CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

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_id ecaade2013_158
id ecaade2013_158
authors Cohen, Itai; Turrin, Michela; Heinzelmann, Florian and Welzner, Ivo
year 2013
title The Human Factor – Introducing Game Mechanics to Computerized Home Automation Systems
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 175-184
summary A method of integration of game mechanics and game dynamics into a user interface for a home automation system as means of reducing the inhabitant’s environmental footprint is described and detailed up to the point of proof of concept. In detail, the paper describes the game framework and the method in which the competitive game could be balanced between different dwellings to ensure a fair game. A unique and intuitive method of control via smartphone is described that aims at making the interaction with the device and game more intrusive and friendly. This method is prototyped and tested to the stage of proof of concept.
wos WOS:000340635300017
keywords Gamification; domotics; user interface; domestic energy reduction; layered reality.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:56

_id ecaade2013_261
id ecaade2013_261
authors Paterson, Greig; Hong, Sung Min; Mumovic, Dejan and Kimpian, Judit
year 2013
title Real-time Environmental Feedback at the Early Design Stages
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 2, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 79-86
summary It has been argued that traditional building simulation methods can be a slow process, which often fails to integrate into the decision making process of non-technical designers, such as architects, at the early design stages. Furthermore, studies have shown that predicted energy consumption of buildings during design is often lower than monitored energy consumption during operation.In view of this, this paper outlines research to create a user friendly design tool that predicts energy consumption in real-time as early design and briefing parameters are altered interactively. As a test case, the research focuses on school design in England. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) were trained to predict the energy consumption of school designs by linking actual heating and electrical energy consumption data from the existing building stock to a range of design and briefing parameters.
wos WOS:000340643600007
keywords Environmental design tool; energy prediction; artificial neural networks; building operational performance; schools.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:59

_id acadia13_391
id acadia13_391
authors Abbasy-Asbagh, Ghazal
year 2013
title [re]folding Muqarnas: A case study
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 391-392
summary This project uses folded surface as a mechanism to make a historically non-structural system, Muqarnas, into one that combines surface and structure.
keywords structural optimization, folded surface, cultural landscapes, muqarnas, complex geometry
series ACADIA
type Design Poster
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2013_215
id sigradi2013_215
authors Abdelmohsen, Sherif M.
year 2013
title Reconfiguring Architectural Space using Generative Design and Digital Fabrication: A Project Based Course
source SIGraDi 2013 [Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Chile - Valparaíso 20 - 22 November 2013, pp. 391 - 395
summary This paper discusses a course that addresses the integration between generative design and digital fabrication in the context of reconfiguring architectural space. The objective of the course, offered for 3rd year architecture students at the Department of Architecture, Ain Shams University, Egypt, was to design and fabricate interior design elements to be installed within the department lobby. Students worked in digital and physical environments to develop 8 group projects that featured concepts of shape grammars, L-systems, fractals and cellular automata. The potential of the realized projects is discussed in terms of 3D development of systems, contextual generative design, and pedagogical objectives.
keywords Contextual generative design; Rule-based systems; Self-organizing systems; Digital fabrication
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ijac201310207
id ijac201310207
authors Abondano, David
year 2013
title The Return of Nature as an Operative Model: Decoding of Material Properties as Generative Inputs to the Form-Making Process
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 11 - no. 2, 267-284
summary The abandonment of nature as an architectural model and the redefinition of the relationship between form and material were two of the main consequences of industrialization for modern architecture. While nature was replaced by the machine as a model for architecture, industrial production suppressed the craftsman's knowledge of the material and the associated techniques once essential to the form-making process. Thus, the replacement of nature as a model implied that principles once related to natural processes started to be seen as industrial values, i.e., the economy of means stopped being recognized as a quality related to natural form-making processes and became a demand of industrial production. Nowadays, material properties and nature are being reintroduced into architecture with the help of digital technologies; that is, the return of nature though computation. As a result, nature has become an operational model as opposed to the visual or iconic one it used to be; its inner qualities and processes are being decoded in order to inform the form-making process and foster innovative digital ornamentation.
series journal
last changed 2019/05/24 09:55

