CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 8998

_id ecaade2016_193
id ecaade2016_193
authors Oliveira, Rui and Sousa, Jose Pedro
year 2016
title Building Traditions with Digital Research - Reviewing the Brick Architecture of Raúl Hestnes Ferreira through Robotic Fabrication
source Herneoja, Aulikki; Toni Österlund and Piia Markkanen (eds.), Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016, pp. 123-131
wos WOS:000402063700014
summary Brick construction has a strong tectonic tradition in architecture, being used both as a structural and as an expressive material. Despite several technological innovations at the composition and production level, its application still relies on talented craftsmanship, which has some natural human limitations and has becoming harder to find in the present days. To overcome this problem, robotic assembly technologies have been introduced in the field, opening new design and construction possibilities. In this context, this paper intends to examine their application but from a different perspective, by examining how they can be used to connect with the traditions in brick construction. To do so, it presents and analyses the work of Portuguese architect Raúl Hestnes Ferreira, and develops a computational design and robotic fabrication research on the topics of corner, column and dome bricks. The production of a column design at the 1:1 scale using an automated process serves to reflect on the relevance of new technologies to innovate in accordance to tradition.
keywords Brick Construction; Hestnes Ferreira; Robotic Assembly; Computational Design; Digital Fabrication
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id sigradi2012_76
id sigradi2012_76
authors Oliveira, Wagner Costa; Heidrich, Felipe Etchegaray
year 2012
title Representação de Ambiente Arquitetônico com Tecnologia de Jogos Digitais: uma análise da modelagem geométrica [Architectural Environment Representation with Digital Games Technology: an Analysis of Geometric Modeling Techniques]
source SIGraDi 2012 [Proceedings of the 16th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Brasil - Fortaleza 13-16 November 2012, pp. 440-443
summary This paper aims to describe part of a study about the visualization of architectural designs through digital interactive environments generated with gaming technology. Thus, this text reports the analyses concerning the geometrical modeling procedures of an architectural environment specifically for this usage. The experiment consisted in using a modeling software to create one object using several different techniques, to analyze the number of polygons, the behavior of the surface normals, the stability of the geometries and collision behavior for each one of the objects, in the digital environment.
keywords Modelagem Geométrica, Ambientes Digitais Interativos, Motor de Jogos Digitais
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:56

_id a8b6
authors Oliver, S. and Betts, M.
year 1996
title An information technology forecast for the architectural profession
source Automation in Construction 4 (4) (1996) pp. 263-279
summary Much of our research in IT in construction is concerned with developing technologies and prescribing how they can be applied to construction problems. Our rationale for our choice of technologies to push is often unstated and the relative significance of a range of technologies is rarely considered. The impact of emerging technologies on the strategic health of companies and professions is also rarely discussed. Few professions appear to be explicitly in control of how IT will impact their future. This paper addresses both of these issues through the example of an IT forecast for the architectural profession. It does this by examining issues of technology forecasting and development by reviewing currently emerging IT's and by conducting an opinion survey of which are of greatest significance to the architectural profession. The result is a relative assessment of the importance to architects of 10 technological mini-scenarios from which an overall architectural IT scenario is constructed.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:23

_id 39e5
authors Oloufa, A.A., Ikeda, M. and Nguyen, T.
year 1998
title Resource-based simulation libraries for construction
source Automation in Construction 7 (4) (1998) pp. 315-326
summary Discrete event simulation modeling has been used successfully in a wide range of industrial and manufacturing applications. In construction applications, even though simulation has been applied, it still is extremely limited in terms of wide deployment in construction projects. Several reasons limit the effective implementation of this technology in construction. Chief among them is the time needed to develop the simulation model. While developing models for industrial applications is just as time consuming, the perpetual nature of manufacturing activities, may make this investment worthwhile. However, this is not the case in construction. In this research, the authors approach the problem through the development of a library of preprogrammed construction resources. The user need only select the required resources, and specify the project logic by linking these resources together. Benefits of this approach are the increased communication between the members of the construction team. Also the potential application of simulation tools in unforeseen construction situations where the time associated with hiring a simulation programmer may not available and a quick response is required.
series journal paper
last changed 2003/05/15 21:23

