CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id ijac20108102
id ijac20108102
authors Budroni, Angela; Jan Boehm
year 2010
title Automated 3D Reconstruction of Interiors from Point Clouds
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 8 - no. 1, 55-73
summary We present a new technique for the fully automated 3D modelling of indoor environments from a point cloud. The point cloud is acquired with several scans and is afterwards processed in order to segment planar structures, which have a noticeable architectural meaning (floor, ceiling and walls) in the interior. The basic approach to data segmentation is plane sweeping based on a hypothesis-and-test strategy. From the segmentation results, the ground plan is created through cell decomposition by trimming the two-dimensional ground space using half-space primitives. An extension in height of the ground contours makes the generation of the 3D model possible. The so-reconstructed indoor model is saved in CAD format for analysis and further applications or, simply, as a record of the interior geometry.
series journal
last changed 2019/05/24 09:55

_id ecaade2018_145
id ecaade2018_145
authors Fukuda, Tomohiro, Zhu, Yuehan and Yabuki, Nobuyoshi
year 2018
title Point Cloud Stream on Spatial Mixed Reality - Toward Telepresence in Architectural Field
source Kepczynska-Walczak, A, Bialkowski, S (eds.), Computing for a better tomorrow - Proceedings of the 36th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, 19-21 September 2018, pp. 727-734
summary In remote meetings that involve the study of buildings and cities, sharing three-dimensional (3D) virtual spatial of buildings and cities is just as necessary as sharing the appearances and voices of meeting participants. Because of this, system development and pilot projects have attempted to share 3D virtual models via the internet in real-time but is still insufficient compared with face-to-face meeting. Therefore, this research explores the applicability of a spatial mixed reality (MR) system that displays point cloud streams to realize 3D remote meeting in architecture and urban fields. MR is a new technology that enables 3D presentations of various information, combining the physical and virtual worlds. One MR method is telepresence, which is expected to give people a way to communicate remotely as if face to face in a realistic way. We first developed a MR system named PcsMR (Point cloud stream on mixed reality) to display point cloud streams. The PcsMR system's operation consists of generating and transferring a point cloud stream and then rendering a point cloud stream using MR. The PcsMR acquired the point cloud stream in real-time using Kinect for Windows v2 and transferred it to Microsoft HoloLens, which uses optical see-through MR. Then we constructed two prototypes based on PcsMR and carried out pilot projects. Through observing the experiments, application possibilities for architecture and urban fields are found in meetings and communications that share real-time 3D objects and include the movement of remote participants and objects. The proposed method was evaluated feasible and effective.
keywords Telepresence; Mixed reality; Point cloud stream; Remote meeting; Real time
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id caadria2023_43
id caadria2023_43
authors Onishi, Ryo, Fukuda, Tomohiro and Yabuki, Nobuyoshi
year 2023
title Remote Sharing System for 3D Real Objects with Point Cloud Reconstruction Using Deep Learning Point Cloud Completion
source Immanuel Koh, Dagmar Reinhardt, Mohammed Makki, Mona Khakhar, Nic Bao (eds.), HUMAN-CENTRIC - Proceedings of the 28th CAADRIA Conference, Ahmedabad, 18-24 March 2023, pp. 381–390
summary Currently, teleconferencing via the internet is widely used in society. However, physical models such as design study models, which are often used in face-to-face meetings in the fields of architecture and urban design, cannot be shared in teleconferences where information is shared on a display. Telepresence is a technology for sharing 3D real objects at a distance that gives the sensation of sharing and experiencing the environment and objects at a remote location. As one such technology, a system has been developed in which the point cloud of a real object acquired by a camera is divided into objects by instance segmentation, and the divided point cloud is transmitted to the remote user, who can manipulate it on mixed reality. There is a problem of missing point clouds in areas not seen by the RGB-D camera, such as occlusion and the back of the camera. This research aims to develop a system that can remotely manipulate point clouds with more accurate geometry by using a point cloud completion technique based on deep learning to complement missing point clouds. This system is expected to contribute to smoother teleconferencing of remote participants.
