authors |
Woodbury, R.F., Wyeld, Th.G., Shannon, S.J., Roberts, I.W., Radford, A., Burry, M., Skates, H., Ham, J. and Datta, S. |
year |
2001 |
title |
The Summer Games |
source |
Architectural Information Management [19th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-8-1] Helsinki (Finland) 29-31 August 2001, pp. 293-297 |
doi |
summary |
As part of a nationally funded project, we have developed and used “games” as studentcentred teaching resources to enrich the capacity for design in beginning students in architecture, landscape architecture and urban design. Students are encouraged to learn inter-actively in a milieu characterised by self-directed play in a low-risk computermodelling environment. Recently thirteen upper year design students, six from Adelaide University (Adelaide, South Australia, Australia), five from Deakin University (Geelong, Victoria, Australia), and two from Victoria University, (Wellington, New Zealand) were commissioned over a ten-week period of the 2000-2001 Australian summer to construct a new series of games. This paper discusses the process behind constructing these games. This paper discusses six topical areas: – what is a game; – specific goals of the summer games; – the structure of a game; – the game-making process; – key findings from the production unit; and – future directions. |
keywords |
Reflection-In-Action, Design Making, Game Container, Collections, Meta-Cases, Data Repository |
series |
eCAADe |
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full text |
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references |
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