_id ecaade2013_096
id ecaade2013_096
authors Achten, Henri
year 2013
title Buildings with an Attitude
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 477-485
summary In order to achieve interactive architecture it is necessary to consider more than the technological components of sensors, controllers, and actuators. The interaction can be focused to different interaction activities: instructing, conversing, manipulating, and exploring (we propose to call this the interaction view). Additionally, the purpose of the building may range from performing, sustaining, servicing, symbolising, to entertaining (we propose to call this the world view). Combined, the interaction view and world view establish 20 different attitudes, which are flavours of behaviour for the interactive building. Through attitudes interaction profiles can be established and criteria derived for the design of interactive buildings.
wos WOS:000340635300050
keywords Interactive architecture; design theory; Human-Computer Interaction; augmented reality; mixed reality.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ijac201310105
id ijac201310105
authors Agkathidis, Asterios and Andre_ Brown
year 2013
title Tree-Structure Canopy:A Case Study in Design and Fabrication of Complex Steel Structures using Digital Tools
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 11 - no. 1, 87-104
summary This paper describes and reflects on the design and manufacturing process of the Tree-Structure canopy for the WestendGate Tower in Frankfurt upon Main, completed early 2011.The project investigated fabrication and assembly principles of complex steel structures as well as the integration of contemporary computational design, engineering, optimization and simulation techniques in a collaborative design approach. This paper focuses on the notion of modular standardization as opposed to non standard customized components. It also engages with issues relating to digital production tools and their impact on construction cost, material performance and tolerances. In addition it examines the reconfiguration of liability during a planning and construction process, an aspect which can be strongly determined by fabrication companies rather than the architect or designer.This paper is written as a reflection on the complete building process when contemporary digital tools are used from design through to fabrication. It studies both the generation of the steel structure as well the ETFE cushion skin. It reports on a collaborative project, where the main author was responsible for the canopies design, parameterization, digitalization and fabrication, as well as for the dissemination of the outcomes and findings during the design and realization process.As such it represents an example of research through design in a contemporary and evolving field.The canopy received a design award by the Hellenic Architecture Association.
series journal
last changed 2019/05/24 09:55

