CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 3192

_id 5094
id 5094
authors d’Estrée Sterk, Tristan
year 2006
title Responsive Architecture: User-centered Interactions within the Hybridized Model of Control
source Proceedings of the GAME, SET, MATCH II, conference at the Technical University of Delft, Netherlands, 29 March - 1 April 2006, pp. 494-501
summary In the September 1969 issue of Architectural Design, Andrew Rabeneck wrote about the use of cybernetic devices within an automated architecture. He hypothesized that the concept of ‘flexibility’ was introduced to architecture because existing building technologies were inherently inflexible. He argued that architects should use cybernetic technologies to produce completely new types of increasingly flexible, user-centred, buildings.

Three years later, Yona Friedman wrote about the changing relationship between clients and architects. He said that a new design methodology was needed because architects could not assess the future spatial needs of building users accurately enough. Proposing a new model, he split architectural design in two complementary halves, hardware design and software design, reasoning that this would give users the opportunity to adapt built spaces to suit their needs.

Both of these ideas describe approaches to the production of an architecture that can change shape and configuration in response to changing patterns of use. Rabeneck’s approach illustrates the benefit of predictive technologies and automation, while Friedman’s model illustrates the benefit of user intervention and direct manipulation. This paper discusses developments in the field of responsive architecture in relation to two opposing user-centred interaction methodologies. It proposes methods for controlling responsive buildings and suggests that human computer interaction methodologies need to be re-thought and extended when applied within intelligent, responsive, architectures.

keywords Responsive architecture, User-centred design, HCI, Intelligent buildings
series other
type normal paper
more admin
last changed 2017/04/10 13:08

_id 2006_664
id 2006_664
authors Balakrishnan, Bimal; Loukas N. Kalisperis and S. Shyam Sundar
year 2006
title Capturing Affect in Architectural Visualization - A Case for integrating 3-dimensional visualization and psychophysiology
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 664-669
summary Envisioning architectural experience afforded by a building under design has been difficult due to two reasons. One is simulating the space in full scale, eliminating the need to take a mental leap commonly required of abstract smaller scale representations. Second challenge is in fully capturing the affective experience, which is often subtle in nature. This paper suggests that 3-dimensional visualization - particularly immersive virtual reality can overcome the first challenge. In addition, psychophysiological measures such as facial electromyography (EMG) and electrodermal activity (EDA) can be used to capture the affective component of the architectural experience. We suggest that by taking advantage of these technologies together, one can better simulate and empirically understand the nature of architectural experience.
keywords Architectural visualization; virtual reality; psychophysiology; electrodermal activity (EDA); facial electromyography (EMG)
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia15_263
id acadia15_263
authors Ahlquist, Sean
year 2015
title Social Sensory Architectures: Articulating Textile Hybrid Structures for Multi-Sensory Responsiveness and Collaborative Play
source ACADIA 2105: Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene [Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-53726-8] Cincinnati 19-25 October, 2015), pp. 263-273
summary This paper describes the development of the StretchPLAY prototype as a part of the Social Sensory Surfaces research project, focusing on the design of tactile and responsive environments for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The project is directed specifically at issues with sensory processing, the inability of the nervous system to filter sensory input in order to indicate an appropriate response. This can be referred to as a “traffic jam” of sensory data where the intensity of such unfiltered information leads to an over-intensified sensory experience, and ultimately a dis-regulated state. To create a sensory regulating environments, a tactile structure is developed integrating physical, visual and auditory feedback. The structure is defined as a textile hybrid system integrating a seamless knitted textile to form a continuous topologically complex surface. Advancements in the fabrication of the boundary structure, of glass-fiber reinforced rods, enable the form to be more robustly structured than previous examples of textile hybrid or tent-like structures. The tensioned textile is activated as a tangible interface where sensing of touch and pressure on the surface triggers ranges of visual and auditory response. A specific child, a five-year old girl with ASD, is studied in order to tailor the technologies as a response to her sensory challenges. This project is a collaboration with students, researchers and faculty in the fields of architecture, computer science, information (human-computer interaction), music and civil engineering, along with practitioners in the field of ASD-based therapies.
keywords Textile Hybrid, Knitting, Sensory Environment, Tangible Interface, Responsive systems and environments
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ijac201614105
id ijac201614105
authors Ahlquist, Sean
year 2016
title Sensory material architectures: Concepts and methodologies for spatial tectonics and tactile responsivity in knitted textile hybrid structures
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 14 - no. 1, 63-82
summary As the knowledge of material computation advances, continuing the seamless integration of design and fabrication, questions beyond materialization can be addressed with a focus on sensing, feedback, and engagement as critical factors of design exploration. This article will discuss a series of prototypes, design methodologies, and technologies that articulate a textile’s micro-architecture, at the scale of fibers and stitches, to instrumentalize simultaneous structural, spatial, and sensory-responsive qualities. The progression of research displays an ever-deepening instrumentalization of fiber structure and its implications to form definition and responsivity, in creating form- and bending-active structures. The research results in a more refined definition of material behavior as the innate phenomena which emerge at the moment of textile fabrication. Ultimately, the architecture, in its materiality and physical, visual, and auditory responsivity, is designed to address specific challenges for children in filtering multiple sensory inputs, an underlying factor of autism spectrum disorder.
keywords CNC Knitting, Form-active, Bending-active, Textile hybrid, Mutli-sensory
series journal
last changed 2016/06/13 08:34