_id caadria2021_262
id caadria2021_262
authors Olthof, Owen, Globa, Anastasia and Stracchi, Paolo
year 2021
title SISTEMA NERVI - Sustainable Production of Optimised Floor Slabs Through Digital Fabrication
source A. Globa, J. van Ameijde, A. Fingrut, N. Kim, T.T.S. Lo (eds.), PROJECTIONS - Proceedings of the 26th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 1, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Online, Hong Kong, 29 March - 1 April 2021, pp. 723-732
summary 'Sistema Nervi' (the Nervi System) invented by Pier Luigi Nervi greatly economised the production of complex concrete forms optimised in both material usage and structurally. However it did not translate well into other contexts due to labour and material considerations (Leslie, 2018). This paper explores novel methodologies of producing optimised floor slabs and concrete structures, using digital fabrication techniques, focusing on both labour economisation and sustainability principles. A module from the Australia Square lobby slab has been used as the set geometry and was reproduced using differing techniques of fabrication for a comparative study. The study was conducted at scale (1:20). The viability for production at full scale (1:1) for manufacturing is discussed. The assessment criteria for the tests are divided into four categories: Cost, Time, Performance, and Sustainability. 3D printing of PLA plastic and ceramic clay extrusion printing has been used to produce removable or degradable formworks. These technologies have been selected due to their current market availability and associated costs. This study hopes to introduce improved methodologies for producing optimized concrete forms, as well as the sustainability potentials of a degradable formwork such as ceramic clay. Both systems were ultimately able to produce workable formworks for optimised shapes and showed promise for reducing labour involved as well as presenting with material sustainability for discussion.
keywords Concrete formwork; Sustainability; Degradable formwork; Optimised concrete; Advanced fabrication
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id ecaade2014_121
id ecaade2014_121
authors Omar Al Faleh
year 2014
title Responsive Architecture - A Conceptual Framework for the Re-examination of Space, Embodyment, and Perception.
source Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, pp. 577-585
wos WOS:000361385100060
summary This paper is a discussion and a re-examination of the materiality and the perception of architecture and architectural spaces beyond the physicality of bricks and mortar and beyond the geometrical delineation of walls and ceilings. This paper presents our research in responsive architecture, computational and interactive media, and the phenomenology of space perception, presence, and embodiment. We will introduce some of our experiments where we design and implement immaterial spaces and potential architectures through sensing, moving, and non-linear narratives, and attempt to revisit concepts of perception, space, and spatiality, when technology is used in architecture not as tools for design and visualization, rather as a framework for designing of engaging and meaningful experiences.
keywords Architecture; computational media; perception; embodied experience; space
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id caadria2022_405
id caadria2022_405
authors Onishi, Ryo, Fukuda, Tomohiro and Yabuki, Nobuyoshi
year 2022
title A Remote Sharing Method of 3D Physical Objects Using Instance-Segmented Real-Time 3D Point Cloud for Design Meeting
source Jeroen van Ameijde, Nicole Gardner, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Dan Luo, Urvi Sheth (eds.), POST-CARBON - Proceedings of the 27th CAADRIA Conference, Sydney, 9-15 April 2022, pp. 395-404
summary In the field of architecture and urban design, physical models are used in design meetings. Furthermore, teleconferencing via the internet has begun to be widely used in society due to COVID-19 and in preparation for disasters. Although conventional web conferencing can share only 2D information through screens, it is expected that interactive screen sharing of physical objects will enable smoother remote conferencing. A system that can manipulate point clouds in clusters by dividing real-time point clouds captured from 3D real objects by distance has been reported as a way to share physical objects. However, because the point clouds are divided by distance between the two clusters when the point clouds get closer than some threshold, they become treated as a single object. In this study, we aim to develop a system that uses instance segmentation to divide point clouds by region rather than by distance between objects. This system is expected to contribute to the realisation of better architectural and urban design processes without any misunderstandings among the parties involved and to the reduction of unnecessary energy consumption due to travel for face-to-face meetings.
keywords remote meeting, fast point cloud, instance segmentation, three-dimensional remote sharing, mixed reality, SDG 11, SDG 13
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/07/22 07:34