keywords Remote meeting, Real-time sharing, Three-dimensional remote sharing, Mixed Reality, Point cloud completion
series CAADRIA
last changed 2023/06/15 23:14

_id ecaadesigradi2019_051
id ecaadesigradi2019_051
authors Stojanovic, Vladeta, Trapp, Matthias, Richter, Rico, Hagedorn, Benjamin and Döllner, Jürgen
year 2019
title Semantic Enrichment of Indoor Point Clouds - An Overview of Progress towards Digital Twinning
source Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 2, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 809-818
summary This paper presents an approach towards the development of a service-oriented platform for semantic enrichment of indoor point clouds. It mainly focuses on integrated methods for the capture of as-is 3D point clouds using commodity mobile hardware, classification of point cloud clusters using a multiview-based method, geometric reconstruction of room boundaries, interactive 3D visualization, sensor data visualization, and tracking of spatial changes and user annotations via a secure ledger. Implementing the methods in a prototypical web-based application, we demonstrate our approach for the semantic enrichment of indoor point clouds and the generation of base data for Digital Twin representation.
keywords Digital Twin; Indoor Point Cloud; Semantic Enrichment; Real Estate 4.0
series eCAADeSIGraDi
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id acadia22_128
id acadia22_128
authors Azel, Nicolas; Pachuca, Brandon; Wilson, Lucien
year 2022
title Closing the Gap
source ACADIA 2022: Hybrids and Haecceities [Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-9860805-8-1]. University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design. 27-29 October 2022. edited by M. Akbarzadeh, D. Aviv, H. Jamelle, and R. Stuart-Smith. 128-137.
summary This paper shares KPF Cloud Tools, a platform for using Rhino Compute (McNeel’s REST API for RhinoCommon and Grasshopper) to run a library of Grasshopper tools through a cloud server via a Rhino plugin with a procedurally generated user interface, making it quick to deploy new tools (Robert McNeel & Associates 2010). We describe the professional challenges that the KPF Cloud Tools platform solves, document the technical implementation of the platform, and illustrate its benefit through the impact on a large architectural practice.
series ACADIA
type paper
last changed 2024/02/06 14:00

_id cf2011_p127
id cf2011_p127
authors Benros, Deborah; Granadeiro Vasco, Duarte Jose, Knight Terry
year 2011
title Integrated Design and Building System for the Provision of Customized Housing: the Case of Post-Earthquake Haiti
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 247-264.
summary The paper proposes integrated design and building systems for the provision of sustainable customized housing. It advances previous work by applying a methodology to generate these systems from vernacular precedents. The methodology is based on the use of shape grammars to derive and encode a contemporary system from the precedents. The combined set of rules can be applied to generate housing solutions tailored to specific user and site contexts. The provision of housing to shelter the population affected by the 2010 Haiti earthquake illustrates the application of the methodology. A computer implementation is currently under development in C# using the BIM platform provided by Revit. The world experiences a sharp increase in population and a strong urbanization process. These phenomena call for the development of effective means to solve the resulting housing deficit. The response of the informal sector to the problem, which relies mainly on handcrafted processes, has resulted in an increase of urban slums in many of the big cities, which lack sanitary and spatial conditions. The formal sector has produced monotonous environments based on the idea of mass production that one size fits all, which fails to meet individual and cultural needs. We propose an alternative approach in which mass customization is used to produce planed environments that possess qualities found in historical settlements. Mass customization, a new paradigm emerging due to the technological developments of the last decades, combines the economy of scale of mass production and the aesthetics and functional qualities of customization. Mass customization of housing is defined as the provision of houses that respond to the context in which they are built. The conceptual model for the mass customization of housing used departs from the idea of a housing type, which is the combined result of three systems (Habraken, 1988) -- spatial, building system, and stylistic -- and it includes a design system, a production system, and a computer system (Duarte, 2001). In previous work, this conceptual model was tested by developing a computer system for existing design and building systems (Benr__s and Duarte, 2009). The current work advances it by developing new and original design, building, and computer systems for a particular context. The urgent need to build fast in the aftermath of catastrophes quite often overrides any cultural concerns. As a result, the shelters provided in such circumstances are indistinct and impersonal. However, taking individual and cultural aspects into account might lead to a better identification of the population with their new environment, thereby minimizing the rupture caused in their lives. As the methodology to develop new housing systems is based on the idea of architectural precedents, choosing existing vernacular housing as a precedent permits the incorporation of cultural aspects and facilitates an identification of people with the new housing. In the Haiti case study, we chose as a precedent a housetype called “gingerbread houses”, which includes a wide range of houses from wealthy to very humble ones. Although the proposed design system was inspired by these houses, it was decided to adopt a contemporary take. The methodology to devise the new type was based on two ideas: precedents and transformations in design. In architecture, the use of precedents provides designers with typical solutions for particular problems and it constitutes a departing point for a new design. In our case, the precedent is an existing housetype. It has been shown (Duarte, 2001) that a particular housetype can be encoded by a shape grammar (Stiny, 1980) forming a design system. Studies in shape grammars have shown that the evolution of one style into another can be described as the transformation of one shape grammar into another (Knight, 1994). The used methodology departs takes off from these ideas and it comprises the following steps (Duarte, 2008): (1) Selection of precedents, (2) Derivation of an archetype; (3) Listing of rules; (4) Derivation of designs; (5) Cataloguing of solutions; (6) Derivation of tailored solution.