_id caadria2015_030
id caadria2015_030
authors Daas, Mahesh and Andrew Wit
year 2015
title Pedagogy of Architectural Robotics
source Emerging Experience in Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2015) / Daegu 20-22 May 2015, pp. 3-12
summary As computation and robotics become more prevalent in all aspects of architecture, their impact on education assumes greater importance. The paper presents the outcomes of a collaborative undergraduate architectural design studio that investigates the realms of architectural robotics and computation by stepping into the fecund intersections between multiple disciplines. The pedagogical prototype, Unsolicited: An Inconvenient Studio, broadly focused on the topics of robotics and responsive architectures. The notion of robotics was interpreted to include a range of robotic technologies and their formal manifestations in the form of biomorphic, mechanomorphic, polymorphic, and amorphic robots, and interactive architecture. Taught using a recently developed framework that focuses on self-organizing systems and the creation of innovative technology-driven design entrepreneurs rather than merely on the creation of designed artefacts, students found themselves not only innovating with new digital technologies but also bridging architecture, urbanism and computer science. The paper describes the pedagogy, processes, and outcomes of the studio.
keywords Robotics; interactive architecture; pedagogy; innovation; studio.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ecaadesigradi2019_645
id ecaadesigradi2019_645
authors Diniz, Nancy, Melendez, Frank, Boonyapanachoti, Woraya and Morales, Sebastian
year 2019
title Body Architectures - Real time data visualization and responsive immersive environments
source Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 2, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 739-746
summary This project sets up a design framework that promotes augmenting the human body's interactions exploring methods for merging and blending the users of physical and virtual environments, through the design of wearable devices that are embedded with sensors and actuators. This allows for haptic and visual feedback through the use of data that reflects changes in the surrounding physical environment, and visualized in the immersive Virtual Reality (VR) environment. We consider the Body Architectures project to serve as mechanisms for augmenting the body in relation to the virtual architecture. These wearable devices serve to bring a hyper-awareness to our senses, as closed-loop cybernetic systems that utilize 'digitized' biometric and environmental data through the use of 3D scanning technologies and cloud point models, virtual reality visualization, sensing technologies, and actuation. The design of Body Architectures relies on hybrid design, transdisciplinary collaborations, to explore new possibilities for wearable body architectures that evolve human-machine-environment interactions, and create hyper awareness of the temporal, atmospheric qualities that make up our experience of space, as 'sensorial envelopes' (Lally 2014).
keywords Virtual Reality; Wearable Design; Physical Computing; Data Visualization; Immersive Environments; Responsive Architecture
series eCAADeSIGraDi
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id lasg_whitepapers_2016_216
id lasg_whitepapers_2016_216
authors Eric Mathis & Tyler Jenkins
year 2016
title Infrastructure Space and Platforms as Living Architectures: The Importance of Regenerative Design and Innovation for Bioregional Economic Development
source Living Architecture Systems Group White Papers 2016 [ISBN 978-1-988366-10-4 (EPUB)] Riverside Architectural Press 2016: Toronto, Canada pp. 216 - 229
summary Living Architecture Systems Group "White Papers 2016" is a dossier produced for the occasion of the Living Architecture Systems Group launch event and symposium hosted on November 4 and 5 at the Sterling Road Studio in Toronto and the University of Waterloo School of Architecture at Cambridge. The "White Papers 2016" presents research contributions from the LASG partners, forming an overview of the partnership and highlighting oppportunities for future collaborations.
keywords design, dissipative methods, design methods, synthetic cognition, neuroscience, metabolism, STEAM, organicism, field work, responsive systems, space, visualizations, sensors, actuators, signal flows, art and technology, new media art, digital art, emerging technologies, citizen building, bioinspiration, performance, paradigms, artificial nature, virtual design, regenerative design, 4DSOUND, spatial sound, biomanufacturing, eskin, delueze, bees, robotics
last changed 2019/07/29 14:00