_id ijac20097309
id ijac20097309
authors Ophir, Yaniv
year 2009
title Collective Intelligence: An Agent-Based Approach to Programmatic Organization in Architecture
source International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 7 - no. 3, 479-499
summary Architectural programming is the research and decision-making process that identifies the scope of work to be designed. Programming is difficult because it involves identifying, collecting, analyzing and updating information from different sources such as engineers, clients, users, consultants, and others. In this paper I propose a computational model for programming and describe its implementation, a tool called PENA that allows a programming expert to represent different processes and people involved in a project using intelligent agents. By delegating responsibility to agents, a programming expert can better organize and manage project data as well as find creative solutions to conflicting issues through agent negotiation. As a proof-of-concept, I show how an agent, called the Arch-Learner, manages adjacencies of rooms in a simple program for a house by clustering them into public and private rooms. I conclude with a discussion of future work and development of PENA.
series journal
last changed 2009/10/20 08:02

_id ijac202220402
id ijac202220402
authors Orozco, Luis; Anna Krtschil; Lior Skoury; Jan Knippers; Achim Menges
year 2022
title Arrangement of reinforcement in variable density timber slab systems for multi-story construction
source International Journal of Architectural Computing 2022, Vol. 20 - no. 4, pp. 707–727
summary The arrangement of columns and their spacing in multi-story timber construction is restricted to rectangular grids by the production and shipping sizes of floor assemblies. This is particularly true for hollow box floor systems, for which the punctual supports must be placed at the reinforced edges of the hollow boxes. The arrangement of the columns and their spacing is thereby restricted by the production and shipping sizes of the box ceilings to rectangular grids. To overcome these design limits a new wooden box building system is developed that allows for irregular column layouts through a tailored slab interior design. This development allows for the increased applicability of timber floor systems regardless of site shape or architectural design intent. The slab interior design is dependent on occurring forces and fabrication requirements. Three methods for the internal slab layout are developed and compared: a sequential method, a structurally informed agent-based method, and a geometrically informed agent-based method that uses both a sequential and agent-based approach. The structural performance of each method is compared through the analysis of three reinforcement layouts an architectural testing setup.
keywords Agent-based modeling, integrative design, structural analysis, computational design, timber building system
series journal
last changed 2024/04/17 14:30

_id 43b8
authors Orth, Maggie
year 1997
title Interface to Architecture: Integrating Technology into the Environment in the Brain Opera
source Proceedings of DIS'97: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques 1997 pp. 265-275
summary This paper concretely presents the design processes and results of Composer Tod Machover's Brain Opera, an interactive, multi-media, traveling opera. It will present the importance of successful collaboration between artists and scientists at the functional intersection of their research -- design. It will discuss the opposing design strategies necessary for integrating technology into the physical environment at various levels of scale, from architecture to interface. At the level of architecture flexibility in design is stressed. In interface design, the needs for specificity and detail, new materials and manufacturing processes are presented. The paper will demonstrate how the aesthetic goals of the Brain Opera's visual designers, creating an organic, humorous and unexpected technology environment, influenced audience interaction. The conflict between artistic control and interactivity will also be examined through the specific results of acoustic design in the project. The influences of quickly changing technology and funding on the design of the Brain Opera are also revealed. The prominence of the proscenium arch stage in existing music venues and its influence on new media projects is presented. Successful and unsuccessful models for audience participation are also presented. Concrete interface examples are used to counter the notion of intuitive interface design. Finally, the Brain Opera is presented as a design model for an interactive research laboratory.
keywords Design; Environment; Interface; Furniture; Physical Interface; Theater; Sensor; Collaboration; Architecture; Opera
series other
last changed 2002/07/07 16:01