keywords Mass customization, Housing, Building system, Sustainable construction, Life cycle energy consumption, Shape grammar
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id caadria2010_042
id caadria2010_042
authors Celento, David
year 2010
title Open-source, parametric architecture to propagate hyper-dense, sustainable urban communities: parametric urban dwellings for the experience economy
source Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / Hong Kong 7-10 April 2010, pp. 443-452
summary Rapid developments in societal, technological, and natural systems suggest profound changes ahead if research in panarchical systems (Holling, 2001) is to be believed. Panarchy suggests that systems, both natural and man-made, rise to the point of vulnerability then fail due to disruptive forces in a process of ‘creative destruction.’ This sequence allows for radical, and often unpredictable, renewal. Pressing sustainability concerns, burgeoning urban growth, and emergent ‘green manufacturing’ laws, suggest that future urban dwellings are headed toward Gladwell’s ‘tipping point’ (2002). Hyper-dense, sustainable, urban communities that employ open-source standards, parametric software, and web-based configurators are the new frontier for venerable visions. Open-source standards will permit the design, manufacture, and sale of highly diverse, inter-operable components to create compact urban living environments that are technologically sophisticated, sustainable, and mobile. These mass-customised dwellings, akin to branded consumer goods, will address previous shortcomings for prefabricated, mobile dwellings by stimulating consumer desire in ways that extend the arguments of both Joseph Pine (1992) and Anna Klingman (2007). Arguments presented by authors Makimoto and Manners (1997) – which assert that the adoption of digital and mobile technologies will create large-scale societal shifts – will be extended with several solutions proposed.
keywords Mass customisation; urban dwellings; open source standards; parametric design; sustainability
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ascaad2010_117
id ascaad2010_117
authors El Gewely, Maha H.
year 2010
title Algorithm Aided Architectural Design (Aaad)
source CAAD - Cities - Sustainability [5th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2010 / ISBN 978-1-907349-02-7], Fez (Morocco), 19-21 October 2010, pp. 117-126
summary Algorithm Aided Architectural Design (AAAD) is considered a second paradigm shift in the Architectural design process after the first one of bridging the conventional design process to the digital realm of design. This paper is divided into two parts, the first part comprehends the Algorithmic Architecture approach of from the point of view of tools, techniques, theories and practice in order to find the Algotecture theories on the map of Digital Architecture. Then, the paper exemplifies an application on Algorithmic Architecture. FALLINGWATER TOOLBOX VERSION 1.0 is a computational design demo tool for architects to aid in the house schematic design phase according to an analytical study of Frank Lloyd Wright's basic design rules and spatial program of his masterpiece; FallingWater House, (Edgar J. Kaufmann family house 1939). These rules have been transferred to algorithms and code thereafter. At a preceding stage, the Graphical User Interface (GUI) was developed using MAXScript 9.0. Using the FALLINGWATER TOOLBOX, infinite number of house prototypes can be generated within few minutes. Although, the FWT is based on a hypothetical design problem of producing prototype alternatives for a new house with the same identity of the Edgar Kaufmann House, the concept of the tool can be applied on a wider range of problems. It may help generating prototype alternative solutions for residential compounds design according to the required constraints.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2011/03/01 07:36

_id ascaad2010_145
id ascaad2010_145
authors Hamani, Dalil; Jean Michel Olive and Farid Ameziane
year 2010
title Cooperative Work Based on Numerical Tools in the Building Production
source CAAD - Cities - Sustainability [5th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2010 / ISBN 978-1-907349-02-7], Fez (Morocco), 19-21 October 2010, pp. 145-160
