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id ecaade03_501_141_cumming
authors Cumming, Michael
year 2003
title Distributed and Constructed Knowledge in Design Education
source Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 501-504
summary One aspect of design education to impart design information and theory, which from the students’ viewpoint may appear to be a static body of knowledge. This knowledge is imparted to them by parties with expertise in particular topics. This type of information could be called ‘received knowledge’: teachers teach it and students receive it. There is also a ‘constructive’ aspect to design education, in which students are expected to build their own personal knowledge bases, and to present a progression of design proposals that build from this personal knowledge. This kind of knowledge is much more difficult to share with others because it relies on require personal interpretation. If teachers and their students are considered to form a ‘knowledge hierarchy’, in which those at the top know more about a particular topic than those further down the hierarchy, then centralized information and knowledge systems appear appropriate. However, in design education, students can sometimes know more specialized knowledge about certain design situations than their teachers, and can also learn and construct things of value from their fellow students. In such situations, decentralized or peer-to-peer technologies become more attractive. This paper discussed some philosophical and technical aspects to the centralizing and sharing of design knowledge, with respect to emerging peer-topeer (P2P) communication technologies.
keywords Knowledge hierarchies; knowledge decentralization; constructivism
series eCAADe
full text file.pdf (40,417 bytes)
references Content-type: text/plain
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