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2. | Koh, Seow Jin, Mok, Chiew Kai, Tan, Rachel and Chen, Edmund (2021) | Optimising Harbour Typology in the Form Finding Process using Computational Design: A case study of a Greenfield port facility
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3. | Kohan, Florencia (2003) | PIXELIDADES (Pixelings)
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4. | Kohler, N., Barth, B. Heitz, S. and Hermann, M. (1997) | Life Cycle Models of Buildings - A New Approach
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5. | Koi Khoo, Chin; Flora Salim and Jane Burry (2011) | Designing Architectural Morphing Skins with Elastic Modular Systems
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6. | Koile, Kimberle (1997) | Design Conversations with Your Computer: Evaluating Experiential Qualities of Physical Form
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7. | Kokosalakis, Jen and Moorhouse, Jon (1995) | A Documentation Methodology for Multimedia Recording of Architects Computer Aided Architectural Designing
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8. | Kokosalakis, Jen, Hohmann, L.M. and Pamplin, I. (1999) | Benefits of Data Integration in Building Modelling: 3D Object Oriented Professional Collaboration
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9. | Kokosalakis, Jen (1994) | Recent Developments Using ArchiCAD in Education: LJMU experience
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10. | Kokosalakis, Jen (1997) | C AD VANTAGE for Communities, Professionals and Students
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11. | Kokosalakis, Jen (1998) | Remote File Sharing for Community-led Local Agenda 21 Sustainability with Internet, Intranets and VideoConferencing
Computerised Craftsmanship [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Paris (France) 24-26 September 1998, pp. 116-122 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.1998.116 | |
12. | Kokosalakis, Jen (2000) | Researching Local Architect Preferences of Mode of CPD Learning
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13. | Kokotovich, Vasilije and Purcell, Terry (2001) | Ideas - The Embodiment of Ideas, and Drawing: An Experimental Investigation of Inventing
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14. | Kolarevic , Branko (1997) | Relational Description of Shapes and Form Generation
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15. | Kolarevic, B. (et. al.) (1998) | An Experiment in Design Collaboration
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16. | Kolarevic, B. Schmitt, G., Hirschberg, U., Kurmann, D. and Johnson, Brian (2000) | An experiment in design collaboration
Automation in Construction 9 (1) (2000) pp. 73-81 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?217b | |
17. | Kolarevic, B., Schmitt, G., Hirschberg, U., Kurmann, D. and Johnson, B. (1998) | Virtual Design Studio - Multiplying Time: 3x8 H = 24 H
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18. | Kolarevic, B., Schmitt., G., Hirschberg, U. and Kurmann, D. (1998) | Virtual Design Studio : Multiplying Time
Computerised Craftsmanship [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Paris (France) 24-26 September 1998, pp. 123-130 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.1998.123 | |
19. | Kolarevic, Branko (1998) | CAD@HKU
ACADIA Quarterly, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 16-17 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.1998.016 | |
20. | Kolarevic, Branko and Ng, Edward Y.Y. (1999) | Net-enabled Collective Design Authorship
Media and Design Process [ACADIA ‘99 / ISBN 1-880250-08-X] Salt Lake City 29-31 October 1999, pp. 302-315 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.1999.302 | |