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caadria2012_011 |
authors |
Santos, Filipe; Joaquim Reis, Pedro Lopes, Alexandra Paio, Sara Eloy and Vasco Rato |
year |
2012 |
title |
A multi-agent expert system shell for shape grammars |
source |
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / Chennai 25-28 April 2012, pp. 409–414 |
doi |
summary |
This paper proposes a multi-agent rule based architecture of a computational system for supporting generic work with shape grammars. The key ideas and technologies involved are presented. This computational system is being developed and will give support to an urban and architecture research based on shape grammar theories. |
keywords |
Shape grammars; rule based systems; multi agent systems |
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file.pdf (440,186 bytes) |
references |
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