CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 17768

_id ecaade2007_039
id ecaade2007_039
authors Koutamanis, Alexander
year 2007
title Matching Representation to Perception
source Predicting the Future [25th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-6-5] Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 26-29 September 2007, pp. 551-558
summary Visual representations play an important role in mobile architectural guides, especially with respect to the identification of buildings, i.e. matching internal representations to external ones (the documentation in the guide) and the perceived scene. By restructuring this documentation into networks of significant architectural entities and features a guide is enriched with flexible, economical means for supporting building identification under the typically variable conditions architectural travelers have to endure.
keywords Mobile computing, architectural guide, representation, perception, recognition
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id ijac20108208
id ijac20108208
authors Koutamanis, Alexander
year 2010
title W.J. Mitchell - In Celebration of An Approach
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 8 - no. 2, 223-231
summary Among the founding fathers of architectural computing, the late W.J. Mitchell was arguably the one who managed to capture the imagination of the younger generations through overviews and insights that described the backgrounds and scope of the area in a way that was suitable for novices as well as people outside the area. Calling such overviews successful popularization is only part of the truth. More importantly, they formulate a coherent and comprehensive approach that allowed Mitchell to move between eras and contexts without loosing focus or sacrificing fundamental priorities. It is an approach that remains valid and usable, a source of inspiration and understanding for future generations in the area.
series journal
last changed 2019/05/24 09:55

_id 2961
id 2961
authors KOUZELEAS Stelios
year 2004
source 1st International Conference “From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering” (IC-SCCE), 8-10 September 2004, Athens, Greece
summary The acoustic computational simulation presents many advantages but at the same time there are some limits corresponding, among others, to the modelisation of the hall geometry. The integrated modelers of geometry of the halls in the acoustic simulation software are based especially on the programming code modelisation via text editors of coordinate points and not on the graphical modelisation, as the CAD software is. In cases of complex architectural shapes of halls, the majority of the acoustic simulation software imperatively needs to import a model from a CAD software. However, the modelisation of the geometry of the hall must take into account several criteria in order to run in an acoustic simulation software, and optimize the calculation results, such as the plane surfaces, the limited number of surfaces in some cases, the elimination of the unnecessary elements, the accepted geometry model format, etc. This paper explains the description and the particularities of three different modelisation processes of the Architectural School Amphitheater of Bordeaux in a CAD system in order to be adequate for acoustic simulation via acoustic software, such as ASCII, dxf and normals orientation model formats. It also presents computer automatization aspects of these processes integrated in a plate-form adaptable to a CAD system named “CAD-Acoustic.” These modelisation processes can also be a helpful tool during the architectural conception of the acoustic hall.
keywords CAD modelisation process, Architectural acoustics, Acoustic simulation
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2005/10/25 09:47

_id 999e
id 999e
authors KOUZELEAS Stelios
year 2004
source Acoustics 2004, Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 27-28 September 2004, Greece
summary (pdf file in greek)- With the aid of the acoustic simulation plate-form named « CAD-Acoustic » which is developed in the context of PhD and adapted on the AutoCAD system, this paper presents the halls acoustic results (RT60) of Elmia (Sweden) and Opera of Bordeaux (France) in relation to acoustic measurements and results of other acoustic simulation software (Odeon, Epidaure). In parallel, it presents geometrical simulations of the modelised halls’ acoustic behavior, such as the 3D reflections of the acoustic rays from selected surface, the 3D view of the materials’ arrangements through surfaces’ coloring, the measurement of the selected absorbing / reflecting surfaces in m2 and the individual or massive absorption coefficients’ assignment to the surfaces. Finally, with the aid of « CAD-Acoustic » the acoustic results are compared in a graphic manner in relation to the ideal acoustic rates, a presentation which is a kind of an “ architectural translation of the acoustic results” taking into account several architectural elements.
keywords CAD modeling, "CAD-Acoustic" software developement, Architectural acoustic simulation
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2005/10/25 11:22

