CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id caadria2005_b_5b_d
id caadria2005_b_5b_d
authors Andre Brown, Michael Knight, Martin Winchester
year 2005
title Representation and Delivery of City Models
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 2, pp. 344-352
summary City modelling has a considerable range of potential applications and because of this, as a field of research has attracted a great deal of attention over recent years. Here we reflect on work already reported by the authors in this area, describe some more recent work on improving the system that had been developed and show an example of how city modelling is being applied in practice as a planning tool in the UK.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2005_783
id sigradi2005_783
authors Balmaceda, María Isabel; Alicia Violeta Malmod, María Fernanda Nafá
year 2005
title Information design, multimedia comunication and seismic prevention.
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 2, pp. 783-787
summary This Project Intends to promote preventive behavior in people who live in areas which pose seismic risk, though the development of multimedia systems which show the consequences of a destructive earthquake. The objective is to illustrate such effects, both rationally and emotionally, though an adequate combination of computing resources, so that our message can reach those people, independently from the strategy used to process the information. Communication through visualization doesn’t mean watching in the computer screen what has already been seen on paper. The information itself is not enough to promote preventive behavior. Before, it is necessary to contextualize that information into communication strategies oriented to specific groups so that this contribution can be culturally integrated. " [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id cf2011_p170
id cf2011_p170
authors Barros, Mário; Duarte José, Chaparro Bruno
year 2011
title Thonet Chairs Design Grammar: a Step Towards the Mass Customization of Furniture
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 181-200.
summary The paper presents the first phase of research currently under development that is focused on encoding Thonet design style into a generative design system using a shape grammar. The ultimate goal of the work is the design and production of customizable chairs using computer assisted tools, establishing a feasible practical model of the paradigm of mass customization (Davis, 1987). The current research step encompasses the following three steps: (1) codification of the rules describing Thonet design style into a shape grammar; (2) implementing the grammar into a computer tool as parametric design; and (3) rapid prototyping of customized chair designs within the style. Future phases will address the transformation of the Thonet’s grammar to create a new style and the production of real chair designs in this style using computer aided manufacturing. Beginning in the 1830’s, Austrian furniture designer Michael Thonet began experimenting with forming steam beech, in order to produce lighter furniture using fewer components, when compared with the standards of the time. Using the same construction principles and standardized elements, Thonet produced different chairs designs with a strong formal resemblance, creating his own design language. The kit assembly principle, the reduced number of elements, industrial efficiency, and the modular approach to furniture design as a system of interchangeable elements that may be used to assemble different objects enable him to become a pioneer of mass production (Noblet, 1993). The most paradigmatic example of the described vision of furniture design is the chair No. 14 produced in 1858, composed of six structural elements. Due to its simplicity, lightness, ability to be stored in flat and cubic packaging for individual of collective transportation, respectively, No. 14 became one of the most sold chairs worldwide, and it is still in production nowadays. Iconic examples of mass production are formally studied to provide insights to mass customization studies. The study of the shape grammar for the generation of Thonet chairs aimed to ensure rules that would make possible the reproduction of the selected corpus, as well as allow for the generation of new chairs within the developed grammar. Due to the wide variety of Thonet chairs, six chairs were randomly chosen to infer the grammar and then this was fine tuned by checking whether it could account for the generation