summary This article presents the contribution of our research to the description of the built elements in the site where information is shared by partners who are distant from one another and focused on fields of expertise that are distinct but concurrent. Our work aims to provide an information system that promotes cooperation between the buildings actors, by sharing a unique data model among the partners involved in the building construction processes. It takes into account the technical data needed in the different phases of the supply chain management cycle in the construction field. To answer a cooperative context, our work is based on the fundamental assumption that it is possible to structure a building description following the economist’s view point. During the implementation phase, the different activities on a building site can be described as a model that integrates all the related tasks and includes all the work practices and requirements shared among the partners of the architectural project.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2011/03/01 07:36

_id ecaade2010_023
id ecaade2010_023
authors Rafi, Ahmad; Salleh, Azhar; Paul, Avijit; Maulana, Reza; Athar, Faisal; Pratiniyata, Gatya
year 2010
title e-Warisan SENIBINA: Towards a collaborative architectural virtual heritage experience
source FUTURE CITIES [28th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-9-6] ETH Zurich (Switzerland) 15-18 September 2010, pp.739-746
summary This research introduces the concepts of virtual heritage in the field of architecture. It then continues with the fundamentals of virtual heritage (VH) metadata structure adopted from the UNESCO guidelines. The key highlights to the content of e-Warisan SENIBINA will be demonstrated via techniques to reconstruct heritage buildings towards a collaborative architectural virtual heritage experience as closely to originally design features. The virtual reconstruction will be based on the techniques suggested by the research team tested earlier in a smaller scale of advanced lighting technique for virtual heritage representations. This research will suggest (1) content preparation for creating collaborative architectural heritage, (2) effective low-polygon modelling solutions that incorporate global illumination (GI) lighting for real-time simulation and (3) texturing techniques to accommodate reasonable detailing and give the essence of the VH.
wos WOS:000340629400079
keywords Simulation; Virtual heritage; Virtual reality; Collaborative environment; Realistic lighting
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id ecaade2010_149
id ecaade2010_149
authors Salim, Flora Dilys; Burry, Jane; Taniar, David; Lee, Vincent Cheong; Burrow, Andrew
year 2010
title The Digital Emerging and Converging Bits of Urbanism: Crowddesigning a live knowledge network for sustainable urban living
source FUTURE CITIES [28th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-9-6] ETH Zurich (Switzerland) 15-18 September 2010, pp.883-891
summary Data is ubiquitous in our cities. However, designing a knowledge network about our cities is an arduous task, given that data sensed cannot be used directly, human significance must be added. Adding human significance can be achieved via an automated “expert system (ES)” in which domain expert knowledge are stored in a knowledge-based repository. The domain expert knowledge is matched with the corresponding data to derive specific inference which can aid decision making for urban stakeholders.This requires amalgamation of various interdisciplinary techniques. This paper presents a survey of existing technologies in order to investigate the emerging issues surrounding the design of a live knowledge network for sustainable urban living. The maps and models of the existing infrastructure of our cities that include a wealth of information such as topography, layout, zoning, land use, transportation networks, public facilities, and resource network grids need to be integrated with real-time spatiotemporal information about the city. Public data in forms of archives and data streams as well as online data from the social network and the Web can be analyzed using data mining techniques. The domain experts need to interpret the results of data mining into knowledge that will augment the existing knowledge base and models of our cities. In addition to the analysis of archived and streamed data sources from the built environment, the emerging state-of-the-art Web 2.0 and mobile technologies are presented as the potential techniques to crowddesign a live urban knowledge network. Data modeling, data mining, crowdsourcing, and social intervention techniques are reviewed in this paper with examples from the related work and our own experiments.
wos WOS:000340629400094
keywords Crowdsourcing; Knowledge discovery; Mobile and ubiquitous computing; Urban modeling; Spatial interaction; Social networking; Web 2.0
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id cf2011_p060
id cf2011_p060
authors Sheward, Hugo; Eastman Charles
year 2011
title Preliminary Concept Design (PCD) Tools for Laboratory Buildings, Automated Design Optimization and Assessment Embedded in Building Information Modeling (BIM) Tools.
source Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 451-476.