_id caadria2015_004
id caadria2015_004
authors Kotsopoulos, Sotirios D. and Federico Casalegno
year 2015
title Responsive Architectures
source Emerging Experience in Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2015) / Daegu 20-22 May 2015, pp. 335-344
summary Real-time supply of computational power into built environments enables to re-address questions of user experience, comfort and building performance. This presentation discusses the features of responsive architecture through the example of a ‘programmable window’ that was designed and deployed in a prototype house, in Trento, N. Italy. In the example the parts and functionalities of building skins were revisited, to integrate advances in electroactive materials, information communication technologies and control systems engineering.
keywords Electroactive materials; model-based control; programmable windows.
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:51

_id ecaade2015_284
id ecaade2015_284
authors Wit, Andrew and Daas, Mahesh
year 2015
title Memos from an Inconvenient Studio - Unsolicited Projects for Responsive Architectures
source Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015, pp. 177-184
summary Computation, robotics and intelligent building/fabrication systems are finding themselves ever more prevalent within both practice and education. The assimilation of these new tools and methodologies within the pedagogy of architectural education continues to gain greater importance as we perceive their rapid evolution and integration within surrounding emergent fields. Through the model of an Inconvenient Studio, this paper examines the intersection between interdisciplinary collaboration, architectural robotics and computation as a means of gaining a broader understanding of how the architectural learning environment can be transformed into a self-organizing system for emergent solutions. The pedagogical prototype for an Inconvenient Studio was broadly focused on the topics of architectural robotics and responsive architectures interpreted through a range of robotic technologies and their manifestations such as biomorphic, mechanomorphic, polymorphic and amorphic robotics. Through a set of three “Memos” (Self-Organization, Autonomy, Sentience), this paper will describe how students created innovative technology-driven think tanks that produced design entrepreneurs.
wos WOS:000372316000022
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id sigradi2006_c129b
id sigradi2006_c129b
authors Abad, Gabriel; Adriane Borde; Mónica Fuentes; Virginia Agrielav; Adriana Granero and Jacqueline Fernández
year 2006
title Producción colaborativa de material de enseñanza-aprendizaje de Gráfica Digital con aportes multidisciplinarios [Collaborative production for taught-learning materials for digital graphic with multidisciplinary contributions]
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 117-121
summary For a contribution to problem solving processes at different areas, this paper presents the use of Digital Graphics as a knowledge object for a distance teaching/learning workshop. At the Learning Management System, different theoretical subjects with supporting tools were proposed, and exercises requiring collaborative work. An specific didactic situation using available technologies at Internet for 3D modelling, combined with satellite images and geographic information program was proposed. The final works were then shared by a 3D models repository. As a complement of this experience and in relation with their professional work, every student proposed a new didactic situation including Learning Objects, sharing them with the others members of the group, through conceptual maps built up in a co-operative way.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id 2006_320
id 2006_320
authors Ahmad, Sumbul and Scott Chase
year 2006
title Grammar Representations to Facilitate Style Innovation - An Example From Mobile Phone Design
source Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 320-323
summary Previous research in generative design has suggested that shape grammar transformations could be used for developing new design styles by the systematic modification of grammars that encode existing styles. Our research explores how such grammar transformations can be facilitated to be responsive to changes in design style requirements. For this it is important to consider the structure and organization of rules, as well as the description of the styles of designs generated by a grammar. Using an example of mobile phone design, we outline the development of a flexible grammar structure that is conducive to transformations. The grammar is augmented with a style description scheme based on the concept of semantic differential to map the style characteristics of grammar components. These measures could be significant for driving purposeful grammar transformations for style adaptation and innovation.
keywords Design grammars; style; product design; generative design
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2006_e165b
id sigradi2006_e165b
authors Angulo, Antonieta
year 2006
title Optimization in the Balance between the Production Effort of E-learning Tutorials and their related Learning Outcome
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 122-126
summary This paper provides evidence on the level of media richness that may be cost effective in the development of e-learning tutorials for teaching and learning computer visualization techniques. For such a purpose the author provides an analysis of low-cost / high-impact media rich products, the effort and cost required in their development and the measurement of related learning outcomes. Circa twenty years of R&D of multimedia and hypermedia applications for instruction have demonstrated the benefits of communicating relevant information to learners using engaging media. Based on this evidence, this paper assumes that due to the cognitive style of design students, the instructional packages for learning computer techniques for design visualization that are rich in media content, tend to be more effective. Available visualization technologies make the development of e-learning tutorials feasible and apparently the logical way to implement our instructional packages. However the question in the development of e-learning tutorials becomes a more strategic one when we are called to