of other designs not in the original corpus. Shape grammars (Stiny and Gips, 1972) have been used with sucesss both in the analysis as in the synthesis of designs at different scales, from product design to building and urban design. In particular, the use of shape grammars has been efficient in the characterization of objects’ styles and in the generation of new designs within the analyzed style, and it makes design rules amenable to computers implementation (Duarte, 2005). The literature includes one other example of a grammar for chair design by Knight (1980). In the second step of the current research phase, the outlined shape grammar was implemented into a computer program, to assist the designer in conceiving and producing customized chairs using a digital design process. This implementation was developed in Catia by converting the grammar into an equivalent parametric design model. In the third phase, physical models of existing and new chair designs were produced using rapid prototyping. The paper describes the grammar, its computer implementation as a parametric model, and the rapid prototyping of physical models. The generative potential of the proposed digital process is discussed in the context of enabling the mass customization of furniture. The role of the furniture designer in the new paradigm and ideas for further work also are discussed.
keywords Thonet; furniture design; chair; digital design process; parametric design; shape grammar
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id sigradi2005_355
id sigradi2005_355
authors Breutmann, Bernd; Mónica Inés Fernández, Ricardo Piégari, Roberto Guerrero, Adriane Borda Almeida da Silva, Neusa Rodrigues Félix, Alfredo Pina, Lore Huizi, Francisco José Serón Arbeloa, Pedro Latorre Andrés, Carlos Vaz de Carvalho, Marcelo Payssé Alvarez, Juan Pablo Portillo Burghi
year 2005
title Project “Network Alfa T-GAME L3: teaching computer graphics and multimedia, long-life learning” - Institutional and interdisciplinary outreach university services.
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 355-361
summary The T-GAME L3 project intends to establish the possibility of cooperation within institutions focusing activities in the realm of continuous development in the area of Digital Graphics by making use: of new technologies, methods and learning processes related to half-time distance and total distance teaching. The programs offered will be customized to each particular country and academic environment by sharing the digital teaching resources of the network members. This will allow an academic program of formative continuity. Based on the seminar’s subject, our visualization sense will be a basic component for a massive training of an educational program, proposing a model of institutional outreach university service. This will allow for the presentation of contents oriented to distance learning in the field of Architecture. [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id caadria2006_565
id caadria2006_565
year 2006
title DESIGN ON SITE: Portable, Measurable, Adjustable Design Media
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 565-567
summary Space designers usually look for information on site before proceeding design. They image any possibilities of design, while they are on site. Restricted to traditional design media, if they want to develop their ideas further, they have to go back to desks. This kind of design process can capture only part of information of the site. Why not do some developments directly when designers are on the site? That is the starting point of this paper. The whole situation of site is very complicated, so it is very difficult discussing all the possibilities. In order to understand how to design on site, reducing the variations is needed. Tsai and Chang (2005) proposed a prototype about design on site, which focuses on land forming. So I chose interior as the site to reduce the variation and have more controllable factors. Still there are many factors effecting design on site, scale is very unique and very important factor of them. Beginners are difficult to really feel how long it is on the plan drawing, and even most advanced VR equipment still can’t fully present the rich information on the site. To experience the site though body, the main idea is how to propose a portable device that can support space designer to do design on site directly, with intuitional body movement and precise scale, and get feedback immediately.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:49