summary The design of laboratory buildings entails the implementation of a variety of design constraints such as building codes; design guidelines and technical requirements. The application of these requires from designers the derivation of data not explicitly available at early stages of design, at the same time there is no precise methodology to control the consistency, and accuracy of their application. Many of these constraints deal with providing secure environmental conditions for the activities inside laboratories and their repercussions both for the building occupants and population in general, these constraints mandate a strict control over the building’s Mechanical Equipment (MEP), in particular the Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. Due to the importance of these laboratory designers are expected to assess their designs not only according spatial relationships, but also design variables such as HVAC efficiency, air pressure hierarchies, operational costs, and the possible implications of their design decisions in the biological safety of the facility. At this point in time, there are no practical methods for making these assessments, without having constant interaction with HVAC specialists. The assessment of laboratory design variables, particularly those technical in nature, such as dimensioning of ducts or energy consumption are usually performed at late stages of design. They are performed by domain experts using data manually extracted from design information, with the addition of domain specific knowledge, the evaluation is done mostly through manual calculations or building simulations. In traditional practices most expert evaluations are performed once the architectural design have been completed, the turn around of the evaluation might take hours or days depending on the methods used by the engineer, therefore reducing the possibility for design alternatives evaluation. The results of these evaluations will give clues about sizing of the HVAC equipment, and might generate the need for design reformulations, causing higher development costs and time delays. Several efforts in the development of computational tools for automated design evaluation such as wheel chair accessibility (Han, Law, Latombe, Kunz, 2002) security and circulation (Eastman, 2009), and construction codes ( have demonstrated the capabilities of rule or parameter based building assessment; several computer applications capable of supporting HVAC engineers in system designing for late concept or design development exist, but little has been done to assess the capabilities of computer applications to support laboratory design during architectural Preliminary Concept Design(PCD) (Trcka, Hensen, 2010). Developments in CAD technologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) have opened doors to formal explorations in generative design using rule based or parametric modeling [7]. BIM represents buildings as a collection of objects with their own geometry, attributes, and relations. BIM also allows for the definition of objects parametrically including their relation to other model objects. BIM has enabled the development of automated rule based building evaluation (Eastman, 2009). Most of contemporary BIM applications contemplate in their default user interfaces access to design constraints and object attribute manipulations. Some even allow for the application of rules over these. Such capabilities make BIM viable platforms for automation of design data derivation and for the implementation of generative based design assessment. In this paper we analyze the possibilities provided by contemporary BIM for implementing generative based design assessment in laboratory buildings. In this schema, domain specific knowledge is embedded in to the BIM system as to make explicit design metrics that can help designers and engineers to assess the performance of design alternatives. The implementation of generative design assessments during PCD can help designers and engineers to identify design issues early in the process, reducing the number of revisions and reconfigurations in later stages of design. And generally improving design performance.
keywords Heating ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Building Information Models (BIM), Generative Design Assessment
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2012/02/11 19:21

_id acadia10_340
id acadia10_340
authors Tamke, Martin; Riiber, Jacob; Jungjohann, Hauke
year 2010
title Generated Lamella
source ACADIA 10: LIFE in:formation, On Responsive Information and Variations in Architecture [Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-4507-3471-4] New York 21-24 October, 2010), pp. 340-347
summary The hierarchical organization of information is dominant in the setup of tectonic structures. In order to overcome the inherent limitations of these systems, self-organization is proposed as a means for future design. The paper exemplifies this within the research project “Lamel la Flock”. The research takes its point of departure in the structural abilities of the wooden Zollinger system: a traditional structural lamella system distributed as a woven pattern of interconnected beams. Where the original system has a very limited set of achievable geometries our research introduces an understanding of beam elements as autonomous entities with sensorymotor behaviour. By this means freeform structures can be achieved Through computation and methods of self-organization, the project investigates how to design and build with a system based on multiple and circular dependencies. Hereby the agent system negotiates between design intent, tectonic needs, and production. The project demonstrates how real-time interactive modeling can be hybridized with agent–based design strategies and how this environment can be linked to physical production. The use of knowledge embedded into the system as well as the flow of information between dynamic processes, Finite Element Calculation and machinery was key for linking the speculative with the physical.
