id |
caadria2016_497 |
authors |
Ryu, Jungrim; Jaehong Jun, Seunghyeon Lee and Seungyeon Choo |
year |
2016 |
title |
A Study on Development of the IFC-based Indoor Spatial Information for Data Visualisation |
source |
Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2016) / Melbourne 30 March–2 April 2016, pp. 497-506 |
doi |
summary |
MOLIT authorised Indoor Spatial Information as Basic spa- tial information in 2013. It became a legal evidence for constructing and managing Indoor Spatial Information. Although it has a little ad- vantage to utilise as service level that Indoor Spatial Information by laser scan or measurement, it has a lot of problems such as consuming many resources, requiring additional progresses for inputting Object Information. In conclusion, it is inefficient to utilise for the mainte- nance and domestic AEC/FM field. The purposes of this study is to output Indoor Spatial Information by operating IFC model which based on open BIM and to improve availability of Indoor Spatial In- formation with data visualisation. The open-sources of IFC Exporter, an inner program of Revit, is used to output Indoor Spatial Infor- mation. Directs 3D Library is also operated to visualise Indoor Spatial Information. It is possible to inter-operate between XML format and the objects of Indoor Spatial Information. It can be utilised in various field as well. For example COBie linkage in facility management, construction of geo-database using air-photogrammetry of UA V , the simulation of large-scale military operations and the simulation of large-scale evacuation. The method that is purposed in this study has outstanding advantages such as conformance with national spatial in- formation policy, high level of interoperability as indoor spatial in- formation objects based on IFC, convenience of editing information, light level of data and simplifying progress of producing information. |
keywords |
Indoor spatial information, data visualisation, open BIM, IFC |
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references |
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2022/06/07 07:56 |