reach a level of optimization between producing a package with a basic standard, namely; text & still-graphic based tutorials, or a state-of-the-art package that is based on video demonstrations (more than enough?) that can accommodate the students’ learning requirements and also our production costs. The costs include the human resources (instructor, producers, assistants and others) and the material resources (hardware and software, copies, and others) involved in the creation of the e-learning tutorials. The key question is: What is good enough, and what is clearly superfluous? In order to confirm our hypothesis and propose a relevant balance between media richness and learning effectiveness, this paper describes an experiment in the use of two different levels of media richness as used to deliver instructions on the production of computer animations for design visualization. The students recruited for this experiment were fairly familiarized with the use of 3D modeling concepts and software, but had no previous knowledge of the techniques included in the tutorials; in specific; camera animation procedures. The students, separated in two groups, used one of the two methods; then they proceeded to apply their newly acquired skills in the production of an animation without using the help of any external means. The assessment of results was based on the quality of the final product and the students’ performance in the recall of the production procedures. Finally an interview with the students was conducted on their perception of what was accomplished from a metacognitive point of view. The results were processed in order to establish comparisons between the different levels of achievement and the students’ metacognitive assessment of learning. These results have helped us to create a clear set of recommendations for the production of e-learning tutorials and their conditions for implementation. The most beneficial characteristics of the two tested methods in relation to type of information, choice of media, method of information delivery, flexibility of production/editorial tools,! and overall cost of production, will be transferred into the development of a more refined product to be tested at larger scale.
keywords e-learning tutorials; media richness; learning effectiveness; cognitive style; computer visualization techniques
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ascaad2006_paper15
id ascaad2006_paper15
authors Anz, Craig and Akel Ismail Kahera
year 2006
title Critical Environmentalism and the Practice of Re-Construction
source Computing in Architecture / Re-Thinking the Discourse: The Second International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2006), 25-27 April 2006, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
summary This research focuses on the implications and applications of “critical environmentalism” as a quintessential epistemological framework for urban interventions while implementing digital applications that foster collective, round-table approaches to design. Essentially centering the environment (Umwelt) as an encompassing and interconnecting catalyst between multiple disciplines, philosophies, and modes of inquiry and technologies, the framework reciprocally fosters individual and critical identities associated with particular places, belief systems, and their participants as a primary concern. Critical environmentalism promotes a comprehensive, reciprocally unifying epistemological framework that can significantly inform architectural interventions and the tethered use of its technologies in order to foster increased vitality and a certain coinvested attention to the complexities of the greater domain. Grounding the theory in pedagogical practice, this paper documents an approach to urban design and architectural education, implemented as a case-study and design scenario, where divergent perspectives amalgamate into emergent urban configurations, critically rooted in the conditional partialities of place. Digital technologies are incorporated along with analogical methods as tools to integrate multiple perspectives into a single, working plane. Engaging the above framework, the approach fosters a critical (re)construction and on-going, co-vested regeneration of community and the context of place while attempting to dialogically converge multiple urban conditions and modes-of-thought through the co-application of various digital technologies. Critically understanding complex urban situations involves dialogically analyzing, mapping, and modeling a discursive, categorical structure through a common goal and rationale that seeks dialectic synthesis between divergent constructions while forming mutual, catalyzing impetuses between varying facets. In essence, the integration of varying technologies in conjunction, connected to real world scenarios and a guiding epistemic framework cultivates effective cross-pollination of ideas and modes through communicative and participatory interaction. As such it also provides greater ease in crosschecking between a multitude of divergent modes playing upon urban design and community development. Since current digital technologies aid in data collection and the synthesis of information, varying factors can be more easily and collectively identified, analyzed, and then simultaneously used in subsequent design configurations. It inherently fosters the not fully realized potential to collectively overlay or montage complex patterns and thoughts seamlessly and to thus subsequently merge a multitude of corresponding design configurations simultaneously within an ongoing, usable database. As a result, the pedagogical process reveals richly textured sociocultural fabrics and thus produces distinct amplifications in complexity and attentive management of diverse issues, while also generating significant narratives and themes for fostering creative and integrative solutions. As a model for urban community and social development, critical environmentalism is further supported the integrative use of digital technologies as an effective means and management for essential, communicative interchange of knowledge and thus rapprochement between divergent modes-of-thought, promoting critical, productive interaction with others in the (co)constructive processes of our life-space.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2007/04/08 19:47

