CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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authors Willey, David
year 1999
title Sketchpad to 2000: From Computer Systems to Digital Environments
source Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-5-7] Liverpool (UK) 15-17 September 1999, pp. 526-532
summary It can be argued that over the last thirty five years computer aided architectural design (CAAD) has made little impact in terms of aiding design. The paper provides a broadbrush review of the last 35 years of CAAD research and suggests that the SKETCHPAD notion that has dominated CAAD since 1963 is now a flawed concept. Then the discipline was replete with Modernist concepts of optimal solutions, objective design criteria and universal design standards. Now CAD needs to proceed on the basis of the Post Modern ways of thinking and designing opened up by digital techniques - the Internet, multimedia, virtual reality, electronic games, distance learning. Computers facilitate information flow and storage. In the late seventies and eighties the CAAD research community's response to the difficulties it had identified with the construction of integrated digital building models was to attempt to improve the intelligence of the computer systems to better match the understanding of designers. Now it is clear that the future could easily lie with CAAD systems that have almost no intelligence and make no attempt to aid the designer. Communication is much more central to designing than computing.
keywords History, Intelligence, Interface, Sketchpad, Web
series eCAADe
full text file.pdf (56,302 bytes)
references Content-type: text/plain
Details Citation Select
100%; open Beacon, G.R. and Boreham, P.G. (1978) Find in CUMINCAD Computer aided architectural design at Leeds Polytechnic , Computer Aided Design, vol 10, no. 5 September 1978, pp. 325-331

100%; open Bijl, A., Stone, D. and Rosenthal, D.S.H. (1979) Find in CUMINCAD Integrated CAAD Systems , EdCAAD Report for the Department of the Environment, University of Edinburgh

100%; open Coons, S.A. (1963) Find in CUMINCAD An outline of the requirements for a computer aided design system , Proc. AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference, 1963, pp. 299-304

100%; open EAAE (1998) Find in CUMINCAD Computers in Design Studio Teaching , EAAE - eCAADe International Workshop, November 13-14 1998, Leuven, Belgium

100%; open Gero, J. and Maher, M. (1988) Find in CUMINCAD Future roles of knowledge-based systems in the design process , Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, Eindhoven, May 1987, ed. T. Maver and H. Wagter, Elsevier, Amsterdam,

100%; open Hoskins, E.M. (1972) Find in CUMINCAD OXSYS- an integrated computer-aided building system for Oxford method , Preprints Int. Conf. on Computers in Architecture, University of York, 20-22 September 1972, pp. 275-285

100%; open Johnson, T.E. (1963) Find in CUMINCAD SKETCHPAD III: a computer program for drawing in three dimensions , Proc. AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference, 1963, pp. 347-353

100%; open Latombe, J.-C. (1978) Find in CUMINCAD Artificial Intelligence and pattern recognition in computer aided design , North-Holland, Amsterdam,

100%; open Maher, M.L., Skow, B. and Cicognani, A. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Designing the virtual campus , Design Studies, Vol 20, July 1999, pp. 319 -342

100%; open Maver, T.W. and Ellis, J. (1982) Find in CUMINCAD Implementation of an energy model within a multi-disciplinary practice , Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Computers in Design Engineering, 30 March - 1 April 1982, ed. A. Pipes, Butterworths, Guildford, 1982, pp. 562-570

100%; open Maver, T.W. (1972) Find in CUMINCAD Design paradigms, design aids and design decisions , Preprints Int. Conf. on Computers in Architecture, University of York, 20-22 September 1972, pp. 39-47

100%; open Paterson, J. (1974) Find in CUMINCAD An integrated c.a.d. system for an architects department , Computer Aided Design, vol 6, no.1, January 1974, pp. 25-31

100%; open Phillips, R.J., Beaumont, M.J. and Richardson, D. (1979) Find in CUMINCAD AESOP: an architectural relational database , Computer Aided Design, vol 11, no. 4, July 1979, pp.217-226

100%; open Ross, D.T. and Rodriquez, J.E. (1963) Find in CUMINCAD Theoretical foundations for the computer-aided design system , Proc. AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference, 1963, pp. 305-322

100%; open Saad, M. and Maher, M.L. (1996) Find in CUMINCAD Shared understanding in computer-supported collaborative design , Computer Aided Design, Vol. 28, No. 3, 1996, p. 183 -192

100%; open Sutherland, I.E. (1963) Find in CUMINCAD SKETCHPAD: a man-machine communication system , Proc. AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference, 1963, pp. 329-346

100%; open Toller, D.R. and Willey, D.S. (1983) Find in CUMINCAD Framed bathrooms, bargains and architectural designing , Computer Aided Design, vol. 15, no. 1, January 1983, pp. 7-13

100%; open Whitehead, B. and Eldars, M.Z. (1964) Find in CUMINCAD An approach to the optimum layout of single-storey buildings , Architects Journal, 17th June 1964, pp. 1373-1380

100%; open Willey, D.S. (1976) Find in CUMINCAD Approaches to computer-aided architectural sketch design , Computer Aided Design, vol. 8, no. 3, July 1976, pp. 181-186

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