authors |
Garcia, Renato |
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1999 |
title |
PUSH: Generating Structural Form with Haptic Feedback |
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Media and Design Process [ACADIA ‘99 / ISBN 1-880250-08-X] Salt Lake City 29-31 October 1999, pp. 252-259 |
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summary |
This paper looks into the use of haptic feedback (also known as force feedback) in helping generate and evolve structural forms, a process that is important to students of architecture and engineering. Force feedback provides these students with opportunities to “feel and manipulate” virtual 3D structures in a very natural and intuitive way. It also makes it possible to have real time holistic evaluation of structures in a qualitative rather than quantitative manner, something of particular importance to introductory-level students. Furthermore, the incorporation of force feedback into a highly interactive multimodal structural behavior application furnishes students not only with a means to observe virtual structures but also a tool to help generate and develop efficient, innovative and alternative ones. This also is of vital importance to students of architecture as they are often challenged to explore non-conventional forms. Implementing force feedback systems for these purposes need not necessarily require sophisticated and expensive VR hardware. This paper describes a structural behavior application called PUSH which utilizes a simple force feedback joystick connected a reasonably fast desktop computer.
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