_id acadia06_230
id acadia06_230
authors Anzalone, Phillip
year 2006
title Synthetic Research
source Synthetic Landscapes [Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture] pp. 230-231
summary Synthetic Research insinuates a relationship of a meticulous process of discovering truth contradicted against a fabricated, as in concocted, reality. It is important to recognize the logical aspect of synthetic when examining what synthetic research can provide for architectural discourse. Synthesis contrasts with analysis in that it’s primary methods involve recourse to experience; it is experience that is at the heart of synthetic research. The synthesis of theory, architectural constructions, technological artifacts and computational techniques requires experiencing the results of experimentation. Synthetic digital architecture necessitates a discovery process incorporating creation that allows for experience, be it virtual reality, full-scale prototyping or spatial creations; provided experience is a truthful one, and not disingenuous and thereby slipping into the alternate definition of synthetic.Research’s experimental arm, as opposed to the analytic, relies on tinkering - implying the unfinished, the incomplete, the prototype. Examples of this are everywhere. Computer screenshots are a strikingly literal example of synthetic research when used as a means of experiencing a process. Performance mock-ups of building assemblies are a method of synthetic research in that one experiences a set of defined performances in order to discover and redefine the project. The watchmaker craft is an exercise in research/experimentation where material properties are inherent in function and aesthetics; consider how the components interact with the environment - motion, gravity, space-time, temperature. Efficiency at this point is predominantly structural and physical. Decorative or aesthetic elements are applied or integrated in later iterations along with optimization of performance, marketing and costs.What is a architectural research? How can research synthesize the wide range of possibilities for the trajectory of architecture when engaged in digital and computational techniques? The goals, techniques, documentation and other methods of research production have a place in architecture that must be explored, particularly as it related to computation. As in other fields, we must build a legitimate body of research whereby others can use and expand upon, such that digital architectures evolve in innovative as well as prosperous paths.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2023_428
id sigradi2023_428
authors Armagno, Ángel
year 2023
title The spatial discourse of Power Architectures in Kurt Wimmer's film "Equilibrium".
source García Amen, F, Goni Fitipaldo, A L and Armagno Gentile, Á (eds.), Accelerated Landscapes - Proceedings of the XXVII International Conference of the Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2023), Punta del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay, 29 November - 1 December 2023, pp. 1421–1432
summary This article explores the correlation between the language of cinema and the architectural spatial discourse of power depicted in the film Equilibrium (Wimmer, 2002). This connection is examined through a discursive approach to communication studies. To analyze a specific sequence from the chosen film, a two-stage multimodal analysis was conducted. Initially, the visual analysis method proposed by Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006) designed for the representation of social actors, was employed. Subsequently, in the second stage, sociological and conceptual associations were drawn from the diverse semiotic resources identified in the first phase. The analyzed case revealed several intertextual relationships, among them; Hitler's figure recontextualized as an exemplifying archetype; the panopticon concept representing the spatial power dynamics; the presence of the German zeppelin symbolizing dominance and spreading propaganda through loudspeakers; the religious iconographic influence, its forms and symbols, contributing to a cultural identity inseparable from the history of the Western world.
keywords Cinema, Power Architectures, Critical discourse analysis, Multimodality, Intertextuality
series SIGraDi
last changed 2024/03/08 14:08

