authors |
Rutherford, James H. |
year |
1993 |
title |
Knodes: Knowledge-Based Design Decision Support |
source |
CAAD Futures ‘93 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-444-89922-7] (Pittsburgh / USA), 1993, pp. 357-374 |
summary |
This paper describes the work in progress to develop a knowledge-based design support (KNODES) environment. The KNODES environment is intended to improve a designer's decision making potential, and to assist designers in a broad range of disciplines by making design knowledge and information more accessible. The framework exists as a multi-layered knowledge-based system reflecting both generic and domain specific aspects of the design activity and is designed to: enable the rapid dissemination of new design information, thus responding to shifts in design standards; take advantage of existing empirical design tools in unstructured areas of the design process; accommodate changes in user expectations and technological innovations at both the system and domain levels thus ensuring long term continuity and support,- offer multiple view points of the same design data by means of interchangeable interpreters. A prototype building design framework configured using the KNODES development tools is used to illustrate some of the salient features of the framework. Finally the paper will conclude with some insights into how such a design framework may be used as a knowledge acquisition tool in order to derive and formalise models of the design process. |
keywords |
Computer-Aided Design, Design Frameworks, Multi-Level Knowledge-based Systems, Blackboard Architecture |
series |
CAAD Futures |
full text |
file.pdf (914,144 bytes) |
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