_id acadia13_281
id acadia13_281
authors Ahlquist, Sean; Menges, Achim
year 2013
title Frameworks for Computational Design of Textile Micro-Architectures and Material Behavior in Forming Complex Force-Active Structures
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 281-292
summary Material behavior can be defined as the confluence of associative rules, contextual pressures and constraints of materialization. In more general terms, it can be parameterized as topologies, forces and materiality. Forming behavior means resolving the intricate matrix of deterministic and indeterministic factors that comprise and interrelate each subset of these material- nherent conditions. This requires a concise design framework which accumulates the confluent behavior through successive and cyclical exchange of multiple design modes, rather than through a single design environment or set of prescribed procedures. This paper unfolds a sequencing of individual methods as part of a larger design framework, described through the development of a series of complex hybrid- structure material morphologies. The “hybrid” nature reflects the integration of multiple force-active structural concepts within a single continuous material system, devising both self-organized yet highly articulated spatial conditions. This leads primarily to the development of what is termed a “textile hybrid” system: an equilibrium state of tensile surfaces and bending-active meshes. The research described in this paper looks to expose the structure of the textile as an indeterministic design parameter, where its architecture can be manipulated as means for exploring and differentiating behavior. This is done through experimentation with weft-knitting technologies, in which the variability of individual knit logics is instrumentalized for simultaneously articulating and structuring form. Such relationships are shown through an installation constructed at the ggggallery in Copenhagen, Denmark.
keywords Material Behavior, Spring-based Simulation, CNC Knitting, Form- and Bending-Active, Textile Hybrid Structures.
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ecaade2013_297
id ecaade2013_297
authors Aish, Robert
year 2013
title DesignScript: Scalable Tools for Design Computation
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 2, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 87-95
summary Design computation based on data flow graph diagramming is a well-established technique. The intention of DesignScript is to recognise this type of data flow modeling as a form of ‘associative’ programming and to combine this with the more conventional ‘imperative’ form of programming into a single unified computational design application. The use of this application is intended to range from very simple graph based exploratory ‘proto-programming’ as used by novice end-user programmers to multi-disciplinary design optimisation as used by more experienced computational designers.
wos WOS:000340643600008
keywords Graph; scripting; associative; imperative.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id acadia13_161
id acadia13_161
authors Akbarzadeh; Masoud
year 2013
title Performative Surfaces: Generating complex geometries using planar flow patterns
source ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 161-172
summary This research explains the development process of a design tool that can construct complex surface geometries using only two-dimensional plan drawings. The intention behind this tool is to address certain complex behavior of surface geometries such as hydrological characteristics. This paper briefly explains the historic and mathematic description of surface data structures, according to Cayley, Maxwell and Morse. This is followed by a brief introduction of the surface network/critical graph extraction technique in GIS. Additionally, the algorithm of contour extraction from asimple critical graph to reconstruct a surface is explained. In the final section the lessons learnedfrom the previous sections are used to develop algorithms for a tool which uses only plan drawings to construct complex surfaces. Three algorithms are explained in the final section among which the third one is considered to be the most complete and promising approach. Therefore,some design examples are presented to show the flexibility of the tool. At the end, this paper provides suggestions and discussions to reflect further ideas in order to improve the tool in future.
keywords Tools and Interfaces, complex surface, drainage patterns, discrete flow diagram, surface networks, critical graph, and surface generation
series ACADIA
type Normal Paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ecaade2013_235
id ecaade2013_235
authors Akküçük, Zeynep and Özkar, Mine
year 2013
title Ruling Im/Material Uncertainties
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 2, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 305-314
summary Visual rules are powerful in loosely capturing the impact of material behavior on form in designer’s hands-on experimentation. They present a first step to translate the causal relations between material and form to computation without sacrificing the uncertainties in the designer’s interaction with the materials. This study investigates how to model the relation between material and form with visual rules so that the model embodies some of the phenomenological aspects of reality, rather than merely reproducing it.
wos WOS:000340643600031
keywords Digital materiality; physics-based modeling; abstractions; visual schemas; shape studies.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ascaad2014_016
id ascaad2014_016
authors Al-Ratrout, Samer A. and Rana Zureikat
year 2014
title Pedagogic Approach in the Age of Parametric Architecture: Experimental method for teaching architectural design studio to 3rd year level students
source Digital Crafting [7th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2014 / ISBN 978-603-90142-5-6], Jeddah (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), 31 March - 3 April 2014, pp. 211-226
summary In this era, Architectural Design Practice is faced with a paradigm shift in its conventional approaches towards computational methods. In this regard, it is considered a pedagogic challenge to boost up knowledge and skills of architectural students’ towards an advanced approach of architectural design that emphasizes the potentials and complexity of computational environments and parametric tools for design problem solving. For introducing the concept of Parametric Oriented Design Methods to 3rd year level architectural students, an experimental pedagogic course was designed in the scholastic year of 2012-2013 at German Jordanian University GJU (School of Architecture and Built Environment SABE) to approach this concept. In the preparation phase, the experimental course was designed to incorporate structured instructing and training method to be consecutively performed within experimental lab environment to target predetermined learning outcomes and goals. The involved students were intentionally classified into three levels of previous involvement associated with the related software operating skills and computational design exposure. In the implementation phase, the predetermined instructing and training procedures were performed in the controlled environment according to the planned tasks and time intervals. Preceded tactics were prepared to be executed to resolve various anticipated complication. In this phase also, students’ performance and comprehension capacity were observed and recorded. In data analysis phase, the observed results were verified and correlations were recognized. In the final phase, conclusions were established and recommendations for further related pedagogic experiments were introduced.
series ASCAAD
last changed 2016/02/15 13:09

