authors |
Rueda, Marta Adriana |
year |
1998 |
title |
Complementacion de Herramientas Digitales y Artesanales en los Procesos de Aprendizaje del Diseño Textil (Complementation de Digital and Manual Tools in the Processes of Learning Textile Design) |
source |
II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 380-387 |
summary |
The repetition of units for the configuration of one coherent and produced whole, is an included problem in most of the Design disciplines. In the case of Textile Design, both the surface decoration and the itself fabric construction are technologically conditioned from the industrial production, because it must be repeated the printed signs as much as the fabric structures that support it. In the formative process to the product textile design it is essential the training for the motives distribution in the bidimensional space. Because of that the experimentation volume that it is realized in the first levels of the design learning must cover all the operations to generate motives, to repeat it and to relate it, to establish the global structures and the possible languages to the configuration. The digital media as a complement of the traditional manual technical expand the experimental horizon and with it the students make a trip in all the possibilities of rhythms and technical and like this check at full speed the composition alternatives, just as change the relative positions of the parts, the contrast, tones, values, colors, stresses, textures, etc. |
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