_id a38d
id a38d
authors KOUZELEAS Stelios
year 2007
source 2nd International Conference on Experiments/Process/System Modelling/Simulation & Optimization (2nd IC-EpsMsO), Athens, 4-7 July, 2007
summary Nowadays, common methodologies in telegeoprocessing–telegeomonitoring use telecommunication means such as the GPS in order to transmit geographical coordinates to modelling and simulation systems. These 3D geodetic coordinates (φ, λ, h) can be used by modeling systems via specifics interfaces in order to proceed to real-time modelling of the remotely transmitted data. A previous published work describes a real-time remote 3D digitizing and modelling procedure via transmitted Global Positioning System (GPS) data from the field towards to a CAD system. However, these GPS data must be converted to adequate coordinate’s format (x, y, z) so that the CAD system can use them. This paper presents the computing development of a specific application adapted to a CAD modelling system permitting the conversion of the geodetic coordinates to cartesian coordinates. It presents the relation between geodetic and cartesian coordinates, the options of the final developed application and finally some schematic aspects of the computing process. The application development is realized in AutoCAD modelling system environment via special developed interface in Visual Basic (VBA) and Visual Lisp programming language. The aim of this work is to give the possibility to a CAD modelling system to “translate” and receive automatically geographical coordinates or to convert manually and selectively geodetic coordinates φ, λ, h to cartesian coordinates x, y, z.
keywords Coordinates conversion ; CAD development ; GPS data ; CAD modelling and simulation
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2007/10/19 17:48

_id diss_kouzeleas
id diss_kouzeleas
authors Kouzeleas, S.
year 2002
source Ph.D. Thesis, Order number 2642, University of Bordeaux 1, 2002, France
summary The aim of the proposed research in this thesis is the rapprochement of the acoustical conception and simulation with the architectural conception in order to give the architect the means to appreciate and evaluate the acoustical results, facilitate his collaboration with the acoustician, and, finally, allow him to have a help base during his architectural conception for acoustical simulation. This is proposed by the realisation of a plate-form of help adaptable to an architectural modelisation C.A.D. program, integrating acoustical calculate motors, graphical modules and research developed. This research concerns the definition of different processes of modelisation and simplification of architectural models for acoustical simulation, the translation of the acoustical results in an architectural way, the integration of an architectural approach to the acoustical conception, and an acoustical integrated multimedia database.
keywords architectural acoustics, acoustics simulation, acoustics conception, architectural
series thesis:PhD
type normal paper
last changed 2005/10/17 21:57

