id |
caadria2024_186 |
authors |
Huang, Jingfei and Tu, Han |
year |
2024 |
title |
Inconsistent Affective Reaction: Sentiment of Perception and Opinion in Urban Environments |
doi |
source |
Nicole Gardner, Christiane M. Herr, Likai Wang, Hirano Toshiki, Sumbul Ahmad Khan (eds.), ACCELERATED DESIGN - Proceedings of the 29th CAADRIA Conference, Singapore, 20-26 April 2024, Volume 2, pp. 395–404 |
summary |
The ascension of social media platforms has transformed our understanding of urban environments, giving rise to nuanced variations in sentiment reaction embedded within human perception and opinion, and challenging existing multidimensional sentiment analysis approaches in urban studies. This study presents novel methodologies for identifying and elucidating sentiment inconsistency, constructing a dataset encompassing 140,750 Baidu and Tencent Street view images to measure perceptions, and 984,024 Weibo social media text posts to measure opinions. A reaction index is developed, integrating object detection and natural language processing techniques to classify sentiment in Beijing Second Ring for 2016 and 2022. Classified sentiment reaction is analysed and visualized using regression analysis, image segmentation, and word frequency based on land-use distribution to discern underlying factors. The perception affective reaction trend map reveals a shift toward more evenly distributed positive sentiment, while the opinion affective reaction trend map shows more extreme changes. Our mismatch map indicates significant disparities between the sentiments of human perception and opinion of urban areas over the years. Changes in sentiment reactions have significant relationships with elements such as dense buildings and pedestrian presence. Our inconsistent maps present perception and opinion sentiments before and after the pandemic and offer potential explanations and directions for environmental management, in formulating strategies for urban renewal. |
keywords |
Urban Sentiment, Affective Reaction, Social Media, Machine Learning, Urban Data, Image Segmentation. |
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references |
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2024/11/17 22:05 |