id |
acadia17_82 |
authors |
Andreani, Stefano; Sayegh, Allen |
year |
2017 |
title |
Augmented Urban Experiences: Technologically Enhanced Design Research Methods for Revealing Hidden Qualities of the Built Environment |
doi |
source |
ACADIA 2017: DISCIPLINES & DISRUPTION [Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-96506-1] Cambridge, MA 2-4 November, 2017), pp. 82-91 |
summary |
The built environment is a complex juxtaposition of static matter and dynamic flows, tangible objects and human experiences, physical realities and digital spaces. This paper offers an alternative understanding of those dichotomies by applying experimental design research strategies that combine objective quantification and subjective perception of urban contexts. The assumption is that layers of measurable datasets can be afforded with personal feedback to reveal "hidden" characteristics of cities. Drawing on studies from data and cognitive sciences, the proposed method allows us to analyze, quantify and visualize the individual experience of the built environment in relation to different urban qualities.
By operating in between the scientific domain and the design realm, four design research experiments are presented. Leveraging augmenting and sensing technologies, these studies investigate: (1) urban attractors and user attention, employing eye-tracking technologies during walking; (2) urban proxemics and sensory experience, applying proximity sensors and EEG scanners in varying contexts; (3) urban mood and spatial perception, using mobile applications to merge tangible qualities and subjective feelings; and (4) urban vibe and paced dynamics, combining vibration sensing and observational data for studying city beats.
This work demonstrates that, by adopting a multisensory and multidisciplinary approach, it is possible to gain a more human-centered, and perhaps novel understanding of the built environment. A lexicon of experimented urban situations may become a reference for studying different typologies of environments from the user experience, and provide a framework to support creative intuition for the development of more engaging, pleasant, and responsive spaces and places. |
keywords |
design methods; information processing; art and technology; hybrid practices |
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references |
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