CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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# Author Citation Select
1. Matharu, Sumer; Crawford, Joe; Ohakim, Ugonna (2023) Techno Relics: A Framework for Computation, Materiality, and Fabrication in the Anthropocene

ACADIA 2023: Habits of the Anthropocene: Scarcity and Abundance in a Post-Material Economy [Volume 2: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference for the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-9891764-0-3]. Denver. 26-28 October 2023. edited by A. Crawford, N. Diniz, R. Beckett, J. Vanucchi, M. Swackhamer 294-303.
2. Sieder-Semlitsch, Jakob and Nicholas, Paul (2022) Self-Serveying Multi-Robot System for Remote Deposition Modelling

Pak, B, Wurzer, G and Stouffs, R (eds.), Co-creating the Future: Inclusion in and through Design - Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2022) - Volume 1, Ghent, 13-16 September 2022, pp. 233–240
3. Hamani, Dalil; Dominique Beautems and Remi Huneau (2014) Digital Statement and 3D Modeling for the Restitution of the Architectural Heritage: 3D virtual model for architectural restoration

Digital Crafting [7th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2014 / ISBN 978-603-90142-5-6], Jeddah (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), 31 March - 3 April 2014, pp. 149-160
4. Nejur, Andrei (2023) NoeudAL Pavilion: Ultralight folded nodes for bespoke geometries

ACADIA 2023: Habits of the Anthropocene: Scarcity and Abundance in a Post-Material Economy [Volume 1: Projects Catalog of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-9860805-8-1]. Denver. 26-28 October 2023. edited by A. Crawford, N. Diniz, R. Beckett, J. Vanucchi, M. Swackhamer 174-179.
5. Stavrakantonaki, Marina (2015) A Framework for Input Data Processing During Building Energy Model Calibration. A Case Study

Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015, pp. 625-634
6. Schindler, Christoph; Martin Tamke, Ali Tabatabai, et al. (2014) Processing Branches: Reactivating the performativity of natural wooden form with contemporary information technology

International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 12 - no. 2, 101-116
7. Cristie, Verina, Ibrahim, Nazim and Joyce, Sam Conrad (2021) Capturing and Evaluating Parametric Design Exploration in a Collaborative Environment - A study case of versioning for parametric design

A. Globa, J. van Ameijde, A. Fingrut, N. Kim, T.T.S. Lo (eds.), PROJECTIONS - Proceedings of the 26th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 2, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Online, Hong Kong, 29 March - 1 April 2021, pp. 131-140
8. Dembski, Fabian, Wössner, Uwe and Letzgus, Mike (2019) The Digital Twin - Tackling Urban Challenges with Models, Spatial Analysis and Numerical Simulations in Immersive Virtual Environments.

Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 1, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 795-804
9. Pal, Abhipsa, Chan, Wi Leen, Tan, Ying Yi, Chia, Pei Zhi and Tracy, Kenneth Joseph (2020) Knit Concrete Formwork

D. Holzer, W. Nakapan, A. Globa, I. Koh (eds.), RE: Anthropocene, Design in the Age of Humans - Proceedings of the 25th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 1, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 5-6 August 2020, pp. 213-222
10. Sencan, Inanc (2022) Progeny: A Grasshopper Plug-in that Augments Cellular Automata Algorithms for 3D Form Explorations

Hybrid Spaces of the Metaverse - Architecture in the Age of the Metaverse: Opportunities and Potentials [10th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings] Debbieh (Lebanon) [Virtual Conference] 12-13 October 2022, pp. 377-391
11. Al-Ubaidy, Huda Salman (2014) Experimenting with CAAD: As a means to solve conceptual design by architecture and architecture technology students

Digital Crafting [7th International Conference Proceedings of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2014 / ISBN 978-603-90142-5-6], Jeddah (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), 31 March - 3 April 2014, pp. 227-239
12. Braida Rodrigues de Paula, Frederico; Ashley Adelaide Rosa, Diogo Machado Homem, Izabela Ferreira Silva, Juliana Coelho, Fernando Tadeu de Araújo Lima, Juliane Figueiredo Fonseca, Vinicius Rocha Rodrigues Morais, Mariane da Paz Almeida (2014) Do plano ao volume: a gramática dos planos em série como partido para a fabricação digital por meio de cortadoras a laser [From the plan to the volume: the grammar of plans in series as a party to digital fabrication through laser cutters]

SiGraDi 2014 [Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-9974-99-655-7] Uruguay - Montevideo 12 - 14 November 2014, pp. 333-336
13. Gokmen, Sabri (2014 ) "Formative Impulse": A Theoretical Outline for the Study of Goethean Morphology Using Computation

Rethinking Comprehensive Design: Speculative Counterculture, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014) / Kyoto 14-16 May 2014, pp. 863–872
14. Magdy M. Ibrahim (2014) Thinking the BIM Way - Early integration of Building Information Modelling in education

Thompson, Emine Mine (ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, pp. 427-435
15. Agkathidis, Asterios (2015) Generative Design Methods - Implementing Computational Techniques in Undergraduate Architectural Education

Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015, pp. 47-55
16. Chiarella, Mauro; Analía Raffin, Silvina Lopaczek, Sebastian Martini, Nicolas Góngora, Francisco Bressan (2014) Pieles Arquitectónicas Dinámicas. Prototipos a escala mediante prototipado rápido, microcontroladores y patrones plegados [Dynamic architectural skins. Scale prototypes using rapid prototyping, microcontrollers and folding patterns]

SIGraDi 2014 [Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-9974-99-655-7] Uruguay - Montevideo 12 - 14 November 2014, pp. 96-100
17. Fernando, Ruwan A. (2014 ) Space Planning and Preliminary Design Using Artificial Life

Rethinking Comprehensive Design: Speculative Counterculture, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014) / Kyoto 14-16 May 2014, pp. 657–666
18. Forster, Julia; Fritz, Sara, Schleicher, Johannes and Rab, Nikolaus (2015) Developer Tools for Smart Approaches to Responsible-Minded Planning Strategies

Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015, pp. 545-551
19. Pak, Burak and Meeus, Bruno (2015) Project Arrivée: Counter-mapping Super-diversity in Brussels and Ghent with Architecture Students

Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015, pp. 369-378
20. Symeonidou, Ioanna (2015) Flexible Matter - A Real-Time Shape Exploration Employing Analogue and Digital Form-Finding of Tensile Structures

Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015, pp. 135-142

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