authors |
Gero, John S. and Park, Soo-Hoon |
year |
1997 |
title |
Computable Feature-Based Qualitative Modeling of Shape |
source |
CAAD Futures 1997 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-7923-4726-9] München (Germany), 4-6 August 1997, pp. 821-830 |
summary |
This paper introduces and describes a qualitative approach to the modeling of shapes applicable at the early stage of designing. The approach is based on using qualitative codes at landmarks to describe shapes. These strings of codes can be analysed to determine patterns which map onto features. An analogy with language is drawn to assist in articulating the modeling ideas. An example is presented which demonstrates the utility of the approach. |
series |
CAAD Futures |
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references |
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