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supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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id caadria2016_767
authors De Azambuja Varela, Pedro and Timothy Merritt
year 2016
title CorkVault Aarhus: exploring stereotomic design space of cork and 5-axis CNC waterjet cutting
source Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2016) / Melbourne 30 March–2 April 2016, pp. 767-776
summary This paper presents the design, fabrication, and construc- tion of CorkVault Aarhus, which was designed using parametric and physics simulation software and realized from ECA cork sheets cut using a CNC waterjet cutter. We recount the lessons learned through the intensive two-week workshop that explored the limits of the mate- rials and tools through prototypes and culminated with the assembly of the final free-form vault structure. Various vaults and arch proto- types provided pedagogical and research value, building up knowledge essential to the final structure built, a human scale pavilion designed and built in three days and made of a thin shell of cork pan- els working only in compression. Three driving concepts were crucial to the experience: stereotomy as a supporting theory, expanded cork agglomerate (ECA) as the main material and water jet cutting as the principal means of fabrication. The complex vault shape called for precise 5-axis cuts supporting a new paradigm in building stereotomic components for architecture.
keywords Stereotomy; generative algorithm; digital fabrication; waterjet; cork
series CAADRIA
full text file.pdf (4,670,058 bytes)
references Content-type: text/plain
Details Citation Select
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100%; open Varela, P. de A., Paio, A., Sousa, J.P. (2014) Find in CUMINCAD The Cork Vault Pavilion. A Design Research through Practice , Archit. Res. Pract. 48th Int. Conf. Archit. Sci. Assoc., 395–404

last changed 2022/06/07 07:55
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