_id bc88
id bc88
authors Coates P, Derix C, Lau T, Parvin T and Puusepp R
year 2005
title Topological Approximations for Spatial Representations
source Proceedings of the Generative Arts conference, Milan, 2005
summary Marshall McLuhan once said in his book Understanding Media that ‘Environments are invisible. Their ground rules evade easy perception.’ Evasive perception leads to fuzzy representations as shown through Kevin Lynch’s mental maps and the Situationists’ psycho-geographies. Eventually, spatial representations have to be described through abstractions based on some embedded rules of environmental interaction. These rules and methods of abstraction serve to understand cognition of space. The Centre for Evolutionary Computing in Architecture (CECA) at the University of East London has focused for the last 5 years on methods of cognitive spatial descriptions, based largely on either behavioural patterns or topological machines. The former being agent based, the latter neural network based. This year’s selection of student work constitutes a combination of cognitive agents + perceptive networks, and comprises three theses.
keywords spatial cognition, neural networks, spatial perception, agent modelling
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2012/09/20 18:46

_id 6547
id 6547
authors Coates P, Derix C, Lau T, Parvin T and Puusepp R
year 2005
title Topological Approximations for Spatial Representations
source Proceedings of the Generative Arts conference, Milan, 2005
summary Marshall McLuhan once said in his book Understanding Media that ‘Environments are invisible. Their ground rules evade easy perception.’ Evasive perception leads to fuzzy representations as shown through Kevin Lynch’s mental maps and the Situationists’ psycho-geographies. Eventually, spatial representations have to be described through abstractions based on some embedded rules of environmental interaction. These rules and methods of abstraction serve to understand cognition of space. The Centre for Evolutionary Computing in Architecture (CECA) at the University of East London has focused for the last 5 years on methods of cognitive spatial descriptions, based largely on either behavioural patterns or topological machines. The former being agent based, the latter neural network based. This year’s selection of student work constitutes a combination of cognitive agents + perceptive networks, and comprises three theses.
keywords spatial cognition, neural networks, spatial perception, agent modelling
series other
type normal paper
last changed 2012/09/20 21:09

_id 2005_037
id 2005_037
authors Côté, Pierre, Léglise, Michel and Estévez, Daniel
year 2005
title Virtual Architecture as Representation for Creative Design Process - Through a Collaborative eDesign Studio
source Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms [23nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-3-2] Lisbon (Portugal) 21-24 September 2005, pp. 37-45
summary Using Virtual Architecture (VA) as a general scheme for representations to sustain the reflection activities involved in the design process can help students to initiate creative design ideas. Because of its implicit abstract nature, VA can be used, to represent original ideas or processes, or well-known architectural theories to articulate design ideas. Furthermore, VA as a mean of expression, turn out to be a source of inspiration for students who perceive it as medium with very few limits with which to develop, explore and express their design intuitions. A recent collaborative edesign studio experience is reported to illustrate the benefit observed. Using three examples out of ten student projects, we show how designs and design process have been characterized by those virtual representations. In fall semester 2004, the edesign studio took place between the Schools of Architecture of Toulouse and Université Laval in Québec. VA was both an academic and a studio topic at Laval while the other school students had a traditional design task to tackle, namely the rehabilitation of Chapou University Residences for students in Toulouse. Students from both schools composed each edesign team. In addition, three common architectural themes were web-documented and introduced to both classes: room, as defined by Louis Kahn: “a space which knows what it wants to be is a room”; color, as an architectural medium in dialectic with structure; and body-space relationships, as articulated by Gilles Deleuze and its projection to cyberspace. From the edesign studio results, we are arguing that virtual architecture should be looked at not only as new domain to be investigated by architects and taught in academic studios but also as a new medium of design to develop and explore design intuitions through virtual representations.
keywords Virtual Architecture; Virtual Representations; Medium; eDesign; Design by Collaboration
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id sigradi2005_270
id sigradi2005_270
authors Dokonal, Wolfgang; Michael W. Knight
year 2005
title Sketch as sketch can or model as model can?
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 270-274
summary This paper reports about an ongoing experience for the use of computers in the early design stages. It tries to evaluate how recent software developments in the field of CAAD will influence the way architects design and how we teach them architectural design. There is now doubt to us that the ongoing change in the technology will influence the way we work in future when we do architectural design. It is an important question for every school of architecture what effect these developments will have on our teaching and curricula. We use an ongoing educational project to try to find some answers to these questions.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:50

