authors |
Penttilä, Hannu |
year |
1993 |
title |
Visualizing with Digital Tools - Endoscopy Versus Computer Modeling |
source |
Endoscopy as a Tool in Architecture [Proceedings of the 1st European Architectural Endoscopy Association Conference / ISBN 951-722-069-3] Tampere (Finland), 25-28 August 1993, pp. 161-166 |
summary |
This approach sees traditional video endoscopy and computer-based modeling techniques as two methods whose combination gives advantages for both. Endoscopy and computer based tools are not alternative nor rival techniques. New digital visualization possibilities are available within the context of CAD- systems. High-end and more expensive visualization has gained influence from commercial advertizing and also from entertainment industry. Traditional endoscope video has longer historical background and it’s roots are in model photography, model-based simulations and video techniques. The main focus of this paper is to describe Tampere architectural department’s computer based visualization facilities briefly with two cases studies. Our status and resources in traditional simulation have been rather good since mid 70’s, and now when also the basic digital facilities (word processing & CAD) exist, it will be our next challenge to deepen and develop the variety of available simulation methods, equipment – and naturally knowledge in combining them.
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Architectural Endoscopy |
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