keywords agent based systems, digital fabrication, aware models, wooden structures, industrial collaboration, 1:1 demonstrator
series ACADIA
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ascaad2010_231
id ascaad2010_231
authors Turrin, M.; R. Stouffs and S. Sariyildiz
year 2010
title Parametric Design of the Vela Roof
source CAAD - Cities - Sustainability [5th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2010 / ISBN 978-1-907349-02-7], Fez (Morocco), 19-21 October 2010, pp. 231-240
summary Due to the increased request for representative structures and for spaces to be used independent of the weather conditions, contemporary cities increasingly integrate public covered spaces (shadowed squares and streets, courtyards, historic commercial galleries, etc.) in the urban fibre. Facing the design of large roof structures for semi outdoor spaces is increasingly common for architects and engineers. When focusing on large roofs, aesthetics, structural performance and economics often dominate the design process. However, the current increased emphasis on energy-related aspects generates new challenges. Particularly, the use of renewable energy resources needs to be confronted. In this paper we will address the subject through a case study whose design aimed at integrating performance evaluations in the very early stages of the process. The case study focuses on the so-called “Vela roof”. This roof is part of a larger project currently under construction in Bologna (Italy). The focus of the study concerns the use of on-site renewable climate (energy) resources with special attention given passive reduction of summer overheating and daylight. For these tasks a parametric model was developed to support the decision making process and the paper will present its potential with respect to performance-oriented design during the conceptual design phase of roof structure. The very first conceptual design developed by the architectural office was assumed as a starting point for the inclusion of performance criteria. In the preliminary design of the roof uncomfortable conditions were expected under the whole roof in the summer. Various strategies for improving the thermal comfort were investigated, involving a large set of combined systems. Not all of these will be detailed in this paper. Instead we will focus on the ones directly affected by the geometry of the roof. Those are mainly air flow for cooling and the reduction of solar gain, in combination with their effects on daylight. Their investigation was based on a chain of dependencies to be integrated in the design process. With respect to that, parametric modelling was used. Parametric modelling allows both geometrical entities and their relationships to be represented. These relationships are structured in a hierarchical chain of dependencies, established during the preliminary parameterization process. The independent properties of the model are usually expressed through independent parameters, and their variations generate different configurations of the model. By making use of this potential, three project scales were parametrically explored. At the large scale, parametric variations of the overall shape of the roof were investigated in relation to cooling through ventilation and here the parametric model allowed for the generation of both different configurations of the roof, including its structural morphology and variations of its structural tessellation. At the medium scale, the integration of openable modules was investigated in relation to air extraction for cooling; with respect to this, the parametric model allows exploring openings based on variations of size and distribution. At the small scale, various options were explored for the cladding system, in order to reduce the direct solar gain while still allowing the income of indirect natural light. The parametric model was used to investigate the configuration of self-shading modules and their integration in the structure. Specific emphasis will be given to the small scale. The advantages in design process and the current limits of the parametric modelling approach used here will be discussed in the paper.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2011/03/01 07:36

_id ecaadesigradi2019_061
id ecaadesigradi2019_061
authors Alkadri, Miktha Farid, De Luca, Francesco, Turrin, Michela and Sariyildiz, Sevil
year 2019
title Making use of Point Cloud for Generating Subtractive Solar Envelopes
source Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 1, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 633-640
summary As a contextual and passive design strategy, solar envelopes play a great role in determining building mass based on desirable sun access during the predefined period. With the rapid evolution of digital tools, the design method of solar envelopes varies in different computational platforms. However, current approaches still lack in covering the detailed complex geometry and relevant information of the surrounding context. This, consequently, affects missing information during contextual analysis and simulation of solar envelopes. This study proposes a subtractive method of solar envelopes by considering the geometrical attribute contained in the point cloud of TLS (terrestrial laser scanner) dataset. Integration of point cloud into the workflow of solar envelopes not only increases the robustness of final geometry of existing solar envelopes but also enhances awareness of architects during contextual analysis due to consideration of surface properties of the existing environment.