_id caadria2013_262
id caadria2013_262
authors Alston, Mark E.
year 2013
title Space Emergent Field
source Open Systems: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2013) / Singapore 15-18 May 2013, pp. 715-724
summary Architecture has always been founded upon ideologies. However could the influence of human interactions create a new perspective for space form evolution? To create a spatial adaptive system, to the influence of culture and behaviour of human being? The output of this spatial system is the determination of optimised values for spatial configurations by biomolecular, self-assembly computation for emergent spatial forms.  
wos WOS:000351496100070
keywords Spatial, Adaptive, Biomolecular computations, Self-assembly 
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id sigradi2013_243
id sigradi2013_243
authors Andia, Alfredo
year 2013
title Automated Architecture: Why CAD, Parametrics and Fabrication are Really old News
source SIGraDi 2013 [Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Chile - Valparaíso 20 - 22 November 2013, pp. 83 - 87
summary Automation is transforming a significant number of industries today. This paper discusses how the Design and Construction industry is also entering into a new era of automation. In the paper I observe that designers are automating by using parametric tools (BIM, scripting, etc.) while contractors are moving into pre-fabrication and modularization. Both conceptualizations are incomplete. The paper presents how we are in the first steps of creating learning algorithms that develop specific intelligence in design synthesis and how the design field will became even more sophisticated as a second generation of multi-material 3D printing techniques produce new materials.
keywords Automation; Architectural design; Artificial intelligence; Learning algorithms; Multi-material printers
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id sigradi2013_183
id sigradi2013_183
authors Andino, Dulce; Sheng-Fen Chien
year 2013
title Embedding Shape Grammars in a Parametric Design Software
source SIGraDi 2013 [Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Chile - Valparaíso 20 - 22 November 2013, pp. 202 - 206
summary The Garifuna are a group of people that live on the northern coast of Honduras and the coast of Belize. They have a very distinct and vibrant culture. Minority cultures are currently absorbed by mainstreamed cultures and the Garifuna ethnicity is directly influenced by this phenomenon. In this research it is of special concern to encapsulate Garifuna vernacular architecture by means of shape grammars. The research provides a clear documentation of the grammars implemented in Grasshopper, as well as discusses about the issues of embedding shape grammars in the Rhino/Grasshopper environment.
keywords Garifuna; shape grammar; Parametric shape grammars; Grasshopper
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:47

_id ecaade2013_111
id ecaade2013_111
authors Androutsopoulou, Eirini
year 2013
title Urban Body Mutations through the Use of the Network Configuration
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 275-281
summary Taking as a starting point the hypotheses that the urban body is a self-adapted ecology made of material and non-material components (Bateson, 1972), relationships between elements are examined in an attempt to destabilize the static division of matter and idea and to inquire into those relationships that determine the structural coupling (Maturana, 2002) between body and environment, as well as the constitution of the body itself. Contemporary technology is used in order to trace these alterations and the urban body is examined as a network configuration. The importance of the methodology adopted by the current research lies in the fact that social and economic factors merge with spatial characteristics, allowing for a visualization and re-interpretation of the urban body mutations based on self-adapted reconfigurations and for a prediction of the structural alterations made possible through the reconfiguration of the synaptic forces between elements.
wos WOS:000340635300028
keywords Mutation; urban body; visualization techniques; network; data manipulation.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ecaade2014_010
id ecaade2014_010
authors Anna Laskari
year 2014
title Multidimensional Comparative Analysis for the Classification of Residual Urban Voids
source Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, pp. 283-292
summary Spatial configurations can be perceived through a variety of descriptions of their physical form and structure. Each description can offer an autonomous interpretation or be combined with others parathetically, in a logic of multiple distinct layers. However it is asserted that meaningful information can be extracted from a simultaneous view of sets of descriptions within a high-dimensional structure. This paper investigates the possibility of conducting a comparative analysis and classification of non-typical spatial formations based on the synchronous view of multiple quantifiable spatial attributes. Under the hypothesis of a reciprocal definition of spatial structure and occupation practices, it is intended to identify distinct generic spatial types in order to subsequently determine a range of suitable respective generic use types. This investigation supports the formulation of strategies for the reactivation of unused, residual urban voids, currently being addressed by the research programme titled "Strategies to network urban interventions in the Metropolitan Centre of Athens". The programme is carried out by the School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens in collaboration with the Region of Attica, under the scientific coordination of Professor Dr. Parmenidis (2013).
wos WOS:000361385100030
keywords Multidimensional descriptions; generic spatial types; quantifiable attributes; dimensionality reduction; classification
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id ecaade2013_069
id ecaade2013_069
authors Araneda, Claudio
year 2013
title The Jacobs´ Urban Lineage Revisited
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 2, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 355-363
summary Since the almost simultaneous publication of Kevin Lynch and Jane Jacobs´ seminal and pioneer urban manifestos, the discipline has been increasingly permeated by what could be rightly called the phenomenological impulse. While sharing methodological principles, however, they represent two very distinct approaches to the study of urban matters, a distinction rooted on their chosen object of study. The drawing of this distinction constitutes this research´s point of departure. Its fundamental aim is to help further the development of what we characterize as the Jacobs´s lineage of urban thought. To this end, the paper outlines methodological rudiments for the development of a methodological tool that would allow the beginning of a systematic study of the patterns of people´s presence and absence in urban space (streets). We call it Urban Polaroid. This work is part of a government funded (fondecyt 11110450) project.
wos WOS:000340643600036
keywords Urban phenomenon; phenomenology; Urban Polaroid; space syntax; Jane Jacobs.
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:55

