id |
acadia15_323 |
authors |
Diniz, Nancy |
year |
2015 |
title |
The Anatomy of a Prototype: Situating the Prototype and Prototyping on Design Conceptual Thinking |
source |
ACADIA 2105: Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene [Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-53726-8] Cincinnati 19-25 October, 2015), pp. 323-332 |
doi |
summary |
The role of prototypes is well established in the field of Design. There is however lack of knowledge about the fundamental nature of prototypes, there are different types of prototypes and they are sometimes difficult to define, for example: from low- versus high-fidelity prototypes, centered on evaluation or as support of design exploration. There have also been efforts to provide new ways of thinking about the activity of using prototypes, such as experience prototyping and paper prototyping. This paper aims at reflecting on efforts to provide a discourse for reflecting or understanding fundamental characteristics of prototypes in design and specifically the role of prototyping in design education. |
keywords |
Design process, design pedagogy, conceptual thinking through prototyping, physical computing |
series |
type |
normal paper |
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references |
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2022/06/07 07:55 |