keywords point cloud data; solar envelopes; subtractive method; solar access
series eCAADeSIGraDi
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ecaade2020_089
id ecaade2020_089
authors Ardic, Sabiha Irem, Kirdar, Gulce and Lima, Angela Barros
year 2020
title An Exploratory Urban Analysis via Big Data Approach: Eindhoven Case - Measuring popularity based on POIs, accessibility and perceptual quality parameters
source Werner, L and Koering, D (eds.), Anthropologic: Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age - Proceedings of the 38th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 16-18 September 2020, pp. 309-318
summary The cities are equipped with the data as a result of the individuals' sharings and application usage. This significant amount of data has the potential to reveal relations and support user-centric decision making. The focus of the research is to examine the relational factors of the neighborhoods' popularity by implementing a big data approach to contribute to the problem of urban areas' degradation. This paper presents an exploratory urban analysis for Eindhoven at the neighborhood level by considering variables of popularity: density and diversity of points of interest (POI), accessibility, and perceptual qualities. The multi-sourced data are composed of geotagged photos, the location and types of POIs, travel time data, and survey data. These different datasets are evaluated using BBN (Bayesian Belief Network) to understand the relationships between the parameters. The results showed a positive and relatively high connection between popularity - population change, accessibility by walk - density of POIs, and the feeling of safety - social cohesion. For further studies, this approach can contribute to the decision-making process in urban development, specifically in real estate and tourism development decisions to evaluate the land prices or the hot-spot touristic places.
keywords big data approach; neighborhood analysis; popularity; point of interest (POI); accessibility; perceptual quality
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia05_226
id acadia05_226
authors Biloria, N., Oosterhuis, K. and Aalbers, C.
year 2005
title Design Informatics
source Smart Architecture: Integration of Digital and Building Technologies [Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 0-9772832-0-8] Savannah (Georgia) 13-16 October 2005, pp. 226-235
summary The research paper exemplifies a novel information integrated design technique developed at ONL (Oosterhuis and Lenard), Netherlands, specifically appropriated for envisaging complex geometric forms. The ‘informed design technique’, apart from being highly instrumental in conceptualizing and generating the geometric component constituting architectural form in a parametric manner, is also efficiently utilized for precise computer aided manufacturing and construction of the speculated form. Geometric complexities inherent in contemporary architectural constructs and the time spent in appropriation of such topologies, fueled the ‘informed design’ approach, which caters to issues of timely construction, precision oriented design and production (visual and material) and parametric modeling attuned to budgetary fluctuations. This design-research approach has been tested and deployed by ONL, for conceiving ‘the Acoustic Barrier’ project, Utrecht Leidsche Rijn in the Netherlands and is treated as a generic case for exemplifying the ‘informed design’ technique in this research paper. The design methodology encourages visualizing architectural substantiations from a systems perspective and envisages upon a rule based adaptive systems approach involving extrapolation of contextual dynamics/ground data in terms of logical ‘rules’. These rules/conditionalities form the basis for spawning parametric logistics to be mapped upon geometric counterparts exemplifying the conception. The simulated parametric relations bind dimensional aspects (length, width, height etc.) of the geometric construct in a relational manner, eventually culminating in a 3D spatial envelope. This evolved envelope is subsequently intersected with a ‘parametric spatio-constructive grid’, creating specific intersecting points between the two. The hence extorted ‘point cloud’ configuration serves as a generic information field concerning highly specific coordinates, parameters and values for each individual point/constructive node it embodies. The relations between these points are directly linked with precise displacements of structural profiles and related scaling factors of cladding materials. Parallel to this object oriented modeling approach, a detailed database (soft/information component) is also maintained to administer the relations between the obtained points. To be able to derive constructible structural and cladding components from the point cloud configuration customized Scripts (combination of Lisp and Max scripts) process the point cloud database. The programmed script-routines, iteratively run calculations to generate steel-wireframes, steel lattice-structure and cladding panels along with their dimensions and execution drawing data. Optimization-routines are also programmed to make rectifications and small adjustments in the calculated data. This precise information is further communicated with CNC milling machines to manifest complex sectional profiles formulating the construct hence enabling timely and effective construction of the conceptualized form.