_id 2006_128
id 2006_128
authors Kouzeleas, Stelios Th. and Kimon D. Papadimitriou
year 2006
title Real-time remote 3D digitizing and modelling
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 128-131
summary This paper describes a procedure that feeds remotely a modelling system with geographical coordinates and the relative measurements taken in place in order to model dynamically new entities in real-time. The operation of this system is based on methodologies that are commonly used in telegeoprocessing – telegeomonitoring systems and its purpose is to simulate in real-time an existing environment using the captured measurements. The direct input of geographic data to the proposed system, which is adapted to a modelling environment (CAD or GIS), triggers the creation of new 3D entities in real-time (points, linear or area features), as it could be done with a traditional tablet digitizer. Simultaneously, the proposed system represents thematically the properties of the modelling entities (according to the measured values) over a 3D mesh. The aim of the suggested system is the remote registration of additional spatial information, their adequate treatment and adjustment via special developed interfaces, including their representation via developed software which is applied in the AutoCAD environment because of its programming development support and its use by a variety of engineers.
keywords Real-time modelling; Digitizing; Cartographic simulation; GIS
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id ecaade2020_201
id ecaade2020_201
authors Kovařík, David, Tsikoliya, Shota, Vaško, Imrich, Sviták, Daniel and Fri?riksson, ?órbergur
year 2020
title Vibrant Formations - Geometries and dynamic material systems
source Werner, L and Koering, D (eds.), Anthropologic: Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age - Proceedings of the 38th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 16-18 September 2020, pp. 281-288
summary The project Vibrant Formations presents a series of experiments based on the research of the behavior of granular materials. The experiments shown in the paper are seen as a link between native material geometries and designed geometries. The project perceives granular materials as an intelligent matter capable of creating distinct patterns and actively responding to the environment they are placed in. This attitude towards material positions the project in an opposition to standard 3D printing technologies, where materials are seen as a proto-matter that acquires its properties and capabilities first after being formed into computed geometries and 3D printed shapes. The project Vibrant Formations explores material properties of different granular materials and processes and materializes their behavior. It works with the phenomenon called "granular segregation" to achieve specific objects connected to material logic which resemble frozen, digitally simulated particle systems. The material properties found in the research are further utilized. The process of granular segregation is investigated and material geometries replaced by fabricated geometries. This leads to a semi-automatised interlocking system capable of assembling and disassembling.
keywords granular material; material behaviour; self-assembly; material assembly
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id ecaade2015_140
id ecaade2015_140
authors Kowal, Slawomir; Koszewski, Krzysztof, Slyk, Jan and Wrona, Stefan
year 2015
title Parametric Methods in Reconstruction of the Medieval Proto-Town in Pultusk, Poland
source Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015, pp. 695-700
summary This paper describes methods, processes and the outcome of the reconstruction in the medieval wooden settlement complex in Pultusk, Poland. It is the result of the interdisciplinary cooperation between architects from Warsaw University of Technology and archaeologists from Regional Museum of Pultusk. They have undertaken the research issues of information exchange and knowledge-building processes in the digital environment. Main issues were related to the methods of computer reconstruction in architectural and urban scale, which enable alternative narrative threads. To achieve this, parametric techniques were adopted and the 'Pultusk Recontructor' application was developed in Grasshopper. The interaction between architects and archaeologists over hypotheses and alternatives was supported in urban scale by 'Rapid Reconstruction Modular Model'. This 3D printed urban model, consist of segments which can be simultaneously exchanged. It became not only a substrate for scientific debate, but also may serve an education role for the permanent Museum exhibition.
wos WOS:000372317300075
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id kozlov02_paper_eaea2007
id kozlov02_paper_eaea2007
authors Kozlo, Dmitri
year 2008
title Topological Method of Construction of Point Surfaces as Physical Models
source Proceedings of the 8th European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference
summary The shape of architectural objects in general can be treated as an envelope – a two dimensional surface embedded into three dimensional space. We directly perceive only the surface as a synthesis of sequential “photo snaps” – the two dimensional imprints on a retina – a concave screen inside of our eyes. In 15th century Italian architect and theorist L. B. Alberti claimed that the architecture consists in the outlines and the structure (lineamenta et structura in the original Latin text). The visible shape (outlines) exists only because a directly not perceived structure determines it. Like Alberti, the modern mathematical theories of form distinguish the shape as an exterior surface and the form itself as an internal structure. This subtle difference becomes a very important subject in the relationship between a virtual and a physical model in the studies of architectural endoscopy.
keywords topology, manifold, knots, point surface, physical model
series EAEA
last changed 2008/04/29 20:46

_id 8ca1
authors Kozlowsky Jan and Sliwinsky, Jacek
year 1996
title CAD is Creative
source CAD Creativeness [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 83-905377-0-2] Bialystock (Poland), 25-27 April 1996 pp. 163-167
summary There is an avalanche increase in number of architectonic offices in which the CAD technique is a medium used in the process of projecting. Ways of using CAD programs and computers are the personal matter of every user. The problem we faced was how to use it in creative work. The most interesting moment in process of projecting is the time when the set of lines on computer screen changes in mind into the real architectonic object. The form generated on the screen is new and inspire to farther, this time creative search. We must say that CAD technique let us achieve creativity during projects which means that ability to projects of new things and that state increase together with the increase of using this tool and we consider the claim that CAD may be used in a creative way.
series plCAD
last changed 1999/04/09 15:30

