id |
caadria2017_051 |
authors |
Liu, Yuezhong and Stouffs, Rudi |
year |
2017 |
title |
Familiar and Unfamiliar Data Sets in Sustainable Urban Planning |
doi |
source |
P. Janssen, P. Loh, A. Raonic, M. A. Schnabel (eds.), Protocols, Flows, and Glitches - Proceedings of the 22nd CAADRIA Conference, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China, 5-8 April 2017, pp. 705-714 |
summary |
Achieving energy efficient urban planning requires a multi-disciplinary planning approach. The huge increase in data from sensors and simulations does not help to reduce the burden of planners. On the contrary, unfamiliar multi-disciplinary data sets can bring planners into a hopeless tangle. This paper applies semi-supervised learning methods to address such planning data issues. A case study is used to demonstrate the proposed method with respect to three performance issues: solar heat gains, natural ventilation and daylight. The result shows that the method addressing both familiar and unfamiliar data has the ability to guide the planner during the planning process. |
keywords |
energy performance; S3VM; decision tree; familiar and unfamiliar. |
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references |
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