id |
ecaade2012_130 |
authors |
Beirão, José ; Arrobas, Pedro ; Duarte, José |
year |
2012 |
title |
Parametric Urban Design: Joining morphology and urban indicators in a single interactive model |
source |
Achten, Henri; Pavlicek, Jiri; Hulin, Jaroslav; Matejovska, Dana (eds.), Digital Physicality - Proceedings of the 30th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1 / ISBN 978-9-4912070-2-0, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Architecture (Czech Republic) 12-14 September 2012, pp.167-175 |
doi |
wos |
WOS:000330322400016 |
summary |
A parametric urban design system integrating GIS data in a CAD environment is proposed as a platform for discussing urban plans providing flexibility and information access in an interactive fashion. The proposed system links calculations of urban indicators with the parameter manipulation of the layout geometry, therefore allowing for a systematic update of indicators according to design modifi cations. Hence, design may be fine-tuned in an informed manner enhancing the quality of design decisions. |
keywords |
Parametric urban design; density studies; design methods |
series |
eCAADe |
email |
full text |
file.pdf (1,699,175 bytes) |
references |
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2022/06/07 07:54 |