_id 65c4
authors Kozma, R.B.
year 1993
title Will Media Influence Learning? Reframing the Debate
source Educational Technology Research and Development (1):1-31
summary This article addresses the position taken by Clark that media do not influence learning under any conditions. The article reframes the questions raised by Clark to explore the conditions under which media will influence learning. Specifically, it posits the need to consider the capabilities of media, and the methods that employ them, as they interact with the cognitive and social processes by which knowledge is constructed. This approach is examined within the context of two major media-based projects, one which uses computers and the other video. The article discusses the implications of this approach for media theory, research, and practice.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id sigradi2023_55
id sigradi2023_55
authors Koçer Özgün, Feyza Nur and Alaçam, Sema
year 2023
title Understanding the User Interfaces Through Spatial Metaphors
source García Amen, F, Goni Fitipaldo, A L and Armagno Gentile, Á (eds.), Accelerated Landscapes - Proceedings of the XXVII International Conference of the Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2023), Punta del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay, 29 November - 1 December 2023, pp. 1573–1584
summary This study focuses on spatial metaphors in digital interfaces that designers use in their modeling processes. When designers themselves perform an action by using a digital tool, they often make spatial inferences without realizing it, with the help of their mental models and established modeling experiences. In order to trace these implicit spatial metaphors, the spatial metaphors used by the designers were discussed through their verbal expressions. Within the scope of the pilot case study, the participants told each other the 3D models given to them verbally, and the other participant made the 3D model simultaneously with the narrative. The metaphors that the participant in the role of the narrator used with the intention of making a spatial description allowed the participant in the role of the modeler to build spatial relations. This study, which has the potential to provide a spatial framework for interfaces in the future, is a step toward designing new user interface metaphors.
keywords Spatial metaphors, User interface, UI metaphors, Modeling process, Human-computer interaction
series SIGraDi
last changed 2024/03/08 14:09

_id ecaade2015_271
id ecaade2015_271
authors Kreutzberg, Anette
year 2015
title Conveying Architectural Form and Space with Virtual Reality
source Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015, pp. 117-124
summary The purpose of this study was to explore the user experience of non-specialists viewing and navigating in an architectural native (Revit) BIM model in Virtual Reality (VR) with a head mounted display (HMD). The perceived sense of presence as well as the quality of vision and total VR experience was examined and also compared with standard computer screen display. The study shows that conveying architectural form and space to non-specialists can be done with reasonable good results with the use of present time real-time rendered BIM models in VR even if the HMD is not calibrated individually. The study also shows that development of VR hardware and real-time render software as well as the practical use must be further developed to fully utilize the VR potential.
wos WOS:000372317300013
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id ecaade2016_057
id ecaade2016_057
authors Kreutzberg, Anette
year 2016
title High quality Virtual Reality for Architectural Exhibitions
source Herneoja, Aulikki; Toni Österlund and Piia Markkanen (eds.), Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016, pp. 547-554
summary This paper will summarise the findings from creating and implementing a visually high quality Virtual Reality (VR) experiment as part of an international architecture exhibition. It was the aim to represent the architectural spatial qualities as well as the atmosphere created from combining natural and artificial lighting in a prominent not yet built project. The outcome is twofold: Findings concerning the integration of VR in an exhibition space and findings concerning the experience of the virtual space itself. In the exhibition, an important aspect was the unmanned exhibition space, requiring the VR experience to be self-explanatory. Observations of different visitor reactions to the unmanned VR experience compared with visitor reactions at guided tours with personal instructions are evaluated. Data on perception of realism, spatial quality and light in the VR model were collected with qualitative and quantitative methods at two different occasions and setups after the exhibition, both showing a high degree of immersion and experience of reality.
wos WOS:000402064400055
keywords Virtual Reality; Oculus Rift; GearVR; Exhibition display
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id b796
authors Krishnamurthy, B.K., Tserng, H.-P., Schmitt, R.L., Russell, J.S., Bahia, H.U. and Hanna, A.S.
year 1998
title AutoPave: towards an automated paving system for asphalt pavement compaction operations
source Automation in Construction 8 (2) (1998) pp. 165-180
summary Asphalt pavement density from roller compaction is a crucial factor in ensuring satisfactory pavement performance. Proper and uniform compaction of the pavement mat is essential in achieving the desired final compacted density. There is a necessity to investigate existing pavement construction practices, and provide more cost-effective modifications to the current scenario. Automation of the paving operation can increase the efficiency and quality of the operation, lead to reductions in overall project costs and time, and enhance pavement life. A system can be developed through algorithmic planning and real-time guidance strategies, and the development of a semi-automated path-planning and real-time guidance system that aims towards automating the paving operation. This system accepts relevant paving project inputs, generates appropriate path plans for the compactor, performs a graphical visualization of the generated path plan, and offers real-time guidance capabilities using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technology. This system, named AUTOPAVE (v1.0), was developed in Microsoft Visual Basic™ programming language and offers a user-friendly and interactive graphical interface. The proposed new system will incorporate state-of-the-art GPS technology to standardize paving operations that are more amenable to rigorous quality control, and can result in considerable reductions in cost and time involved in asphalt pavement construction projects. This system was tested on several actual paving projects, and many operational issues related to the functioning of the system were successfully overcome.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:22

