CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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# Author Citation Select
1. Nejur, Andrei; Steinfeld, Kyle (2016) Ivy: Bringing a Weighted-Mesh Representations to Bear on Generative Architectural Design Applications

ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 140-151
2. Lloyd, P. and Deasley, P. (1998) Ethnographic description of design networks

Automation in Construction 7 (2-3) (1998) pp. 101-110
3. Vera, A., Kvan, T., West, R. and Lai, S. (1998) Expertise, Collaboration and Bandwidth Usability of Groupware

Proceedings of ACM CHI 98 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 1998 v.1 pp. 503-510
4. Vera, A., Kvan, Th., West, R. and Lai, S. (1998) Expertise and collaborative design

CHI’98 Conference Proceedings. Los Angeles: ACM, 1998, pp. 503-510
5. Chernobilsky, Lilia B. and Arturo F. Montagu (1998) Desarrollo de un Sistema de Informacion de Infraestructura Edilicia (Development of an Information system of Municipal Infrastructure)

II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 426-431
6. Prieto, Carlos and Serrentino, Roberto (1998) Configuraciones Urbanas Recursivas (Recursive Urban Configurations)

II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 300-309
7. Ransen, Owen F. (2000) Possible Futures in Computer Art Generation

International Conference on Generative Art

Proceedings of Collaborative Decision-Support Systems Focus Symposium, 30th July, 2002; under the auspices of InterSymp-2002, 14° International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, 2002, Baden-Baden, pg. 27-44.
9. Carrara, G.; Fioravanti, A. (2002) Private Space' and ‘Shared Space’ Dialectics in Collaborative Architectural Design

InterSymp 2002 - 14th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics (July 29 - August 3, 2002), pp 28-44.
10. Akin, O. and Akin, C. (1998) On the process of creativity in puzzles, inventions, and designs

Automation in Construction 7 (2-3) (1998) pp. 123-138
11. Kvan, Th., West, R. and Vera, A. (1998) Tools and Channels of Communication

International Journal of Virtual Reality, 3:3, 1998, pp. 21-33
12. Porada, S. (1998) Ouvoir - Of the Potential Architecture

Cyber-Real Design [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 83-905377-2-9] Bialystock (Poland), 23-25 April 1998, pp. 155-161
13. Proctor, George (2001) CADD Curriculum - The Issue of Visual Acuity

Architectural Information Management [19th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-8-1] Helsinki (Finland) 29-31 August 2001, pp. 192-200
14. Vries, B. de, Achten, H. and Jessurun, J. (1998) What offers Virtual Reality to the Designer?

Proceedings of Conference on Integrated Design & Process Technology, Berlin, Germany
15. WAN-YU LIU (2006) THE EMERGING DIGITAL STYLE: Attention shift in architectural style recognition

CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 633-635
16. Boelen, A.J. (1998) Pattern Matching for Decision Support

Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
17. Gardner, Brian M. (1998) The Grid Sketcher: An AutoCAD Based Tool for Conceptual Design Processes

Digital Design Studios: Do Computers Make a Difference? [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-07-1] Québec City (Canada) October 22-25, 1998, pp. 222-237
18. Harris, Ana Lúcia Nogueira de Camargo (2009) O Uso da Técnica dos "Planos em Série" com o Desenvolvimento da Computação Gráfica - Uma Experência Didática [The Use of the 'Serial Plan' Technique with the Development of the Computer Graphic - A Teaching Experience]

SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009
19. Johnson, R.E. and Clayton, M.J. (1998) The impact of information technology in design and construction: the owner's perspective

Automation in Construction 8 (1) (1998) pp. 3-14
20. Johnson, Robert E. (2000) The Impact of E-Commerce on the Design and Construction Industry

Eternity, Infinity and Virtuality in Architecture [Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / 1-880250-09-8] Washington D.C. 19-22 October 2000, pp. 75-83

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