations can be captured as algorithms and ontologies in parametric BIM and Object-Oriented Programming. Then we present our prototype of parametric urban models in a BIM platform that explains (1) the extent which urban design code information can be parameterized in BIM and (2) the methods how parametric models can hold code information. The results show that our prototype enables real-time manipulations of code requirements and interactive visualization of code allowances.  
wos WOS:000351496100004
keywords Parametric modelling, BIM, Object-oriented programming, Urban design codes 
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id caadria2014_534
id caadria2014_534
authors Kim, Ju-Yeon
year 2014
title A Comparision Study of Media Façades Based on Emotional Keywords
source Rethinking Comprehensive Design: Speculative Counterculture, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014) / Kyoto 14-16 May 2014, pp. 979–980
series CAADRIA
type poster
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id cf2013_267
id cf2013_267
authors Kim, Kyoung-Hee and Seung-Hoon Han
year 2013
title Integrated Design Process: Sustainable Fa¸cade Fabrication
source Global Design and Local Materialization[Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 978-3-642-38973-3] Shanghai, China, July 3-5, 2013, pp. 267-273.
summary Interoperability and integration between design, analysis and fabrication in architectural practice allow building façade systems to be increasingly complex and non-standard. As customized building façade systems increase in contemporary buildings, it is important to adopt the integrated design process that aids problem solving and design-making in façade design. The primary goal of this study is to explore the integrated design process that incorporates building information modeling and parametric performance analysis tools in order to understand sustainability opportunities in sustainable façade fabrication. The integration of building information modeling (BIM) and parametric performance analysis tools poses a unique design process whose resolution has the potential to improve sustainability in built environment and façade fabrication efficiency. This paper uses an academic design research project, the Reading Pavilion located in the UNC Charlotte campus, as a case study to investigate the integrated design process of a building façade system, which was supported by quantitative data using BIM, parametric performance analysis, and rapid prototyping tools.
keywords Integrated design process, building information modeling, parametric performance analysis, high performance façade.
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2014/03/24 07:08

_id 1a29
authors Kim, M.-J., Lee, H.-S., Choi, J.-W., Cho, M.-E. and Kim, H.-K.
year 2001
title A conceptual framework of virtual workplace for collaborative design
source CAADRIA 2001 [Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 1-86487-096-6] Sydney 19-21 April 2001, pp. 299-303
summary Designing is the combined efforts of various professions such as architects, clients, engineers and interior designers. Collaboration is a crucial element to the design process. We identify design activities and communication types in design processes. In accordance with these identifications, this paper discusses design of virtual workplace required for collaborative design process between various professions. In this paper, areas of the virtual workplace are divided into several territories.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id caadria2009_191
id caadria2009_191
authors Kim, Mi Yun; Jin Won Choi
year 2009
title Classifying and Utilizing The Geo-Spatial Information in Smart City
source Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / Yunlin (Taiwan) 22-25 April 2009, pp. 327-335
summary It has been difficult to locate necessary information quickly in a complicated geo-spatial information network. Textual and numerical information is disadvantageous in that viewers may not have cognitive power and thus do not understand it properly. Besides, it is thought that a particular means is needed to obtain and to understand the information that we need in a given space. Therefore, this study posits that the geospatial information is complex in the construction of future oriented cities, and a new classification system is required for more effective information visualization. This paper also suggests a classification system of urban geo-spatial information and its possible applications as a way to reflect city dwellers’ opinion in city planning.
keywords Urban information classification; utilization; geo-spatial information; visualization; urban map
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id e272
authors Kim, Michael Kyong-il 
year 1980
title Countermodeling as a strategy for decision making epistemological problems in design
source University of California, Berkeley
series thesis:PhD
last changed 2003/02/12 22:37