_id sigradi2006_e131c
id sigradi2006_e131c
authors Ataman, Osman
year 2006
title Toward New Wall Systems: Lighter, Stronger, Versatile
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 248-253
summary Recent developments in digital technologies and smart materials have created new opportunities and are suggesting significant changes in the way we design and build architecture. Traditionally, however, there has always been a gap between the new technologies and their applications into other areas. Even though, most technological innovations hold the promise to transform the building industry and the architecture within, and although, there have been some limited attempts in this area recently; to date architecture has failed to utilize the vast amount of accumulated technological knowledge and innovations to significantly transform the industry. Consequently, the applications of new technologies to architecture remain remote and inadequate. One of the main reasons of this problem is economical. Architecture is still seen and operated as a sub-service to the Construction industry and it does not seem to be feasible to apply recent innovations in Building Technology area. Another reason lies at the heart of architectural education. Architectural education does not follow technological innovations (Watson 1997), and that “design and technology issues are trivialized by their segregation from one another” (Fernandez 2004). The final reason is practicality and this one is partially related to the previous reasons. The history of architecture is full of visions for revolutionizing building technology, ideas that failed to achieve commercial practicality. Although, there have been some adaptations in this area recently, the improvements in architecture reflect only incremental progress, not the significant discoveries needed to transform the industry. However, architectural innovations and movements have often been generated by the advances of building materials, such as the impact of steel in the last and reinforced concrete in this century. There have been some scattered attempts of the creation of new materials and systems but currently they are mainly used for limited remote applications and mostly for aesthetic purposes. We believe a new architectural material class is needed which will merge digital and material technologies, embedded in architectural spaces and play a significant role in the way we use and experience architecture. As a principle element of architecture, technology has allowed for the wall to become an increasingly dynamic component of the built environment. The traditional connotations and objectives related to the wall are being redefined: static becomes fluid, opaque becomes transparent, barrier becomes filter and boundary becomes borderless. Combining smart materials, intelligent systems, engineering, and art can create a component that does not just support and define but significantly enhances the architectural space. This paper presents an ongoing research project about the development of new class of architectural wall system by incorporating distributed sensors and macroelectronics directly into the building environment. This type of composite, which is a representative example of an even broader class of smart architectural material, has the potential to change the design and function of an architectural structure or living environment. As of today, this kind of composite does not exist. Once completed, this will be the first technology on its own. We believe this study will lay the fundamental groundwork for a new paradigm in surface engineering that may be of considerable significance in architecture, building and construction industry, and materials science.
keywords Digital; Material; Wall; Electronics
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ascaad2006_paper10
id ascaad2006_paper10
authors Babsail, Mohammad and Andy Dong
year 2006
title Sensor-based Aware Environment
source Computing in Architecture / Re-Thinking the Discourse: The Second International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2006), 25-27 April 2006, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
summary This paper provides an overview of the requirements for a computational model of a Sensor-Based Aware Environment (SBAE) that integrates sensor technologies with the Building Information Modelling (BIM) in order to sense ambient and physical aspects of the built environment. Wireless sensors sense ambient data of a built environment, process, and communicate these data through an ad-hoc wireless network. The BIM, on the other hand, is based on International Foundation Classes (IFCs) and contains data about the physical infrastructure (i.e. Walls, Windows, doors) and abstract entities (i.e. Spaces, Relationships) and relationships between those entities. Therefore, the proposed computational model could sense real time data that are related to the as-built information model allowing for holistic building state information.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2007/04/08 19:47