_id ecaade2013_249
id ecaade2013_249
authors Araya, Sergio; Zolotovsky, Ekaterina; Veliz, Felipe; Song, Juha; Reichert, Steffen; Boyce, Mary and Ortiz, Christine
year 2013
title Bioinformed Performative Composite Structures
source Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 575-584
summary This ongoing investigation aims to learn from nature novel material organizations and structural systems in order to develop innovative architectural system. We developed a multidisciplinary approach, using scientific analysis and design research and prototyping. We focus on the study of a “living fossil” fish, whose armor system is so efficient it has remained almost unchanged for millions of years. We investigate its morphological characteristics, its structural properties, the assembly mechanisms and the underlying material properties in order to derive new principles to design new enhanced structural systems. We use micro computerized tomography and scanning electron microscopy to observe microstructures, parametric design to reconstruct the data into digital models and then several 3D printing technologies to prototype systems with high flexibility and adaptive capabilities, proposing new gradual material interfaces and transitions to embed performative capabilities and multifunctional potentials.
wos WOS:000340635300060
keywords Bioinformed; multi-material; composite; parametrics; performative design.
series eCAADe
type normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

_id caadria2013_034
id caadria2013_034
authors Arenas, Ubaldo and José Manuel Falcón
year 2013
title ALOPS Constructive Systems – Towards the Design and Fabrication of Unsupervised Learning Construction Systems
source Open Systems: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2013) / Singapore 15-18 May 2013, pp. 905-914
summary In this paper we explore the concept and design guidelines for an Autonomous Learning Oriented Proto System (ALOPS), a construction system designed to enhance its own performance through time. Our research has been focused on the fabrication of a prototype for a porous wall system which reacts to light intensities by closing or opening its apertures. Taking that aim, we used a combination of robotics, programing, and material behaviour to endow the system with the capacity to record reactions towards encountered sets of conditions during its active energy periods, allowing the system to use this knowledge database to evolve autonomously by feeding this information back into the computation process. This approach in construction systems opens up the architectural design processes to address the creation of digital memory structures rather than complex algorithms in order to operate specific functions. With this development, the architect could think of architectures constantly evolving by learning from their environments as well as of users forming symbiotic and behavioural bonds with the emergent spatial personalities, thus affecting the underpinning relationships between architecture, user and context.  
wos WOS:000351496100093
keywords erformance architecture, Unsupervised learning, Machine learning 
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 07:54

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