id |
caadria2016_683 |
authors |
Schnabel, Marc Aurel; Serdar Aydin, Tane Moleta, Davide Pierini and Toma?S Dorta |
year |
2016 |
title |
Unmediated cultural heritage via Hyve-3D: Collecting individual and collective narratives with 3D sketching |
doi |
source |
Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2016) / Melbourne 30 March–2 April 2016, pp. 683-692 |
summary |
Cultural heritage is traditionally mediated through institu- tional bodies that are authorised to broadcast heritage information, whereas new media technologies such as social media platforms con- tinue to enforce individual storytelling and information sharing. Therefore GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) have to cope with a shift of public interest from their services to more ac- cessible, entertaining and democratic engagements available as ‘liv- ing’ media. Unmediated cultural heritage is the paramount aim of this work and, in a theoretical sense, a utopia for generation of authenticity or meaning-making. Within the realm of digital heritage, this study explores the nature of engagement with cultural heritage using an in- novative means. In this phase of the research, a photogrammetric model of Kashgar’s narrow alleys is deployed in a system, called Hy- brid Virtual Environment 3D (Hyve-3D). Via its 3D cursor technolo- gy, the concept of unmediated cultural heritage is unfolded through active participation, collaboration and interaction. Thus, in the context of heritage, this research explores a hitherto undocumented frontier of Hyve-3D designated to immersive collaborative 3D sketching. |
keywords |
Digital heritage; Hyve-3D; photogrammetry; authenticity; 3D sketching |
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references |
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