_id sigradi2005_552
id sigradi2005_552
authors Galán, Beatriz; Lidia Orsi
year 2005
title Design for the environmental management: technological matter in participatory scenarios
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 2, pp. 552-557
summary In the necessity to fortify the inhabitants’ decisions in the transformation of their own habitats, it was opened an investigation line about design and production of cartographic maps and models as part of the participative management device in urban environmental projects. In that stage it worked with organizations orientated to improve socio-environmental situation in indigent neighborhoods and settlements. This investigation is part of the UBAC and T Project of the Science and Technique Secretariat of the University of Buenos Aires during the last four years, consisting in an exploration of new professional sceneries for the graphic design management. In this report we present a model in which it is explored the outstanding variables in the design of this elements and its interactions in the course of the project, specially, the decisions related to the technological matter. [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id sigradi2005_799
id sigradi2005_799
authors Gonzalo, Guillermo E.; Sara L. Ledesma, V.M. Nota, C.F. Martínez, G.I. Quiñones y G. Márquez Vega.
year 2005
title Methodology for the bioclimatic design: computer sustain for election of guidelines and strategies.
source SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 2, pp. 799-805
summary After numerous studies and practical of use, field and laboratory measurements, carried out among the years 1994 and 1999, we arrived to the elaboration and presentation of a methodology for the bioclimatic design and energetically sustainable that already takes two books publications. With the support of more than 600 figures that facilitate the understanding of the concepts explained in the books and 26 computer software and databases, that are attached to the second book, the work is facilitated so that designers of buildings that have not been never in contact with a certain climate, or that they don’t have sufficiently assumed by means of the observation of the particularities of a certain climatic situation, to understand the form in that the climate influence their design, condition or determine the design solutions and averge strategies that will choose when carrying out an architecture work. [Full paper in Spanish]
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:52

_id ijac20053107
id ijac20053107
authors Hannibal, Claire; Brown, Andre; Knight, Michael
year 2005
title An assessment of the effectiveness of sketch representations in early stage digital design
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 3 - no. 1, 107-126
summary This paper presents an experimental approach that examines the response of non-architects to three virtual representations of architecture within a non-immersive Virtual Reality (VR) environment. It investigates the use of current digital technologies in their ability to facilitate early design stage sketch representation and explores the communication of early stage digital design proposals in order to determine the effect of representation type upon perception.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id b086
id b086
authors Hofmeyer, Herm
year 1995
source Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Baustatik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. E. Ramm, Stuttgart, Germany
summary Besides the development of benchmarks for structural optimization, this report shows that optimization techniques can be used not only for changing structural elements, but also for changing structural topology and thus potentially whole building designs. This is relevant for computer aided structural design in general and for interaction of spatial and structural design as presented by the author at eCAADe 2005.
keywords structural optimization; form-finding; structural topology
series report
type normal paper
last changed 2006/04/21 07:58

_id ijac20053402
id ijac20053402
authors Janssen, Patrick H.T.; Frazer, John H.; Tang, Ming-Xi
year 2005
title A Framework For Generating And Evolving Building Designs
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 3 - no. 4, 449-470
summary This paper describes a comprehensive framework for generative evolutionary design. The key problem that is identified is generating alternative designs with an appropriate level of variability. Within the proposed framework, the design process is split into two phases: in the first phase, the design team develops and encodes the essential and identifiable character of the designs to be generated and evolved; in the second phase, the design team uses an evolutionary system to generate and evolve designs that embody this character. This approach allows design variability to be carefully controlled. In order to verify the feasibility of the proposed framework, a generative process capable of generating controlled variability is implemented and demonstrated.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id caadria2005_a_8c_c
id caadria2005_a_8c_c
authors Jeff W.T Kan, John S. Gero
year 2005
title Can Entropy Indicate the Richness of Idea Generation in Team Designing?
source CAADRIA 2005 [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] New Delhi (India) 28-30 April 2005, vol. 1, pp. 451-457
summary This paper presents the development of a quantitative method to study team designing processes. It revisits linkograhy – a graphical representation of the design moves – and depicts ways of interpreting the linkography using entropy from Shannon’s information theory, to compare design processes. A case study with two different scenarios is presented followed by the results and conclusions.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:52

