CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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# Author Citation Select
1. Borges Sanches, Thais and Leão de Amorim, Arivaldo (2001) AVALIAÇÃO DO USO DA SIMULAÇÃO COMPUTACIONAL EM PROJETOS DE ILUMINAÇÃO ARTIFICIAL (Evaluation of the Use of Computer Simulation for Artificial Illumination Projects)

SIGraDi biobio2001 - [Proceedings of the 5th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics / ISBN 956-7813-12-4] Concepcion (Chile) 21-23 november 2001, pp. 95-97
2. Butler, K.S., Rincón, H., Maria Lane, K. and Brand, R. (2001) Construyendo una ciudad sostenible en la frontera: planificación de la ciudad de Colombia, Nuevo León, México [Constructing A Sustainable City In the Border: Planning of the City of Colombia, Nuevo León, Mexico ]

2da Conferencia Venezolana sobre Aplicación de Computadores en Arquitectura, Maracaibo (Venezuela) december 2001, pp. 194-203
3. Leão de Amorim, Arivaldo and Pereira, Gilberto Corso (2001) ATELIÊ COOPERATIVO DE SIMULAÇÃO DIGITAL EM ARQUITETURA E URBANISMO (Colaborative Studio for Architecture and Urbanism Digital Simulation)

SIGraDi biobio2001 - [Proceedings of the 5th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics / ISBN 956-7813-12-4] Concepcion (Chile) 21-23 november 2001, pp. 124-126
4. Paredes León, Luis N. (2001) Arquitectura, Ingenieria, enseñanza y telecolaboracion [Architecture, Ingeneering, Ensenanza and Telecollaboration]

2da Conferencia Venezolana sobre Aplicación de Computadores en Arquitectura, Maracaibo (Venezuela) december 2001, pp. 126-135
5. Park, Hyoung-June and Vakalo, Emmanuel-George (2001) The recueil et parallËle des Èdifices de tout genre revised in digital: A tool for making an architectural reference

CAADRIA 2001 [Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 1-86487-096-6] Sydney 19-21 April 2001, pp. 379-388
6. Sánchez Cavazos, María Estela (2003) El proceso de Diseño y la representación digital de la arquitectura (The design process and the digital representation of architecture)

SIGraDi 2003 - [Proceedings of the 7th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Rosario Argentina 5-7 november 2003
7. Benros, Deborah; Granadeiro Vasco, Duarte Jose, Knight Terry (2011) Integrated Design and Building System for the Provision of Customized Housing: the Case of Post-Earthquake Haiti

Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2011 [Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 9782874561429] Liege (Belgium) 4-8 July 2011, pp. 247-264.
8. Cimerman, Benjamin (2001) Clients, architects, houses and computers: Experiment and reflection on new roles and relationships in design

Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture [Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-10-1] Buffalo (New York) 11-14 October 2001, pp. 100-109
9. Duarte, J. P. (2001) Customizing mass housing: a discursive grammar for Siza’s Malagueira houses

PhD dissertation, Department of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass
10. Gerzso, J. Michael (2001) Automatic Generation of Layouts of an Utzon Housing System via the Internet

Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture [Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-10-1] Buffalo (New York) 11-14 October 2001, pp. 202-211
11. Imam, Chowdhury Ali and Ligler, Heather (2023) 3D Voxel Grammar of Mangalabas (Goodwill House)

Dokonal, W, Hirschberg, U and Wurzer, G (eds.), Digital Design Reconsidered - Proceedings of the 41st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2023) - Volume 2, Graz, 20-22 September 2023, pp. 441–450
12. Luis Fernando Borrero (2001) Deliver E room : a new physical space for the residential units to come

University of Washington, Design Machine Group
13. Marina González de Kauffman, Ede Martinez de Adrianza, Carlos González Hernández (2001) Aplicacion de la programacion en cad para la modelizacion de trazados urbanos [Application of CAD-Programming for the Modeling of Urban Layouts]

2da Conferencia Venezolana sobre Aplicación de Computadores en Arquitectura, Maracaibo (Venezuela) december 2001, pp. 228-236
14. Radford, A., Woodbury, R., Wyeld, Th., Genimahaliotis, B., Gill, J., Lee, S.J., Lundberg, E., O’Shea, S, Patterson, T. and Williams, H. (2001) Modelling the Australian Lightweight House

Architectural Information Management [19th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-8-1] Helsinki (Finland) 29-31 August 2001, pp. 540-545
15. Trebilcock, M., Burdiles, R. and Fissore, A. (2001) LA MODELACIÓN Y SIMULACIÓN ENERGÉTICO-AMBIENTAL COMO HERRAMIENTA DE REDISEÑO ARQUITECTÓNICO (The Modeling and Simulation of a Power-Based Environment Tool of Architectural Redesign)

SIGraDi biobio2001 - [Proceedings of the 5th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics / ISBN 956-7813-12-4] Concepcion (Chile) 21-23 november 2001, pp. 83-85

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