id |
caadria2024_318 |
authors |
Krncevic, Monika, Arjaghi, Niousha, Makki, Mohammed and Jordan, Mathers |
year |
2024 |
title |
Re-imagining The Urban Development of Western Sydney: The Case Study of Oran Park |
doi |
source |
Nicole Gardner, Christiane M. Herr, Likai Wang, Hirano Toshiki, Sumbul Ahmad Khan (eds.), ACCELERATED DESIGN - Proceedings of the 29th CAADRIA Conference, Singapore, 20-26 April 2024, Volume 1, pp. 353–362 |
summary |
This paper addresses the challenges of rapid urban expansion in Western Sydney, Australia, using the suburb of Oran Park as a case study. With the region's population projected to more than double by 2041, and an expected influx of an additional 400,000 people by 2030, there is a pressing need for sustainable and environmentally responsive urban development. Current approaches have prioritised space utilisation over environmental and social considerations, leading to homogeneity and poor urban quality. In response to these challenges, this study proposes a four-stage generative model for Oran Park, emphasising environmental restoration, agricultural integration, and housing diversification. This model aims to balance economic growth with environmental sustainability, contrasting with the density-focused development prevalent in the area. By implementing multi-objective optimisation, this research presents an algorithm-driven approach to urban planning, catering to the diverse needs of the expanding population. |
keywords |
Sydney, Oran Park, Evolutionary Computation, Generative Algorithm, Urban |
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file.pdf (1,562,318 bytes) |
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2024/11/17 22:05 |