_id cf2005_1_37_234
id cf2005_1_37_234
authors KNIGHT Michael, DOKONAL Wolfgang, BROWN Andre and HANNIBAL Claire
year 2005
title Contemporary Digital Techniques in the Early Stages of Design
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2005 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 1-4020-3460-1] Vienna (Austria) 20–22 June 2005, pp. 165-174
summary This paper reviews the role that computers can play in the early design stages and considers how far recent developments in commercial software have enabled designers to improve design performance through interaction with a CAAD system. An experimental approach is reported on.
keywords design methodology, sketch, traditional, practice
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2006/11/07 07:27

_id cf2005_1_93_166
id cf2005_1_93_166
authors KOCATURK, Tuba and VELTKAMP, Martijn
year 2005
title Interdisciplinary Knowledge Modelling for Free-Form Design – An Educational Experiment
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2005 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 1-4020-3460-1] Vienna (Austria) 20–22 June 2005, pp. 465-474
summary The recent advances in digital design media and digital fabrication processes have introduced formal and procedural effects on the conception and production of architecture. In order to bridge the individual concepts and processes of multiple design disciplines, intensive cross-disciplinary communication and information exchange starting from the very early stages of design is necessary. A web-based database for design learning and design teaching named BLIP is introduced. In this framework, cross-disciplinary domain knowledge becomes explicit to be taught and transferred in Free-Form Design research and education. BLIP proposes a conceptual map through which the user can construct structured representations of concepts and their relationships. These concepts are high-level abstractions of formal, structural and production related concepts in Free-Form design development. BLIP is used for formalizing, organizing and representing conceptual maps of the three domains and facilitates information and knowledge sharing in collaborative conceptual design in context. The paper introduces the application together with its application in two educational design experiments.
keywords collaborative design, constraint based design, design process, digital design education, free-form design
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2006/11/07 07:27

_id ijac20053406
id ijac20053406
authors Kvan, Thomas
year 2005
title Professor Tsuyoshi Sasada 1941-2005
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 3 - no. 4, 519-526
summary Tsuyoshi Sasada, known as Tee to so many of us, died on 30 September 2005 at the age of 64 after a long illness.Tee retired from Osaka University in 2004 upon reaching the mandatory retirement age but retained his association as Emeritus Professor.At the time of his death he held appointments as Honorary Professor, National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) and Expert Researcher, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. He had been with Osaka University since 1970, having earned his bachelor, master and doctoral degrees at Kyoto University. In 1988 he was appointed Professor in Osaka and established his laboratory, known as the Sasada Lab, from which over 200 students have graduated.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id ijac20053405
id ijac20053405
authors Li, Siu-Pan; Kvan, Thomas
year 2005
title Enhancing Interaction in Architectural Presentations with Laser Pointers
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 3 - no. 4, 503-517
summary In a common meeting environment with projector-and-screen settings, the discussion may be dominated by a presenter who has the control of the content displayed. Although frequently used for architectural discussions, this digitally-engaged setting may not be optimal in its support of participation and discussion of design ideas. This paper presents a novel use of laser pointers to enhance the interaction in architectural presentations. A laser pointing system designed for a projector-and-screen environment was developed. To compare the performance of the laser pointer with other interaction devices, a controlled user study was carried out to test the efficiency of different devices in point-and-selection interactions. The usability of the system was also tested in a design critique. These two tests show that laser pointer is useful and able to encourage participation in group discussions. Details of the laser pointing system, the experiments and the results are reported in this paper.
series journal
last changed 2007/03/04 07:08

_id caadria2006_443
id caadria2006_443
year 2006
source CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 443-451
summary The work presented here brings together two core interests that have been developed by the first two authors over recent years. The first is the development of city models for use in a range of applications where different data sets and different levels of detail may be appropriate. The second is the development of low cost systems that can deliver useful tools to help address Computer Aided Architectural Design problems. In addition the involvement of a colleague in Electrical Engineering and Electronics reflects a long standing belief in the benefits of cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary work between architecture and parallel research fields. The product of the collaboration is a system that can aid in the production of terrain models that, in our case, are particularly important as the base for a city model (Brown, 2005).
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

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