_id ddssup0213
id ddssup0213
authors Osaragi, Toshihiro
year 2002
title Classification Methods for Spatial Data Representation
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Sixth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part two: Urban Planning Proceedings Avegoor, the Netherlands), 2002
summary In the process of representing quantitative spatial data on a map, it is necessary to classify attribute values into some class divisions. When a number of classes are employed, the characteristics of spatial distribution of original data can be expressed faithfully. However, its legends might become rather complicated and the delicate color differences in the represented map would be difficult to distinguish. On the other hand, when employing a few classes, the information such as small vibrating factors or local peaks might be ignored; namely, much information of original data will be lost. Hence, we should discuss how many classes are necessary to represent spatial data. Furthermore, even if the same spatial data are represented using the same number of classes, we might obtain the quite different maps according to the choice of classification methods incorporated in existing geographic information systems. Namely, the characteristics of the original data might be overlooked, or there might be a risk of mistaking judgment, if we do not have enough knowledge about classification methods as well as the nature of original data. Hence, we should also discuss how the boundary value between each class should be set. In this paper, a new classification method using an evaluation function based on Akaike’s Information Criterion is proposed, and is applied to actual spatial data. Next, based on the consideration about its result, another classification method minimizing information loss of original data is proposed. Furthermore, numerical examples of its applications are achieved through the comparison with existing classification methods.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ddss9844
id ddss9844
authors Osaragi, Toshihiro and Kurisaki, Naoko
year 1998
title A Model of Land use Conversion and Its Application
source Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
summary A quantitative model for analyzing the spatial distribution of land use utility is proposed. This model is based on the random bidding theory in which location behavior is decided according to the size of utility to be obtained. The utility function used here consists of the benefit and the cost in the process of land use transition. The benefit is described as the positive utility that can be obtained by doing the corresponding land use at the place. The cost is described as the negative utility that is necessary forchanging the land use from one state to the others. The most likelihood method is generally employed to estimate the parameters of this kind of models. However, we attempt to propose the other statistical method through the mathematical consideration. Using this model, it is possible to obtain the spatial distribution of land use utility that differs with the places and with the land use states. We can also evaluate the effects of a change of land-price or construction costs on our utility. Namely, our locationbehavior can be estimated numerically relating with the social or economic factors. As numerical examples, we apply the proposed model to the actual land use data and access the effectiveness of the model.
series DDSS
last changed 2003/08/07 16:36