_id caadria2016_467
id caadria2016_467
authors Kim, Mikyoung; Seungyeul Ji, Eonyong Kim and Hanjong Jun
year 2016
title BIM-based File Synchronisation and Permission Management System for Architectural Design Collaboration
source Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2016) / Melbourne 30 March–2 April 2016, pp. 467-476
summary In building information modelling (BIM), the amount of in- formation increased and architectural design processes became more complex as projects expand. This is because while a collaboration en- vironment is important for smooth communication among experts, this has not been realised because of unclassified file synchronisation and permission settings among team members. Therefore, this study aims to support cooperation in BIM modelling projects by synchronising BIM data from different computers and rendering BIM project man- agement easier by providing a BIM model viewer and data through the Web. The proposed technology, which is a construction project- type, purpose-tailored browsing technology, provides BIM infor- mation related to construction environments and planning processes only to the relevant experts.
keywords Building information modelling (BIM); architectural design collaboration; process; file synchronisation; permission management system
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id caadria2008_25_session3b_205
id caadria2008_25_session3b_205
authors Kim, Miyun; Jinwon Choi
year 2008
title Visualizing Environmental Information on The Geo-Spatial Urban Map
source CAADRIA 2008 [Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Chiang Mai (Thailand) 9-12 April 2008, pp. 205-212
summary Environmental and residential destruction caused by urbanization and land development raises a serious issue. In addition, advanced technology has quickly changed the structure of cities, followed by revolutionary changes are growing faster these days and this requires us to turn our attention into developing a symbiotic eco-city, which will make it possible for further sustainable development. In this regard, it grows much more important to manage a flood of information from various intelligent devices and systems for environmental maintenance. The structure and meaning of modern info-oriented cities have changed their focus from tangible materials and resources, or energy into intangible information and knowledge. Now it has become the most important on how to manage and utilize a vast amount of information in order to strengthen the competitiveness and improve the life quality. This study finds methods for an effective city management and planning, or visualization of information for ecology-friendly education in order to provide a comfortable city life and develop a cleaner city, by efficiently managing information on several ecology protection areas and their sauces of pollution in the centre of a city. The goal is to help city managers or planners to be better aware of environmental information related to their work.
keywords Ecology-friendly city; environmental information; geo-spatial urban map; classification, visualization
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id caadria2009_159
id caadria2009_159
authors Kim, Seung Wook; Hsin-Hsien Chiu
year 2009
title Interactive Chair
source Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / Yunlin (Taiwan) 22-25 April 2009, pp. 423-432
summary InteractiveChair is proposed as a natural and affordable medium that enables direct control of locomotion in 3D virtual space by using dynamic sitting postures. InteractiveChair detects subtle movements of a chair occupant in real time by measuring relative position and orientation between the user’s body and the chair. While standard user interfaces require users to consciously relate the device manipulation by hand to the action in the virtual space, InteractiveChair directly leverages the correlation between our body and spatial conception to control the avatar’s locomotion. This study determines typical user behaviours on the chair and measures them through sensors that are exquisitely integrated with a typical swivel chair. The study then presents results from a user study to measure the qualitative factors of user experience in controlling virtual locomotion with InteractiveChair.
keywords interactive chair, HCI, 3D interface, virtual environment
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id sigradi2014_159
id sigradi2014_159
authors Kim, Sun-Joong; Ji-Hyun Lee
year 2014
title The Evolutionary Changes of the Streamlined High-speed Locomotives
source SIGraDi 2014 [Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-9974-99-655-7] Uruguay- Montevideo 12,13,14 November 2014, pp. 57-61
summary In this research, we develop the quantitative design analysis method for the atypical nose shape of bullet motif high-speed trains. And we trace the design changes and reveal the changes of design criteria that are shown in the evolutionary process of the Shinkansen high-speed trains by the quantitative method. To do this, first, we define the corpus of Shinkansen high-speed train designs. Second, the landmarks – sub-features – that comprise a nose shape of high-speed train are defined. Third, the locomotives of the corpus are quantitatively analysed by the morphometrics: a method of geometric shape analysis. Finally, the design changes are traced by the result of the analysis and the changes of design criteria will be revealed.
keywords Shape Study; Style Analysis; Geometric Shape Analysis; High-speed Train Design
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:53

_id sigradi2012_164
id sigradi2012_164
authors Kim, Sun-Joong; Lee, Ji-Hyun
year 2012
title How Biomimetic Approach Enlarges Morphological Solution Space
source SIGraDi 2012 [Proceedings of the 16th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Brasil - Fortaleza 13-16 November 2012, pp. 538-542
summary Ordinarily, high-speed train design methodology has been modeled to guide designer’s problem solving and design thinking. However, the current methodology cannot guide designers in very detail due to the reason of the difficulties in bridging gap between pure engineering-knowledge and design-knowledge. In other words, these two knowledge are disconnected each other in a whole frame of design process. But, the paradigm shift that was induced by biomimetic approach has demanded an interdisciplinary approach for a generation of new geometrical characteristics that were impossible to be handled in the current design methodology. In this research, as a case study, we quantify the front-head design of high-speed trains to check the impacts of biomimetic approach. Quantitative methodology of the landmark based morphometric design analysis is introduced and adapted on the study.
keywords Biomimetics; Design Analysis; Morphometrics; High-speed Train Design
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:53

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