_id ecaade2018_178
id ecaade2018_178
authors Kroc, Tomasz and Walczak, Bartosz M.
year 2018
title GIS Technologies Implementation Based on The EU Directive Inspire - A case study of the Pabianice city
source Kepczynska-Walczak, A, Bialkowski, S (eds.), Computing for a better tomorrow - Proceedings of the 36th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, 19-21 September 2018, pp. 489-496
summary This paper presents the experience of implementating GIS technologies at a county town urban planning department. The necessity to implement GIS technology is partly dictated by the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive. The discussed case provides valuable information about the problems and challenges that cities have in Poland, while performing their obligations under the directive. The process of preparing the necessary geographical database corresponding to existing planning documents raises many legal and technical problems. The presented case illustrates the whole process associated with the preparation of digitization and publication of urban plans. At the same time, it is worth to see the numerous benefits that the city obtains after publishing GIS data. Attention should also be paid to the further development of GIS and the chances of their use, especially in urban centers.
keywords INSPIRE; GIS technologies implementation; urban planning; sharing geographic dates
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id a87a
authors Kroszynski, U.I., Palstorem, Bj. and Trostmann, E. (et al)
year 1989
title Geometric Data Transfer Between CAD Systems : Solid Models
source IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications September, 1989. vol. 9: pp. 57-71 : ill. includes bibliography.
summary The CAD/CAM community is showing great interest in the development of data exchange standards. This article highlights some aspects of the work accomplished during the first phase of the ESPRIT project CAD*1. Part of this work has resulted in a specification for the exchange of solid models, as well as in some pilot implementations of processors based on this specification. This work also contributes to the efforts of the International Standards Organization (ISO) in developing the Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP). The authors present a summary of the CAD*1 approach, addressing the structure of neutral files for solids, entities, and attributes supporting three kinds of representations; facilities for the transfer of parametric designs; referencing library components; and other general mechanisms. Also is described the current state of the specification and processor implementations. An example of a CAD*1 neutral file is included. Results from cycle and intersystem solid model transfer tests are presented, showing the practicality of the CAD*1 proposal. B-rep model transfer results are discussed in some detail. Finally, the authors outline the relationship of this work with standardization
keywords communication, solid modeling, standards, STEP, B-rep
series CADline
last changed 2003/06/02 14:42

_id a6d4
authors Krueger, Myron W.
year 1991
title Artificial Reality II
source Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing. 2nd.ed.
summary The focus of Myron Krueger in Artificial Reality II is the interaction between humans and machines, both in the immediate interface and the associated cultural relationships. He uses the concept of artificial reality as a medium of experience and as a tool to examine the relationships between people and machines. When he first coined the term in the mid-1970s, his 'goal was full-body participation in computer events that were so compelling that they would be accepted as real experience.' He wanted to create an artificial reality that would perceive human actions in a simulated world of sight, sounds, and other sensations and would make the experience of this illusion convincing. His focus was to create unencumbered, artificial realities where the humans could participate with their entire body without wearing any special instruments (be they sensors or displays) in an experience created by the computer. The environment could be controlled by preexisting programs, or could have operators intervene and use the computer to amplify their ability to interact with people. The intention was not to reproduce conventional reality but to create synthetic realities.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

_id c9ff
authors Kruft, H.-W.
year 1994
title A History of Architectural Theory - From Vitruvius to the Present
source Zwemmer, New York
summary As the first comprehensive encyclopedic survey of Western architectural theory from Vitruvius to the present, this book is an essential resource for architects, students, teachers, historians, and theorists. Using only original sources, Kruft has undertaken the monumental task of researching, organizing, and analyzing the significant statements put forth by architectural theorists over the last two thousand years. The result is a text that is authoritative and complete, easy to read without being reductive.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:14

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