id |
cf2017_546 |
authors |
Hysa, Desantila; Özkar, Mine |
year |
2017 |
title |
Meno in the Studio: Design Computation in a Pedagogical Dialogue |
source |
Gülen Çagdas, Mine Özkar, Leman F. Gül and Ethem Gürer (Eds.) Future Trajectories of Computation in Design [17th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2017, Proceedings / ISBN 978-975-561-482-3] Istanbul, Turkey, July 12-14, 2017, pp. 546-562. |
summary |
Competence in learning comprises combinations of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Yet it is difficult to articulate and assess the learning objectives for attitudes. This paper focuses on the role of computation in providing an instrumental medium for attitude development and assessment in the design learning settings of the future. Our study draws from a passage on a mathematical inquiry in Platos Meno and makes a case of its aspects of visual reasoning and learning as reflection in action. Reporting on attitudes observed in an inquiry conducted with similar role play with foundational design students, we show that analog computation with visual rules supports the externalization of mental processes in basic design exercises and endorses beginning practices of accountable designing. |
keywords |
Attitudes, Foundation Studio, Shape Rules |
series |
CAAD Futures |
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full text |
file.pdf (795,317 bytes) |
references |
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2017/12/01 14:38 |