_id ecaade2017_049
id ecaade2017_049
authors Osorio, Filipa, Paio, Alexandra, Oliveira, Sancho, Casale, Andrea, Valenti, Graziano and Calvano, Michele
year 2017
title Foldable Responsive Surfaces - Two Design Studios with a Comprehensive Workflow
source Fioravanti, A, Cursi, S, Elahmar, S, Gargaro, S, Loffreda, G, Novembri, G, Trento, A (eds.), ShoCK! - Sharing Computational Knowledge! - Proceedings of the 35th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 20-22 September 2017, pp. 355-362
summary The adopted methodology was defined by a multidisciplinary team with a strong believe in the efficiency of learning-by-doing design studios which resulted in an experimental digital workflow to create responsive surfaces based on the geometry of Rigid Origami. The workflow comprehends all the matters related to the creation of such surfaces, from the conception and definition of the surface's design using Rigid Origami's geometry, passing through the virtual simulation of the movement, digital fabrication and material's choice, then the mechanics behind the movement, interaction programming, and the assembly of it all in real scale prototypes.
keywords Design Studio; Learning-by-doing; Rigid Origami Geometry; Responsive Surfaces; Parametric Design; Digital Fabrication
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id ecaade2017_232
id ecaade2017_232
authors Ostrowska-Wawryniuk, Karolina, Markusiewicz, Jacek and S³yk, Jan
year 2017
title Descriptive Geometry 2.0 - Define vs. design
source Fioravanti, A, Cursi, S, Elahmar, S, Gargaro, S, Loffreda, G, Novembri, G, Trento, A (eds.), ShoCK! - Sharing Computational Knowledge! - Proceedings of the 35th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 20-22 September 2017, pp. 425-430
summary The article presents the 'Digital Geometry Techniques' course taught at the second year of the undergraduate course at the Faculty of Architecture in the Warsaw University of Technology - WUT. The course introduces mathematical theory and generative modeling in order to prepare the students to consciously plan their creative process and to choose the set of tools according to an initial analysis of modeling constraints. The students gain knowledge on advanced CAAD techniques through learning functions of a particular program, and also by tackling geometry-related problems derived from real-world architectural projects. They are able to develop individual solutions using adequate techniques. We present three different students' semester works as examples to reflect on the significance of mathematics and algorithmization in the process of problem solving and form creation in architecture and urban design.
keywords project based learning; generative design; architectural curriculum; conceptual thinking; geometry; programming
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id fc79
authors Ostwald, J.
year 1995
title Supporting Collaborative Design with Representations for Mutual Understanding
source ACM CHI
summary This paper describes a research effort to investigate cross-cultural collaboration in software development. The work is based on a model of collaborative design that calls for stakeholders (including developers and end-users) to iteratively construct an understanding of design problems and potential solutions through the construction and refinement of design representations. The Evolving Artifact (EVA) software design environment has been implemented to support this process. EVA has been used in a development project in a regional telephone company. A case study of this project will be analyzed to yield guidelines and design principles for constructing representations for mutual understanding.
series other
last changed 2003/04/23 15:50

_id caadria2009_026
id caadria2009_026
authors Ostwald, Michael J.; Josephine Vaughan
year 2009
title Calculating Visual Complexity In Peter Eisenman’s Architecture
source Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / Yunlin (Taiwan) 22-25 April 2009, pp. 75-84
summary This paper describes the results of the first computational investigation of characteristic visual complexity in the architecture of Peter Eisenman. The research uses a variation of the “box-counting” approach to determining a quantitative value of the formal complexity present in five of Eisenman’s early domestic works (Houses I, II, III, IV and VI all of which were completed between 1968 and 1976). The boxcounting approach produces an approximate fractal dimension calculation for the visual complexity of an architectural elevation. This method has previously been used to analyse a range of historic and modern buildings including the works of Frank Lloyd Wright, Eileen Gray, Le Corbusier and Kazuyo Sejima. Peter Eisenman’s early house designs–important precursors to his later Deconstructivist works–are widely regarded as possessing a high degree of formal consistency and a reasonably high level of visual complexity. Through this analysis it is possible to quantify both the visual complexity and the degree of consistency present in this work for the first time.
keywords Computational analysis; fractal dimension; box-counting; Peter Eisenman
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id f8b5
authors Oswald, Daniel and Pittioni, Gernot
year 1999
title AVOCAAD Exercises Facility Management Training on the web A Facility Management Survey Relevance for the Architects Business
source AVOCAAD Second International Conference [AVOCAAD Conference Proceedings / ISBN 90-76101-02-07] Brussels (Belgium) 8-10 April 1999, pp. 81-87
summary Facilities Management (FM) can't be seen as a subject with a specific area of knowledge with exactly defined borders relative to other subjects. Analysing the economic aspects of FM leads to the realisation that building management is experiencing a process of increasing specialisation and professionalism. It is possible to define FM from a variety of different points of origin. One possible approach views FM as an integral solution for the administration of buildings, their commercial activities, and technical maintenance from an economic perspective, during the whole life of a building. FM covers all strategies in order to efficiently provide, adequately operate and adapt buildings, their contents and systems to changing organisational demands. The current practice of limited analysis of specific administrative aspects, e.g. maintenance, is replaced by consideration of all factors that affect costs. Since all costs can be directly traced to space, the perfect procedure requires that FM is practised during the *hole living-cycle, starting with the definition of the program of construction until the day of conversion or demolition. Through successful FM, the real estate can contribute decisively to the improvement of productivity and the quality of life.
series AVOCAAD
last changed 2005/09/09 10:48

