id |
caadria2019_106 |
authors |
Dritsas, Stylianos, Vijay, Yadunund, Teo, Ryan, Halim, Samuel, Sanandiya, Naresh and Fernandez, Javier G. |
year |
2019 |
title |
Additive Manufacturing with Natural Composites - From material intelligence to informed digital fabrication |
source |
M. Haeusler, M. A. Schnabel, T. Fukuda (eds.), Intelligent & Informed - Proceedings of the 24th CAADRIA Conference - Volume 2, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 15-18 April 2019, pp. 263-272 |
doi |
summary |
We present results on the development of a sustainable digital manufacturing technology, discuss the challenges associated with additive manufacturing with natural materials, how statistical modelling techniques enabled understanding the intricate relationship between material and fabrication and allowed to control material extrusion. We present a prototype created to assess the ability of the process to create large-scale artifacts. We believe steps towards advancing methods for environmentally-aware digital fabrication may pave the way in transforming the industry and society towards more sustainable production and consumption paradigms. |
keywords |
Digital Fabrication; Bioinspired Materials |
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references |
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