_id sigradi2006_e159b
id sigradi2006_e159b
authors Barrow, Larry
year 2006
title Digital Design Pedagogy - Basic Design - CADCAM Space Box Exploration
source SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 127-130
summary This proposed paper will highlight the work of a “pre-architecture” graduate student’s work produced in a “Digital Design II” course in Spring 06. This student has a bachelor’s degree in Architectural Technologies and hopes to attend a “professional” degree program in architecture after completing our Master of Science degree program. The student entered our “pre / post-professional” graduate program as a means of learning more about design, technology and architecture. This provided a rare opportunity to do “research” in the area of digital technology in the early formative phases of a new architecture / design students development. The student chose to study “shadows” as a means of design inquiry. The primary focus of the work was the study of various “4” x 4” x 4” “space-cubes.” The student was given various “design” constraints, and “transformative” operations for the study of positive-negative space relationships, light+shadows, and surface as a means of gaining in-sight to form. The CADCAM tools proved to be empowering for the student’s exploration and learning. With the recent emergence of both more user-friendly hardware and software, we are seeing a paradigm shift in design “ideation.” This is attributed to the evolving human-computer-interface (HCI) that now allows a fluidic means of creative design ideation, digital representation and physical making. Computing technology is now infusing early conceptual design ideation and allowing designers, and form, to follow their ideas. The argument will be supported with primary evidence generated in our pedagogy and research that has shown the visualization and representational power of emerging 2D and 3D CADCAM tools. This paper will analyze the basic “digital design” process used by the writer’s student. Architectural form concepts, heretofore, impossible to model and represent, are now possible due to CADCAM. Emerging designers are integrating “digital thinking” in their fundamental conceptualization of form. These creative free-forms are only feasible for translation to tectonic form using digital design-make techniques. CADCAM tools are empowering designers for form exploration and design creativity. Current computing technology is now infusing the creative design process; the computer is becoming a design “partner” with the designer and is changing form and architecture; thus, we are now seeing unprecedented design-make creativity in architecture.
keywords Basic Design; CADCAM; Digital Design; Virtual 3D Models; Physical 3D Printed Models
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ascaad2016_013
id ascaad2016_013
authors Belkis Öksüz, Elif
year 2016
title Parametricism for Urban Aesthetics - A flawless order behind chaos or an over-design of complexity
source Parametricism Vs. Materialism: Evolution of Digital Technologies for Development [8th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-0-9955691-0-2] London (United Kingdom) 7-8 November 2016, pp. 105-112
summary Over the last decade, paradigm shifts in the philosophy of space-time relations, the change from space-time to spatio-temporality, caused significant changes in the design field, and introduced new variations and discourses for parametric approaches in architecture. Among all the discourses, parametricism is likely the most spectacular one. The founder of parametricism, Patrik Schumacher (2009) describes it as “a new style,” which has “the superior capacity to articulate programmatic complexity;” and “aesthetically, it is the elegance of ordered complexity in the sense of seamless fluidity.” In its theoretical background, Schumacher (2011) affiliates this style with the philosophy of autopoiesis, the philosophy that stands between making and becoming. Additionally, parametricism concerns not only the physical geometry in making of form; but also discusses the relational and causal aspects in becoming of form. In other words, it brings the aesthetic qualities in making through the topological intelligence behind becoming. Regarding that, parametricism seems an effective way of managing /creating complex topologies in form-related issues. However, when it comes to practice, there are some challenging points of parametricism in large-scale design studies. Thus, this work underlines that the dominance of elegance for urban planning has the potential of limiting the flexible and dynamic topology of the urban context, and objectifying the whole complex urban form as an over-designed product. For an aesthetic inquiry into urban parametricism, this paper highlights the challenging issues behind the aesthetic premises of parametricism at the urban design scale. For that, Kartal Master Plan Design Proposal by Zaha Hadid Architects (2006) will be discussed as an exemplary work.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2017/05/25 13:31

_id ijac201715302
id ijac201715302
authors Borges de Vasconselo, Tássias and David Sperling
year 2017
title From representational to parametric and algorithmic interactions: A panorama of Digital Architectural Design teaching in Latin America
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 15 - no. 3, 215-229
summary This study focuses on the context of graphic representation technologies and digital design on Architectural teaching in Latin America. From categories proposed by Oxman and Kotnik and through a mapping study framed by a systematic review in CumInCAD database, it is presented a panorama of the state-of-art of the digital design on Architectural teaching in the region, between 2006 and 2015. The results suggest a context of coexistence of representational interaction and parametric interaction, as well as a transition from one to another and the emergence of the first experiments in algorithmic interaction. As this mapping shows an ongoing movement toward Digital Architectural Design in Latin America in the last decade, and points out its dynamics in space in time, it could contribute to strengthen a crowdthinking network on this issue in the region and with other continents.
keywords Computer-aided architectural design, Digital Architectural Design teaching, interaction with digital media, levels of design computability, Latin America, mapping study
series journal
last changed 2019/08/07 14:03

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