_id caadria2014_204
id caadria2014_204
authors Osório, Filipa; Alexandra Paio and Sancho Oliveira
year 2014
title KOS- Kinetic Origami Surface
source Rethinking Comprehensive Design: Speculative Counterculture, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014) / Kyoto 14-16 May 2014, pp. 201–210
summary In an increasingly technological, informed and demanding society Architecture should be able to answer to its space requirements using materials and technological resources that today has at its service. Kinetic systems have been used by architects as an approach that embeds computation intelligence to create flexible and adaptable architectural spaces according to users’ changing needs and desires. This paper describes one possible way of exploring kinetic systems to develop a foldable surface with geometric patterns based on the rules of rigid origami. This surface aims to take advantage of the elastic capacities given to a planar material by its folding. After folding the surface can assume different forms in order to create a range of spatial configurations ordered by a user through a remote control.
keywords Kinetic systems; interactive architecture; origami geome-try; folded surfaces
series CAADRIA
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id cf2017_229
id cf2017_229
authors Osório, Filipa; Paio, Alexandra; Oliveira, Sancho
year 2017
title Kinetic Origami Surfaces: From Simulation to Fabrication
source Gülen Çagdas, Mine Özkar, Leman F. Gül and Ethem Gürer (Eds.) Future Trajectories of Computation in Design [17th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2017, Proceedings / ISBN 978-975-561-482-3] Istanbul, Turkey, July 12-14, 2017, pp. 229-248.
summary On nowadays social, technological and economic context everything changes constantly so there is the persistent need to adapt at all levels. This research defends that Architecture should do the same through the use of kinetic and interactive buildings, or elements in a building. These elements should allow the building to adapt to changing needs and conditions. This article describes the current state of an ongoing research that proposes the use of kinetic Rigid Origami foldable surfaces to be used as roofs for spaces with big spans and the practical contribution that the Design Studio Surfaces INPLAY has brought to it.
keywords Origami Geometry, Parametric Design, Kinetic Architecture, Digital Fabrication, Design Studio
series CAAD Futures
last changed 2017/12/01 14:38

_id acadia09_122
id acadia09_122
authors Oxman, Neri
year 2009
title Material-Based Design Computation: Tiling Behavior
source ACADIA 09: reForm( ) - Building a Better Tomorrow [Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-9842705-0-7] Chicago (Illinois) 22-25 October, 2009), pp. 122-129
summary From natural objects to man-made artifacts, tiling is all around us: it is the act of rationalizing highly complex form by breaking it up into smaller, continuous components. If well pursued, tiled objects can be easily designed and assembled. However, a geometric-centric view of tiling, whereby a predefined form determines the shape, size, and organization of tiles, has victimized the field of digital design. This paper questions the role of tiling as rationalizing method and offers an alternative theoretical framework and technical grounding for tiling behavior: the act of generation-through-tessellation informed by material behavior. The tools developed are implemented in the design of a 3D-printed chaise lounge, using multiple materials. The technical objective is to introduce a quantitative characterization and analysis of property mapping, as it is applied to a tiling algorithm using Voronoi cell tessellation. The network of tessellated Voronoi cells is used as an element in the Voronoi Finite Element Method (V-FEM) that the author developed. Various characterization functions and geometric parameters are generated, and V-FEM is executed for plane-strain analysis of doubly curved surfaces, from which global and local responses are evaluated.
keywords Tessellation, tiling, Voronoi, Algorithmic design
series ACADIA
type Normal paper
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

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