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ascaad2006_paper6
id ascaad2006_paper6
authors Biloria, Nimish; Kas Oosterhus, and Cas Aalbers
year 2006
title Design Informatics: a case based investigation into parametric design scripting and CNC based manufacturing techniques
source Computing in Architecture / Re-Thinking the Discourse: The Second International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2006), 25-27 April 2006, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
summary The research paper exemplifies a novel information integrated design technique developed at ONL (Oosterhuis and Lenard), Netherlands, specifically appropriated for manifesting complex geometric forms. The ‘informed design technique’, apart from being highly instrumental in conceptualizing and generating the geometric component constituting architectural form in a parametric manner, is also efficiently utilized for precise computer aided manufacturing and construction of the speculated form. Geometric complexities inherent in contemporary architectural constructs and the time spent in appropriation of such topologies, fueled the ‘informed design’ approach, which caters to issues of timely construction, precision oriented design and production (visual and material) and parametric modeling attuned to budgetary fluctuations. This designresearch approach has been tested and deployed by ONL, for conceiving ‘the Acoustic Barrier’ project, Utrecht Leidsche Rijn in the Netherlands and is treated as a generic case for exemplifying the ‘informed design’ technique in this research paper. The design methodology encourages visualizing architectural substantiations from a systems perspective and envisages upon a rule based adaptive systems approach involving extrapolation of contextual dynamics/ground data in terms of logical ‘rules’. These rules/conditionalities form the basis for spawning parametric logistics to be mapped upon geometric counterparts exemplifying the conception. The simulated parametric relations bind dimensional aspects (length, width, height etc.) of the geometric construct in a relational manner, eventually culminating in a 3D spatial envelope. This evolved envelope is subsequently intersected with a ‘parametric spatio-constructive grid’, creating specific intersecting points between the two. A pattern of points attained from this intersection: ‘the point cloud’ serves as a generic information field concerning highly specific coordinates, parameters and values for each individual point/constructive node it embodies. The relations between these points are directly linked with precise displacements of structural profiles and related scaling factors of cladding materials. Parallel to this object oriented modeling approach, a detailed database (soft/information component) is also maintained to administer the relations between the obtained points. To be able to derive constructible structural and cladding components from the point cloud configuration customized Scripts (combination of Lisp and Max scripts) process the point cloud database. The programmed scriptroutines, iteratively run calculations to generate steel-wire frames, steel lattice-structure and cladding panels along with their dimensions and execution drawing data. Optimization-routines are also programmed to make rectifications and small adjustments in the calculated data. This precise information is further communicated with CNC milling machines to manifest complex sectional profiles formulating the construct thus enabling timely and effective construction of the conceptualized form.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2007/04/08 19:47

_id acadia17_170
id acadia17_170
authors Byrne, Ultan
year 2017
title Point-Cloud-Paint: A Software Tool for Speculative Urban Design Using Three-Dimensional Digital Collage
source ACADIA 2017: DISCIPLINES & DISRUPTION [Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-96506-1] Cambridge, MA 2-4 November, 2017), pp. 170-177
summary Beginning from a provocation in Auguste Blanqui’s Eternity by the Stars, this paper reports on a new methodology of digital collage for urban design. The research is situated relative to the current discourses surrounding both voxelization and point-cloud data structures in order to motivate the concept of a recombinant approach to design in existing cities. Building on these sources, and with reference to recent developments in mesh shape composition techniques, the paper presents the resulting software implementation “Point-Cloud-Paint”: a tool that enables collage-based combinatorial experimentation with urban point-cloud data.
keywords simulation; representation; design methods; information processing
series ACADIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ga9924
id ga9924
authors Cardalda, Juan Jesus Romero J.J.
year 1999
title Artificial Music Composer
source International Conference on Generative Art
summary Traditional Musical Computation Systems had to face the differences between the computational techniques and the characteristics of musical creation. Characteristics such as a high degree of subjectivity, a great irrational component, and a learning process based on the use of examples and environmental absorption, have made music difficult to be formalized through algorithmic methods or classical Artificial Intelligence methods such as Expert Systems. We propose the creation of a cybernetic model of a human composer in a primeval stage of human musical evolution, following a paradigm of cognitive complex models creation, based on the use of the human reference, not only in a static point of view but also considering its evolution through time. Therefore, the proposed system simulates musical creation in one of the first stages of musical evolution, whose main characteristics are the percussive and choral aspects. The system is based on Genetic Algorithms, whose genetic population is integrated by several tribes. This model carries out the task of musical composition, led by the user who expresses his/her musical taste assigning a punctuation to each tribe. The GA selects the worse tribes as individuals to be eliminated. In order to select those tribes which are going to be used as parents, a random function is used, having each tribe a probality proportional to its punctuation. The new tribe is produced by crossing the parent tribes in each individual. Afterwards, mutation takes place in the created individuals. The experiments carried out with this system have proved its functionality in the composition of rhythmic patterns. It is intended to enlarge the experiment's scope by communicating the system via Internet. This would enable its use by users of different musical cultures, taking into account that the system is user-friendly, since it requires no musical knowledge.
series other
last changed 2003/08/07 17:25

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